Paris 2022 Ascension Conference: personal notes (first day)

I was lucky enough to be able to participate in the ascension conference organized this month in Paris with the contactee Cobra. Here I share with you some of my notes from this workshop-conference as well as some of my thoughts. This text is in no way a report of the conference and does not reflect the exact words of the Cobra contactee. Everything written here constitutes my own interpretation of what was said or presented during the two days of this seminar. There will no doubt be other similar reports, and I invite you to consult them as well. The vast majority of information and tools presented in this seminar have already been the subject of publications and reports (in particular on this site).
I would first like to point out that we were about 320 people to participate in this workshop, with a significant proportion of French and Asian (Japan, China, Taiwan, Malaysia) and of course people from all over the world. This kind of seminar is also an opportunity to make wonderful encounters, with who knows, perhaps even lost members of our soul family.
For French-speaking people who participated in this seminar, I invite you to send me your comments and any corrections. An article on the second day will follow.
In addition I specify that no photograph nor no recording can be made during these conferences, all thus rests on written notes. We were not able to recover the visuals of the conference but found some of them in the publications of Cobra.
The report of the second day is here:
Finally you can see here the restitution of this first day of conference on Radio Pléiades #53:
First half-day of the Paris conference – December 2022
Traditionally, to tune our various energies, we start this type of seminar with a tuning exercise where we will all together breathe light into all our successive bodies (physical body, then plasma, then etheric, then astral, then mental ), to emanate this light from our different bodies all around us.
One of the stated goals of this conference on Paris is to bring spiritual light to Paris. 250 years ago, his vortex was activated. It's going to be reactivated and it's going to play a part in the planetary liberation.
And we start with a visual inspired by the Starwars series that has inspired us for decades:

“You must unlearn what you have learned”
First an introduction to all the forms of programming that we have been able to undergo in this Matrix: programming coming from our implants, our parents or transgenerational, school, the media, society... Let's use our common sense and have the courage to question ourselves.
And blindfolded, each sees the reality of an elephant in a different way because of their own point of view and lack of perspective in this matrix:

It's a fan, it's a wall, it's a rope, it's a tree, it's a snake, it's a spike...
Moreover, of all that we can see with the naked eye of the stars from our planet, it all fits in a galactic-scale pocket handkerchief:

All the stars you see at night are all included in this yellow circle.
This remark is of course valid for the well-differentiated stars and not for the milky band that we observe at night and which holds us to a galaxy.
Cobra shares with us the experience he had beyond the veil in a Russian military aircraft in space flight: a unique photo of himself in the aircraft, which of course I cannot share here. The idea is to tear the veil put on this planet so that humans can be integrated into the galactic community and history.
We are at the intersection of different cosmic cycles (which will be detailed later), but also at a crucial crossroads in the history of the universe. We have proof of the importance and particularity of this moment by observing the movement of the stars.
Note: I allow myself to specify at this stage that Cobra is basically a cosmic astrologer, so he is well placed to say so.
Cobra then shares the image of a moving torus as all life in this universe is based on a toroidal energy field. However the Universe has not reached its state of equilibrium and the change that is coming goes so far as to change the physical laws of this universe. Gravity and light will change.
We will know a stop of the expansion of the universe with a reversal of the direction of the expansion and therefore all the laws will change. He then shows us a graph on the metastability of the vacuum and tells us that we are going to experience a quantum leap:

Link in English:
Link in French:
Note: This diagram represents the ratio between the mass of the top quark and the mass of the Higgs Bozon (in Giga electron Volt) and that the current position is a state of meta-stability (yellow zone) which will bring us towards stability ( green area)
The pseudo quantum vacuum that we are currently experiencing will change with the events ahead of us.
Each galaxy has a galactic central sun that sends energy throughout the galaxy.
Note: We have illustrated this point by comparing it to a heartbeat in our various shows.
What we call a great galactic wave of light is actually a pulse of galactic energy, like a heartbeat, and that pulse causes an evolutionary leap, and that's what we're getting at. There will be an emission of particles beyond the speed of light.
The Earth's ionosphere absorbs tachyons. The Pleiadians have implemented technology that allows tachyonic energy to be focused through a 12-hour tachyonization process. Cobra then presents the map of the island of Taiwan with the location of the Cintamanis stones buried in a network of flowers of life.
Cobra reveals the existence of a new type of stone never before marketed, which he calls a galactic cintamani stone, which allows one to reconnect with the galactic central sun. This stone would come from a stellar object in the heart of our galaxy, it would dethrone in terms of vibration our now classic Cintamani stone from the Sirius star system. This galactic Cintamani could anchor the highest vibration to the surface of this planet.
If you would like to reserve a galactic cintamani, you can email Cobra at
As Cobra offers a stand of tachyonized objects, it takes the opportunity to advertise and shows as an example a rhodonite which allows traumas to be transformed.
Question : what about the plasma abnormality?
Answer : it is above all on the surface of this planet and is powered in particular by all our electromagnetic equipment.
Question : Where are we with Operation Dreamland?
Answer : This operation is classified.
The cosmic changes that await us are of course seen through the end of the great cycle of precession which is coming to an end, but also through an accumulation of smaller cycles which we will discuss later.
We return to this notion of galactic pulse which reverses the magnetic field of a galactic center. He insists on the fact that this reversal can be very rapid in 9 to 12 months for example for a complete cycle. And what we observe from our galactic center is a picture of the past and does not reflect current galactic center activity.

Example of magnetic reversal of a galactic center
This pulsation generates a reversal of the magnetic poles of the Earth and in general a great wave of extinction, that is to say approximately every 12 to 13000 years.
Note: Cobra then shows us a graph that I have not been able to find which shows an extinction of species at least partially every 12,000 years or so. I remember seeing there -60000 years, -72000 years, -84000 years, -96000 years. But these are not the 5 mass extinctions of geological time that we usually talk about and which are much more distant.
This galactic pulsation releases in particular in the scalar energy field of the galaxy and affects all the stars and all the planets of our Galaxy. This shift has already begun and this is manifesting through the lowering of the earth's magnetic field.
The diagram below illustrates this predictive collapse of the Earth's magnetic field with a likely reversal around 2025:

This is what would also be said through the famous YouTube channel Suspicious Observers:
Cobra gives as an example the solar storm of 1859 which has been called the Carrington event.
Note: we talked about the Carrington event here
Today we would have lost 25% of the Earth's magnetic field. The loss was slow at first, but we would now lose 1-2% per year. He also gives as an example the year 776 at the origin of great geopolitical changes in Europe with Charlemagne which corresponds to a major solar eruption.
He then shows us a graph that I have not been able to find which expresses the chances of the earth's magnetic field collapsing on the abscissa and the effective loss of magnetic fields on the ordinate. There are scenarios where this loss is complete and rapid and others where it is slow and incomplete. We would have a 25% chance of experiencing a complete loss of Earth's magnetic fields by 2025, if memory serves.
If we experience a solar storm with zero magnetic field on the surface of this planet, then we will have no protection and everything will melt on the surface of the planet. This is a phenomenon that has already happened and demonstrated by geologists where we observe rocks melted by a burst of energy of solar origin.
NASA and a Chinese Rover also provide evidence of such waves of energy on the surface of the Moon which has a very weak magnetic field and this in a cyclical way in connection with the solar cycle of about 12 years.
As long as the magnetic field is strong there is good adhesion between the Earth's crust and mantle. However, if this magnetic field collapses, then we can have what is called crustal displacement: the entire earth's crust can slide in one piece on the surface of the mantle, which would cause a physical displacement of the poles. This would result in a gigantic tsunami on the surface of the planet 1 to 2 miles high.
Crustal displacement:
Note: we have detailed this notion of crustal displacement in this Radio Pléiades program:
He then shows us the curve of the solar cycle ahead of schedule:

The Deep State is fully aware of this situation. And finally all this catastrophic information from the end times was repackaged in a somewhat special way in global warming by the Cabal.
Since June 2022, Dyson spheres, through the positioning of motherships, have been positioned around the Earth and the sun to contain the renewed activity of our sun and thus give us a little more time for the transition by limiting the impact.
He then shows us the map of the equator of the previous cycle (some speak of a leaning equator but it is necessary to check which precessional cycle we are talking about). This equator of the previous cycle was called the line of the goddess and passed through Paris, Lebanon, Syria and important archaeological sites...
The Baalbeck site in Lebanon was built with blocks weighing more than 100 tonnes. Even today we would be unable to build in this way. It compares with the pyramids that they were built with smaller blocks.
There is an area from the Americas to Europe and North Africa where you can find small glass balls in the area of the old equator and which were created by a previous solar flash. They were formed with a temperature of around 2000°C on the surface of the planet.
The next window of maximum solar activity being for 2025, it is possible that this corresponds to the next solar flash. Nothing can say for sure but we would have a 25% chance of it happening. According to Cobra, the Light forces are targeting 2025 and are doing everything to make it happen then, but with the protections that go with it.
The economist Martin Armstrong simulated civilizational cycles and thus offers predictions very similar to those of Cobra. He showed us a collapse curve for 2025 that I couldn't find, but I show you below a comparable curve with a collapse for 2032/33:

A question was asked about the fact that Martin Armstrong predicted a collapse for 2032 and not 2025, to which Cobra replied, that the collapse scenario for 2025 was also part of the scenarios envisaged by Armstrong.
In the graph shown the pre-collapse peaks therefore correspond to 1404, 1715 and 2024.
Then we switch to the more astrological part. The circulation of the planets constantly alters the scalar fields within our solar system, and this affects everything. The planets and even the asteroids therefore play an important role of influence.
Question : will we all be saved?
Answer : After the event we will have the option to be teleported to motherships, much like the story of Noah's Ark. We will have the possibility of refusing this physical teleportation to experience physical death on the surface of this planet. There will however be an exception for the super villains who will have to be restructured in their essence in the galactic central sun.
On the astrological aspects therefore, Pluto is today in Capricorn which is favorable to the exposure of corruption. But Pluto will enter Aquarius on March 23, 2023. From that moment Pluto will be a double-edged sword that can bring light or also offer the possibility to the shadow to strengthen its dystopia through the influence of the world economic forum. In general, an end of the cycle of Pluto brings drastic changes in human societies.
Furthermore we would have Neptune in Pisces which is a redemptive force. Neptune in Aries will put a focus on spiritual action in 2025.
The sextile of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) brings the energetic changes for the new age.
Then he evokes two outer planetoids Sedna and Hauméa. Sedna in conjunction with the Pleiades will favor the intervention of the Pleiades. And Sedna because its cycle of revolution is approximately, half of the cycle of precession of the equinoxes is very related to the galactic central sun and therefore brings in the energies of the new age. Haumea in scorpion awakens occultism in individuals.
Cobra told us with humor and authenticity that the following graph was the graph of his life:

See the publication that was made here:
This configuration in 2025 will be much more powerful than in 1504 because Uranus and Pluto will both form a sextile with Neptune at the apex point, with Neptune positioned exactly at the point of Aries, Pluto entering Aquarius and Uranus entering Gemini.
So this resonance field of the 3 outer planets will allow a new rebirth as was the case 500 years ago but in a more powerful way. He cites the internet supporting this new renaissance. The first two quarters of 2025 will mark a total astrological shift. It is a new cycle trigger.
Moreover, it also coincides with the cycle of the triple star (considered a double star by official science) of the Sirius star system. We will be at a maximum distance between the two stars (cycle of 45 to 50 years), which creates harmonic resonances with our situation.

So we know by reading the stars that something big is coming. Even if the dark forces try to delay this moment there are inviolable universal laws. Cobra took this opportunity to inform us that astrologically the weekend chosen for this conference was the only real possibility offered.
Second half-day of the Paris conference – December 2022
This second half-day focuses on the foundations and structure of the Earth quarantine. There are various very advanced technologies that constitute a matrix of control and which prevent the positive forces from intervening.
The history of the Earth is only a succession of wars and violence and this is absolutely not natural. Black holes are actually the very foundation of the dark reality we live in. Negative emotions can persist thanks to black holes.
Cobra explains to us that if the fear reaction is a natural phenomenon of reaction to a danger, for example, the engramed fear that lasts more than a few seconds is absolutely not natural. It is the distortion of black holes that allows this.
And this affirmation can thus be transposed on all levels. He specifies at this time that he will not speak of the physical plane otherwise it could drive us crazy...
For ordinary mortals a black hole is a very massive object outside our space-time. According to him, string theory is the quantum theory that is closest to reality. He then gives us a visual demonstration with a large stretched scarf. He asks someone from the assembly to throw a stone at the scarf, which obviously has the effect of deforming the flat, taut surface of the scarf. This is to illustrate how a black hole warps and distorts our space-time continuum.
Quantum vacuum fluctuations are also full of anomalies due to the presence of these micro black holes. A subatomic particle can indeed emerge from quantum vacuum fluctuations.
Here is the illustration used:

So to act on the Matrix it is necessary to be able to act on the black holes. It will thus be easier afterwards to act on the quantum fields. He then begins to explain the different types of quarks, this modified, heavier matter, beyond the classic UP and DOWN quarks:

This matter, made up of “strange” or “top” quarks, was notably created in gigantic particle accelerators in the constellation of Orion. It shows us the pattern of formation of “strange” quark aggregates called “strangelets”. These quarks are the basis of the strangelet and toplet bombs which prevent or have prevented the forces of light from intervening.
Note: this was explained to you in detail in a previous update (with the correct time slider):
The idea of the forces of light is to change the properties of the ambient quantum medium so that the “top” quarks can no longer propagate and therefore the destructive power of the toplet bombs is destroyed.
To do this they use what he calls Mjolnir technology: a quantum cannon that changes the nature of the quantum field. This technology truly constitutes what he calls a “game changer”, a new deal that upsets Nash's balance in the presence. To learn more about this so-called Thor's hammer technology, see this article:
Cobra then shows us an illustration of a multicolored vibrating string, to illustrate string theory. According to him the black hole is not a 3D object but a composite object of 11-dimensional strings.
Notes : if you look at what is said about string theory, strings must be 10-dimensional elements (one dimension of time and 9 dimensions of space) for this theory to hold water. Here Cobra speaks of 11 dimensions for reasons unknown to me.
This would be described through the Randall-Sundrum model which models the universe as a space with more than 4 dimensions. And this model would be the basis of implant technology.
There are micro black holes in all of our energy bodies. They thus cut off part of our connection. They deprive us of part of our mind. He then shows us the image that all people who have participated in implant dissolution sessions know well, which materializes the location of the primary implants above the eyebrows and the navel:

These black holes are the source of the disruption of our emotional reactions. And so the Light forces are trying to clear out these black holes, which is what Cobra recently said that the Light forces are clearing out our implants.
A strange thing has been said about the fact that reptilians can emerge from black holes cleared in this way. But we are soon coming to the end of this cleaning.
Then Cobra switches to the concept of Hawking radiation, the name given to the fact that a black hole does not only absorb, but can also emit, and thus lose part of its mass by radiating energy and here the formula presented to illustrate the duration of the evaporation phenomenon as a function of the mass of the black hole:

A video here to illustrate this:
Normally the evaporation time of a black hole is so high, that we can say that it never disappears in practice. Thus the dark forces thought they could reign eternity by relying on this property of black holes.
“t” is the evaporation time and we see that we have the speed of light to the power of 4 in the denominator. The idea that would be implemented through Mjolnir would be to play with that c-factor (speed of light). If we can multiply this factor c by ten (which is immutable by the way for conventional science), then the time of evaporation of the black hole would be divided by 10000. The technology of the hammer of Thor would allow that. We would no longer be in an Einstein-Minkowski type space-time.
Note: we are talking more about Poincaré-Minkowski space-time.
The forces of light, with this technology, therefore evaporate these micro black holes and will thus be able to block the destructive power of the toplet bombs.
Question : how long is there still to get there?
Answer : not much time.
Question : how to work on it at our level?
Answer : cut ties with negative people and use the violet flame.
The light forces are in the process of setting up personal-type Mjolnir technology, but it is not ready yet.
He then shows us an image that expresses the fluctuations of the quantum background. I didn't find the image he chose but I found another one that came close:

View of quantum foam, quantum fluctuations of “vacuum”.
It is therefore possible that a subatomic particle emerges from this quantum foam (we see an example on the representation). In reality all materiality emerged from this quantum field. He then cites the device he markets, which is the quantum field fluctuation resonator also known as QFR (Quantum Fluctuation Resonator) which we have talked about on this site and which makes it possible to realign the quantum field.
When a subatomic particle emerges from the quantum vacuum it can cause the emission of light. This disturbed quantum background makes our environment extremely dangerous for the Light forces. He even talks about the most dangerous planet in the universe. It is dangerous for their ships to circulate in this quantum field and it is necessary to clarify it before landing somewhere.
The cosmic change that is coming will reorganize the whole universe. The primordial black holes from the big bang have not been able to evaporate so far.
The fact that the Earth has become the last stronghold of the dark forces is the result of what is called the sacrifice of Orion. All of the darkness that was present in the Orion system has been repatriated here to Earth. An interdimensional portal has been opened in particular to repatriate all the reptilian entities there. Following this event the forces of light took about 5 years to recover and regain their strength.
The light forces set up a set of motherships around the solar system about 20 years ago. The subsoil of the planet could be cleaned. When the forces of light can finally intervene the first visible signs will be geopolitical events. This will be proof of the dark forces losing control.
Then we come back to the phase change diagram of water that comes to a boil:

Obviously it is not a question of boiling water but of a supply of energy to the surface of this planet which puts society in turmoil. More kundalini energy on the surface of this planet creates an unpredictable situation.
Cobra would have accessed the results of a quantum computer but even these computers considered the most powerful do not know how to calculate the unpredictability of the situation. Here he makes an analog with the so-called three-body problem, where as soon as we have more than 2 bodies present, very quickly, and whatever the computing means at our disposal, we are unable to predict what will happen. go long term.

Note: Philippe Guillemant addressed this question through the question of the simulation of billiards in his book “the physics of consciousness”.
Only one thing is certain: we are in a dynamic of convergence.
What we call the Matrix is the sum of all technologies, physical and non-physical, that are used to control the physical world and consciousness. He cites the use of electromagnetic waves, scalar technologies, ultra and infra-sound, relay antennas… For example, sounds between 9 and 60 Hz have an influence on our emotions.
Non-physical technologies are even more powerful than physical technologies. According to Cobra 80% of our emotions are of artificial origin.
Editor's note: how can we still accept being angry knowing this?
As far as the Resistance Movement is concerned, it has been far too much in reserve recently. Today things are better. For example the movement of the yellow vests started following an activation of Kundalini, but this movement was blocked by the shadow. The Resistance movement is once again active today, particularly for the reactivation of the Paris vortex. We must reactivate what was activated 250 years ago (the year 1775 which we will talk about in day 2).
We are going to discover under our feet the existence of very advanced technologies.
Question : what about Nassim Haramein who makes each elementary particle a black hole? Answer : There is good and bad in what he says.
Question : what about time travel?
Answer : This is disinformation from the CIA.
Above all, we must reserve our integrity!
Then Cobra talked about the ATVOR technology, the pillar of light technology. This technology was developed by the galactic confederation to assist our spiritual development and ascension process. It has been used since the 90s and has since undergone improvements.
With ATVOR technology when you invoke the pillar of light a pillar of light is truly created. Cloaked ships of the Galactic Confederation use both Mjolnir and Atvor.
We take this opportunity to do a practical exercise and invoke this pillar of light. Here is the text to be declaimed:
“I call upon the pillar of pure brilliant white light to descend upon me and form all around me.
I call the presence of the I Am that I Am
I ask that the presence of the I Am that I Am join me and merge with me”
Following this exercise Cobra asks the assembly to express themselves on the feeling.
Question : is there an advanced method of meditation?
Answer : no
Question : can black holes be an explanation for a person being open or closed?
Answer : Black holes may be one of the reasons.
Question : what about the atomium in Brussels?
Answer : It is a neutral building.
Question : what can we see in the galactic center currently?
Answer : We go back in time by observing our galactic center, today the structure of this center is changing.
Question : what about the confinement still practiced in China.
Answer : Cobra begins by answering that it is irrelevant but is partly reframed by the questioner, by the fact that it is far from neutral from the point of view of the Chinese in mainland China.
Questions : the forces of light act on what types of implants?
Answer : All implants.
Question : How much Goddess energy do we have on the surface of this planet?
Answer : almost zero.
Then we move on to the question of the I Am Presence.
Our Presence emanates very strongly all the time. Without it in reality we would be dead. He recommends that we do a daily reconnection exercise. Doing so activates our toroidal field. He shows us a visual that I have not found which shows a toroidal field with a double vortex: a descending vortex called “vortex in” and a rising vortex called “vortex out”, with a star in the center symbolizing our I Am Presence. .
Doing this work of reconnection allows us to become super-conductive and our Presence at the moment of Ascension becomes our vessel.
There is a lot of misinformation around Ashtar and a lot of nonsense on the internet, yet Ashtar Command plays an important role in planetary liberation and Ascension. Ashtar is a real being and the one who helped us the most. Cobra has an experience related to him but does not specify which one.
The ATVOR technology we talked about will be the one used for planetary evacuation. It will not be necessary to be in resistance to its energy otherwise the ascent towards the ships risks being unpleasant. Cobra shows us the visual of a ship which descends a beam of light to the surface of the planet which has the effect of raising the bodies towards the ship.

Illustration by Barbara who attended the conference
Editor's note: I hear some voices here who will take this assertion as proof that the great evacuation is a plan of darkness disguised as light and would therefore only be a plan of generalized abduction...
Cobra ends the day by offering us a new technique of protection, which simply consists of visualizing a bubble of blue light around us.
Let a bubble of blue light surround me,
May its light create a shield and protect me from all negative energy,
So be it!
Then he asks the room for feedback on this shield of light. He indicates following a remark I believe that we are indeed monitored 24/7 but that this will change.
Question : Difference between this practice and the violet flame?
Answer : Here it is protection, the violet flame is purification.
Question : what is the future of traditional or classical medicine?
Answer : After the event everything will be transformed and improved.
Paris 2022 Ascension Conference: personal notes (second day)

I was lucky enough to be able to participate in the ascension conference organized this month in Paris with the contactee Cobra. Here I share with you some of my notes from this workshop-conference as well as some of my thoughts. This text is in no way a report of the conference and does not reflect the exact words of the Cobra contactee. Everything written here constitutes my own interpretation of what was said or presented during the two days of this seminar. There will no doubt be other similar reports, and I invite you to consult them as well. The vast majority of information and tools presented in this seminar have already been the subject of publications and reports (in particular on this site).
This publication concerns the second day of the conference. The first day has been published here:
For French-speaking people who participated in this seminar, I invite you to send me your comments and any corrections.
In addition I specify that no photograph nor no recording can be made during these conferences, all thus rests on written notes. We have not been able to recover the visuals of the conference but have found some of them, in particular in the publications of Cobra.
Finally you can see here the restitution of this first day of conference on Radio Pléiades #54:
Third half-day of the Paris conference – December 2022
Traditionally, to harmonize our various energies, we start the day with a tuning exercise where we will all together breathe light into all our successive bodies (physical body, then plasma, then etheric, then astral, then mental), to emanate this light from our different bodies all around us. Then follows directly a small session of questions and answers.
Question : How do you ground Goddess energy?
Answer : We are talking about this this afternoon but connecting the sexual energy with the energy of the heart is the key.
Question : where does the energy of the pillar of light come from?
Answer : from the Source.
Question : what about the Ranger?
Answer : It will be easily dissolved it is not a big problem.
Note: the prowler is explained here
Question : Properties of the Galactic Cintamani?
Answer : it connects us to the galactic central sun and thus activates our evolution.
Question : how to bury a galactic Cintamani related to a tachyonized crystal?
Answer : the same rules apply as with a classic Cintamani, there must be a minimum distance of 30 meters between the two.
Question : what will be the place directly above the sun during the next great wave of light? Answer : we don't know.
The term Great Reset became mainstream with Shadow communication. In reality the Cabal stole this concept from us to take over. On the light side, we've been talking about it for 10 years. The Great Reset is a geopolitical and astronomical necessity. The choices of the past have made this reset a certainty since August 2019.
The shadow used the pandemic for this. The shadow implemented different plans and it was the pandemic that worked to a degree. This pandemic would be partly the responsibility of lightworkers because of some stupid decisions that may have been made. These decisions have spawned chains of events that have brought us to this pandemic.
How does a society collapse? Cobra comments on the chart below:

Editor's note: this visual has already been shared and commented on in the following Cobra publication goes-behind-the-scenes/
A system experiences the first crises and destabilizations and temporarily achieves an apparent stability. In this buffer zone, one has the impression that nothing changes but the trust in the societal fabric is eroding. In this buffer phase, the smartest in society understand that something is afoot. It is increasingly incompetent people who rise to power, as well as psychopaths. They come to enjoy their 5 minutes of fame.
We are in this buffer phase. There was the shock of the pandemic, and that of the war in Ukraine. The great revival that we are experiencing could not have happened 2000 years ago. At the time, a barbarian invasion would have sufficed to destroy everything that could have brought us to understanding and liberation.
Today there are cracks in the Matrix, and the more the Cabal increases its control over society the less they know how society will react as the system is metastable. Everything is unpredictable, and the forces of Light are ready to intervene as soon as the conditions are favorable.
Editor's note: Metastability is the property of a state that appears to be stable but that a disturbance can quickly shift to a more stable or unstable state.
But the equation is very complex and the forces of Light have no room for error. This is also the reason why it drags on. When we have reached a state of serious collapse the Forces of Light will intervene.
Cobra shows us a new graph to illustrate the societal trajectory in pre-crisis mode, which crosses, under the effects of social pressure and crises, a revolutionary trajectory. Crossing this threshold of revolutionary situation can lead to very different states: convalescence, great instability, complete collapse. There are plenty of possible trajectories and the Enlightenment forces are going to make sure it's the least bad for the surface population.

Editor's note: this visual has already been shared and commented on in the following Cobra publication and-december-1st-2019/
We will soon come to a time when the critical mass of the population will be fed up, there will necessarily be a minimum of chaos to endure. As we have been deeply programmed, we will also be deeply shocked. We will have to manage a violent realignment with reality because we were in a world where lies were the law.
The pandemic has been an interesting model for the Light Forces, as they have been able to study our reaction to shock.
It is true that Cobra has been talking about this transition for ten years but the dark side was much more powerful than we had imagined. People aren't ready and won't be ready anyway. We can't be ready for what's to come after what we've been through. We will have to face it because anyway we are running out of time. The galaxy will not wait for us very long. It is important to stay aligned in the new situation, afterwards we will be much better and much better connected anyway.
Question : Lightworkers are deeply traumatized, what to do?
Answer : before the event we must find our inner guidance and the best possible therapists. After the event we will receive a lot of help.
Question : what role do tachyon chambers play in our evolution and encounters with extraterrestrial beings?
Answer : The higher beings help us in the chamber as well as the Pleiadians.
Question : how to work more together at the international level?
Answer : light is the universal language, you have to use it, that's the key!
Question : how to work on black holes?
Answer : You have to work on dissolving the implants.
Question : when will we reach the critical mass that will lead to chaos?
Answer : Each of us must do our mission. On average a warrior of light works at 10% of his capacities, and very few go beyond 50%. We can individually be a key if we know how to use our full potential.
Question : why are we doing this conference near the Eiffel Tower?
Answer : Among the various possibilities, the one we have today is the best of all.
Question : why does the Cabal continue to act as they do if they have knowledge of the polar shift?
Answer : the Cabal is not rational and it is in its traumas.
Question : the forces of Light did a good job but they suffered, what would be the key to improving the situation?
Answer : We have already published many protection techniques. Improve your compassion, your understanding, it is up to each person to decide what they want to do.
We resume on the Reset. So there are two versions of the Great Reset. There is that of the World Economic Forum (WEF) which is talked about in the media: “you will not own anything but you will be happy”. The Light Forces have a different version. These two versions clash but it is the light that will win because of physical laws and the second law of thermodynamics. There is a lot of misunderstanding around this law.
The definition of entropy is wrong because they turned it upside down. A closed system does not exist and yet this is what the WEF would like to do. They want to maintain a heat pump to increase entropy (disorder) and serve a minority. They want to set up a feudal society. Any system naturally seeks to achieve a balance. In our case the Shadow consumes a lot of energy to try to maintain an imbalance.
The system is no longer closed, the black holes evaporate, we receive information from the outside and this process cannot be stopped. Moreover everything is entangled and we would have particles of our body (he did not specify whether physical or subtle body) which are entangled with the Ashtar Command.
The World Economic Forum wants to digitize society and it started with the use of smartphones. They want all our transactions to go through the mobile phone so they can control and spy on everything. Yet all of this is vulnerable. The Resistance movement has the best hackers in the world and they can literally hack anything. When the time is right they can do it.
Digital currency will not work. Even the Blockchain can be hacked. The financial system based on quantum computing can also be hacked. You can do it by changing the entanglement of the particles in the system and they won't even know it's been hacked.
By correctly applying the second law of thermodynamics everything will be canceled.
They want our consciousness to be absorbed by cell phones and immersed in a false reality.
Since August 1971, the US dollar is no longer backed by gold. So a lot of debt was created. However, silently, the system is still backed by gold. Central banks know that if everything collapses, they can recreate a system based on gold. Of course this is not public.
Central banks even collect gold secretly. China does it a little less secretly, India does it through jewelry. The Forces of Light will use this gold, plus unofficial gold to create a transitional financial system.
The new post-event financial system will rely on gold, stolen-from-humanity assets, blockchain, and quantum computing.
It is true that many of us are waiting for this reset, but it is the future. We have to be in the present moment. The future will be easy. By acting now we can speed up the process, we must not wait. Few people actually do anything with their lives, it's up to you to think about what you want!
Cobra points out that he too is tired, yet he took the initiative to give this lecture.
Our obsession with money is a way of controlling ourselves. Everything is done on purpose so that we don't have enough. In reality we have just enough to keep the Matrix running. But the purpose of life is not money, our real purpose is our LIFE MISSION.
There are stars made of diamonds! Let's not obsess over little jewelry. Gold is precious but there are asteroids stuffed with gold. We need to think about this from a new perspective!
He then shows us a graph which tends to prove that happiness can be bought: if we have more money then in general we are happier. In reality it is because with more money we can do more things. We have more options to act. But you have to use your money for higher purposes. There are very rich but clueless people and poor people with lots of creative ideas.
Here is an approximate graph of what he showed us with the annual income on the abscissa and the satisfaction scale on the ordinate for the main countries:

Money will be released to certain warriors of light before the event for those who are very dedicated in their mission. Master Saint Germain would work there to make this possible!
Editor's personal note: this kind of information could tend to fuel fantasies around this issue and leave us inactive...
It is certain that the lack of money blocks the projects of Light. There is also a lot of poverty because there are great lacks of awareness. Humanity needs much healing and assistance.
Question : Can Mjolnir technology be used to dissolve implants?
Answer : not yet. Individual Mjolnir technology will be available within several months.
Question : how can the warriors of Light do to keep the balance?
Answer : The mass of humanity is caught up in two groups of influence, the Cabal on one side and the warriors of light on the other. In addition, solar activity is accelerating. We need to hold the Light and avoid traumatic collapse. Most will survive!
Question : is it planned that Cobra will return to France to do the initiations of the rays? Answer : No, it is not planned.
Question : is there a difference between burying a classic cintamani and a galactic cintamani? Answer : No, it's the same.
Question : there is a risk of the West collapsing because of the energy problem. Why could free energy not be released?
Answer : it will be after the event. Energy is free in an open system, it must first free itself from the scalar system.
Question: question on the proposed analogy of the scarf and the stone thrown on the scarf to illustrate the anomaly?
Answer: It's not just a problem of gravity, it's also a problem of distortion of quantum fluctuations.
Question : we're running out of time for the new transitional system, how's that going to be? Answer : Cobra knows the directions but not the details, he only has some pieces of the puzzle. The sequence of events is undetermined, there are too many variables in play. The release plan was arranged 25 years ago and we've had failures before, but the overall plan hasn't changed. .
The change that happens is the manifestation of the intention of a group of people. We have seen this for a long time. Everything that we see in this materialized world is the result of past actions and decisions of small groups of people (note: those who have power whether positive or negative) .
What we are going to experience is already decided, it will be manifested through wormholes between the higher planes and our physical reality. Intention cancels out in a group that is not focused. Intention must be consistent and strong for it to manifest in reality. A strong idea creates a vortex of energy that creates a wormhole to manifest into matter.
Cobra then showed us the following visual (see translation in caption):

Every thought, every action creates ripples through this infinite field of consciousness. You are much more powerful than you imagine.
In general, we do not believe in our power and few people really want to change. We will see how France changed the course of history with very few people 250 years ago. In our turn we have a real opportunity. If we are a large group of warriors of Light who want the same thing then we draw the timeline!
Here Cobra shows us an elementary formula INTENTION + ACTION = MAGIC!

One must persevere in one's intention until manifestation. Some stop at 80% and cancel their intention which cancels the possibilities of manifestation.
Then we move on to the question of the cancellation of soul contracts made with the Archons.

It is now a question of doing the contract cancellation exercise. We give you the text to write preferably three times in a row.
“In the name of what “I Am that I Am”, in the name of the divine presence of my soul that I am, in the name of all ascended Beings of Light, in the name of the Galactic Confederation, in the name of the Galactic Center , I decree and I order the cancellation and invalidation of all my past, present and future contracts and agreements made with any part of my Being with the dark forces.
All of these contracts and agreements and their consequences are now completely erased from my reality. I am now free and all the karma of my entire Being is cleared as well.
I am a sovereign Being, a Being of Light, from now on and for eternity.
So be it and so it is.
In Light.”
Sign your name!
Then we come back to quantum physics.
Physical reality is the result of quantum foam. Our intention influences this quantum foam. This is called the collapse of the wave function. The quantum field is all around us. Focus increases the likelihood of something manifesting.
Editor's note: We talk about the "collapse" (or decoherence) of the quantum wave function in an attempt to describe what happens then. Because the measurement brings one does not really know how the quantum wave (which in general admits several positions and speeds) to collapse in an indeterminate way towards definitive values.
The “let it go” is a detachment from the quantum foam and the practical advice is based on quantum physics. Cobra then shows us a pattern of different intermingled vibrations of different frequencies. It's a visual similar to this one:

We will not be able to change all the vibrations immediately but our intention will tend to reorganize the quantum field. The quantum field will follow our harmonious intentions. It is also the basis of sacred geometry, it creates a resonance field in the quantum field.
In the example of the diagram, we can focus on the modification of the smallest and most immediate vibration, we should not focus too early on the big problem. The alignment of the frequencies will be done gradually.
In the Renaissance we have, with Palmanova in Italy (illustration below), an example of a city organized according to the principles of sacred geometry. The center of Paris would be modeled on the palace of Louksor in Egypt. This is the reason why the Germans in World War II could not destroy Paris because of quantum field resonance. This science has been mostly lost.

Question : Have the I Qing symbols changed?
Answer : no.
Question : Does performing an implant dissolving session remove black holes?
Answer : Yes!
Question about cloudships in Japan?
Answer : There are more and more spawns to prepare for the transition, as with all cloud ships.
Question : is this galactic prophecy widespread?
Answer : it has been known for millions of years. It is a vision that was given after the creation of Darkness in Orion. She is well known in the Galaxy and throughout the Universe. The whole universe is helping and assisting to make this prophecy come true. Every being in the universe has some responsibility.
Fourth half-day of the Paris conference – December 2022
We are now talking about the spiritual perspective of the great galactic wave of light. This great galactic wave will not extend into the scalar field of the galaxy but it will appear throughout the galaxy (it will not spread). And it's not just the case of our Galaxy. The galactic field of love will invade us. It is the anomaly that prevents this from coming to us. When enough black holes are cleared we will be able to feel this energy.

It is about the return of Goddess energy. In the Neolithic culture this goddess energy was preserved.
Cobra then shows us a map of the old equator before the previous polar reversal. There were many temples from the time of Atlantis. After some traditions have continued.
The first Archon would have arrived 5000 years ago and he destroyed everything. We have lived through 5000 years of wounds and almost everything has been forgotten. Now we have to remember. The real story has been erased. You have to visit these ancient sites. This memory will return with the reconnection to the Higher Self.
The cult of Isis Astara has been restored and was very active in ancient Egypt, during ancient Rome, the Renaissance and the 18th century. But some people haven't been pure enough to hold the light.
At this time Cobra invites the various leaders of Sisterhood of the Rose groups from all over the world to come on stage. A circular meditation is done. They visualize the essence of the Goddess above their head and invoke Isis to enter their body and energy field. Invitation to merge with their energy field, using the breath to include its presence and radiate its presence into the space.
Request to guide all groups on the planet to bring his presence back to the surface of the planet. All are invited to visualize the flow of her energy and each receives the blessing of Isis Astara.
Cobra reminds sorority groups of the need to physically meet regularly and in the same place, because it creates a rhythm. If you are well connected, it is possible to add things to the proposed protocols.
The past two years have witnessed Cabal attacks on Goddess energy (the gentle and caring aspect). For cosmic balance both aspects of energy are needed, the hard and the soft. It's the same on the physical plane. Goddess energy brings physical beauty. The Cabal is about making everything ugly through modern art and modern architecture.
We need to bring this beauty back. Cobra then shows us an almost subliminal scrolling of faces that express the superior presence through different Renaissance figures.
Then he reveals for the first time the need to recreate physical temples of the goddess. Namely a public space that brings the energy of the Goddess to the public. You have to use art and make your place accessible to the public to do, for example, readings, initiations, meditations. We need to build Temples again!
Today there is only one in England, without revealing the name. Before there were hundreds of them. Those who feel this connection with Goddess energy can do this!
Note: I have not found the illustration shown by Cobra to illustrate a Temple of the Goddess on the edge of the Mediterranean. I illustrate this aspect however with an old engraving of the Temple of Venus, before the statue of Venus was removed and replaced by that of a male Cupid at the Petit Trianon.

Question : Are Trump and Putin on the good side or the bad side?
Answer : I leave it to your own judgment.
Question : after Isis the former companion of Cobra will there be a seventh high priestess? Answer : Apparently not.
Question : Why did the Dark Forces choose Earth as their headquarters?
Answer : Because there are many stargates nearby, the Earth has many qualities, it is a good real estate investment.
Question : what to do with the so-called Lightworkers who play the game of Shadow?
Answer : just avoid them.
Question : can the Cintamani stone be worn as a pendant or during meditation?
Answer : Yes!
Question : Does the Dreamland operation support the temples project?
Answer : yes and of course money is needed but you don't have to wait for the reset to advance.
Question : what about sacred sexuality for the return of the energies of the goddess?
Answer : Sacred sexual energy is the most manipulated energy on the surface of the planet, it is also the strongest and an aspect of Kundalini energy. Sexuality must be healed in women to reach a higher level for sororities. This is one of the keys to transformation. Cobra seems to have made a joke, almost unnoticed, that the Pleiadians will take care of us on this…
Question : How to make contract dissolution exercises more powerful?
Answer : for example by doing it in special places or by writing it by hand.
Question : what is the Pleroma?
Answer : This is the Gnostic name for the galactic central sun (this is the only time in the conference that Cobra will refer to the Gnostics).
The problem with lightworkers and sororities and everywhere is that people fight each other. The reason may be a reptilian attachment to the lower 3 chakras.
Note: as a small drawing is better than a long speech, Cobra then shows the following drawing that we find in David Icke's book “The biggest secret”:

Human adomombed by a reptilian
There are billions of reptilians around us. When light cleans black holes, there are reptilians that emerge from black holes. There is one reptilian per human, so you have to try to keep your will intact because they exaggerate our negative emotions. If we are more conscious, we manage to reduce this influence. The most evolved came out of these conflicts, out of the reptilian frequency. The reptilians create dramas before disappearing...
We're plugged into this Matrix and we don't want to be unplugged and that's one of the reasons it takes time. Some will even refuse to be unplugged. But anyway the Light will turn off all the matrix technologies at the event (television, internet…). Social networks will no longer work, except for personal messaging. A person then asks for Tiktok and Cobra reacts tit for tat, no TikTok will not work!
It is not enough to wake up to the consciousness of the Rothschilds. Coming out of the Matrix isn't just reading Cobra's blog. We must fully embody this change. We will be forced out of the Matrix. We are not the only ones who have had enough. The whole world is fed up, the animals, the ascended masters, even the galaxy is holding back its sneeze!
We are a bit like alcoholics who are going to have to go to rehab and there will be a healing crisis.
Question : how to disconnect from the Matrix if one works?
Answer : you have to know how to keep your integrity and see your work from a different perspective.
Question : could we see the temples of the Goddess requested at creation as the premises of the islands of light?
Answer : yes it is possible.
Question : what is the reason for these animals that start going around in circles?
Answer : the Earth's magnetic field decreases and not only at the poles. Animals use the earth's magnetic field to orient themselves and when they lose it they start going around in circles.
Question : where could we create a temple of the Goddess in China?
Answer : Wherever you feel guided to do so, on China the effect will be very small.
Then two questions will be asked but will remain unanswered: where will the next Cobra conference take place and in which country in the world are women the most sexually satisfied?
Question : there are supranational organizations such as the UN, WHO, how can lightworkers unite?
Answer : yes it would be good indeed to have gatherings beyond the countries (he used the term regional gatherings).
Question : What about the Ascension blueprint and the 2025 portal?
Answer : Each person will awaken individually. whoever can make that quantum leap will be part of it.
Question : how to work with the connection with his soul family?
Answer : book a plane ticket!
Question : why use the name of Isis which is one name among many others?
Answer : Effectively it is the same being that is in question in other cultures.
The 18th century was one of the most important in history. It was at this time that the ascended beings created the most connection with the Light because they knew that after the dark side was going to hit hard. We have benefited from the harmony of the triangle of Neptune and Pluto for almost 100 years and this is very rare. This concerned the whole of the 18th century.
Paris is also called the city of light for this reason. There is a strong connection between Paris and Isis. There are two ancient temples in Paris, the crypt of Notre Dame and another 2 km to the west (note: he did not give the exact location) . The mysteries were brought to Paris but they never disappeared. There was a statue of Isis in a church in Paris in the 16th century until a Jesuit discovered it and had it destroyed. Secret groups kept these secrets.
The architects of Louis XIV integrated some of these mysteries into their constructions. Some groups active today are working on these secrets. There are lots of symbols. He shows us images inviting us to guess… A person guesses that Cobra shows us the photo of a Rosicrucian Temple with a statue of Isis.

He shows us the photo of a shoe shop in rue Vivienne which presents the Zodiac of Dendera on the ceiling (note: also writes Dendera) . The original can be seen in the Louvre, which was stolen from a temple. This zodiac is a star map with Hathor sister goddess of Isis. This work reconnects to the energies of the Goddess.

But let's go back to the old equator passing through Paris. Paris was the place chosen by Master Saint Germain to activate the Paris-Versailles double vortex in the 18th century. Saint Germain brought together key people at the court of Louis XV in Paris and Versailles for this purpose. He mentions the fact that there was too much corruption in Paris that is why the court migrated to Versailles. It is the extension of this society that has created this double vortex.
This double vortex, it shows us the sign of infinity (a lying eight), anchors the energies of the goddess at the beginning of the 18th century with the harmony brought by Neptune and Pluto.
Saint Germain created two groups in Paris and in Versailles, he created two groups of sororities, but which were not called that before. There was a sign language that can be seen through the painting of this time (note: what we call mudras today) .
Madame de Pompadour was the first high priestess but this was not a complete success. It enabled some changes to be activated. For example the expulsion of the Jesuits from the court in 1762, who were trying to suppress the Goddess energies. Madame de Pompadour gave some rights and models that still today constitute a certain barrier that prevents society from collapsing. She did not always follow Master Saint-Germain but followed him a lot.
After his death, the Princess of Lamballe took over. She brought the mysteries into Masonic groups. Freemasonry was very different from that of today. But in 1777 the Jesuits infiltrated Masonic groups. The Princess of Lamballe worked publicly and secretly, she created the first female Masonic lodge. He cites the “La Candeur” lodge, a key goddess lodge, and the “Rose and King Sisterhood” which was not a real sisterhood.

The Princess of Lamballe opened a portal in Paris and Versailles on November 21, 1775 which is connected to 2025. Her center of operations in Versailles was the Temple of Love ( note: formerly called Temple of Venus ) created in 1778 under the guidance of Saint Germain. The Princess of Lamballe was a very close friend of Queen Marie-Antoinette and it was through her that this was created.
Cobra then indicates that the room with moving mirrors, which is a room at the Petit Trianon, is a dimensional portal. It would be the most important place in France. The priestesses of the Agartha network would also have given instructions to the Princess of Lamballe.
Cobra then shows us a painting by the French Rococo painter François Boucher located at the headquarters of the Banque de France thirty meters above 2000 tons of gold: “Sylvie cures Philis of the sting of a bee”. You can see this painting on the Banque de France website.

François Boucher was initiated into the mysteries of the Goddess. He is a painter misunderstood even today and his paintings are full of symbols. He tells us that this painting of the Banque de France contains a code without specifying which one. He quotes codes “Love brings Abundance” and “Peace brings Abundance” (this is also the name of a painting by Boucher).
Then he quotes a succession of dates:1774 Louis XVI becomes king
1775 is the American Revolution
1776, May 1 is the creation of the Bavarian Illuminati
In 1775 the fate of the planet was sealed.
Cagliostro's character is not the Balsamo account, contrary to what is said. The Jesuits did everything to block Cagliostro who traveled to Malta and the Orient and was initiated by Saint-Germain in London. Cagliostro notably created the Lodge of Isis, but after several weeks he was arrested. He will die imprisoned in Italy.
The case of the necklace was created by the Shadow to disintegrate the French royal dynasty as the Bourbon dynasty supported the mysteries of the Goddess. Dark forces executed the Princess of Lamballe and destroyed the mysteries of the Goddess during the French Revolution.
The Petit Trianon is the energetic place of the Queen. The Queen was educated by Saint-Germain and Princess de Lamballe and created a special place there. He then shows us the Queen's octagonal token:

This token was used to gain access to the Queen's House. Even the King himself could not freely access the Petit Trianon. He didn't know what was going on there.
The Ascension timeline was secured in 1775 at the Petit Trianon!
Cobra again shows us a visual of the park with the Temple of Venus. I could not find exactly the visual shown but this one is approaching. Cobra pointed out that one can feel through the painting the high vibrations that reigned there at that time:

At the end of 1778, the Jesuits carried out a counter-attack from outside France. From the international Masonic convent of Wilhelmsbad in Germany in 1782, they infiltrated the French lodges. And with no apparent direct connection, Cobra then cites the current influence we are experiencing from the Woke ideology, presumably through lodge infiltration.
At the end of the 19th century the Jesuits returned to France and since then it's been a free fall. In a sorority in 1775 we would have 10,000 people, and today he asks the sororities of Paris and Versailles to come up on the platform, we have… 5 people for Paris and Versailles. It is now necessary to wake up the double vortex of Paris and Versailles, so he calls on people from the Paris or Versailles room to come and swell the ranks of these two sororities.
The 2 newly created groups form two rounds like a double vortex. Cobra then specifies that the Princess of Lamballe is today embodied in the Resistance Movement. Marie Antoinette's soul would be incarnated on the surface of the planet but unaware of the process taking place.
Cobra then guides a meditation exercise for both groups, including visualizing the presence of the Goddess Isis to reactivate the double vortex. Isis Astara, the Princess of Lamballe and Saint Germain give their blessing. It now remains for the leaders of the 2 groups to contact people wishing to get involved in these sororities.
He then talks about the star brotherhood group, they are advanced human beings, who if they are part of the Matrix they are quite free from it and they are trying to guide humanity. They are part of the secret Dreamland project whose next steps we will know in a few weeks.
Ten members of this group are in Paris and do not reveal themselves to the public. This group works behind the curtain to bring in the new Renaissance with the support of astrological aspects. These astrological aspects will be stronger in 2023, then even stronger in 2024 with a peak in 2025.
Cobra then shows us the visual of a SPA of the future carved in a white or pink rock crystal:

He ends by telling us about his website:
We finally return to the Light after the fall of Atlantis. The aliens have already waved hello to us from their ships. We need to find our mission and reactivate ourselves. We do the impossible and it ends as it started with an image of Master Yoda wishing us good luck!

Then the incredible happened… Cobra brings us this video below of the Victory of Light. He begins to sing and dance behind his microphone and the whole room explodes with joy and begins to dance to the sound of this music.
Editor's Note: An outburst of joy I've never experienced in a previous Ascension conference.
Victory is near!
Original Post:
Look, I know this dude provides useful information sometimes. But, please, use some common sense. For one thing, the most powerful spiritual energy center in your body is most certainly not located directly between your butt and your mommy/daddy parts. And, for another thing, please use common sense and a pinch of salt with anyone who is allergic to the very uttering of the word 'God'.