"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix


If you have been feeling as though a huge energy shift and major change is occurring this may be why....

Cosmic energy has been at an alarmingly high intensity for some weeks now, as the last two Full Moons have been Supermoons and this upcoming Supermoon makes it the third in a row - so it is likely that those who are highly sensitive to energy are feeling completely frazzled and emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually exhausted.

Fortunately, as we head into this new season, we will be putting the last few months fully behind us, as energetically the coming months offer a totally different vibe - which is calming, releasing and all about divine soul growth. This is an unmissable opportunity to say a firm goodbye to everything that has been causing us friction and pulling us down and to open to a new way of existing. We have had to shed many layers of old skin to go through this transformation so don’t doubt we are more than ready for this.

The heightened and chaotic energy over the last few weeks have caused many of us to feel irritable, emotional and ungrounded, and it may seem like everything has been going wrong around us—as though for every step forward we take 10 steps back. This is mainly due to our energetic bodies being out of alignment, as the magnetic force from the recent and upcoming Supermoon, the Equinox, Solar Storms, as well as the planet Mercury being in the last week of retrograde, causing havoc with our personal electromagnetic fields.

If you have been waking feeling extra moody, on edge, frustrated, fatigued, full of anxiety and generally out of sorts, it is likely due to the Full Supermoon, Equinox, Solar Storms and Mercury Retrograde coming to a close, happening all at the same time. Fortunately, this highly charged energy will pass within a few of days, in the meantime ground your energy by meditating, drinking plenty of filtered water, eating fresh fruits/vegetables, reducing caffeine and alcohol and opening your energy field to align with this cosmic energy, as this is a powerful awakening period that brings insights and breakthroughs through spiritual signs, deja vu, synchronicity and premonitions. 

You may also regularly be seeing repeated number sequences such as 11:11, 22:22, and having intense and vivid, prophetic, dreams or nightmares - these all hold hidden messages that can only be fully translated by recalling what you were thinking or feeling before, or at the time of seeing or experiencing them.

Intuition, psychic abilities and sensitivity will be heightened and you may be feeling as though something huge is about to happen - it is - we are ascending, our energy is vibrating highly, we are moving up a level and will be receiving what is known as “energetic upgrades" as our energy body transcends and lifts to a higher dimension.

You may also feel the desire to close and securely lock chapters, and feel ready for fresh new beginnings. This is a powerful time to flow with this supercharged energy and make drastic change, especially now Mercury Retrograde is coming to an end. 

Mercury Retrograde has taken us through an intense healing phase that cleansed all forms of toxins from our lives, including unhealthy habits, extreme behaviors, outdated beliefs, and irrational, fear-based thoughts and feelings that diminish our energy and leave us feeling fraught, anxious and burnt-out.

Mercury Retrograde shakes our lives, jolts them backwards, slows them down, mixes them up and throws in a chunk of confusion. It is no wonder our senses have been on high alert, causing us to take things personally and react irrationally to things we would normally let slide.

Although Mercury Retrograde is coming to a close, our lives may still be in a whirl and we won’t yet be thinking clearly, particularly as the Moon is full, illuminating anything that is out of alignment.

The past will likely have returned to visit or haunt us during this Mercury retrograde. Whether it’s an old friend, lover or a missed opportunity, we will have been presented with old emotions that unexpectedly resurfaced and threw us back in time. Again, until the energy has settled down and we are in a calm and peaceful place it is better to wait to make any decisions rather than being tempted to jump back in at the deep end.

Everything will make sense again soon, so patience is key right now as everything will unfold when timing is right. 

Mercury retrograde will have brought an abundance of miscommunication, misunderstandings and irritation. Before wading in feet first to make amends, let the water lie still before walking on sand that may not yet be stable. It is better to wait just a little longer rather than rushing in and submerging in treacherous water once again.

Ties that energetically bind us to people or situations that are detrimental to us or limiting in any way may have been severed during this period, and we will have walked away with peace and forgiveness. In particular, we will have felt the urge to remove ourselves from the company of anyone who regularly provokes arguments, shows aggression, is controlling, deceptive, judgmental, or generally disrespectful toward us.

The equinox is the beginning of our journey through the astrological year, which moves us away from subtle, sensitive Pisces and into heady fire-sign Aries. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, represented by a ram. 

Rams are no-nonsense creatures so, regardless of our zodiac sign, we will all be feeling compelled to charge full-steam ahead. If we are attuned to cosmic energy, we will sense a powerful shift in energy giving us an instinctual need to “spring clean” and detox our relationships, homes, hearts and minds. Therefore, it is essential to remind ourselves to be patient and rational, and not make hasty decisions that could potentially damage close relationships.

The equinox brings in “master energy” that can be summed up with the fiery attitude of “take no sh*t and clear out old clutter,” as many of us, particularly those who are highly sensitive, will be feeling less tolerant and eager to cleanse and purge our lives of anything or anyone that drains us, creates obstacles and blockages or causes pain and distress.

With Mercury Retrograde ending on March 28th, this is most definitely a week for a little introversion, and rest and retreat, and to consciously refrain from becoming involved in heated confrontations and conflicts. We can aim to be far from chaos, to walk away if there is potential for drama and to take time to indulge in valuable introspection. 

The changes and shifts occurring are all for our own, as well as other people’s, highest good, so it is advisable to step back and allow storms to quickly pass, without being tempted to become actively involved.

March 20th, 2019 signifies the celebration of the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. The hours of day and night are equal, and it occurs twice each year—in spring and again in fall.

Equinoxes are balanced days where harmony exists between the light and dark, and just hours later the Full Supermoon is in the constellation of Libra, also a symbol of balance. 

As the equinox and Libra are all about balance, it prepares us for a new phase and the theme of it is balancing dark and light energy. This means that anything currently going on in our own lives or society will start to find equilibrium, so we will be heading toward greater inner peace and fulfilment.

We experience a peak in solar activity on March 20th as the Earth and sun line up so that day and night are approximately equal in length. Equinoxes are known to cause cracks in Earth’s magnetic field which stay open for hours afterward.

Throughout the duration of this week, there will be geomagnetic storms, as is normally the case around an equinox. The solar flares that erupt from the sun during these storms can disturb Earth’s magnetic field and have a magnificent effect on human behaviour and they are known to expand spiritual consciousness. 

This equinox brings an intense vibrational and transformational energy wave and is also the closure of the previous vibrational wave, which began on the winter solstice, December 21st 2018. This brings to an end many events and dynamics, particularly ones which we’ve finally learned lessons from and are ready to leave behind. 

These intensely felt energy waves could cause an emotional release of unhealed, denied or unacknowledged emotional or psychological wounds that we might have knowingly or unknowingly previously suppressed.

This phase can be seen as a transitional rebirthing, or a “reset stage” where we release our hold on the old and open and prepare ourselves for the next stage.

From March 20th, day by day we move further from the balance of the equinox and take small but significant steps toward the summer solstice period (in the Northern Hemisphere) where the presence of the sun (light) drowns out segments of the darkness, so our days will experience more light than dark. 

This dance will play out across the Earth as the light infiltrates our vibration so that it rises toward one of acceptance for humanity as a whole. We will recognize more than ever before how we need to unite to bring peace and harmony, whether in our immediate relationships or for the health of the planet and everything that exists on it.

This is the time to accept and embrace all other beings with unconditional love and lift each other up with the vibration we are putting out the world. Einstein explained how energy travels, entangles and interlocks, so regardless of distance, this higher vibrational energy will reach wherever it is meant to go and will be carried along on the frequency set by the current energy waves taking place at this time. 

Intuition will be strong, masks will be lifted, distortion will be cleared, and awareness will be heightened, as a huge energy portal is open due to the formation of “equinox cracks,” which many scientists believe happens semi-annually during the equinoxes and can remain open for many hours. These cracks in Earth’s magnetosphere (protective bubble) open a portal that allows highly vibrating energy from the universe to flow in and directly impact energetic particles on Earth, including all living beings.

A portal allows surging energy to rapidly travel between dimensions of two distant locations in the universe—for example, from the sun to the Earth. When a portal opens, it is believed to offer a temporary period of life-changing highly charged transformational frequencies. 

This gives us the opportunity to experience a full, conscious awakening through renewed energy, infinite possibilities, higher wisdom, optimum growth, and increased and deeper levels of love and wisdom. The equinox is a time to align with the universe’s energy and fully absorb and integrate the vibrational qualities it delivers.

The level of consciousness each person reaches will depend on how open they are to the energy and also in relation to the unique stage they were at prior to this ascension.

Research has shown that solar storms can put our circadian rhythm out of sync, so we may find we are sleeping at unusual times or that we feel more fatigued than usual. We also may be more moody and feeling irritable and short-tempered. During this cosmic disturbance, if we are extra sensitive to energy, it is also likely that we could feel nauseous, anxious, dizzy, thirsty, shaky and also suffer from short-term memory loss and experience tension headaches.

Solar storms are known to have a huge impact on radio communications, navigation/GPS systems, technology, and living organisms. Solar energy has been shown to change blood flow, boost adrenaline, and affect blood pressure. 

Some of the main symptoms of the current energy are: 

Pressure headaches and general aches and pains, mainly in the stomach (solar plexus) area.

Flushed, dizzy, or nauseous.

Having difficulty focusing, experiencing confusion, or having a “foggy mind.”

Feelings of intense hunger or thirst.

Extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns.

Seemingly out-the-blue bouts of irritability, frustration, sadness, nervousness, anger, worry, fear, grief, and overwhelm.

Heightened awareness, enhanced intuition, having insights that seem to appear out of nowhere.

Premonitions, intense dreams, or nightmares.

Physiological symptoms may manifest, such as, flu-like symptoms, ear ringing, or aches and pains.

Frequent anxiety, stress, or feeling panicky without clear reason.

Temporary loss of memories, forgetting things, misplacing items.

Seeing and feeling energy such as orbs, sparks, or flashes of light, noticing energy warming the palms of hands.

Appreciation that all life is sacred.

Noticing synchronicities, i.e., certain number patterns reappearing.

More consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and highly sensitive to negativity.

Wanting to spend time alone, introspection.

How You Can Ease Unwanted Symptoms Caused By Energy Shifts

Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water).
Take saltwater baths.
Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Spend time in nature.
Consume high-vibrational foods, such as fruit and vegetables.
Remind yourself that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that conscious thought and intention can instantly alter how we think and feel.
Breathe deeply, forgive, release, and surrender.

Practice kindness, compassion, acceptance, and empathy.

Remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.

When possible, temporarily disconnect from technology and anything or anyone where the energy is toxic and draining.

Overall, we are receiving an opportunity for major personal transformation—to remove blockages and old patterns, to realize and manifest our purpose, and to expand our conscious awareness. If we are willing to actively attune and integrate this cosmic energy, instead of fearfully resisting it—and if we are able to remain positive and open so that we adapt at a fast pace to the constant changes taking place—we can take advantage of this opportunity.

During intensive energy shifts, it is highly recommended to regularly cleanse our energy field at the beginning and end of each day by meditating or spending time alone.

Solar wind streams cause auroras or Northern Lights to occur, so there is a high possibility they will be witnessed around the Arctic Circle over the next few days. They can usually be seen an hour before sunrise, or approximately an hour or two after sunset.

Disclaimer: If you experience any of the symptoms listed here and have medical concern please also seek the advice of a medical professional. The above symptoms are commonly noted during energy shifts, however, there may be other medical-related causes.

By Alex Myles


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