"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

New Earth Shift 11/27 via Aluna Ash

A lot a physical purging for many can bring up a lot of symptoms some of you are feeling flu-like symptoms, I was on and off over the last couple of weeks. Drink plenty, rest plenty, stay focused on your spirit. May feel waves of energy move through body.. may feel like anxiety at times. If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time feeling like circumstances are completely out of their control, just know that this is part of the clearing unconscious imprints that are taking place there- is an uprooting of karmic frequencies individually and collectively. This is clearing the realms & timelines to move into higher ones We are all going through upheavals, changes, purges at some level.. be kind & gentle to yourself and others right now. Staying out of duality, division and judgment about another are paths or where another person is at this moment in time, is SOOO helpful in raising the collective consciousness, there is no right or wrong there is only perception and experience that we are playing out due to the laws of cause and consequence. I've definitely felt the physical symptoms due to imprints of diff things coming from past lives and childhood that I didn't even know about or remember. There's definitely a remembering and Awakening of the unconscious mind and all imprints within the different Realms of our psyche that were playing out energetically/astrally in the diff planes within the physical I almost let projections get the best of me and came very close to deleting my channel. thinking back now its ridiculous lol.. dont allow anyone to project negativity on to you to the point it messes with your mind, *return to sender* in love. Its a spiritual war. I love you guys & im very grateful for your support.

~Aluna Ash

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