All day 23 (yesterday)…Increased incoming energies and vibrational patterns. TODAY (24th), the INCOMING is exceptional. Power-filled with a HIGHER SPIN RATE (higher frequency). We are incrementally rising higher and higher in HERTZ FREQUENCY. Today, so high, you may feel ‘Brain Fog’ (heeheee). You may feel ‘Spaced Out (Whoooweee), or you may even feel your physical body could lift off the ground (please post photos if that happens, would be fun to see that
). If you struggle with Incoming Energies, to just notice if you are in MENTAL RESISTANCE to them (and let go of specific mental thoughts about incoming energy, allow your natural flow instead). If physical difficulties with incoming energies, to direct the ENERGY of LOVE to all or part of your body affected, and try to RELAX any physical muscles that can tense up.

As mentioned in previous recent update, we are now in our OWN CORRIDOR period, until 02 Janauary 2023. You may already know (as I do), your own significance FOR ONLY YOU, of 22 Dec PORTAL. And if not, the ‘Corridor’ period, can feel like ‘No man’s land’ or simply a ‘Not Knowing’ period until 02 January. So just to feel acceptance and ease at simply allowing the corridor to be just that. Be kind to yourself. Love thyself.
It’s individual for every being, but if you OBSERVE, and stay present from the date of 02 January, you are able to KNOW, what the 22 December Portal signified for YOU personally in terms of your spiral and your EMBODIMENT (not personality life). If you become aware of this, you are then able to see, in a generalised way, your POINT in your OWN Spiral and the general CONSCIOUSNESS STAGES that are to present for your Solar months and Solar year ahead for your 2023.
22 FEBRUARY 2023:
Basically as we traverse higher as a Collective Humanity, into INCREASING vaster frequencies of CONSCIOUSNESS, we traverse into, through, are affected by, HIGHER FREQUENCY LIGHT LAYERS. One happens every year on 22 FEBRUARY. This year’s was a DIAMOND LIGHT LAYER (I did a fb Live explaining it just after I witnessed it descend from the SUN on 22/2/2022). It’s an utterly amazing date and game changer to be present to.
23 FEBRUARY 2023:
I am hesitant to mention this date, but if I don’t share it to you, I feel I would regret not SHARING OUT of the DATA I know. However, the DATA was given specifically for my own path. Specific to me. However, after receiving it, my human mind/personality wonders slightly
if the DATA could also be relative to anyone. Even though I know directly it is about my own path stage. Yet I NEVER EVER have been given dates before so directly and precisely. For that reason, I want to post the EXACT DATA received, just in case

“23 February. Transformative. Pre-Designed. Celebratory”
A few days (maybe a week) before 21/22 March 2023, there will be UPLIFT. Meaning energies will incrementally RISE, day upon day. It’s incremental so that we are IN our OPTIMUM frequency states, for 21/22 March 2023. In order to receive as much energy as we each can on those dates 21/22 March. A personality would therefore begin to feel better, more optimistic, inwardly stronger, clearer, more grounded. But if you are now ENERGY FIRST, before the personality mode, you’ll feel ENERGETICALLY, many increases to your own ENERGETIC FREQUENCY. You will feel increase to VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS, increases in the SPIN of your PHOTON LIGHT. The physical body will reflect that too.
So some explanations to keep, print, make note of for the periods ahead. We are already, since 22 December in a NEW TIMELINE. The magic is in YOUR own NOW moment. In the present moment. The more you come into the NOW MOMENT, and LIVE by it, the more you SEE, FEEL, UNDERSTAND the shear magic that is present…AT THE HIGHER FREQUENCIES. I will do a fb Live next year explaining the higher frequency state of being, living in, experiencing…
Wishing you all, a VERY HAPPY and MAGICAL EVERYTHING…as we go. And if you are missing loved ones, to remember…they are right next to you, just in another ‘room’ (a higher frequency state). They respond to your LOVE and JOY for them…so watch out for the SYNCHRONICITIES shown to you, as their way of letting you know, they unconditionally love you, and are supporting YOU… all the way.
With all my Love. Always,
24 December 2022
(In the picture is my gift to you…my prayer is you receive it)
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