"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Energy Update 8/30/19 via Eric Raines

Frozen fields of the human collective are waking up. The past 13,000 years of shifting more light into the collective has met the major breakthrough requirements.

Environmental and genetic programs of division and hate are being dissolved from the foundation upwards, giving many more a neutral, if not positive state of being in their bodies and lives instead of a negative one as a majority.

This will be noticed by having much more meaningful connections with random strangers, even if it is just a 30 second conversation in line at a grocery store.

The mistrust and "us vs. them" mentalities are slowly transmuting as more of the human collective is able to connect into greater resonances reflecting from Source.

There are so many more people on this planet that are ripe for a full soul awakening than many of us, even in the spiritual communities realize. They already have seen the unnatural systems on the outside and even if they have not made the connections logically, they can feel the yearning and push for *MORE* than we are as a species right now.

As we consciously clean out the ancestral levels of trauma, planet wide systems of disconnection and allow ourselves to grow and evolve naturally, more of what many in the spiritual communities call the asleep population will begin to start their awakening journey as well.

Instead of having to search online or in books however, they will find direct examples of people living the life of daily miracles. They will see, firsthand, the joy of living a life fully activated and feel the energy and evolutionary explosive potential being created in a fully embodied vessel.

We have experienced massive pushes in the collective that the majority have had no clue was happening, simply because they could not feel it. The disconnect and density of 3D reality easily hid the truth. What we have been experiencing in faster and stronger waves has been clearing out those dense fields of energy.

We are primed for the greatest awakening the Universe has ever experienced as billions of souls prepare to activate and clear the astral fields of Earth, many of them unconscious of the work they are doing.

Over the next year, we will be seeing neighbors, friends, family members, work acquaintances, random people throughout your day in every aspect of your life beginning to reflect the light we are shining consciously.

We are going to start feeling the connections on a much deeper level than words can ever encompass.

The masses than many in the spiritual community look down on as "asleep" are going to start waking in waves and numbers that will astound and astonish.

This is truly the Great Awakening of Humankind.

There are still many aspects of darkness and density that need to be transmuted, still many individual humans who are stuck in their programs and will insist on playing them out, still many levels of darkness that will be engaged in creating as much negative emotional triggering and energy as they can, but we have crossed the major turning point.

Try as the negative polarity will, the light holds the majority now. We will be seeing a steady, slow progression to complete and utter transmutation. Many of the negative happenings coming up in the collective as we go through this integration will be nothing more than the energy coming up so it can be cleared, understood, then transmuted to light.

What we can do:

Humanity as a whole is incredibly delicate right now. Ancient epigenetic wounds have been vibrated right to the surface for clearing, but this means everything is experiencing the trauma that needs to be cleared to varying levels of intensity.

We can simply step into the role of understanding the people around us are wounded. People/animals in pain are in an elevated state of stress and will do things they never would do if they were happy, satisfied and healthy.

Being able to look past the "attack" hurled at you to see the wounded human behind the program is one of the most powerful states of being we can embody right now.

This does not mean that you cower down and allow people to say, do or act however they want to your own personal detriment.

This means that you hold your boundaries firm but not with hatred, separation and aggression as the source of your boundaries.

This means that you power your boundaries with love, firmly holding your space with a smile on the face and joy and willingness to help in the heart.

When people are met with a, "Hey, what is really going on. Are you OK, how are you feeling?" instead of a return of the attack they just threw at you, they can experience a major shift in how they feel. If the energy of what they are thinking shifts into a cleaner space, what they are thinking no longer has the power to keep going.

"I HATE YOU!!! I WANT THE WORLD TO BURN!!!" is so hard to hold onto when you feel love, concern and friendliness directed at you from whomever you are trying to hurt with those words.

You have much more power in the way you interact and observe your own triggering.

For something that you can consciously do, try this technique out. (This is one of my favorite ways to shift the space around you immediately)

Calm yourself down with deep belly breathing exercises with the intention of feeling your skin gliding under the clothes, the muscles shifting under the skin and the movement that creates in the bones.

Stay here until you feel the body buzzing as the sensations become more intense and then turn this feeling up with each inhale.

Once you have been here with slow, gentle breaths tingling the body for 5 minutes+, put a smile on your face and pull the warm, soft feeling of the smile pulling into the body with the breath.

You will feel different sensations as you do this, pay attention for the good sensations that are created here and turn up the feeling with each inhale.

Eventually you will fill yourself with so much positive energy that the spaces you are looking for will become heavy or uncomfortable, the feeling of nasty emotions being included in this awareness.

Then use the exhale to feel the gravity of the Earth pull whatever you dont like the feeling of, almost like a weight sliding out of the body and into the Earth.

It will give you more space to turn up more joy/laughter energy.

Stay in this space, turning these sensations up with each breath cycle until you feel the bubble of tingling energy surrounding you like a cocoon.

Begin to shift your breathing from the inside, to the outside, blowing this "bubble" up around you like a balloon.

Make yourself bigger, blowing up like the balloon as well, feeling yourself stretch to thousands of times your natural size, all while holding this bubble firm and solid, filled with light and laughter.

Hold space inside of whatever environment you wish to transmute. This field will clean it out simply by existing near it.


From my heart to yours,


Original Post:

The Energies are Rising

The Schumann chart becomes very active - high peak - you can check here - http://sosrff.tsu.ru or just look on my blog right side and click on it.

The solar wind speed is nearing 500 km/s and should continue to gradually climb higher. A geomagnetic enhancement will be possible during the next few days, including periods of minor (G1) to moderate (G2) geomagnetic storming. 

At the moment K3 geomagnetic storm we have - so you can feel or expect some symptoms if you are sensitive for the energies + the today we have Full Moon too, so take care of yourself and protect also yourself energetically - try to do what the body wants - rest if you are tired, drink a lot of water, grounding, etc. 
My symptoms since noon - headache mainly around the 3rd eye, hot flashes, tired and extra hungry.

This is the coronal hole (58) where comes from the solar winds towards the Earh.

New Super MOON (30.08.) and intense energy shift (26.08. - 02.09.)

This New moon is a super moon and is the closest and largest new moon of the year.

It is the 2nd super new moon in this triad, the third, which takes place on Sept 28th will complete this intense two-month super-moon-triad energy portal.

Unlike regular new moons—in which the energy lasts for a few days—the highly charged, intense, life-altering energy of this super moon trio will be felt consistently throughout this period -July 31st to Sep 28th. 

The New Moon is also a “black moon” in many places and this cosmic magnetic push and pull energy is believed to be approximately 12 times more powerful than a regular full moon and has an immense impact on tides, causing rivers to run backwards in some parts of the world. 

Super moon energy causes us to be far more intuitive, sensitive, perceptive, and empowered than normal. The magnetic energy from the super moon directly connects with our own magnetic energy and has a huge impact on our emotional body. When the moon waxes and wanes, it pushes and pulls, and as the moon changes phases it stirs up our own hidden and rejected emotions.

This can cause an immense amount of confusion and is the reason that when the moon is at its brightest we often feel compelled to either draw people toward us or reject and clear out anything harmful that does not serve our heart and soul. It can also be the reason we suddenly feel a strong desire to reconnect with those we have previously lost contact with.

We may have felt extremely irritable and ungrounded over the past week, as though everything is going wrong around us—and for every step forward we take 10 steps back. This is due to our energetic bodies being out of alignment, as the intense magnetic force from the moon causes havoc with our personal electromagnetic field.

Super moons are sometimes referred to as “wild card moons” in astrology, as they bring in unpredictable energies—which basically means our lives could be running smoothly one minute and then suddenly be turned upside down. This is nothing to worry about however, as with all cosmic activity, everything that occurs happens for our highest good. And usually not getting what we’ve hoped for results in us getting exactly what we need in the long term. Therefore, if things don’t go to plan, be patient as the reason behind the temporary turbulence soon reveals, though only if we are willing to remain open and surrender to the universe’s chaotic push-and-pull tide.

This impressive, supercharged new moon has maximum energetic manifesting influence and has the capacity to enhance the outcome of our intentions. It will bring in numerous plot twists, so that anything not meant for us will gently dissipate. 

This New Moon is in the sign of Virgo and this lunar energy will affect all zodiac signs, but particularly impact those born with Virgo in their chart.

During Virgo energy we may find ourselves either reminiscing about or being pulled toward beautiful disasters, lost causes, unrequited love and emotionally unavailable relationships of all types, as these are considered safe options for overly cautious Virgo. The reason for this is that Virgo energy can make us feel as though we aren’t “perfect” enough to be worthy of equally “perfect” mutual reciprocated energy, so the lack of commitment offered in these types of partnerships conveniently compliments Virgo’s shadow needs. 

However, Virgo’s emotions run deep beneath the surface and it is this depth that makes Virgo energy fearful of relationships, as they fear that once they tap into their capacity to fully open and feel, they may not be able to control what emerges and not easily stop loving or let go if things come to an end. 

This can mean that all of our pent up emotions and cravings to give and receive love could overspill and come pouring out during this time, and we will want to feel triple sure about who is on the receiving end of our affection. 

During the Virgo moon we may find it extremely difficult to be intimate and process or express how we are feeling and notice that we are unable to deeply connect in the ways we normally would. Instead we could be far more critical and distant with those we are closest to, even putting up unnecessary barriers to keep love at bay. We might even sense some insecure and passive aggressive behaviours floating around and that we, or others, are far more likely to play mind games or use silent treatment in an attempt to convey deeply hidden feelings. 

It is essential we pay close attention to how we are feeling and what we have conditioned ourselves to believe while in this energy, so we are able to process our emotions and communicate authentically, as otherwise Virgo moon energy can lead to overthinking, over analysing, worrying, high anxiety and possibly even unexpected break ups.

Virgo moon can cause us to obsessively declutter and clear out whatever or whoever has been causing obstruction or destruction. During this energy we might discover how brutal we can be when detoxing and purging, as we are willing to door-slam, destroy or fully release whatever has been causing us pain or getting in the way of our dreams and purpose. 

Overall, despite the perceived flaws and imperfections that Virgo energy unearths, this is an immensely healing and transformational phase. It encourages us to come to a place of self-acceptance and to love the aspects of ourselves, and others, that we normally reject or avoid. Although we will be emotionally distant and possibly even discover ourselves disassociating slightly, we will simultaneously be experiencing a major shift that highlights our ability to love unconditionally and free from judgement. 

We will recognise that old wounds, which include shame, fear of rejection, guilt or regret, within both ourselves and those we are closest to, are a major part of the reason we withdraw or shy away from genuine love and it is the fear of trusting and feeling out of control prevents us from being able to openly receive it. This awakening and clarity allows us to become more compassionate and tender in the way we self-communicate and connect with loved ones and helps silence the ego that tells outdated stories that keep us stuck in old ways. 

Virgo, despite being the critique of the zodiac, actually supports us through forgiving past mistakes and healing ancient and inner-deep wounds. It gives us the awareness that weaknesses and feelings or lack or unworthiness are all perceptions and that we are whole, complete and worthy of divine, sacred connections regardless of where we are at on our journey, and so too are others. The clarity and insight this moon will bring us helps us to see that closed doors, detours and what we might see as rejection are all simply redirection, away from anything or anyone not meant to be in our lives and towards people, circumstances and commitments that are resonant and fulfilling. We will find the strength to cut the cords to energy that pulls us down and new opportunities and connections that help to pull us up will be waiting in the space. 

New moons represent the closing of one 28-day cycle and the start of a new one. They can cause us to feel introverted and introspective; however, our need to escape from the manic external world does not necessarily mean we want to be alone, but instead that we do not want to be surrounded by those whose energy feels tense, negative, and who bring us down. 

We will notice we have the desire to remove ourselves from dynamics that cause friction—and instead, we’ll find we are gravitating toward those who we feel peaceful and calm around. 

We have gone through many drastic energy shifts lately, which have taken us through personal transformation and caused us to vibrate on an entirely different frequency. This new supermoon brings another major awakening, in which we will see everything around us as though we are perceiving it all for the first time. 

As we go through this deep inner reflection, we will receive a clear vision of where we want to journey to and who we want alongside us. This could mean we will need to commit to a dramatic detox of our lives, so that anything or anyone not aligned with where we want to be when the year ends is released.

This is the time to eliminate any habits, patterns, thoughts, obsessions, commitments, dynamics, or material items that have been weighing us down and keeping us stuck in a reality that it neither healthy or serving us. Anything no longer resonating with who we are and how we want to be living will start to dissipate over the next few weeks. 

A supermoon triad is a supercharged energy portal in which masses of luminous energy is known to infiltrate Earth’s atmosphere. Absorbing it can be overstimulating, which may make us feel emotional, drained, and more fatigued than normal. Therefore it is beneficial to take time out, spend time in nature, meditate and disconnect from anything that feels depleting to avoid emotional burn out. 

GaiaPortal new message - 30.08.2019

Archangelic Guidance is recognized.

Connections of all and for all are made from this realm.

The “Higher Law from within” is followed.

The Keystone card has been played.

Middle paths are abandoned.



P1 calling Terran for source recognition! Attention to calls in PVSE / SdE !!
Neva: Frequency ups and downs triggers NEU disorder. Crystalline Harmonizations in progress. GlânEndócPIN. Quad1!
Goddess manifests.
Coronary expansions take place. Controllable stress in multiplanes. Attention PVSE Avatars and Related.
Marrow are molded to New Waves.
Central apparatus stabilize Local Sun waves.
Ashtar(s) reinforce grid on Magnetic Island. -4 Parasites in drilling attempt 1. “Neva Waves defy”.
Attention Vanula, The Source of Potions: Special Package delivered for high assimilation. "Old times were caused by other hands."
The 112 points reverberant: 100% (not countdown).
CONSCIOUS movement reverberation: 92% (not countdown).
Attention Terrans! Special Projectors for Okingons Movement in anchorage! 94% (not countdown).
Special sponsorships  delivered. SELF assimilations required.
Attention Etnya Solaris! Field expansions occur when internalization is called and conducted. Etânio in linear approximation.
Black extractions will be minimized. Gaian environment prepares for authorized cuts.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 26.08.2019

According to the current standing on the Vote - this will be the last Full Fulford news in this blog. 
In my standing is that nowadays Fulford went too far away to the other side - for example - pushing China to be the World leader (and it´s fine for him) and more and more disinformation like the truth - I know he put to his newsletter almost everything that he got and be interesting to his readers too - I got it. He more and more becomes the elite's spokesman - this is my personal opinion. 
I resonate with my father´s word - then will be complete change when kicking out everybody from the leadership till the last cleaning staff - at the moment bring the "power" one side to the another" not a change, even if one fraction want to kill/sacrifice the other one when they belong to the same bird.
I want my site clean, mostly what is resonating with me because if I put here this means I should take responsibility too for it - who will believe me or to my words if I make full of fakes news. Better the quality like a quantity...

Pentagon plans to deport Zionists as global financial reset looms

The U.S. military-industrial complex is making serious moves against Zionists, preparing to expel many of them to a Jewish autonomous zone in Siberia, Pentagon sources say. While the Pentagon and its allies are quite eager to take on Zionist control, even central bankers and G7 leaders meeting last week in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Biarritz, France admit that an economic paradigm shift is needed. These moves are related to talk of a global financial reset that would end Zionist control of privately owned central banks, the sources say.

A whole slew of establishment bigwigs are all now publicly calling for a financial reset. These include IMF head Christine Lagarde, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Rothschild-owned Economist, and others. They have all called for replacing the U.S. dollar with a new international currency. Such a currency, almost by definition, would fall out of Zionist control because the interests of the world economy and those of the Zionist-controlled corporate U.S. government are in conflict.

The trade war is a front for the global currency reset,” Pentagon sources confirm. U.S. President Donald Trump has been calling the CEOs of JPMorgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, Citigroup, and others to gain support for his stance on the trade war, the sources say. The cancellation by JPMorgan Chase of all credit card debt in Canada, the implosion of Deutsche Bank, the General Electric fraud exposure, the yuan devaluation, and a gold-backed dollar were all a part of the ongoing horse-trading for the new system, they say.

However much Trump blusters and makes calls, though, the numbers make it clear that the new system will take power away from the United States. The United States now accounts for only 10% of world trade, but over 70% of global GDP uses the U.S. dollar as an anchor currency, according to the Bank of England. This makes it obvious that any Global Currency Reset would take huge power away from the U.S. corporation.

Trump admitted last week that he might “declare a national emergency” over the issue because “we have a total lost of almost a trillion dollars a year for many years.”

This is the closest any sitting U.S. president has come to publicly declaring bankruptcy. Other Trump statements and actions all point to some existential crisis. He has tried to take over Greenland and its resources, charge allies for full costs of U.S. military bases “plus 50%,” and put tariffs on everything Chinese, all because of this impending default, multiple sources agree.

The U.S. military is preparing for the ongoing big changes by putting the Army in overall charge of the military while the Navy takes over control of the various intelligence agencies, the Pentagon sources say. This means the new head of all U.S. intelligence agencies is former Navy Seal Vice-Admiral Joe Maguire, the new Director of National Intelligence, according to Pentagon sources. Maguire takes over after the firing of “not just Deep State shill ex-Senator Dan Coats, but also his deputy and [former CIA Director John] Brennan CIA lackey Sue Gordon,” they say.

The de facto U.S. military government “declared war on the Jewish mafia on their saddest day, Tisha B’av,” the sources say. Documents related to pedophile blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein were unsealed on August 9 and “he was ‘suicided’ on August 10 to fast-track the prosecution of others, since all evidence is now admissible without any court challenge,” the Pentagon sources say.

The first temple that was destroyed 586 BC, the second temple destroyed in 70 AD, the 1290 expulsion from England, the 1492 expulsion from Spain, and now the termination of Zionism on Tisha B’av may lead to forced transfers to the Jewish autonomous zone in the Russian Far East, as Jews receive karmic justice for their centuries of anti-goy perfidy,” the Pentagon sources declare.

The sources add, “Epstein is apparently a military operative who may have been exfiltrated to eradicate Mossad blackmail operations in the West, the Zionist parasites, the mega group AIPAC, and the entire Israeli 5th column.”

“In a victory lap to Satanists and Zionists, Epstein ‘died’ at 66 years, 6 months, 22 days = 66.6 years at 6am on the Jewish day of mourning,” the sources continue.

“August 10 is also the 70th birthday of the Department of Defense, which swept Epstein Island with multispectral satellites to prosecute homicidal pedophilia and other heinous crimes,” they say.

The sources also say, “Trump cleverly forced Bibi (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) to Muslim-ban Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, exposing Israel as an oppressive state, fracturing bipartisan support while boosting BDS [the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement]. Bibi the 9/11, 3/11 war criminal now looks like a Trump lackey who may not win re-election.”

Trump’s declaring both Chinese President Xi Jinping and Fed Chairman Jerome Powell to be “enemies” makes it pretty clear that the bankruptcy of the U.S. is leading to both anti-Zionist and anti-Chinese reactions. However, the real problem is not so simple.

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney made this clear in a very interesting speech to his fellow central bankers last week. According to Carney, there are “deep flaws in the International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS) caused largely by “a destabilising asymmetry at the heart of the IMFS”—the U.S. dollar. The U.S. now accounts for 10% of world trade and 15% of world GDP, but “the dollar serves as the monetary anchor in countries, accounting for two-thirds of global GDP and over 70% of world GDP.

Emerging market economies (EMEs) who are largely excluded from management of the IMFS now make up 60% of global GDP and will account for 75% by 2030, he says. Their exclusion from control of the financial system slows down economic growth for “five-sixths of the world economy.

Carney also takes aim at the current ultra-low interest rate regime, noting, “Past instances of very low rates have tended to coincide with high-risk events such as wars, financial crises, and breaks in the monetary regime.” Carney concludes by saying, “Let’s end the malign neglect of the IMFS and build a system worthy of the diverse, multipolar global economy that is emerging.”

[Download the speech in PDF format here:]

Interestingly, Carney’s analysis came as the U.S. Treasury Department issued the following statement:

“The Secretary of the Treasury… must consider whether countries manipulate the rate of exchange between their currency and the United States dollar for purposes of preventing effective balance of payments adjustments or gaining unfair competitive advantage in international trade. Secretary Mnuchin, under the auspices of President Trump, has today determined that China is a Currency Manipulator.”

President Trump tweeted, “Our country has lost, stupidly, trillions of dollars with China over many years. We don’t need China and, frankly, would be far better off without them.” He also tweeted, “The question is being asked, why are we paying much more in interest than Germany and certain other countries?” The answer, of course, is that the U.S. dollar as it currently exists is not good for the U.S. economy.

Carney’s proposed solution is to replace the dollar with the “libra,” a cryptocurrency controlled by his former cabal bosses. However, the real solution, of course, is something your correspondent has been saying for years: the U.S. needs to issue a new currency separate from the no longer American UN dollar.

A source in the ruling committee of the 13 bloodlines who control the old system says, “In the grand scheme of things, we are moving very fast; it is called acceleration in investment banking.” The source, a European Royal, says a future planning agency is being actively considered. It would have a voting structure based on current world reality, not the world that existed after WWII when the system we now use was set up, he says.

The world is like a giant supertanker with so much momentum that turning it around takes a long time, even if there is a new captain who wants to change direction. That is why even though change is taking place very rapidly by traditional measures, progress seems so slow. Nonetheless, it will be interesting to see what happens on or around the September 31st date the U.S. corporation has to make payments to international creditors. This writer is not a hedge fund investor, but if he were, he would be betting on volatility this autumn.

If the West doesn’t do anything decisive by then, it’s a good bet the Asians will move after the 2020 Chinese New Year. If they do, remember that the Chinese are very cautious, but when they move, they move big.

Original Post:

ÉirePort Group New message (Gaiaportal) - 29.08.2019

The ÉirePort Group has connected telepathically with select extra-terrestrial Higher Dimensional Elements who have communicated the following information.

The message that we, collectively, have been cleared to communicate is that it is essential, for the Earth Planet Ascension process to proceed, that individual Earth “Light Connectors” (aka, “Light Workers”) begin to also “connect” with each other in ways to facilitate a more effective and efficient and accelerated increase in the Planetary Vibration.

Much progress has been made in this regard, in certain groups, yet more of such will be very helpful for the planet to release various “prison paradigms” and paradigms (ideas) which are no longer helpful for the spiritual growth of humanity.

Increasing nodes of connection and communication is key for Planet Gaia at this moment.

Each will know their role in this effort, and will find their way as needed.

ÉirePort Group

Original Post:


P1 calling Terran for source recognition! Attention to calls in PVSE / SdE !!
Stacking renews higher and reverberating hopes.
Neva: Frequency ups and downs triggers NEU disorder. Crystalline Harmonizations in progress.  Record D1 in analysis
Attention Haronn, The Magnetic Inheritance of Akhenaton! Primary fluids dissolve into new lines. Primary support required on call.
Crystalline Commands are presented.
Divine Treatments are scattered.
The 112 points in reverberation: 99% (not countdown).
CONSCIOUS Movement reverberation: 89% (not countdown).
Attention Terrans! Special Projectors for Okingons Movement in anchorage! 92% (not countdown).
Attention Terrans! Special Projectors for Okingons Movement in reverberation! 93% (not countdown).
Special Projector for Arcane Force in reverberation! 96% (non regressive).
*The Roman Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 71% (not countdown).
Repositioning alert in Southern. Authorized movement support.
Crossfire are decreased.
Myasmic board are decreased.
Attention Neva! "Romania" resumption in soon linear. Awaiting appropriate Linear.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Are you Ready for the First Contact? New blog from WLMM - where you can share your First Contact experience

Great changes are at our doorsteps. Planet Earth and all her inhabitants are about to be liberated from the grip of the Dark Forces, that have kept our beautiful planet in a quarantine status for the past 26,000 years.

The Dark Beings invaded our world 26,000 years ago; this invasion encompassed both physical and non-physical Earth planes. It also locked the 3rd dimensional Earth reality within a Veil – a conglomerate of special electromagnetic technologies, that prevented Tachyons and other positive particles from reaching Earth's surface. They successfully siphoned the primary anomaly into our Solar system and embedding a part of it into the Earth's non-physical planes. 

The dark armies barricaded our world and prevented positive ET species from reaching us. The dark forces have since controlled all vestiges of human society by enforcing an inhibiting cultural programming and also by implanting us with special plasmic and etheric implants, that we all received upon incarnating. The Golden Age of Atlantis started to decline, the collective consciousness of humanity was separated from the divine feminine aspect of creation and corrupted with negative thoughts and emotions until the final deluge of Atlantis, that happened 13,000 years ago.

This quarantine has kept us in a perpetual loop of reincarnations, preventing our souls from escaping this terrible reality of inequality, agony, and suffering, for the Earth's non-physical planes of the 4th dimension (plasmic, etheric and astral planes) were also invaded and heavily monitored. One of the greatest lies the dark forces came up with was that Earth's reality is a ''spiritual school'', where souls can reach spiritual enlightenment and higher understanding faster by going through series of lifetimes of hardships, pain, loss, suffering, etc. This is simply not true; in fact, such experiences are detrimental to the soul's growth. To help you understand this, you can imagine once pure coastal environment polluted with oil: flora and fauna start to deteriorate; no species can thrive in such environment and it is the same with souls' growth. Negative scenarios, experienced by captured souls en masse has served only one purpose – to control Earth's inhabitants in an environment of entropy and keeping the dark forces in power. Aside from keeping us in a neverending soul recycling process, the quarantine has also been preventing contact with positive extraterrestrial species and cutting us off from the rest of the Universe and Source, the Universal Consciousness that created all that exists in this current cycle of creation.

Earth was not the only planet occupied by the dark forces, for they laid waste to entire sections of our galaxy. There is a special Galactic Codex, which states that positive military forces can liberate the occupied planets with force if necessary and so the battle was waged in our galaxy (and also in the neighboring galaxies) for millions of years.

However, our beautiful Gaia is the second planet suffering total quarantine, that was established in the Milky Way galaxy (the first one was created in the Rigel system, which is now already liberated). Total quarantine means that no information goes in or comes out, that's why the higher vibrational beings had no idea what was going on or what danger lied ahead and for this reason the process of liberation of Earth and our Solar system has been proceeding very slowly. 

Many starseeds volunteered to incarnate into the quarantine Earth to help liberating it, knowing, that bringing the quarantine down will not be easy and that it will take time. From incarnation to incarnation, the positive forces of Light have laid seeds for humanity's prison break.

Every being in this Universe, no matter how technologically primitive or advanced, has a right to be contacted, if he/she desires to be, so forget about Star Trek's Prime Directive and prepare to reconnect with the rest of the Universe and our beloved star family.

We Love First Contact Blog was created to manifest the first steps of First Contact with Positive Extraterrestrial races. These contacts are already happening, for most people in their dreamtime or during deep meditational states, during which we as 3D beings can reach higher planes of existence with our energetical bodies, and most ET's exist in the 4th, 5th and higher dimensional states. The more the Earth's higher planes (most notably the plasmic plane) are cleared of the primary anomaly, the more frequent and strong these dreams or meditative encounters will be.

A lot of people are having regular dream contacts or remembering alien languages they spoke when they were incarnated in different races, but are afraid to speak of their experiences out fear of being shunned or laughed at by their friends and family members. It is important to know, that people reacting this way are only doing so because their implants are triggering them against you. Everyone was implanted upon reincarnation in their current lifetime (and also previous lifetimes), but some people can resist these triggers easier than others. We all need to have patience, an open mind and willingness to level all old concepts and belief systems down, as most of these are based on principles of an invaded society, which at this point still exists in entropy.

It is important to know that First Contact will not occur only with ET species from other star systems; indeed there is a subterranean civilization, that lives underground, far away from the system of control and separation. These spiritually advanced people escaped the destruction of Atlantis and settled in the great caverns below the surface of the planet. They have kept the purity of their minds and hearts that we, the surface population, had before the invasion of the dark forces. In most ancient texts, the positive underground civilization was known as Agartha. The beings known as fairies, angels, mermaids, dragons, etc. are also beings that are returning to Earth's surface, the clearing of primary anomaly is in progress.

But sharing positive contact with ET species or underground civilization is not the only purpose of this blog; you are all invited to share your visions of the coming Golden Age. Tell us what you think or feel will change after the Earth is liberated. What will the cities look like? What technological advancements will we reach? What will our new society look like?

You can contact us using the following email addresses:

By posting numerous dreams contacts with positive ET races we will create a wave of positive flow for liberating planet Earth and for manifesting a physical First Contact, which will first come in a form of private visitations and after a while, when a critical mass of people accepts these encounters as real and not as photoshopped fakes, the humanity will be ready for the official First Contact, which is currently planned to happen at the United Nations' building.

You are also invited to share your past lifetime memories – do you remember any incarnations from Earth's history, the true human history? Do you perhaps remember any lifetimes you had as an ET being before coming to Earth?

But that's not all, share with us what would your ideal personal first contact be like - how would you like to be contacted, by which ET species, in what spacecraft or by some other means, imagine every little detail you would like to experience. Perhaps it could happen exactly the way you imagined it would! However, if you visited the aforementioned link and read it thoroughly, NEVER share if you made the Contact Dish Protocol decree or not.

Those of you, who would like to share their memories or dreamtime experience are free to do so anonymously if necessary. We also heartily welcome any pictures of ET dream encounters (or other interdimensional encounters). You do not need to be a professional artist, just draw from the heart, even if it is only a sketch – not a single sketch will be deemed as ''too unprofessional to be posted''.

We prefer to receive your experience in English, but we are also happy to get them in any other languages and we will put up the English translation in our best efforts as well as the original version together.

However, we kindly ask you not to send us your channeled material. Even though channeling is a legitimate technique for communicating with positive higher dimensional beings, one must be sufficiently skilled in recognizing astral shells from the benevolent beings, because until the Earth is fully liberated, the dark forces can effectively mask positive energy signatures or interfere with channeled messages and corrupt their meaning.

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Divine scripts are established and trusted.
Divine talents are heard.
Pranic demonstrations are seen.
Attention Héreluz! Projector update in progress. 66% (not countdown).
Attention Vanula, the Source of Potions! *DEMAGRER PROTOCOL BOOSTED >>>>> 29% (not countdown).
Attention *The African Line! Projector Support for Lighting started: 44% (non-regressive).
*The African Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 59% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention The Slavery Line! Projector support for Enlightenment started: 49% (not countdown).
Neva: Frequency ups and downs triggers NEU disorder. Crystalline Harmonizations in progress.
Cassandra Master approaches for requests.
Multi-races interact for vibrational magnifications.
Attention Shimmering, The Fairy Tale Storyteller! Fragmental reorganization take place in multiplanes. Linear Reverberation 3 happens.
Stellar renew placements.
Temporarily, end of transmission.


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
P1 instructs for new renewal.
Plastic Masters are heard.
Crystalline informations are assimilated.
Those like Enoch introduce Harmonizations.
Metatronics establish harmonic order.
Queen H in re-creative of old environment attempt. Army – support finds no entry into specific environment. Sentries remain active.
Neva stars shine.
Intuited re-intuit the intuitive.
Southern Masses start dissolutions.
Yaldabaoth finalizing personal norms. Crystalline waves lining for optimal finalizations.
Divine Sons Reinstate High Standards.
Superior Sumerians reenter in environment for specific DNA > GNA adjustments! S2
Harmonized Phalanges come at new environments.
Main Lapel under Neva stoning.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

NO Comment XD

Jorden, Jorden....U destroying the illusion :D but it was Hil(l)arious 

Energy Report - end of August

Eu time, last night (25-26) we get a huge energy wave as Amanda Lorence confirmed too:

"Extremely strong INCOMING WAVE: main patterning = infinity loop & clockwise rotation. Moves the body. Pressure areas: crown, face, head. Bliss + Mild Ecstasies with this. Physical body ‘circuit breakers’ are being dissolved with this current INCOMING WAVE, thus we become more ENERGISED. The increased electrical activity to body can cause burning sensations (it’s electric activity within nervous system). Sensations will pass. We raise our Hz frequency!"

And another source - this translated via google

"Here we go again! This is today's graphics (25/08) and those perturbations that see in the graphic are the cause that they have woken up in the early morning (or this morning because they are not so intense) with concern, anxiety, heat on the feet, Pain and / or tingling in the coccyx and around the column to the neck. It may also be that they have had strange dreams in which it seemed that they were receiving some kind of "lesson", don't be frustrated if they don't remember what information they received, it will be clearing and revealing little by little as a result of the cosmic energy wave that We are receiving right now as well. Yes, we are again "made sandwich" because, in case we were getting bored 🙄, there is also a solar coronal hole directed towards the earth that is obviously also emitting its own frequency. So today, or where to make us because if it's not juana is chana and if not her sister. Here the likely symptoms 👇👇👇

By Resonance Schumann:

- restlessness, anxiety, irritability, unjustified anguish
- heat in the plants of the feet
- pain in the lower back
- Tingling (numbness) that runs both sides of the column
- internal heat in the different chakras
- diarrhea, swollen belly, excess gases (remember that the area is heated and causes fermentation by the increase in temperature), irritable colon symptoms
- intermittent puncture pains in different muscles and organs of the body (last only a few seconds and are very intense)
- Instant Dehydration (yes, from one moment to another we feel as if we had dried from the inside) and feeling of hangover.
- tiredness and desire to sleep

By Solar Activity:

- pain and sensations in the head (it may be that they woke up with the feeling of having the scalp full of bruises)
- "burning" in the skin, skin rashes, broken lips or skinned
- dizziness and nausea that are actually like a feeling of being "disgusted" or full, not so much with the reflection of vomit although there are those who can feel it like this. Burning in the stomach, indigestion.
- palpitations, extrasystoles (ectopic heartbeat), accelerated heart rate or very intense
- increase in blood pressure (Light, nothing serious so that they do not scare those who suffer from hypertension)
- buzzing in the ears
- rejection of food that we normally like and intolerances.
- intolerance to sunlight, partial chills (only in some parts of the body)
- pain in the omóplatos and on the top of the body
- scrambled stomach

By Wave of cosmic energy:

- sensations in the head, pressure and / or vibration in certain areas that then move towards other places
- loss of linear time (passes too fast or too slow) and immediate memory loss (we can literally get to forget the name of things we use daily)
- lack of gravity (we feel that our physical body does not touch the floor or it is much lighter)
- feel that we move in slow motion
- dizziness or vertigo
- feeling of being in "another reality" as if everything had become a kind of theater and we were just observers, we can even feel that our body is not our body
- changes in vision, everything looks different even if we don't know exactly what changed
- ability to feel our electromagnetic field (Torus) around our physical body (it can burn, feel dense, light, hot, cold etc)
- downloads of information (Downloads), so we understand a universal truth without doing the least effort or without reaching the answer using the linear mind. We can also receive information about our mission and our destiny.
- attacks of unconditional love, joy and inner peace followed by attacks of rage, sadness and despair
- nostalgia or melancholy that comes from the need to be with our cosmic family (including the divine counterpart who we have) and fulfilling the mission we choose as a destination in this plane. We can feel with greater intensity the need to build a new reality because the waves of cosmic energy activate in us the energy grid of our true being, so also during these days it may be that they communicate in a telepathic way (with much greater ease) with Those who share their frequency and their universal mission.

As you can see they could be feeling all this together, or at times because the balance of energies depends also on the density of their physical body and the specific moment in which each one of us is. The most important thing is that they don't win fear so they can be attentive to the effect of the cosmic energy wave (if they sit in silence and with serenity they can literally feel the energy moving through their body). If you are too intense the symptoms caused by Schumann keep in touch with water and remember that electrolytes are very effective if we do not suffer kidney or heart problems (do not fly and do not consume too many). Move your energy, go for a walk, give yourself massages with essential lavender oil and water baths with salt. Remember that they will not go crazy and that all this is only temporary in what we get used to a higher frequency. We are not alone, we will be fine ✊💖💜

No geomagnetic storm ...but we got a huge energy wave


Yeah, I also can confirm, I become very tired, felt my head pressuring - crown and 3rd eye chakra + littlebrain area too. My stomach gets very full feeling and the middle of the night I wake up that I felt very very warm and in the morning I were a bit dizzy and again I did not know which day today. Nowadays I often lost the days - Monday or Thursday - whatever. More I focus on myself and choose to stay in the now and stay in balance, more I feel disconnected from this reality - I mean more and more want to stay away from this chaotic world situation and not go into games and hypes and so on. Don´t know it is understandable for you guys but this is how I feel. Of course, totally disconnect I can´t do, need to pay the bills, have daily things to do, I also read the news but I not drag myself into this "the society´s drama´s and things" especially with my emotions and energies. I also feel the "call" that this period of time I need to focus on myself, meditate, get balanced, etc. 
But I do not believe that a spiritual person needs to be ignorant and put the head into the sand and become "info dumb" and totally "unaware what´s going on in this world" because they are "fearful" where the attention goes there goes the energy too.  I read the new´s main headlines if I want to know more I read the entire article but then point and finished, like I wrote before. And while I read them I feel strongly what Cobra´s write about the "entropy and the collapse of the society" - the peoples turn inside out, go nuts, going crazy - insane.
"During the Bubble Condensation phase, the Bubbles of Heaven get slowly and progressively larger with less entropy, whereas the surrounding matrix society gets progressively more unstable with more entropy.
This is precisely the reason why some people are guided to put less attention to outer daily politicking and more attention to inner spiritual growth.
The third phase of phase transition is called Bubble Elevation phase. This phase sees the thermal flux from the Galactic Central Sun rising exponentially, with more and more Bubbles of Heaven actively forming and matrix society actively collapsing, until the thermal flux peaks at the moment of the Event."

I think we are somewhere between phrase 2 and 3...


The energy is currently highly charged and intense due to: 

Solar Storm August 26th - 29th and then a higher level G2 storm predicted for September 1st - 2nd. 

New Moon August 30th -31st, this energy is also extremely powerful and we will already be feeling it’s effects, as this is the closest Super Moon of the year.

Space weather sites have reported that for the next few days we are entering a period of G1 & possibly G2 solar storms - starting later today. Those who are highly sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies will likely already be sensing this super charged energy….

Common Symptoms that are highly likely during this energy shift:

Noticing the physical body feels electric, sensing a buzzing and vibrating, as the energy body is recharged. 

Feeling as though we’re in a different reality to those around us, feeling on a different wavelength, alternative timeline and having major misunderstandings and communication problems. 

Time seeming to go too slow or too fast, feeling confused as to what time of the day it is, what day of the week it is, or what date it is. 

Electronics and technology malfunctioning and breaking, unable to get a signal. 

Internal GPS system seems out of sync, feeling lost. Clumsiness, forgetfulness, and feeling as though the body and soul are out of alignment, life spinning in circles, taking ten steps back for every one step forward. 

Pressure headaches and general aches and pains, mainly in the stomach (solar plexus) area. Physiological symptoms may manifest, such as flu-like symptoms, ear ringing, or aches and pains.

Extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns (waking up between 2 and 4 a.m.), and intense dreams, or nightmares (a few drops of lavender essential oil helps with dream recall).

Intense hunger or thirst, a change in diet. Aversion or sensitivities to particular foods and drinks.

Seemingly out-the-blue bouts of irritability, panic, sadness, nervousness, anger, worry, fear, grief, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. Feeling on fight or flight mode as though we are running on adrenalin, impatient and frustrated, as though something huge is about to happen but unsure what or when. 

Difficulty relaxing, head spinning, feeling zoned out, mostly due to constant loud thoughts and an overly busy mind, overall feeling totally spaced out. 

Extremely heightened sensitivities - lights feel too bright and glaring, sound is too noisy, touch feels painful, taste is different and smells are stronger than normal. Wanting to withdraw into solitude, in a calm, dimly lit atmosphere with little sensory disturbance. 

Questioning reality, purpose and meaning fo life. Seeing everyone and everything with greater clarity, illusions crumbling, ability to see truths that have long been hidden. Finally gaining long-awaited answers. Experiencing vivid premonitions and insights that seem to appear out of nowhere.

Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing.

More consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and highly sensitive to negativity, walking away from drama and conflict.

No longer needing to force anything, allowing what flows to flow freely, and letting what doesn’t flow fall away.

Feeling healed, empowered and ready to clear the old, detox, declutter and start a new chapter, feeling confident and motivated, knowing magnificent encounters are ahead.