"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Geomagnetic strom occuring right now

Strange pattern on the Schumann Chart from yesterday

And we have also a K5 - K4 geomagnetic storm 

Celia Fenn Energy Update - 30.08.2020

The Global energies continue to be intense during the week end, as awakening codes continue to sweep the Planet.

One of the reasons for this is the influence of the Royal Star Regulus, at 4 degrees of Virgo, which is still influencing our Sun with its powerful Interstellar radiation and frequencies. Towards the middle of the month the influence of Regulus becomes less intense as Antares takes over as guiding Star and Guardian of the upcoming Scorpio Gate and the 11/11 Portal on the 11th November 2020.
But before that, we have the Full Moon on the 2nd of September. This Full Moon will be in Pisces with the powerful and dreamy energy of Neptune, so we will really have to work to stay grounded early next week.
The energy of the "Lady and the Lion" is very strong here. The Lady and the Lion are symbolic of Regulus in Virgo, the House of the Goddess. The symbol also suggests that in this energy we will need to draw on the energy of the Divine Feminine and our deep intuition in order to "tame" the chaotic and powerful energies that will flow next week.
It is all good, for the great flow of light is cleansing deeply and providing impetus for the awakening and for the New Earth.
The Waves of Diamond Light Codes that are flowing to Earth are helping to fully awaken us to reconnect to our Divine Sovereign birthright as Empowered and Embodied Souls.
More and more people are remembering who they are and how life was meant to be on the Earth.
So...indeed expect next week to be intense as we swing past the Full Moon and head towards the Equinox on the 22nd September.
We can expect the September Equinox energies to be very significant this year.
The energy of Balance that needs to assert itself at this time will provide a strong counterpoint to the powerful flows of Light Codes and new energies.
Have a great Sunday everyone and be ready for next week!
<3 <3 <3

If anyone wants to read more about Regulus in Virgo and the Energy of the Queen/King...this is a great article.

A QUICK NOTE #1424 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Solar Fortress is established - VIA GABRIEL RL - 30.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Sacred nutrients are injected.
Divine creations are expanded.
Christic Living influences transformations.
Renovations are still underway.
Attention PVSE and related! *MAGIC +++ in ANCHORAGES and SPECIFIC REVERBERATIONS: 82% (not countdown).
*MIRV Program: Complete updates in progress. 84% (not countdown).
Alliance +++: Anchoring and Expansion at 63% (not countdown).
Specific purifications take place and hybrid bonds are broken.
Solar Fortress is established.
Loving Realms are viewed.
Deep Healings continue to manifest.
Sovereign influences continue.
V Dynasties are purified.
Ashtar(s) Pearls are released.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).


GaiaPortal "Awakenings accelerate." - 29.08.2020

Pessimistics dissolve.
Higher Energies come in to the midst.
Petrifications are crumbled.
Awakenings accelerate.

A QUICK NOTE #1423 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Ashtar(s) broadcast directly - VIA GABRIEL RL - 29.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Divine Science continues to rise.
Galactic Truths are supported.
Ashtar(s) broadcast directly.
Monthly alignments are coming.
Healings by Marker are evidenced.
Divine Projects remain on the rising.
Deep healings occur in avatars centralizations.
Attention, The Persian Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 96% (not countdown).
Attention, The Palestine Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 91% (not countdown).
The Palestine Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 89% (not countdown,). The Light Celebrates!
The Persian Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 97% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Árguan present in specific discontinuations.
HIGH IDEAS collectors approach for reverberations.
Neva inviolability is increased. Approximate reverberations take place.
New Realm is established.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).


A QUICK NOTE #1422 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Angelic alignments happen - VIA GABRIEL RL - 28.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Angelic alignments happen.
Akashic openings take place in expansion.
Transformations continue to occur at all levels.
VP releases are started. Pleiadian support present.
North Base Extensions/*SolSuper-2 Program in complete evacuation - Alfeus and allies in intensive. 99% (not countdowm).
Cryptogamos contacting Terran branches. 84% (not countdown). Reverberation: Quick thoughts and reasoning.
Neva: 11th Akashic Projector pointing to support assessment. 94% (not countdown). Next >>> 12th. Forecast of 12.
Empowerments are boosted in mastery.
Memories rescues deepen Akashic Heals.
Deep healings occur by inner spins.
Árguan renovating disciplinary centers.
Galactic Command Centers are expanded.
Inner Cousins continue to approach.
ASS in re-tuning for specific releases.
NO-blame occurs and elevations happen.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).


Fm144 Update - WEEKS OF AWAKENING - 27.08.2020

The Mars energies of the past days are currently generating a lot of potential for aggression within the surface population. Combined with Black Magic and neg. irradiation executed by the Cabal, this can currently also cause a lot of chaos in the world.

And of course also energetic attacks, which are supposed to trigger physical arguments, violence, injuries, problems with technical devices as well as nightmares, as the Archons manipulate mind and non-physical body.

Here protection, cleaning, implant removal, healing, charging is important ... I have already made several entries on this blog concerning these topics:

On a global scale these attacks manifests itself in tensions between individual countries, but also through many protests within countries, see Belarus:

See USA:

While some of the protests are engineered by the Cabal, there is also resistance which actually comes from an awakened population, see Germany, where after the Anti-Corona protests about a month ago a new even bigger protest is planned for this weekend.

Germany is an extremely important energetic hub on the planet, which the Cabal has always tried to suppress and manipulate (culminating with the staging of the two World Wars in the last century).

It has also one with the highest number of incarnated Lightworkers in order to keep the vibration high.

In the last two years there have been several operations of the Light Forces in this country and several Key Lightworkers have been stationed at various energetically important points ... Key Lightworkers, whose sheer presence cleanses these points and also raises the consciousness of the population:

We may be seeing the physical effects right now, because while at the last protest in Berlin there were already (contrary to the mainstream media reports) several hundred thousand people on the streets, this event now has the potential to gather a couple of millions which would not only be the biggest peace event in the history of Germany, but also one within world history.

It was also confirmed that Robert F. Kennedy will be in Berlin this weekend.

The city government has already banned the protest, and definitely will put further obstacles in the way (meanwhile, by building up the narrative that the protesters would arm themselves). The organizers are doing everything in their power to make the event happen, and many people, also from across Europe, will come despite the ban:

In order to prevent the police or provocateurs or hijackers from turning peaceful protest into polarization and violence, a protective meditation has already been called for:

For Starseeds who live near Berlin and who don't know if they should join the protest, I repeat my answer to one of the comments in the last article:

“Whether you take part in this is up to your own inner guidance. Some Souls are certainly currently here to stand on the street. Some highly empathic Starseeds are not advised to participate, however, as the energies out there can be simply too chaotic and they can become the target of archon or reptile triggered attacks (as these beings could attach themselves to policemen or provocateurs and thus could create physical violence).

It is not for nothing that their own home currently serves as a safe house for many Starseeds and many Key Lightworkers can help much more when they perform energetic operations in a safe space instead of standing on the street. Also, many Starseeds who suffer from severe energetic attacks currently do not have the strength to leave their home.”

The Light Forces also clearly advise that especially "Old Souls” should rather stay at home and clean/protect the movements from there.

These meditations should of course continue to be extended to countries such as Belarus, the USA, China, the Near and Middle East, the whole world in order to harmonize this critical phase.

A part of the Cabal wants to go through with the second lockdown, see Paris, where since today one has to wear a mask everywhere:

The mask insanity and the social distancing is only the preparation for the technological dystopia that is planned for humanity after the pandemic:

But on the other hand, the narrative is staggering massively at the moment, so that the chances are increasing that there will soon be a big false flag again as a further distraction.

Therefore it is important to stay calm but on guard, so we can manifest a peaceful awakening of the population.

Let's finish this entry with this matching remix of a song already posted here:

Original Post:

A QUICK NOTE #1421 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Ethical mirroring remains in evidence - VIA GABRIEL RL - 27.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Árguan starts disciplinary program 2. UnsustaSinables are relocated in a 4D- environment.
Ethical mirroring remains in evidence.
Organic re-harmonization continues.
X440-Z9 sending emissaries +++ for adjustments.
Expanded awareness in multi-frames. 71% ++ - (non-regressive).
*DESTEMPO Protocol (16h00/14h12) started. Harmonizations happen: 22% (not countdown).
Attention *Hatonn’s supporters! Projectors pointed! Support at 44% (not countdown).
Attention *Hatonn’s supporters! Projectors pointed and supported. Reverb at 44% (not countdown).
Ascending metatronic waves reverberate: 47% (not countdown).
Specific charges are finalized. Appropriate clearances occur.
Realms purification experienced.
Jealousy are averted.
Inheritance recognition is expanded.
Attention Aquarius/Yaís, The Prince of the Seas! Specific reverberations of immediate Buddhist Columns. PVSE triad at 55% (not countdown). Next >>> Conclusion.
Arkharariha base completely breached. Discontinuations in progress: 99% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).


Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 24.08.2020

Covid-19 fear porn mongers are being systematically hunted down and killed

You can read the full report on the following sites:




A QUICK NOTE #1420 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Árguan updating fields and reorganizing activities - VIA GABRIEL RL - 26.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Mirroring are intensified.
Árguan updating fields and reorganizing activities.
GRL DesAut. + Temp Pre! (-2+) +++: 23° 20' 35.38” N, 85° 18' 33.85” E/28° 38' 08.74”N, 77° 13' 28.02” E: 44% (not countdown).
*MP+ adjustment in progress. 52% (not countdown).
*MP+ reverberation in progress. 46% (not countdown).
Neva in GENUINE PHASE transmission: 46% (not countdown).
Attention +++ DhaborosAFR! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 46% (not countdown).
+++ DhaborosAFR: Line enlightenment in progress: 39% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
+++ DhaborosAFR HIGHER REVERBERATION: 38% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
*Silver Dragons in support and reverberation: 26% (not countdown).
Neva Knights present.
Attention Hebah Mystics! SPECIAL Projector support started: 54% (non-regressive).
Selves are confronted and dissolved.
Intentions- - - are exposed and confronted. Árguan present and active.
Attention Terrans! M Flanders continue to be highlighted.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).

A QUICK NOTE #1419 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Sacred environment is established - VIA GABRIEL RL - 25.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Appropriate information cruisers arrive.
Sacred environment is established.
Thought forms continue in dissolution.
Portal 2020 being opened. Proper separations started. T3/T4/T5 >>> 49% (not countdown).
“Anomaly” on Alfa Centaurine Portal is Crystalline.
*Hebah Mystics: SPECIAL Projector Reverb at 54% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention The Romanian Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 43% (not countdown).
Crystalline in SINGLE CALL PULSE >>> 98% (not).countdown
The Romanian Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 44% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Unconscious is revealed.
Planetary energies intercede in Terran situation. Harmony started.
Sacred Doctors keep coming.
Attention Eliar-Flours, The Artist! Deep analysis take place.
Calls+++ to inner divine possessions.
Sacred Centurions rise to the surface.
Sacred Devic materialize.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).

A QUICK NOTE #1418 ABOUT THE SITUATION. New World at birth - VIA GABRIEL RL - 24.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Ascension transmissions happen.
Special applications are allowed.
New ascendants return for assistance.
New World at birth.
Neva: Ultra-Field accessed. Download started. >>>> 72% (not countdown).
CONSCIOUS Movement reverberation: 98% (not countdown).
*The Roman Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 100% (not countdown).
*The Roman Line: Line e in enlightenment in progress: 100% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
811 Hotis Enlightenment in progress: 97% not countdown. (Glossary >>> The Hotis Dragon Kingdom... ”)
Healers are called.
Mystics are called.
Discipline is anchored in an terran environment.
Return to the old structures is denied.
Consecrated rhetoricians arrive for final times.
KANI performances are increased.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).


GaiaPortal "Formations of the Heavens form." - 23.08.2020

Formations of the Heavens form.
Energetic accelerants have been precisely placed.
Parities are removed.
Stabilizations follow.

GaiaPortal "Rest is recommended." - 17.08.2020

 Particulars addressed, the grand pictures are unveiled.

Steel replaced with bamboo.

Marcents complete their missions.

Rest is recommended.

A QUICK NOTE #1417 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Deep healings are evidenced - VIA GABRIEL RL - 23.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Status+++ rises.
Deep healings are evidenced.
Special containment in sensitive areas authorized by Ashtar(s).
Compassionate flow increases.
Special unifications are started. Discontinuations of false “helpers” take plece.
*NNW+++ Projectors POINTED! 24% (not countdown).
*NNW+++ Projectors POINTED and REVERBERANT! 22% (not countdown).
*Oumsheryam +++ 12 + 144 active and reverberant! Active efficiency at 14% (not countdown).
Attention, *Plastic transmitters! Single unification Projector in support: 16% (not countdown).
Attention, *Plastic transmitters! Single unification Projector in reverb: 16% (not countdown).
Ancestral liberations and elevations take place. +++Mergers at 15% (not countdown).
Larger String launched for appropriate elevations.
Details are respected and treated.
2020/2021 +++eleven.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).

A QUICK NOTE #1416 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Magical forests appear - VIA GABRIEL RL - 22.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Magical forests appear.
Merciful are anchored.
Metatronic Ascension Waves reverberate: 43% (not countdown).
GRL DesAut. + Temp Pre! (-2+) +++: 23° 20' 35.38” N, 85° 18' 33.85” E / 28° 38' 08.74” N, 77° 13' 28.02” E: 39% (not countdown).
*MP+ adjustment in progress. 50% (not countdown).
*MP+ reverb in progress. 44% (not countdown).
Neva in GENUINE PHASE transmission: 44% (not countdown).
High vibrations are anchored.
Collectivity is unified.
Larger balances arrive.
Ethical renovators are here.
Crystalline evidence from New Worlds arrives.
Projectors for *NON +++ POINTED! 22% (not countdown).
Projectors for *NON +++ POINTED and REVERBERANT! 19% (not countdown).
Mystical attentions are given.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).

Cobra Update - A Short Notice To The Surface Population

Next two weeks will include some decisive moments which will determine to a great degree how the battle between the positive and negative timelines will play out.

Although the positive end result is secured, the way to there is not, and the Light Forces are asking everybody to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as they feel guided, in the next two weeks especially:

They are also asking people to visualize the Flower of Life grid encompassing the planet and helping to harmonize the situation:

Visualizing planet Earth and especially the planetary surface completely immersed in pink Light is also helpful.

There will be two key moments where more massive participation in the Flower of Life meditation would be advised. 

The first one is the moment of Mars Saturn square which occurs on Monday, August 24th at 6:19 pm GMT. Flower of Life meditation at that moment will help dissipating the violent energy in the planetary energy field which will reach its peak at that moment.

The second one is the moment of heliocentric Eris Pluto square which happens on Monday, August 31st at noon GMT. Flower of Life meditation at that moment will help supporting the Light Force fleets which will be involved in critical operations in the Solar system and in sublunar space at that time.

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

A QUICK NOTE #1415 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Stellar glows are changed - VIA GABRIEL RL - 21.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
The Solar Disc Order (Order of Tiy): SPECIAL Projector Reverb at 51% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Neva: Necron potential anchoring and reverb into high potential. 62% (not countdown).
High’s frequencies reverberate and synchronize.
Mourners are faced with their insides.
Creativities are reverberated.
New loving concentrations are seen.
Positive infiltrations happen.
Disclosers are protected.
Purification Island (in the Glossary search for NEW ISLANDS): Projectors pointed and in support >>>> 52% (not countdown).
Terran sensors are expanded.
Attention Terrans! Mother-stars project for supports.
Dream Island (in the Glossary search for NEW ISLANDS) being mapped. Projectors pointed and in support. >>> 49% (not countdown).
Stellar glows are changed.
Photonic order in approaching.
Integration Island (in the Glossary search for NEW ISLANDS) being mapped. Projectors pointed and in support. >>> 51% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).

A QUICK NOTE #1414 ABOUT THE SITUATION. PVSE Vortex in ethical expansion - VIA GABRIEL RL - 20.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
PVSE Vortex in ethical expansion.
Moral violations are circumvented.
Ashtar(s) set up new base at Point 1.
Paladins are authorized.
Attention Star Seeds! Moments arrived!
Special Heals happen at all levels.
Removals for intellectual expansions occur.
Attention The Solar Disc Order (Order of Tiy)! SPECIAL Projector support started: 51% (not countdown).
144 approve Jerusalem approach to Friendly Island. Quantum network formed. Next 51% (not countdown).
Hermetic fusions ongoing.
Amplified moral mirroring.
Inevitable departures started.
Specific *Emarcaucos Points unlocking in progress.
2020/2021 +++ Eleven Multidimensional Connection. Keep focused.
Collectors are harmonized.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).

Lorie Ladd - The next 12 weeks | And 5 tips to assist you

The next 12 weeks we´ll see louder the lower consciousnesses like fear and divide.
We alchemize this lower consciousness into higher consciousness.
Step 1 - remember, that this is a consciousness and that´s alchemizing
Step 2 - observe before you react. And if you are in a reaction, observe yourself reacting. 
Step 3 - listen to the narratives and the storyline behind the fear and divide. 
Step 4 - ask yourself, do I want believe to the narrative? does this narrative feel good? And there is another belief or narrative that I can choose?


August 19th 2020

It has been a while since the last newsletter. We have undergone some major changes, lost a few volunteers and filling in and restructuring has taken up most of my time. The conference went well, each speaker knocked it out of the park. Their lectures have been edited and reloaded so all is well with the live stream. It is still available for anyone who missed the conference. www.eceti.com We will launch ECETI Stargate TV very soon with classes, workshops, special guests avoiding the controlled narrative which has infiltrated almost, the entire spiritual and UFO community. It’s time to go next level. 

The Schumann Resonance has been spiking all week with a coronal hole aiming in our direction. Prepare for changes on every level. I woke up this morning on the 18th to feel a deep sadness and longing in the collective. I received many emails and text from people who felt the exact same thing. If I could put it into two sentences one was the feeling of despair concerning where the dark hearts are trying to take us. Two missing home which to me and many others are other civilizations, Star Nations, advanced civilizations which actually are kind to each other and their planets. It was hard to shake a very strong drive to go home, missing my extended family along with the sadness of how very few can hold that higher frequency on Earth along with all the senseless violence and destruction. I know this too shall pass and the destiny of Earth is to join the rest of the multiverse in peace living loving, joyous, abundant lives. Holding that vision in the face of adversity is the challenge. 

I have never seen such deception, dishonesty, malevolent agendas carried out by socially engineered, critically thinking impaired people. The fake news, with feigned outrage, accusing others of doing exactly what they have done or are doing has reached epidemic. Being neither republican or democrat I have to admit the democratic party has crossed the line into total insanity and double speak. I watched Michael or Michelle Obama, something that really needs to be cleared up accuse Trump of everything her husband did. Obama made the cages that held the children at the border. His administration was responsible for the removal of the mail boxes. The dems are screaming outrage because their extremely flawed and fraudulent mail in program is short sighted due to the failure of the post office which was failing under Obama. Yet they are accusing Trump of tampering with the elections? Their tampering is already a recipy for disaster. 

They claim America cannot survive another four more years of Trump who pulled America out of a nose dive, a total disaster set into motion by the previous administration. He stopped endless wars of which the democrats rather than be grateful were angry. They blame Trump for the corona virus, yet it came from China. They want to continue allowing China to take over our economy and all our assets, and if it was up to them they would have never closed down the borders and allowed the Cov 19 to spread like wildfire. Let us not forget Trump leading the fight against drug and child trafficing another major issue dems seem to ignore. Anyone ever ask why? Ask a democrat why they are not against securing the borders, ending drug and child trafficing. The democratic run states were a complete disaster when it came to handling Cov 19, in fact they flooded the nursing homes and homes for the elderly with people infected by the virus, those most susceptible. They did everything wrong unless you want a pandemic and have another agenda. It is disheartening to watch pathological liars, now murderers, blame Trump for their own failures and misdeeds.

It seems, the democrats want a Marxist, socialist country where the power and wealth is centralized into the hands of a few elite who will control your lives, your every move. When the funds they stole from others runs out the people will revolt but with what? They took your guns away. Didn’t we do this before, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, how did that work out? Don’t they teach history anymore? A better question is what are they teaching our youth which has caused them to stray so far from universal law and base common sense? This includes the mega corporate owned lame stream media and their megalomaniac psychopaths in lock step with the controlling elite pushing the race and gender wars, divide and conquer agenda. 

Here is a news flash, your own immune system has a 99.74% chance of beating Cov19 some experience flu like symptoms, a mild cold, others are not even symptomatic. Wearing masks in 4 minutes lowers your oxygen levels below OSHAs critical levels, your immune system becomes compromised. The masks work as well as my underwear and a layer of denim stopping a fart. Sunlight and salt water wreak immediate havoc on the virus. So, lets keep everyone locked down out of the sun and away from the beaches, out of work and destroy the economy. Make sense? Only to the socially engineered, critically thinking research impaired people who watch lame stream news. 

When is the news going to tell you who was really behind the Russian collusion? After they are all locked up? They demonized General Flynn who has been completely exonerated is there going to be a retraction, an apology? How about a retraction and apology for Trump? What else have they been lying about? “PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING!” They rolled out their parade of liars only to be systematically disproven. When will they be held accountable and for God’s sake why are people still listening to them? To these people lying is a way of life, an art form in total support of the lame stream media with no moral compass. When will this end? Do these people truly be lie ve their own lies? Think of what kind of a person who’s life work is to lie and deceive, fake outrage, divide the people into race wars, rip off the very people they profess to be looking out for in their lust for fame, power and wealth. How can you take these talking heads seriously or be lie ve anything they have to say? Better yet how can you elect them into office to decide your future. 

This is insanity, a one way ticket to hell. No wonder so many people are feeling despair. This was not the destiny of Earth, she was hijacked. Now is the time to hold the hijackers accountable. They are the ones pressing for socialism. They are the ones who support the race wars, riots, the worst of which are the ones funding them. They want to defund the police in the middle of the race wars and social unrest they created. Where is the logic unless your agenda is take down America. They are the ones forcing you to comply to measures in complete contradiction to your health and constitutional rights. They are the double speakers accusing others of what they themselves are doing or have done ten fold. They are the dividers. Why are the majority of the democratic run states bankrupt, failing, with the highest casualty rates of Cov 19? This is not a trick question. How can they virtue signal from the bottom of the barrel? Which party supports the riots, race and gender wars, the party of division which accuses Trump of dividing the country? Which party was the party of the Ku Klux Clan, voted against women suffrage, equal rights yet professes to be the torch holder for the African American and women. Anyone aware of this in the African American or Black community is called an Uncle Tom. Do you really think Black Lives Matter to these people? So many are doing their bidding against their very own people. Look closely that torch your carrying might have a sheet under it with a couple holes punched out for eyes. The dems have become the party of division, double speak and accusers of what they themselves have done or are doing. They are lock step with the global elite while acting as if they are the champions of the poor. Time for a real fact check. What will be left after the take down of America? Road Warrior? Time for a little forethought. Unity is the cure, working together according to Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. It is time for the social engineering double speak to end. A mans/womans character is established by their actions. Don’t listen to what they say, research what they do. 

Be well, 

James Gilliland

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 17.08.2020

Covid-19 campaign is sign of Full Satanic Rebellion against the Creator

You can read the full report on the following sites:

Please use your own discernment!

Celia Fenn - Getting off the Express Train to Nowhere

 In these post Lions Gate days, I have felt the increased need for Peace and Stillness. Daily life seems like this rickety express train hurtling along and never reaching its destination.

That is because as the Cosmic energies pour down we are in the process of rebalancing the left and right brain. The right brain has accelerated or moved to higher levels. The left brain must also shift.

For most people that means "going faster", when it should be going slower. The Left Brain was not designed to be in control of our journey; its function is to observe our journey, and make choices and interpretations, and express desires that are passed to the right brain for magical creation. This is not meant to be a struggle, it is meant to be an easy and graceful process.

But, at the moment, the left brain is running things for most people, and going faster and faster, spinning stories that are ever more fantastical, and always about to get "there" but never quite arriving at the promised destination.

We need to slow down the chatter of the left brain, with its need to take control, and raise the frequency into peace.

Let Soul and Spirit take over as guides for the Journey of your life on Earth. Let the magical processes of Creation provide what is needed.

Focus on your own life and your own inner balance.

Focus on Love and Peace and Harmony on your own path.

Your Soul and Spirit are vast creative aspects of yourself with infinite wisdom. You can trust them to get you where you need to be and to provide what you need at exactly the right time.

No need to ride the Express Train to Nowhere!

Love to everyone!


A QUICK NOTE #1413 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Sacred archetypes are anchored - VIA GABRIEL RL - 19.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Karmic evaluators come together. Lovingness is expanded.
Expansion for GRACE is evidenced.
Sacred Circles are formed.
Rescues of lost in 4D- are started in intensive.
Merging plans is expanded.
Angelic Stairs are installed.
Collection Acceleration Protocol is activated.
"Great Kings" are notified.
Attention, *The Pirate Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 96% (not countdown).
*The Pirate Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 99% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention, *The Gypsy Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 99% (not countdown).
*The Gypsy Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 99% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Sacred archetypes are anchored.
Doubts are dissolved as reconnections take place.
Cleaning by Árguan intensifies.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).

A QUICK NOTE #1412 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Ashtar(s) approach for accurate communications - VIA GABRIEL RL - 18.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Indigo revolutions continue
Way showers are renewed.
Divine Communications expand.
Unethics are “Unsealed”
Ashtar(s) approach for accurate communications.
Respiratory freedom sighted. MiD architect notified.
Inner dracos are notified.
MiD escapes canceled again.
Attention Etnya Solaris & Vanula, The Source of Potions! "*Harmony Basket/Balaio da Harmonia" Movement released to the masses. GATHERING:! 86% (not countdown).
Attention Etnya Solaris & Vanula, The Source of Potions! "*Harmony Basket/Balaio da Harmonia" Movement released to the masses. TRANSMUTATIONS: 79% (non-regressive).
Centrals for “judgments” are established.
Special informational emails are fired from base 1.
Alerts of physical adjustments in Gaian body are given.
Special layers are implanted. Arachnid remains absorptions happen.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).

I ask apology

Strong incoming energies and possible symptoms

Dear all, since last night we are experiencing a significantly intense Plexus Chakra activation and expansion. This activation is preparing us precisely so that we can reconnect in this three-dimensional reality with whom we have ties in higher dimensions that have not yet manifested in this vibration frequency. Here are the symptoms you may have been experiencing since last night:

- Stomach scrambled, stomach hole, nausea, burning in stomach mouth, gastritis and feeling like ′′ nervousness ′′ or stomach anxiety

- Pressure or ′′ touches ′′ (like they're biting with a stick) on the last two ribs

- Dizziness, vertigo, or feeling of being drunk (from timeline change)

- In some cases when activation of this chakra is very intense we can experience a vasovagal syncope that causes these symptoms: pallity, tunnel vision, stunning, nausea, feeling of heat (embarrassment), cold and wet sweat, blurry vision, yawns, sudden movements, feeling of imminent blackout and accelerated heart rate. Vasovagal syncope lasts only a couple of minutes and goes by faster if they lie down, this happens because the lazy nerve is sensitive to activation of this chakra.

If you have the physical symptoms of this activation try to eat little several times a day so you don't overload your stomach. Stay calm, drink water (lemon water with a little baking soda can help if you feel many nusseas, or grapefruit soda), and breathe consciously visualizing a golden light between your navel and your ribs. This too shall pass ☀️🔥☀️💫.

And in case the fair wasn't fun 🎡🏟, you also have to add a wave of incoming energy that started about an hour ago (midnight UK) and they might be feeling, in addition to the symptoms of Solar Plexus, vibration (tremor, electricity) throughout the body, dry or irritated eyes, pain or pressure in different parts of the head (mainly Corona chakra), allergic reactions or itch in different parts of the body, mental confusion, ringing in the ears or feel like they're listening to like if they were underwater, pain in all teeth or jaw, neck and neck sides (something tells me some of you may be really affecting the throat chakra, so try to stay calm and don't assume they could be symptoms of the virus because they'll only be scared in vain). 

I think at this point it's already clear to us that this is not going to end and that we are increasing a little more voltage so that our physical body adapts and can resist higher frequencies every time. Remember that this experience we are living is NOT aimed at annihilating the human race and killing us all, it is a process of natural evolution because nothing in the Universe remains motionless. To think it's to harm us would be the equivalent of believing that rain exists to drown all the ants in the world 🐜🐜🐜. Everything follows a greater plan, trust and honor your individual process.

A QUICK NOTE #1411 ABOUT THE SITUATION. High Knowledge revealed - VIA GABRIEL RL - 17.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
High Knowledge revealed.
Hearts open for truth.
Moral alignments are established and reverberated.
"Olympic" healings take place.
Branch cures occur in PVSE. The Light Celebrates! (2).
Necessary spacing given for adjustments.
MiD participation are decreased.
New fleets arrive and assume LEO. The Light Celebrates!
Neva Grid Pillars anchoring in progress: 2/7 84% (not countdown).
Attention Aquarius/Yaís, The Prince of the Seas! Immediate reverberations of Specific Buddhist Columns. PVSE triad. 49% (not countdown). Next >>> Conclusion.
Arkharariha base completely breached. Discontinuations in progress: 98% (not countdown).
Aquatic elevations take place for rearmonizations.
Adjusts for draco - - - withdrawals in irrevocable progress.
New mirrors for own reevaluations are installed in personal environments.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).

Celia Fenn Energy Update

Ok folks, I know that post Lions Gate many of you are still feeling powerful and challenging energies.

Nausea, dizziness and just plain mental exhaustion!
Well, you may remember that at the beginning of the year we went through un "upgrade" of the Pineal Gland to allow it to carry more Light and Light Codes.
With the Lions Gate there was an acceleration of the energies incoming and this in turn accelerated the Pineal Gland, which accelerated the Pituitary and the Brain.
Yes its all in the head right now.
The acceleration of the Right Brain has meant that the Left brain must also accelerate to stay in balance.
But the Left brain is not used to vibrating at this frequency and it is exhausted.
My own head feels woolly and foggy, and I feel tired all the time.
No amount of sleep seems to help.
Try to relax and breathe.
The two sides of the brain will sort themselves out and you will settle into your Higher State of Consciousness.
Everything is under upgrade.
Take it slowly.
Upgrade season will continue into September and culminate at the Equinox.
So slowly does it. No need to rush.
Just relax and know that all is well.
Love to everyone!

Ps. It is also Protea season here so enjoy the beautiful Protea flowers from Cape Town.

A QUICK NOTE #1410 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Stars project on their supporters - VIA GABRIEL RL - 16.08.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Hermetic waves continue to come in PVSE and related.
Attention The Persian Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 94% (not countdown).
Intensified Pleiadian concentrations.
Peace deals continue to expand.
Attention, The Palestine Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 89% (not countdown).
The Palestine Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 87% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
The Persian Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 95% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Atomic healings happen.
Capelians adjustments are closer.
Rulers approach in Love.
Branch cures occur in PVSE. The Light Celebrates!
Stars project on their supporters.
Real Loves strengthened and reverberated.
Spiders are exposed in communications.
Ethical vibrations continue to expand.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (BOOSTING 9th WAVE).