Please take what resonates and discard the rest. Below I explain what I have written and spoken about in various posts and videos over the years. I condense into one condensed post today, to help support people with various understandings 

Every thought and every word is ENERGY. Every thought, travels in waveform. Every word travels in waveform. The waveforms are unseen in 3d and 4d, yet everything (people, trees, animals, air, birds, the earth, universes, dimensions, astral, causal etc), is energy, vibrating, at VARIABLE frequencies, being emitted. Affecting everything of God/Source/The Creator. Everything is ultimately of God, experiencing ITSelf.
As each become higher and higher energetic frequency, humanity becomes more and more sensitive to vibration…waveforms, that travel along a VAST network of a LIGHTED PATTERNED DESIGN (light layer). In higher states of our consciousness, awareness, this design is seen. It connects everything and everyone. Human thoughts, words, emotions are waveforms that travel through this Light Network (layer) of God’s creation. As we become higher frequency human beings, we therefore become more ‘TELEPATHIC’ to this NETWORK that carries our vibrations in wave form. We can hear peoples conversations, or thoughts from across the world. Know peoples feelings. Discern easily if what is being said, is the same or different to their actual thoughts, feelings, emotions, programmes running, behind the words being spoken. We can sense a person’s struggle and embody the wisdom of whether to quietly emit out our love to them through the Network, unspoken, or to speak and engage more actively to them. WISDOM comes from the SOUL, and is LOVE based. The SOUL honours all. It has, innate KNOWING of Lifetimes of WISDOM, where: There is a time to speak, and a time to be silent. The Ego of Personality Mind, does not contain SOUL, it has only this lifetime’s PERSONALITY EXPERIENCE which can also still hold beliefs and behaviours that have temporarily MOULDED a personality identity (overlay). The ego mind can intervene in another’s journey, give unsolicited advice, the other is not needing, asking for, wanting OR ready to hear. If SOUL EMBODIED, operating from the SOUL’S LOVE emanations if LIGHT, outside of PERSONALITY, the Soul Embodied Being is at Peace, so can just be PRESENT and HOLD PRESSENCE, hold ‘space’, for anyone. The SOUL itself, doesn’t speak or react. It just emanates and is, a frequency of God’s Love.
The ‘personality overlay’ can become more aware their Consciousness is the Master of their creations. Or, a person, unconscious of their Pure Consciousness can simply want to improve their thoughts, words and behaviours, life experiences, that can sometimes result in unconscious REACTION or unconscious ACTIONS being taken from their personality mode. We can hear or read (so become aware intellectually) that we are ‘Consciousness’ yet it is a step by step process to embody degrees of it.
As we take complete RESPONSIBILITY for our thoughts, our words, our emotions, our choices, THUS….our creations, we start to take the initial steps to MASTERING the mind. In turn, step by step, this is the human personality becoming aware of it’s own immediate ENERGETIC FIELD around and within itself. It is only by mastering our mind processor, and the ‘personality’ mind responses, reactions, actions, that we begin to EMIT OUT Higher Vibrational Wavelengths. Via our own Self Responsibility. Emit Higher vibrations OUT, from WITHIN, that travel the Light Network. Emotions are THE GAUGE, to what Vibration and thus frequency, is being emitted into the whole network. Through self mastery of the MIND, we become the MASTER of our OWN VIBRATIONS and FREQUENCY. We then can choose AT WILL, a FREQUENCY to BRING IN to our being. Change in frequency BECOMES instant. Because the MIND and the PERSONALITY is no longer running us. We become Consciousness ITSELF, FIRST, before the personality identity, operating as LIGHT and VIBRATION through the human vehicle (body).
As consciousness with a retaining physical body, we operate and live outside of the frequent bandwidths of what we label 3d and 4d ranges. We operate FROM our own integrated ENERGETIC FIELD. And keep expanding for there if it is our lifetime DESIGN to. As Consciousness, at that attained State of Being, we become LIGHT and VIBRATION FIRST. Aware of our ever fluctuating frequencies that have a BASELINE FREQUENCY of ever present ETERNAL PEACE. This gives a HARMONY within, in all moments. Yet as we always fluctuate as ENERGY FREQUENCY, and can easily change FREQUENCY at WILL, we also experience HAPPY, BLISS and ECTASY frequencies. These are the vibrations we hold. So thoughts ARRIVE and ARISE with these frequencies of PEACE, HAPPY, BLISS and ECTASY emanating OUT, into the LIGHTED Network, carried in waveform across the solid, liquid solid, no solid, Light and Vibrational layers of God’s Creation.
As was once written “We reap what we sow”. Yet what we sow and reap (create) can be contained TO the 3d, 4th and 5th dimensions. Dependent on our Heart, our intention and Soul Design for this lifetime. The heart is the gateway of each conscious being. Everyone can attain the embodiment and remembrance of God. For God’s ESSENCE lays within all beings, is within all Creation, in all moments. In 3d and 4d, thoughts are the initial seeds of human personality creations. Where the personality thinks, to then create primarily by the MIND in seeming and temporary separation of the DIVINE within. As we each rise higher in our own energetic frequency, and become SOUL EMBODIED that then step by step leads to becoming CONSCIOUSNESS itself, we become aware (through our own ways), that ALL before us, is ILLUSION. Everything. Even every ‘dimension’ is illusionary of variable DESIGNS made up of light and various vibrations and patterns. When we live in the daily experience of seeing that all is a holographic projection, when we operate PRIMARILY from LIGHT and VIBRATION, OPERATING and CREATING from our own Consciousness ITSELF, we create in UNITY, with awareness that everything affects everything. For all that is before us is a result of our Consciousness. Our creations appear in the HOLOGRAM more rapidly as our frequency rises more and more.
Because we CHOSE to have experienced behind a veil, seemingly at first separated from God/Source/Creator, within a TIME CONTINUUM construct, all that humanity individually CREATES, has a slowed down actuality of it’s appearance in condensed LIGHT and VIBRATIONAL form, within your solid reality. Because we have resided under the laws of the speed of LIGHT based also on the collective frequency (that is rising). The personality doesn’t SEE that what is manifest in front of them, is a result of past thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, words, or actions. Where vibration as the outside creation, is a manifested creation of the vibration most dominantly running, on the inside. Due to the speed of light WITHIN the particular REALITY DESIGNS (of 3d and 4d), people don’t correlate their creations TO their own vibrations emitted days, weeks or months and even years ago.
1] Sustaining the daily choice and therefore ‘time’ and energy focus to seeking God/Source/The Infinite.
2] Choosing the Heart. LOVE. The portal to The Infinite.
3] Mastering thoughts, human emotions, words spoken, reactions, actions taken.
4] Taking FULL responsibility for your creation.
5] Choosing to be ENERGY responsible. Where the baseline to find and sustain, into endless HIGHER OCTAVES of Love, is being LOVE within YOU and in all that we do.
6] Step by step, mastering your own ENERGIES. Understanding emotions are a GAUGE of Energy at variable frequencies. Understanding EVERYTHING is Energy.
7] FEELING energy FIRST, as physical VIBRATION through feeling LOVE. Before the overlay ‘personality’ IDENTIFIES and PERSONAL Meaning is attributed. Master that NOTHING ultimately has meaning.
8] Becoming focused on vibration, as ENERGY becomes the PRIMARY experience, where you become CONSCIOUSNESS itself. As CONSCIOUSNESS is made of light and vibration FIRST, so it is BEFORE all thoughts of the MIND.
9] Consciousness CREATES with LOVE. And when that creation is completed as an experience for the expansion of the SOUL, Consciousness energetically let’s go, with the SAME energy…OF LOVE. All is made, experienced and let go of as Consciousness, through the energy frequency, humans call or label as the word ‘LOVE’. In knowing that, mirror your consciousness, that you are to become.
I support for those that resonate, and if not, that too is perfect and so honoured, as we all are unique, with different perspectives, focuses and journeys home, to the God within All.
With Love,
8 December 2022
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