Today we begin a T1 negative ET clean up, this is a huge 2-3 week process that will drastically change the way time flows on this planet, since many don't understand how negative ETs work i will attempt to explain below ::hugs::

About 9k years ago time began to be broken and endless wars happened for the ownership of it this lead to what many call timeline wars though its a bit to complex to go into what i can say is these negative ETs buried deep into the earth and hid in-between space and time for the longest time they have caused a reverse flow of time, what this means is they are like vampires taking life force and memory from those around them while this can sound scary understand they are being removed in force right now and can no longer harm or hinder your progress the moment they would attempt to they would be seen and thus be removed the game of earth has been effected by these beings for about 9k years and with out them here we should have alot more fun 

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