Part of my path, is to integrate and know from within, ESOTERICALLY, the solar and earthly spiral and PATTERN that we traverse through each EARTHLY/SOLAR year in what we call LINEAR TIME. There are subtle PATTERNS (or themes) that presents at HIGHER and HIGHER frequency points on each person’s own spiral. We each have our OWN unique SPIRAL to TRAVERSE so in effect, the ONLY spiral to truly WORK with is your OWN. Notice your month by month themes of what arises by your consciousness for presentation to the PERSONALITY OVERLAY. This varies dependent on WHERE a person is in higher or lower frequency hertz of their own spiral. When the mind is mastered, when human mind behaviours and beliefs are cleared, the human spiral becomes lighter in density, faster, and more magical at higher frequencies, as LAYERS of higher frequency are seen, felt and lived by. Until then, themes present each solar month, by your consciousness, to allow one to see one’s OWN programmes still running, in order to clear them.
We ALL follow together, Mother Earth’s SPIRAL. Mother Earth, and all inhabitants traverse the Solar System Spiral, that is traversing the PHOTON BELT. It is because we are traversing the Photon Belt we are receiving MORE PHOTON LIGHT, and incrementally RISING FREQUENCY with Mother Earth. At a more macro level, our solar system and us, traverse this Galaxy’s Spiral, Universal Spiral, and Multi-Verse Spiral. Everything moves back to SOURCE/GOD/CREATOR, yet through EXPANSION at the same time. The in and the out breath, at macro and multiple micro levels. Everything affects everything. Yet, the one SPIRAL that you experience MOST INTIMATELY, is your own. And so to note, record, log, draw your monthly themes. Watch as they come up every Solar year. Are they LIGHTER or more intense than the previous point in your previous year Where to be the Observer of your DESIGN, one can choose the HIGHEST ANSWERS each time a theme presents for YOU. In this way, of self responsibility, you become, experience, higher HERTZ FREQUENCY, traversing higher up your own Spiral, as opposed to a slower ascension of Consciousness which is also pre-designed prior to incarnation this lifetime. Everyone is ON TRACK, on their OWN Spiral. You are FOLLOWING and MEETING, at different times, your VERY OWN PRE-DESIGN. Where some SOULS, pre-incarnation chose not to ascend in consciousness WITH body this lifetime. And so experience a condensed Spiral throughout their life where all Personality behaviours and beliefs appear unchanging. All souls have their OWN design for this incarnation. Where our only job, is our own 

COLLECTIVELY, we are NOW in a PASSAGEWAY PERIOD to 21 December 2022. A collective PERIOD, yet individual as per each’s own spiral, frequency, consciousness state focus, etc …In a very lose way of putting it, I would describe this Passageway as perhaps absolute PREPARATION PHASE and deeply magical for some. Yet it could alternatively hold mild struggles OR major struggles for others. It truly depends on one’s own STAGE of embodiment. KEY is to know, that YOUR own CONSCIOUSNESS is always wanting to become FULLY EMBODIED with the body, and will present anything and everything to get you ON BOARD, and OUT of The PERSONALITY OVERLAY that was temporary, AND RUNNING you, a programme, you chose to experince by, for a temporary period, that isn’t WHAT you TRULY are. All presented individually, as the final ORGANIC phase of this YEAR draws nearer, heading to SOLSTICE, on the NIGHT of 21 December 2022.
22 DECEMBER 2022:
The 22 December PORTAL then presents and stays OPEN for each to enter at their own time, be that this year, next year or any year. It’s a GATEWAY that we each enter when we match the SAME frequency that the GATEWAY itself operates at.
23 DECEMBER 2022 - 02 JANUARY 2023:
We ALL ENTER a type of CORRIDOR PERIOD that can seem of great UNKNOWING. Yeey! This is normal for Humanity for the COLLECTIVE, aligned to Mother Earth’s Spiral. The highest choice would be to allow any NOT KNOWING, be at peace with it, allow you, to FLOW through it. And above all, stay PRESENT in the present moment, in order to assist your FLOW, as opposed to all and any resistance (of the mind). Find your ease of NOT KNOWING. Or resist it, fight it, fight others (lol), and struggle, due to a lack of your own every day PRESENCE and INNER PEACE.
It’s individual for every being, but if you OBSERVE, and stay present from the date of 02 January, you are able to KNOW, what the 22 December Portal signified for YOU personally in terms of your spiral and your EMBODIMENT (not personality life). If you become aware of this, you are then able to see, in a generalised way, your POINT in your OWN Spiral and the general CONSCIOUSNESS STAGES that are to present for your Solar months and Solar year ahead for your 2023. 22 December is the FIRST day of Mother Earth’s year ahead. Yet in a HIGHER TRUTH, there is also, NO beginning or end dates.
I am ALWAYS in a type of SILENT immersion this time of year until 22 December. For me, 22 December is the second most significant date of my own solar year Spiral. I love to pay attention to it, be present, expand, immerse, in INWARD ATTENTIVENESS, heading to the 22 December Portal. I therefore ask for NO MESSAGES in Chat Apps. I gently ask to not send messages during this period as I WON’T be able to attend to any backlog of messages afterwards. So best to wait. Also to share, whilst I’m talking about messages, I receive 50-100 messages per day so I am always unable to look to ALL of them, particularly messages that only contain photos or links. Two way friendship is very meaningful to me, when it is two way, and in easy resonance. I still don’t do private one to one support where for now, my primary SERVICE to God, is supporting our COLLECTIVE ASCENDING CONSCIOUSNESS, here on Facebook and Utube.
I will continue to post, write, speak or do energy givings, here on Facebook and Utube during the 12/12 - 22/12 period, if guided from within to support those that resonate.
Biggest Hug on this 12:12:2022 day,
With love to you all,
Amanda Lorence
12 December 2022
This post from: FaceBook
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