"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Rays Incoming

Energy wave on the way - Increase in solar activity coming in the next  2-4 days ...Just prior to the Portal opening on the 17th.

Some signs before "Event" 
Not hungry or extra hungry
Weight changes
Intuitive knowing
Ringing in ears
Body aches
Emotions surface
Telepathy increase
Lucid dreaming increase
Seeing light flashes.
Tired or too much energy
Seeing light sparks w pink cloud/light
You may be guided to lay down just before it hits.
Heart chakra activity
Third eye pressure
Blurred vision
Changes in cycle(women) 
(For those that experience this wave, not all will feel or see it- perception/projection based w frequency)

Wave of Cosmic Rays/Cosmic consciousness incoming prior to Portal- 17th-20th and the next collective timeline shift

Aluna Ash

My own experience - intensive purging, cleansing still going, in my area mostly flu symptoms/headache, emotional rollercoastering (happy and suddenly sad-crying mode), tired/sleepy, the weather is crazy, this is the 2nd week with stormy wind come like a wave, the weather almost in every hour different from the clear sky/sunshine till the dark clouds rain//ice/snow storm. 
Maybe what is inside us reflecting the weather? 
Almost every day starting a high pitch ringing ear but till now no significant solar activity like a geomagnetic storm - no headache for me this also confirm that but have like pushing or somebody/something on my top head feeling. No pain but more like an easy - uncomfortable feeling.
So the energy coming every day, this I think also build up for the spring equinox.

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