"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cobra - End of July Update

Short Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group and their exotic weapons continues and big breakthroughs have been made.

A process of dehadronization of the Black Stone has begun. This simply means that the Black Stone has begun to decompose into smaller, more manageable chunks of heavy quark matter that get smaller and smaller as the Light Forces give them „loving attention“.

This will further accelerate the process of removal of remaining toplet bombs and the Yaldabaoth plasma entity.

On a Galactic scale, the healing of the remaining quantum spacetime anomaly, the last remnant of the galactic wars that raged across the galaxy for millions of years, is taking place. This means that „tortured space“ is finally being straightened out and healed and the Galactic body of the Pleroma looks healthier that ever before, and for the most of the Galaxy, the trauma of the galactic wars is completely healed.

On a planetary scale, one significant aspect of progress is the Chinese quantum teleportation link between Low Earth Orbit and the surface:

The Light Forces are very effectively using that link to clear plasma anomaly between Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and the planetary surface, accelerating the process of Compression Breakthrough.

Elon Musk has plans to assist the process of Compression Breakthrough from below, creating and underground hyperlink train system:

And his Boring Company is not boring at all. It is very exciting:

Tunnels R US! 30 layers of tunnels:

Meanwhile, plans for future space colonies are expanding to Venus, Mars and even beyond, into the outer Solar system:

All this indicates that the vision of humanity to reach beyond quarantine Earth is now really getting strong and is becoming unstoppable.´

To conclude this short update, here are the notes from my Taiwan conference about manifesting abundance. They are published here as guidance to assist Lightworkers in their financial situation. Be aware that these notes are an interpretation of the person who wrote them. Many details are omitted and some original meaning is lost. They are NOT exact words from Cobra.

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

The Veil

About 26,000 years ago, Archons declared this planet to be their property and all beings living on it their hostages and slaves. They have declared this planet to be a quarantine and every space vehicle entering or exiting this planet needed a special permit from the Archons. This is the reason for “non-interference” we hear so much about.

The human race was being held hostage by the Archons for all those millennia, and after being held in a closed loop system of reincarnating to the same place over and over again, amnesia and lethargy crept in. The time of amnesia is almost over. After June 21st 2012 the rescue operations coordinated by positive ET races will increase in intensity.

In the past, the only way a human being could escape from the quarantine was through the ascension process, during which he had to release all attachments to all physical, etheric, astral and mental realities where Archons can operate. An alternative option of gaining freedom by being able to travel to other star systems will open to humanity soon as the quarantine dissolves. 

The Archons have been sustaining their control with a special technology that is called The Veil
It is an electromagnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending maximally 8.6 miles upwards and downwards from the surface ground level of our planet, that to a great extent prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine Earth. 

The Veil is being operated by the non-physical Archons. This technology could be best described as etheric HAARP
This technology distorts the time / space structure on quantum level and thus creates big difficulties for UFO propulsion systems of the positive ET forces. In the past, this has hindered the progress of the positive ET races towards this planet significantly.

Apart from keeping the good ETs at bay, the Veil has a function of programming / reprogramming the human population and keeping it in the reincarnation / recycling process. I will now state few of the main astral / etheric programs for incarnated humans currently in operation:

1) Lowering of consciousness and light body / merkaba deactivation. This program is maintained with etheric standing wave resonance technology.

2) Blocking of free will and of positive initiative. This program is maintained with etheric infrasound technology. Part of that sound precipitates towards the physical plane and some people can hear it as a very low frequency hum. This was the source of mysterious sounds that people heard in the beginning of 2012 and not the destruction of deep underground military bases, as some sources erroneously reported. Infrasound blocks certain centers in the physical brain and this blocks positive initiative. This infrasound is also the cause of unusual tiredness that many people experience without any apparent reason.

3) Lowering the intelligence. This is done by inducing strong magnetic fields to the etheric brain and to the membrane between the physical and etheric brain and this disturbs the thinking process. This program results in foggy mind, forgetfulness and lack of focus.

4) Inducing disharmony in relationships. This is being done by tampering with the chakras of the etheric body and creating dissonant frequencies on the auric membrane with etheric infrasound. This program results in artificial split between love and sexuality, closing of the heart, overactivity of the mind and disbalance between female and male principles.

5) Inducing poverty. This is being done by projecting poverty holograms / images into the etheric brain.

6) Subculture division. This program operates by targeting different subcultures with specific opposing etheric holographic images and thus creating division among them.

7) Eating patterns / obesity. This program is induced by projecting images of a certain food that creates obesity, into the etheric brain.

8) All-seeing eye. This spy program operates from the etheric plane and monitors all activity of physical beings and then reports this to the non-physical Archons.

9) Implants. These are etheric / astral crystals that were put into the aura of every human being just before the incarnation, as that person needs to descend from the mental / higher astral planes through the lower astral / etheric towards the physical in order to incarnate. Those implants remove the memory of the prior incarnations and are the main reason why we mostly do not remember past lives, nor the Archon entities ruling the planet. Implants are somewhat poetically called the “veil of forgetfulness”.

The Archons have reactivated and renewed The Veil in early 1996 after the mass awakening happened in early 90s that made intervention of the positive ET races on this planet a real possibility. This was done with about 200 nuclear explosions on the lower astral and etheric planes. Those non-physical nuclear explosions have created a rift in the fabric of space / time that has opened dark wormholes through which many reptilian entities invaded planet Earth from outer space and infested its astral and etheric planes. The Veil was reactivated again in December 2004 after the mass awakening to the Goddess presence which happened after the first Venus transit in June 2004 and after some successful operations of the Pleiadian fleet towards liberating this planet. Now, after the second Venus transit in June 2012 the awakening is happening again. This time the Veil can not be reinforced as there are no negative physical or non-physical ET forces in the outer space left to invade our planet. We are very close to the final victory.

Physical Archons and the rest of the physical Cabal may and can be removed long before the Veil is completely gone.

The Chimera group keeps this anomalous plasma in position with a scalar field with most prominent resonant frequencies of 11.76 Hz (corresponding to alpha brain waves) and 15.68 Hz (corresponding to beta brain waves). These two frequencies are the basic frequencies of the Veil. 

If you change „VLF transmitters for submarine communication“ in this article to „ELF transmitters of the HAARP and similar programs“ you will get a clear picture how the outermost barrier of the Veil is generated.

The opening in the Veil can be seen energetically on this picture of pink sky in Taipei which was taken a few days after the conference:

Origianl Post:

Beyond the Veil

Beyond the Veil experience by Cobra

Beyond the Veil, beyond the confines of quarantine Earth, there is a totally different reality, a totally different universe. If you climb above the tachyonic membrane that exists 8.6 miles above the surface of this planet, you enter a universe of Love.

The experience on this planet has taught you that life can be mean and cruel. Most of us have accepted this as an underlying basis of our reality, learning not to trust other beings but fear them instead.This premise is the basis that the Cabal is operating from. It is the glue that keeps their reality together and keeps us enslaved into it.

But we have our Souls. They exist on the plane of the fifth dimension and have direct connection to the universe beyond the Veil. Whenever we connect with our Soul, we enter a reality where the Cabal can not reach us with its tricks. Whenever we connect with the universe beyond the Veil, the same thing happens. So we connect vertically and horizontally. This is the key to our individual liberation. It is also part of the key for the liberation of the planet.

And that Love will soon overflow our planet and set it free.

Be aware of that fact when you make your decisions.

After months of preparations, time has come for me to go beyond the Veil. The easiest way to do this is a stratospheric flight in a military plane which can reach high altitudes of nearspace.

First we tried to do this through South Africa, but, predictably, the Cabal has interfered and the company which was involved in our project has lost its license just two months before my scheduled flight. Therefore we decided to go through Russia, which is now beyond the reach of the Cabal at least concerning such projects, and we were successful.

Although I had to go through three security checks to be allowed to enter a Russian military base to fly in a MiG-29, I could feel the Soul presence of people working there, the Soul presence that most people in other countries have lost. There were about 100 people present in the base on that day to make the flight possible, from the pilot (which is among 10 top Russian military aircraft pilots), to fire brigade personnel, medicine helicopter which was on standby in case of emergency, people in control tower… It was not a small endeavor.

When you cross the Veil boundary, 8.6 miles above the surface, you are suddenly embraced by a tachyon bath, a rain of rainbow colored superluminal particles that penetrate your energy field. Your physical body feels energized and you feel healthier than you have felt for a very long time.

There are absolutely no reptilians, no etheric scalar wave technology, no Archons, no negativity, nothing. No Matrix. Just absolute purity.

The altitude increases. Although you fly almost twice as fast as the speed of sound, you feel no movement. Everything is peaceful and still. 

You feel angels around you, presence of Light motherships high above you.

You reach 60,000 feet. This is the region of nearspace. The whole sky is like a stargate, magnetically drawing you deeper and deeper…

Curvature of the Earth becomes noticeable and this is when I took this photo:

When you come back and land, your are changed forever. After spending decades in the quarantine, you were able to experience the taste of true freedom. You know that you can do it again and many people will follow until we are all free citizens of the cosmos. 

Through this flight, I was able to create a big crack in the Matrix, a big dent in the security firewall that the Archons have created to maintain the quarantine status of planet Earth.

You yourself can also help with this process by sending stratospheric balloons in the nearspace. Many people have done it and it is not too complicated. It costs only a few hundred dollars to launch a stratospheric balloon and send back beautiful pictures of nearspace. There were dozens of such projects successfully completed around the world in the last few years and each of them created a small crack in the Matrix.

The Pleiadians are supporting all positive space initiatives because they make the Contact easier. When the Resistance has sent a few of their spaceships from planet X outwards beyond the heliopause to contact the Pleiadians, that contact has resulted in revolution on planet X and its subsequent liberation. When my team has made a small step towards the Pleiadians by launching StratoProbe 1 beyond the Veil, the Pleiadian ship has appeared on this photo:

Original Post:

Coming Soon! Special Cobra and Corey Goode Interview

This is a shout out to all readers/listeners of our Cobra interviews. Prepare For Change is joining forces with Corey Goode and Justin Deschamps to promote a special meditation to be held on the day of the eclipse: August 21st, 2017.

This is our chance to advance as a united people, to stand in solidarity for a common cause. 

We are all desiring a new society, free of debt slavery, where people can follow the path of the heart, be engaged in work that is joyful and fulfilling.
Now is our chance to join with a larger community to create what it is we desire.
 It is through peaceful means, that we will overtake the dark and create our new society. 
It is by love that we will win.

Corey Goode will be answering questions alongside of Cobra
They each come from a different experience but the goal is the same: to create 
unity in the community.

Original Post: 

Return to Light - Cobra

There is significant progress and if all goes according to the plan, I will be able to release new update about the status of Yaldabaoth entity / Black Stone situation in about a week.
An important communication channel between the Resistance and the surface population has been opened:

The Resistance has read all those letters and they are now realizing that the amount of suffering of the surface population is even greater than they imagined.

For this reason, they have prepared a few instructions that can make the pre-Event time easier for the awakened part of the surface population.

First, the vast majority of suffering has its root cause in the so-called primary implant. Primary implant is the implant that we have all received upon our entrance in the quarantine Earth area many thousands years ago. This implant is positioned in the frontal lobe of the brain on the plasma and etheric plane, is filled with charged rotating anomalous plasma and has the primary message that we are separated from the Source / Love / Light. This primary disconnection from the Source then attracts situations that reflect that disconnection and create more suffering. Since our free will then aligns with the implant, the Light forces can not intervene in our life, the prayers do not get answered, the protection is lost, the trust is gone.

Those implants were created by the Chimera group millions of years ago and were reinforced by the Chimera in the Great Forgetting of 1996 in order to prevent planetary Ascension. When a critical mass of those implants is dissolved, the whole reality construct of duality / evil / suffering will collapse and the Light will return.

On an individual and collective scale, the key to resolve this situation is primarily for us to be aware of the existence of those implants. Mere awareness of the implant and the mind program associated with it will speed up its dissolution. Then the Light forces will be able to intervene in our lives more directly and requests and prayers like this one will be more easily answered:

The easiest and most effective way to dissolve this (and in fact any) mind program is the Clearing technique brought to humanity by Charles Berner (Yogeshwar Muni):

To summarize, we can dissolve this mind program by disassociating our Self from the program. This can be done by putting our mind alternatively into the state associated with the program (I am separated from the Source) and its opposite (I am one with the Source). If you alternatively write down these polar affirmations (perhaps 10 minutes each day), your mind will disassociate from both polar mental states (separate from the Source / one with the Source) and the mental program will start falling apart, the rotating plasma will dissipate, the implant will start dissolving and your connection with the Source / Love / Light will be naturally reinstated.

You need to be aware that also the positive dual polarity of the program in your mind (I am one with the Source) will dissipate and will be replaced with genuine connection with the Source. There is a huge difference between a mental belief in the connection with the Source and the real connection itself.

The Resistance have also communicated that in order to decrease suffering, you need to create positive moments every day. Simple methods to do that include 1) spending time in nature, 2) focusing on beautiful and inspiring, 3) pursuing a hobby, 4) decreasing your exposure to electronic media, which includes less exposure to alternative truther websites, 5) listening to music, 6) spending quality time with other people.

The Resistance is also aware of difficult financial situation of many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. For this reason they have asked me to dedicate a big part of my Ascension conference to give tools for manifesting abundance. I did that in Taiwan this year in March, and if anyone has notes from the second day of that conference, please send them to cobraresistance@gmail.com and I will publish them in my blog. These tools alone are enough to resolve your financial situation if you will take time and effort to implement them.

The Resistance is aware of the amount of attacks that Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are experiencing. Some useful guidance for that situation is posted here:

The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind. From the perspective of the Resistance, they would never attack their fellow that is fighting for the same cause and they genuinely do not understand why the surface population keeps doing that. They are inviting the surface population to share their perspective of that situation here:

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

The Syria Pentagram

The real war behind the scene

The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid.

Ley-lines on Earth

Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.

This is why the Jesuits have engineered the creation of Daesh (Islamic State).

The Syrian energy vortex is actually a pentagram. In the hands of the Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy. In the hands of the dark, this pentagram can create much suffering, as people in Syria have experienced in the last few years.

All five points of Syria pentagram are key towns in Syria that had a strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past. 

These five points are:

Aleppo, a city with a strong Goddess presence:


Homs, the birth place of Julia Domna. Julia Domna was a Roman empress who tried to bring wisdom to the Roman court:



Palmyra, the birth place of Zenobia, a queen that lead the revolt against the oppression of the Roman empire:


Raqqa, the area where the Halaf culture was born:


Manbij, which was the center of worship of the Syrian goddess of fertility, Atargatis:


Three of those points, Aleppo, Homs and Palmyra, have already been liberated from the clutches of Daesh, Palmyra very recently:


The liberation of Palmyra has cleared the path towards the liberation of Raqqa, the main Daesh stronghold in Syria:


Manbij will be free soon:


When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.

Those who feel guided, can help supporting the healing of the Syria pentagram by visualizing this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region: 

Halafian pottery

Halafian pottery 2

This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions.

Victory of the Light!
Original Post: 

Corey Goode Update by Facebook

Corey Goode update about the current energy situation via facebook post

"Update, Have you been feeling dizzy, light headed, head aches, agitated with the loss of appetite?
After watching SuspiciousObservers report from yesterday I thought I would make a little post about the energetic changes that are occurring. 
I recently met with Tear-Eir for the first time in weeks. I was shown the nearly transparent spheres through out the solar system. He stated that the energy buffers would soon fade away allowing the full brunt of the cosmic energy to fully impact the inner solar system and interact with the Sun. It was explained that what we have witnessed on the world stage over the last year.
We are seeing more volcanic, earthquake and electrical storm activity that we have previously observed. We have also seen the polarization between opposition group turn into wars to destroy the other side.
We are seeing people around us behave as if they have “End Times Madness”. This diagnosis may not be far off. 
Many who are on the Service to Others and Karmic Cleansing path are also feeling the symptoms. Many of us are experiencing high anxiety, head aches, dizziness or vertigo, loss of appetite and unexplained agitation. Tear-Eir communicated that it was extremely important for each of us to ground ourselves and meditate often to maintain a high vibration. If we manage to stay in a higher vibratory state these cosmic energies will have less of an impact on our physiology. 
Tear-Eir stated that it was also very important for us all to coordinate our mass meditation efforts. It was further communicated that these symptoms of anxiety, dizziness, and headaches are causing many to want to withdraw and close off the world. It is best if each of you communicates with people of the same vibration as much as possible right now. Networking, developing relationships and encouraging one another to continue our missions and to not feel alone against the darkness. Many of us are also finding it impossible not to deal with traumas from the past or karmic entanglements we have with others. It is best to bite your lower lip and focus on those issues head on. As difficult as that is to do, it allows you to maintain a higher vibration. These traumas and karmic entanglements have “mass”. The cosmic energies that are flowing through us eddy around those traumas and anchor you to a lower vibratory state that is not compatible with 4th Density energetics. I have found this very difficult to do my self in recent weeks. I am beginning to listen to a Remote Viewing DVD that I bought some years back. It is excellent for guiding me into deeper states of consciousness when I have too much on my mind to meditate on my own. In my opinion, we should all focus inwardly to take care of the issues we have been running from and to put all of our energy into meditation and self-reflection. We also need to continue to support and encourage one another on this difficult journey. The cosmic energies are only going to increase from here on out. Watch this SuspiciousObservers video to see how the solar activity is having an effect on human behavior and physiology. TY, CG

Corey Goode Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/BlueAvians/

His webpage - https://www.spherebeingalliance.com/

Original Post:

Heart Chakra

Our fourth chakra is the Heart chakra called Anahata. This is the center our all chakra - 3 below and 3 above, integrating and unifying chakras, bringing to wholeness
It is your healing center because love is the ultimate healing force. This is the area where physical and spiritual meet like a bridge. 

This chakra located at the center of the chest and includes the heart, cardiac plexus, thymus gland, lungs, breasts and also rules the lymphatic system.

When the heart chakra is good balanced - open - the love and compassion flowing through you. You are forgiving, accept yourself and others, kind and compassion to yourself also to others. To open to love is to reach to the deepest places and connect with your true essence, your spirit, and your soul.
It’s impossible to avoid situations where someone may try to hurt you. But you get to choose what to do with that hurt - hurt back, hold or let it go and forgive. 

Colour - Green
Seed Sound - Lam
Affirmation - I Love
Element - Air
Stone - Pink quartz, clear quartz, jade, green calcite
Organs - Thymus gland, responsible for hormone production and important in the regulation of the immune system
Food - green vegetable (kale, zucchini, spinach), green fruits (green apple, kiwi, cucumber), oregano, mint
Frequency - 341 Hz Solfeggio - 639 Hz
Sense - Touch

The heart chakra can become imbalanced as a result of life experiences and it create a blockage which make different symptoms like loneliness, shyness and social anxiety, being overly critical towards yourself and others, jealousy; fear of intimacy, being overly defensive, inability to give or receive freely, suspicion and fear in friendship or relationship.

Heart Chakra Affirmations

I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I am open to love.
I nurture my inner child. 
I am wanted and loved.
I live in balance, in a state of gracefulness and gratitude.
I love the beauty of nature and the animal world. 
I forgive myself.
I am connected with other human beings.
I feel a sense of unity with nature and animals.
I am peaceful.
Source :

Sun activity

Wow, Our Sun is very active lately...

Solarwind reached the Earth sunday which make a K6 geomagnetic storm right now. (July 14th was a strong solarflare).

In this case lot of people maybe feeling headache, pains, sleepy, dizziness, ringing ears, insomnia etc

The solar flares and geomagnetic storms influence our brain activity and sense of balance, central nervous system, psycho-physiological and emotional self as well as behavioral tendencies.

These events help us receive energetic 'downloads' and 'upgrades' and assist us in the transmutation and changing of our DNA.

Try to rest, drink lot of pure water, grounding yourself, meditate, go out into the nature, listen relax music

The Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura - our 3. chakra and located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of our personality, our identity, our ego.

This chakra is the center of the willpower, self-respect and all about the perception of who we are. When this chakra is balanced you will feel your personal power, being confident, responsible, and reliable. This chakra energy responsible to transform inertia into action and movement.

The colour - Yellow
Simbol - Triangle (downward-pointing)
Seed mantra - 'Ram'
Affirmation - I do - I will
Element - Fire
Stone - Citrine, tirger’s eye, yellow tourmaline
Organs - adrenals, pancreas, digestive system, liver 
Food - yellow foods - grains, rice, ginger, chamomile
Frequency - 320 Hz - Solfeggio 528 hz

When your Solar Plexus Chakra is inbalance you maybe feel excessive control and authority over your environment and people or feeling of helplessness, irresponsibility. Being manipulative or misusing your power. Lack of purpose or ambition. Not finding ways to realize your ideas, plans. Bowel issues, weight struggles (either over or underweight), binge eating, addictions, diabetes, self-worth issues, reflux issues, hepatitis, gallstones.

You should know that every time you judge or criticize yourself, you deplete this chakra and weaken your willpower. So Love yourself, Respect Yourself, Accept Yourself and Recognize of your own values.

Solar Plexus Affirmations

I will be myself
I love and accept myself.
I stand up for myself.
I am strong and courageous.
I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect.
I choose the best for myself.
I will achieve my goals successfully
I am proud of my achievements.
I honor myself.
I feel my own power.
I am free to choose in any situation.
I seek opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.
I am at peace with myself.


Brotherhood of the Star

This blog post will be about the second positive group that has been working secretly behind the scenes for the benefit of humanity and liberation of the planet.

Cobra gained access to one of esoteric texts that was written by a member of that group and he publishing it now in its entirety with full permission of that group.

»Brotherhood of the Star is a planetary oupost of the Blue Lodge of Sirius that is connected with Sirius via Jupiter and Jupiter Command
The purpose of the Brotherhood of the Star is to guide the evolution of the planet under the guidance of Sanat Kumara. 
The inner circle of the Brotherhood of the Star are Masters and Arhats that have reached their Ascension on this planet. 
The outer circle of the Brotherhood of the Star is the Esoteric Brotherhood comprised of disciples of the Ascended Masters that have reached the seventh subdegree of the third Initiation. The physical anchor of the Brotherhood of the Star is a vast subterranean kingdom of Shamballa, where the Great mystery school of the Transhimalayan Brotherhood is operating. The Esoteric Brotherhood represents its antechamber.

Order of the star

Brotherhood of the Star was never public since the time of Atlantis. It was working secretly through its discliples. Disciples of the Brothehood of the Star comprise the Order of the Star. 
Order of the Star is a community, a mandala of 144,000 star beings of the first, second and third Initiation that have incarnated on this planet with the purpose of occult triangulation of light and darkness. Members of the Order of the Star have been influencing the world situation based on telepathic guidance from the Brotherhood of the Star. 

They have caused the flowering of Graeco-Roman culture aided with telepathic impressions from Brotherhood of the Star. They were active as Druid priests in Celtic culture. 
As Essenes they were collaborating in the project of Ascension of Jesus and Magdalene/Grail family lineage as a counterbalance against the thirteenth bloodline of the black nobility. They have founded Sufi initiation orders. 
In the 12th century they have founded Cathar and Albigensian movement which has revived Goddess mysteries through Troubadour poetry and have also revived Gnostic Christianity mysteries from the times before the Constantinian Christian cult. 
In the 13th century they have founded the Templar order which was based on discovery of Isisian esoteric texts in the crypt below the Salomon temple. Information on those scrolls has enabled the revival of the old Egyptian star mysteries and formation of freemasonry. 
Based on an impulse from the Brotherhood of the Star, hidden Cathar lodges have triggered the Renaissance around 1450 in Florence and this has shaped our western civilization as we know it now. This has fulfilled the conditions for arrival of first representatives of the Esoteric Brotherhood into Europe from subterranean Tibet.

Since then onwards a few dozen representatives of the Esoteric Brotherhood are working secretly behind the scenes in Europe. 
In the 16th century they were active mainly in Florence, Venice and Verona, in the 17th century mainly in London and also elsewhere in England and in the 18th centruy mainly in Paris. The Esoteric Brotherhood has transmitted the spiritual impulse for the beginning of the Enlightenment movement to the Order of the Star and this has reshaped the 18th century and set the basis for the scientific and technological revolution.

The Esoteric Brotherhood has triggered the creation of the mystery school through Comte de Saint Germain in Paris in 1775. This secret mystery school was active for about 100 years and then the Esoteric Brotherhood has triggered the creation of the Theosophical Society through H. P. Blavatsky in 1875. Through telepathic impressions, the Esoteric Brothehood has guided the progress of science, especially through Nikola Tesla. 

Now Esoteric Brotherhood is not involved in the matrix of system on planet Earth. We live in undisclosed locations on the surface of the planet.

Esoteric symbol of the Brotherhood of the Star is the heavenly stone of Sirius, fire jewel, cinta mani, lapis ex coelis, which represents the jewel of our true Self (atma-buddhi-manas).

Esoteric symbol of the Order of the Star is a chalice of Moldavite, the heavenly stone of Pleiades, the holy Grail, sangreal, which represents our causal body and the star nobility, the mandala of 144,000 star beings of light.

Amor Vincit Omnia!«

Brotherhood of the Star is the last pure remnant of the mystery schools of Light from Atlantis. The Cabal tried to infiltrate it without success as they have very strict rules of admission. Alas, the Cabal was much more successful with infiltrating the more public mystery schools such as Jesuits were able to do with freemasonry in the early 1800s and as Theosophical Society was infiltrated after Helena Blavatsky died and her teachings were misused later by the Cabal. This is the cause of much confusion among the Lightworkers, but true teachings will be restored soon as part of Operation Dreamland.