"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Geomagnetic Storm occuring right now

πŸ’«πŸ’«πŸ’« High wind speeds are currently buffeting our planet's electromagnetic field πŸ’«πŸ’«πŸ’«

Although they may feel turbulent solar Storms are extremely positive and amazing periods of transformation that shift us to a higher dimension. The incoming energy can temporarily cause people to feel hyper sensitive and experience high anxiety, as we go through a major detox and energy shift and our energy (DNA/Cells) upgrades and vibrates on a higher level. However, everything that occurs in the universe shakes us up and always serves our highest good and potential here on Earth.

Intuition will be strong, distortions will clear, and awareness will heighten, as a powerful gateway is open due to the 8:8 (August 8th peak) Lion's Gate Portal.

Portals let surging energy freely and rapidly travel between dimensions of distant locations in the universe. This energy is known to emanate a life-changing, highly charged transformational frequency and is an opportunity to experience a full, conscious awakening with renewed energy, infinite possibilities, higher wisdom, optimum growth, and increased and deeper levels of love and wisdom.

Research has found that these storms can have a major effect on our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health.

One of the most significant signs there is a solar storm occurring is the increasing levels of anxiety that many people feel, which is usually unexplained and indirectly related to anything going on in our personal lives.

Those who are highly sensitive to energy often wake up on the morning of a solar storm with high, and even chronic, anxiety, feeling their body vibrating intensely, and can’t quite understand why or where it has come from.

The impact can be so extreme that many people will feel as though they have entered a new reality as they leave behind their old, outdated thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. The transformation can be so powerful that it can propel people to leave any relationship or dynamic that is causing them pain or destruction.

This is similar to the “ascension flu” that occurs when someone is going through an intense awakening period and their body is transcending from a physical one to a “light body.”

We will notice a powerful energy shift and instinctual need to clean up our relationships, homes, hearts, and minds - be patient and rational, and try not make hasty decisions that could damage meaningful relationships. When we cut a connection we leave an energetic footprint that we may regret, so it's important to act with integrity and genuine intention for all concerned.

The powerful and fiery energy we are now in gives us the attitude of “take no sh*t and clear out old clutter." We may feel less tolerant and eager to cleanse our lives of anything or anyone that drains us, creates blockages or continuously causes heartache and distress.

So many shifts have happened recently and vision is clear, so this is a period to retreat and refrain from confrontation. It is time to make amends, release anything you no longer want to carry, be attentive, break generational habits, exit drama, cut ties with chaos, and choose peace, deep healing and self-care.

During this time:
  • Reclaim your power and no longer allow people to take advantage of your love, kindness and generosity.
  • Don't be afraid to say no - without having to give detailed explanations.
  • Release everything from the past 6 months.
  • Let go of guilt and shame.
  • Learn old lessons and welcome new ones.
  • Try not to allow others to keep prodding old wounds and triggering painful emotions - heal in your own time.
  • Focus on self-love and care to elevate past the pain.
  • Avoid drama and conflict.
  • Be patient and trust the process.
  • Use affirmations to speak positivity into existence.
Light emissions radiating toward us during and after geomagnetic activity are thought to allow us to move quickly toward ascension, which may cause us to experience any of the following:
  • Pressure headaches and general aches and pains, mainly in the stomach (solar plexus) area.
  • Flushed, dizzy, or nauseous.
  • Difficulty focusing, confusion, temporary loss of memories, forgetting things, misplacing items, or a “foggy mind.”
  • Intense hunger or thirst.
  • Extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns (waking up between 2 and 4 a.m.), and intense dreams, or nightmares.
  • Seemingly out-the-blue bouts of irritability, frustration, panic, sadness, nervousness, anger, worry, fear, grief, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.
  • Heightened awareness, enhanced intuition, premonitions, insights that seem to appear out of nowhere.
  • Physiological symptoms may manifest, such as flu-like symptoms, ear ringing, or aches and pains.
  • Appreciation that all life is sacred.
  • Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing.
  • More consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and highly sensitive to negativity, walking away from drama and conflict.
  • No longer needing to force anything, allowing what flows to flow freely, and letting what doesn’t flow fall away.
  • Wanting to spend time alone; introspection.
  • Aversion or sensitivities to particular foods and drinks
  • Difficulty tracking time (time either feels too slow or at great speed)
  • Premonitions, intense dreams, or nightmares
  • Skin feeling irritable and/or itchy
  • Struggles with communication, arguments, disagreements
  • Electronic devices malfunctioning.
Geomagnetic storms are intense transformational periods that can bring awakenings and reconnect us to internal and external universal knowledge and wisdom. To ensure we resonate with this higher energy so that our vibration is raised, we can combat the effects of solar activity by resting and taking time from our busy schedules to do the following:

  • Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water).
  • Take saltwater baths.
  • Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Consume high-vibrational foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Remind yourself that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that conscious thought and intention can instantly alter how we think and feel.
  • Breathe deeply, forgive, release, and surrender.
  • Practice kindness, compassion, acceptance, and empathy.
  • Remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
> When possible, temporarily disconnect from technology, and anything that feels energetically toxic or draining.

This study further explains the impact of solar storms on human behavior. http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/279/1736/2081

Disclaimer: If you experience any of the symptoms listed here and you have medical concerns, please also seek the advice of a medical professional. The above symptoms are commonly noted during geomagnetic storms, however, there may be other medically-related causes.

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