"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Love and Emotions & Advice for October


As we become more of THE CONSCIOUSNESS, the less ‘emotional’ humans will become in their speaking and behaviour. We become more ‘truthful’ in our expression INWARDLY (in WORD) and OUTWARDLY (out WORD). Therefore, in our wording and our speaking. There is the absence of the EXTREME emotions that previously CONTROLLED and RAN the human MIND on auto pilot thoughts and words, in it’s speech, actions and reactions.
As we journey, more of the PURER, GREATER LOVE is consciously received to the human being, it is felt and understood with our inner GRATITUDE. That Love is then given out in our GRATITUDE, in a purer and purer expression through us. As THE GREATER LOVE we acknowledge receiving is expressed OUT more and more, we receive a then purer expression of God’s Love, it becomes purer still…it BECOMES LIGHT.
LOVE is LIGHT and LIGHT is LOVE. Love shall be widely SEEN with physical eyes (it already partially is) as well as FELT through others, and through you.


RE-POST LINKS (8th and 18th September Wayshowers Posts) ARE BELOW TO RE-CAP AS SUPPORT for Sept -21 Dec 2021:


As we step into OCTOBER the DESCENT and the ASCENT now AMPLIFY SIMULTANEOUSLY as we will collectively head more into ‘shadow’ aspects (collective and the individual) until 21 December. October will be intense for many on the planet as we are in THE timeline long prophesied in many ancient texts. It’s PRE-DESIGNED!!! It’s going to be just fine ONCE we begin from 02 JANUARY 2022 onwards. So pace yourself and PASTE(!) yourself into the BIGGER DIVINE PICTURE, otherwise you may get DEEPLY and PAINFULLY immersed in the ILLUSION of 3D and ILLUSION of 4D (4D being a transitory dimension).

DESCENT: Belief systems, both collective and within each individual amplify to be SEEN, once seen, gently wash away (dissolve). Thus a difficult month for many where separational (polarity) behaviours heighten. The time of “neighbour fighting against neighbour” etc. The highest and healthiest thing to do if this occurs is to look at YOU, only YOU, and allow all others THEIR journey through (pre-designed by their own Higher Consciousness). There is ‘gold’ within all adversity, to be seen, by the seeker that dares to seeks ITSelf ever more deeply WITHIN. In truth, actual GOLD LIGHT is present within everyone and everything, including all ‘shadows’. Gold Light, a magical light seen with the physical eyes at higher frequency, that was always there, waiting to be SEEN at it’s higher frequency HERTZ.

ASCENT: Incoming Energy HERTZ will heighten. Heightened HUMAN BODY/MIND, becoming the SOUL equals more gifts and abilities and connections that will come on line AS each RAISE frequency. Where our physical senses allow us to see, hear, touch, feel and CONNECT INTO the HIGHER HERTZ REALITY as the SOUL INCARNATE here. Everyones Dreamtime has heightened/intensified, and either points the higher way of knowledge, magic and wonder, OR can point to shadow elements waiting to be seen and worked through by the individual.

SHADOW is simply the ‘not seeing’ of LIGHT. SHADOW is also THE LIGHT, but in a darkness that has forgotten to be the LOVE LIGHT of it’s very own divinity. It too holds the divine spark. Everything does, as everything IS made of God. Waiting to be seen, acknowledged, set free of suffering conscious disconnection. There’s only one answer, one KEY: The energy of LOVE, which is God’s divine energy we feel or don’t feel by choice (free will) so felt by degrees in limitless NOW moments, within humanity.

EMERALD RAY: It arrived to be embodied by the human at September Equinox. It had been appearing for many months as a sign it was arriving as a potential CONSCIOUS human embodiment stage.


Regardless of what may present in your reality TO YOU in October, an easier ride would be to:

1] TRUST your VERY OWN intuition for your choices, actions and well being, not what ANY OTHER tells you to do (ie. control, manipulation). If anyone is telling you to ‘do this/don’t do that’ there is an element of control, and an absence of not HONOURING and SEEING your very OWN DIVINE journey to YOUR BECOMING.

2] Any REACTIONS to collective or closer personal events are YOURS. So your responsibility. If you react, it would help to dive deeper into YOU to free yourself of a belief system running, waiting to be seen to lighten your burden. Acknowledge and clear the reaction to experience more inner harmony.

3] Have FAITH that everything, including October in TEMPORARY. Let nothing stick or you may experience internal suffering. Be like the river and the ocean. Allow the flow of this timeline. Allow everything arising to wash away. It will pass. And other people’s reactions will pass TOO.

4] Find your COURAGE and INNER STRENGTH. This is not an EGO strength of either fight OR defence. No. It is to feel the ETERNALNESS of your SOUL. As awareness ONLY there is no reaction, no judgement, there is just being THE AWARENESS that (in highest truth) doesn’t even have an opinion on any THING. Awareness is the CONSCIOUS eternal connection to God. AWARENESS just experiences and is YOU, as the MASTER of your own creation. It is peaceful, harmonious, and above all, it is LOVE.
LOVE is LOVING. It seeks no thing. It expresses OUT LOVE ENERGY with no needs, no wants, for outcome. LOVE gives it’s energy OUT, and as that, is very simple.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
02 October 2021

I recommend re-visiting below links for ADDITIONAL data for Sept-Dec 2021.


(If you have no FB here the links
08.09 - 
18.09. - 

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