"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Happy New Moon

The New Moon on Tuesday Nov 26th in Sagittarius is the exact frequency to gives us a cosmic push so we start seriously focusing on manifesting dramatic transformation and long-awaited change.

We will all be feeling the positive charged of this lunar energy, regardless of our zodiac sign, but those born under Sagittarius, as well as Aries and Leo, the two other fire signs, will be more impacted.

We might have noticed we have been feeling slightly more temperamental, hot-headed and overall emotional than normal, as the heat from this celestial energy has been rising within.

Sagittarius’ powerful vibration has been building over this past week and many of us will have felt the fire, feistiness, strength, and intensity emanating from it, which may have caused anxiety or excitement, as though something major is about to happen—and it is.

If we have been hoping and praying for opportunities and miracles to come our way, Sagittarius’ empowering manifesting energy is the optimum time to magnetise them and to have absolute faith that the intentions we set will manifest in perfect order.

Now is the time to send a concise and clear message out to the universe that we are open and ready to receive exactly what is destined and waiting for us. It is important to remember that if we don’t receive exactly what we ask for, it is likely for very good reason, as the universe shifts things around and organises people, situations and events that are in alignment with what our soul is prepared for and needs.

During a New Moon, a powerful portal opens, creating a window of opportunity that allows us great transformation. Old energy clears and fresh, positive, new beginnings begin to arrive. This is why we often feel extra intense during this period, as over the past two weeks we have undergone emotional unearthing and cleansing and new energy begins to enter that space.

Sagittarius is fire energy and is an optimistic, wild, rebellious and adventurous sign, which pushes us toward new experiences, achieving goals and reaching dreams.

For those attuned and highly sensitive to cosmic activity, the new moon will bring desperately needed and radical personal transformation, which could feel uncomfortable and challenging at times.

The new moon’s energy is focused on Sagittarius’ symbol, the archer, with its arrow pointing upward showing that it’s essential to keep moving onward like a warrior, regardless of the everyday trials and challenges that could pull us under.

Sagittarius is a truth seeker and reminds us to step away from false narratives and destructive nostalgia, as we painfully learn that not everything is how it first seemed. It boldly tells us to open our eyes and see people for who they are rather than wallowing in illusions, wistfully hoping people are who we want them to be, or wishing for them to they to the character they played when they first appeared.

While we may feel the temptation to return to old frayed ties, we will also have the wisdom to recognise unhealthy and one-sided attachments, and find the strength to close the door on anything that drains our vital energy.

Old doors will be closing and new ones opening and we could find we unexpectedly and deeply connect with someone new, or our current relationship may suddenly be passionately refuelled. It is also possible that a career opportunity opens new possibilities, we begin plans to travel to a distant country, or we are overcome with the desire to relocate, perhaps starting over in a new country or the other side of the world.

This daring New Moon will literally force us far out of our comfort zone and directly toward whatever ignites our fire, without the over-cautious and destructive over-thinking or fear-based excuses that normally arise whenever incredible energy and life-changing opportunities come our way.

Where we’d normally be taking time to ponder major decisions, we will intuitively know that what opens during this moon phase is exactly what we have been waiting for, and we won’t hesitate to make up our minds when offers arrive. Our psychic sensitivities will be enhanced, giving insight into our future so we understand what we need to do to alter our circumstances and how vital it is to eliminate anything toxic to our energy and that weighs us down.

This is an intense phase that will eliminate any toxicity in our lives, including bad habits, unhealthy patterns, reactive behaviours, outdated beliefs, and irrational fear-based thoughts and feelings that drain our energy and leave us feeling anxious and burnt out. Ties that energetically bind us to people or situations that are detrimental to us or that limit us in any way will easily be severed during this period, and we will feel free to walk away in peace.

To align with this rare Sagittarius energy, it is vital we remain consciously aware and evaluate, empty, release, and cleanse. This allows us to to shake off whatever (or whoever) has held us back, so we can move onward on our evolutionary soul journey with the best chance of attaining happiness, harmony and genuine heart-centred connections.

This is a time for believing we are capable of things far beyond anything we have previously imagined, as during this lunar phase we will feel limitless, as though nothing is out of our grasp.

This is a pivotal time to repeat positive affirmations, as what occurs now can take us to an important and incredible phase in our lives—and the only way to reach it is by letting go of the limiting thoughts, feelings, and unhealthy attachments that subconsciously keep us anchored to things we no longer want or need.

This new moon shows us we can choose to aim in a new direction, draw back Sagittarius’ bow, release the arrow, alter our focus and courageously start over, in every area of life.

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