"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Who are the Starseeds? via Eric Raines

The word Starseed is thrown around quite a bit in the spiritual community, but what is the energy behind this word? What does it mean to be a Starseed and what can we do here on Earth to fulfill that?

When Earth began to fall behind in the natural evolutionary cycles, it brought attention from pure, pristine sources of light that were in close proximity to the Creator.

As a soul evolves, it goes through many natural evolutionary leaps from the individual to the light body, to the collective ascension pathways or individual ascension pathways and then into multiple incarnations as either a species collective, striving for group-think activation into planetary and star monads or an individual ascension pathway back into Source.

One path would be fixed in physical motion as a sun or a star, with the capability to provide the building blocks of life for new souls to begin incarnating, spreading the Universe through conscious expansion.

The other would be what we call Galactic Guardians or Arch Angels (even if the word and station has been hijacked by negative forces in many cases, there still are light beings who fit in these roles, as many of your futures and pasts have travelled this road). This is an incredibly powerful, individual source of Light that travels the Universe, bringing enlightenment and knowing.

Both of these paths are here, now.

As the framework for reality (the collective Star monads), found they could no longer expand outward as the Earth was a stuck cog in the entire process, they let the problem be known to the Individual path, those we know as Wanderers, teachers, Wayshowers and Light Family.

Millions of years worth of, "Stand back, natural function always finds a way, let it work itself out." protocols have lead to a situation that could not be fixed from the level it was created and thus a backwards evolution was enacted and is still being played out.

Souls that have contained so much information and understanding that they exist in a Galactic Light body cannot exist inside of a tiny Human, physical form. They must step down the force of their soul in order to not spontaneously combust the body they are incarnating in.

As they "step down", a process of shedding layers begins. The full, outer layers of deep subatomic and energetic awareness must stay inside of the energies where it exists, and as they layer is shed, the next layer of light information and where it exists is left behind. A great numbing occurs.

What is left is a Soul that has existed in the brightest, most powerful fields of Creation able to be accessed at these levels, who does not remember who they are on a logical level, but cannot be pulled away from the knowing of the Light and who they are on the deepest levels.

Thus the Starseed is born, ignorant and confused, yet understanding exactly what is right, what is wrong and how reality actually functions. The only thing in the way is the program of neural functions we call Human existence.

A Soul that has not come from an already experienced Ascension would not be able to find its way into those energies in this system, as the entire outer reality is programmed to the point of complete inner ignorance.

Attention is constantly placed on the outside and the inner spark of Light becomes a myth. Magic. Fantasy.

As a Starseed is born into this system, they try to find their way back through a deep inner knowing of something *MORE*, something deeper. They understand the inner mysteries that lead to physical transformation, yet the brain and everything they have been taught will say otherwise.

As the Starseed dissolves these programs within, they open up to more knowing, more light, more drive and begin to open the outer layers of awareness, suddenly climbing the frequency resonance to find the layers of themselves they have already shed to make it into this system.

The process of remembering begins as the Starseed stretches outwards in awareness, feeling and understanding. More and more of themselves are waiting for them to access the energy, access the time chambers of Ancient knowing, to step into who they truly are.

Instead of starting off as a brilliant light, they must remember who they are while shedding layers that do not serve. As they do this, reality shifts around them, as a Soul of Light that powerful cannot help but shift the atomic reality around them as they become embodied.

The Starseed is the one who came here to heal themselves. By healing themselves, they open the pathway for all of Humanity to find the Light.

And we are here in the Billions.

This is a truly honored time, and honored place and billions of trillions of beings around the Universe would give anything to be here, right now, even as an asleep aspect of the population.

And we are here with front row seats. It is time.

Original Post: FB

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