"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 25.02.2019

Khazarian mafia play Trump blackmail card in final bid to avoid extermination

The Khazarian mafia is in a state of deep panic as more and more people, including many Jews, wake up to their horrors. That is why they are playing their trump card by blackmailing U.S. President Donald Trump into sabotaging the restoration of the U.S. Republic and preventing the start of military tribunals, say Pentagon and MI6 sources.

Trump is also going along with his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s Chabad plan (2,800 goyim slaves for each Jew) to start World War III with a war on Iran, the sources say. The result is that U.S. military intelligence are coming to the conclusion that Trump must go.

“Donald Trump is a Pentagon peacetime president, so there is a significant military intelligence presence around him. Really, we didn’t want either him or the other one, but we had to put in one so the Bush stuff could come through,” was what a high-level military intelligence source explained. The result was that Barbara Bush and George Bush Sr. were executed for treason, the source said.

However, now that Trump has placed Bush Sr.-era Attorney General William Barr as Attorney General again, he has let out a sign for all to read that he will not be going after the perpetrators of 9/11 or any more members of the Bush/Clinton crime family. Trump also has been blocking military tribunals and other forms of justice from moving forward, Pentagon sources say.

Many people, including this writer, hoped Trump would be the liberator of the U.S. However, Trump’s hiring of radical neocon warmongers like Jeff Bolton and convicted criminals like Elliot Abrams have forced us to realize that Trump is damaged goods.

If you want yet another sign that something is seriously wrong with the Trump presidency, ask yourself why Trump is trying to transfer nuclear weapons technology to the rogue state of Saudi Arabia.

Pentagon sources say he is doing this on the part of his Chabad masters in order to start a nuclear world war by having Saudi Arabia nuke Iran.

The reason for these unnatural Trump actions is serious blackmail, both Pentagon and MI6 sources say. Specifically, they say “Trump is on film bashing in a child’s head.” This is something both senior British and U.S. military intelligence sources confirm.

There is now corroborating evidence coming forward in public. The Miami Herald, in particular, has been doing real journalistic work by exposing convicted pedophile Jeff Epstein, whose Orgy Island Trump has frequented. Now a judge has ruled that Trump’s Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta broke the law when he let Epstein off lightly on pedophilia charges. When asked about it, Trump said, “I don’t know much about it. He’s done a great job as Labor Secretary. That seems like a long time ago.”

This, by the way, is what Trump had to say about Epstein: “Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

Wake up and smell the coffee, folks—Trump has become an obstacle to justice in the U.S. Not only that, he has publicly joined the radical Chabad fanatics who have been trying to start World War III for decades. My question is why doesn’t the military grab Abrams, Bolton, Kushner, etc. and put them in jail where they belong? Also, why don’t they find the video with which Trump is being blackmailed and use it to force him to resign? You can start that search by questioning Epstein.

In any case, despite Trump’s unnatural turnaround on issues like 9/11, Pentagon sources say he has been forced by the military to take action against lower-ranking figures. “Zionists have been targeted after Trump met with military brass in October 2017 to unleash the storm with Harvey Weinstein, then Las Vegas casino king Steve Wynn (Weinberg), then CBS titan Les Moonves, and now billionaire New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft and more.”

Also, “Mossad espionage operations to help Jewish criminals have also been neutralized with the shutdown of Psy Group, and the exposure of Black Cube as well as Pegasus spyware,” Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, “The gay Bolton flunky and Israeli shill Richard Grenell was rejected as UN ambassador,” the sources note.

The removal of senior pedophile Catholic cardinals is another positive sign that the Khazarian mafia pedophile blackmail network is being dismantled. The defrocking last week of sex predator ex-Cardinal of D.C. Ted McCarrick is now likely to be followed by the defrocking of convicted pedophile Cardinal George Pell, former head of the Vatican Bank, the sources say.

The Khazarian mafia is fighting back by seeking Chinese protection and sponsorship. Trump was able to end the U.S. government shutdown and get funds to keep the Washington, D.C. apparatus running by offering the Chinese control of Japan and the Korean Peninsula, according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor. As a part of this deal, U.S. forces will withdraw from Japan and Korea to Hawaii, the sources say. This will come up for discussion when Trump meets this week with North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un, they say.

Asian secret society sources independently confirm that yes indeed, control of Japan has been promised to China. They say the only thing the election of Trump did was delay this deal, which had already been negotiated by Hillary Clinton.

Another sign of the Khazarian mafia sucking up to the Chinese was seen last week when Saudi Clone Prince Mohammed Bin Salman visited China. He was able to get some rent money out of China by offering to build a giant refinery there and by promising to teach Chinese to all Saudi Arabian schoolchildren. He also showed he was a fake Muslim by endorsing China’s placing of Uighur Muslims into concentration camps.

The Saudi and American branches of the Khazarian mafia also are seeking Chinese protection because the Jews are finally figuring out that the Khazarians are their worst enemy. If you have not seen it yet, please check out this short YouTube video by long-term, high-ranking U.S. government official Steve Pieczenik. Pieczenik independently confirms what many sources have been telling me over the years: Jews working for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were killing their fellow Jews during World War II.

This all was part of an effort to force Jews out of Europe and into Israel in order to create a kingdom there for the Khazarian mafia. The fact that the Jews are waking up to this terrible crime against them in the name of Zionism has put the Khazarian mafia into a state of deep fear. This can be seen in the move by Rothschild-slave French President Emmanuel Macron to make anti-Zionism a criminal offense.

Somebody should remind Macron about what happened to Nicolae Ceaușescu of Romania or Italy’s Benito Mussolini after they tried to ramp up repression in order to stop a popular revolt against their rule.

On a final note this week, we got a lot of feedback concerning our report of an attempt to cash high-level bonds last week in the name of “Doctor” Zvonko Berdik-Albert. Asian secret society sources said “Dr.” Albert was a con artist and not a real doctor. They say at one point he illegally accessed Plum Blossom (Mei Hua) funds and that “close to 50 Chinese generals” were subsequently executed as a result. They say “Dr.” Albert was executed “because he caused suffering to many people.”

However, the sponsors of the bond countered by saying:

“He was originally on the wrong side, but then devoted the last 10 years of his life to doing only the right thing and thus was hunted by the Cabal. He was a good and decent guy, though, and wanted to see the trust be used only for the best interests of the people. He put his foot down against the Cabal in the last years of his life. Since we have taken the helm, we have repositioned its direction from its past. [Putting] Scott in place of Dr. A is purely for mankind, and he has been fighting the good fight and cause for the last 10 years. We will only do the right, equitable thing for humanity as a whole.”

The people who tried to cash this instrument seemed sincere and well-intentioned. However, it looks like the move on the bond was a covert attempt to buy out influential truthseekers by offering them vast sums for “humanitarian purposes.” The problem, of course, is that it perpetuates the system of having a secret group use its abilities to create money out of thin air in order to bribe or pay to have neutralized any opposition to their rule.

The ultimate answer is still to make the creation and distribution of money a publicly-run utility, not a secret source of godlike power for a self-selected few.

Original Post:


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Heavenly harmonies sighted in environments.
Special points of Light sighted.
Cross-information analyzed.
LEO Director expands field.
Crystalline in SINGLE CALL PULSE>> 79% (Not countdown)
Sonar in SINGLE CALL PULSE >>> 91% (Not countdown)
Main Grid wipe out started. New protocols deployment in progress: updating layers. 96% (not countdown)
Ashtar(s) synchronizing LEO, MEO and HEO. 98% (not countdown)
Attention Shimmering, The Storytelling Fairy, Vanula, The Source of Potions and Eliar Flours, the Artist creating movement! Vortex at 99% (not countdown)
Special time points in approach. Packages being finalized.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland - 27.02.2019

While in meditation I was told a very large Galactic Federation ship will be here in the first week of March. It has 49 shuttles each 220 feet wide. It is part of the changes rapidly unfolding on Earth. Most of your leaders are aware of and working with the Federation, the Orion Council of Light and Pleiadians. I have not been told as of yet their mission. The Earth has been under siege for thousands of years by darker forces which have infiltrated, almost all agencies, institutions and powers. You have been under a very suppressive Draconian or what some would call an Archon grid. This is coming to a close. The electromagnetic light spectrum on all levels has increased exponentially. The Central Sun connected to all other Suns has increased its flow of consciousness and energy. Consciousness, Light, Energy and Mass are all connected as frequencies of the same force. Due to free will and a lot of negative influence there has been a lot of miscreation outside of Universal Law. This solar system is in the boondocks on an outermost arm of the Milky Way. There are differences of opinion on whether we are even in the Milky Way none the less we have been left alone, some might say abandoned until the time is right.

NASA has released the charts on the increase of incoming energies, the Schuman Resonance is off the chart Tuesday it went from 7.8 to 74 which is one reason people are feeling out of sorts. This is all part of the awakening and healing or liberation of Earth. You can see it playing out on every level. The increase in social, economic, political, changes, severe weather, increase in earthquake and volcanic activity all are byproducts of these incoming energies. People are choosing between the upward spiral engaging their own higher consciousness and energy making their own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection, or the downward spiral leading to social, economic and environmental collapse. The days of tyranny are coming to a close, yet this will happen in stages. We are here for soul evolution, to gain the wisdom through experience learning from the past. This is where the wisdom from the Elders come in. There are Elders from Earth and Elders from the stars. The Elders of the Earth if awake are connected to the Elders in the stars. Your ancient ancestors are returning. They know the real history of Earth, the origin of your religions, and have a more expanded version of God far beyond the bearded images of the past.

What does this mean for Humanity? We are being given a golden opportunity to release the past, gain the wisdom from the experience and take a quantum leap in evolution. We can choose to join the rest of the Universe in Peace, reunite with the greater family of man, clean up the environment, put an end to most diseases and live a thoroughly loving, joyous abundant life. It is our birthright. We did not get into the mess we are in without interference. When I say interference, it exists on many levels, physical and non-physical. There in so much inhumanity on Earth because of non-human interference. This is being removed.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.”

Many humans have chosen to serve these non-human entities due to promises of power, fame, wealth etc. These are false promises and never end well. This is a disservice to God and country. 

The real power is love and it comes from making your own personal connection with God/Creator/Great Spirit. Real everlasting fame comes from service to humanity, saints, sages and masters are the most remembered. The real wealth comes from within, wealth of knowledge, wealth of love, wealth of joy, a life of service to humanity and the Earth feeling good about oneself that is the real wealth, it is nonmaterial. The transitory and false fame, wealth, and power sold to you by social consciousness is a lie. When you awaken many will realize almost everything they have been taught and told were lies. The social engineering, conditioning and programming has all been a plan carried out by these negative forces seen and unseen that have enslaved humanity for eons. Again, these forces are replete throughout the agencies and institutions you have in error given your power too. Some refer to these energies as the deep state or swamp. It is global. 

When you climb the ladder of fame. power and wealth in most institutions of this day and age it gets darker and more decadent. When your eyes are fully opened the truth can be devastating. The masks are all coming down, the truth is being revealed and the true character of everyone will be made known. Politics, Hollywood, and the major religions are a good example. Nothing is how it seems and nothing is real concerning what the lame stream media tells you. In fact, if you reverse what they are saying the percentage of truth would be much higher. The Great Awakening is here. How we deal with it and how much we resist it will be up to each individual. I would strongly suggest choosing Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All, “Universal Law” the upward spiral of evolution. It is time to listen to the Elders of Earth and the Stars. There are spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations which have conquered, poverty, disease, and live in harmony with each other and their environments. One would think it wise to follow their lead.

Be well, James Gilliland

Energy/Plasma wave coming

"I already mentioned this last week or the week before but we have another Plasma wave coming in through the Sun- active and will peak at different times depending on where you live as far as hemispheres and how you experience the energy individually so how you tune into the sun and the planets in the collective Consciousness because there will be a spike in the Schumann resonance with this. This can create winds and changes in weather, and the usual energy shifts emotionally mentally physically and spiritually. You may also feel increases in sexual energy. The winds will be strong/ possible power outages- all from the cosmic rays coming through. We have already shifted timelines collectively and collapsed 13,000 yrs of bs in multiple collective timelines, at one point there were about 20 highest potential collective timelines- now there are less. WE are the change.Do not fear or feed into the hype about 5G either- if you believe its dangerous then you agree collectively to allow it to be, if you see it as technology shifting because we are and have shifted & evolved, then thats what itll be. Stand in your power. WE create. WE agree to experience as a group and individually. 

I forgot to mention, the codes/frequencies that come through these rays are what are connected to synchronicity and number manipulation by the ones (once) in control of the entertainment, collective perception and money systems. Example: 13D, sirius b ray-52, 52 used often in numerology manipulation using synchronicities which are the fabric of the holographic reality through ray projection. (The projections are just layers of light.) This is one of many base numbers used most often. Time is cyclical so events flow through number/frequency- cause and affect, based off the time dimensional frequency and projection. Its the mind creates the duality/division. Not the natural reality. The division here on this planet is due to our mental projection individually and as a collective consciousness. And it's not even really about a particular situation or experience but all of our experiences that is creating in unfolding of pure potential to create a completely new paradigm, as Lisa Harrison would call it "deconstructing the construct" which I think is the most perfect reference for what this is and what we're doing Each experience is based of perception/projection- some may feel the cosmic rays, some may not. Some may see them, some may not. Either way, the importance is focused on staying in the excitement of creating and having that experience..in my opinion. Everything I speak on is my own perception so may not resonate!! Our sun is a portal- for these rays/projections. The rays coming through the Sun are causing the "magnetic" sun or "Divine Feminine" cycle.
We are by Divine design- shifts right now are spiritual then physical and vice versa. "

Aluna Ash


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Attention Cranu-Idini! +15 released.
The Palestinian Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 56% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates
The Persian Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 71% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
PVSE supporting Mastery (Master Reniy/Master Ury) Projectors. 82% (not countdown).
Special Projector for Knights of the Order in anchorage! 52% (not countdown).
Special Projector for Knights of the Order in reverberation! 24% (not countdown).
The Return of the (Urena, Meloni and Aklero) Magi: Line Enlightenment in progress: 79% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention Héreluz Starkys! +15 released.
Attention The Spanish Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 74% (not countdown).
The Spanish Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 74% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Temporarily, end of transmission.

David Wilcock response to Benjamin Fulford’s 2-25-19 article… “I call BS. Trust the Plan.”

This David Wilcock comments on Benjamin’s article, I hope David have right and the things have gone well in the background. Fulford writes intels what he got from the left side and also from the right side, good information mix with a bunch of disinformation. When these nasty cabal guys lie to you in the mainstream media, why you think they give Ben a piece of good information? In my opinion, they just use him to reach us with their lie here in the alternative platform too and let you believe that their plan to make our World upsidedown still ongoing. The fact is, they have no money, loose ground everywhere, and they can´t fight so long against these coming energy wave - for us is hard to adjust for these energies, try to imagine how hard for them too, plus we have serious ET support from all over the universe. So always use your own discernment and not just here, everywhere what you read/listen in the media, internet, alternative news and not hit the messenger!

Comment by David Wilcock

Wow. I will have to sharply disagree with Ben and his alleged insiders on this one.

Remember, folks, Ben passes along information from sources who give it to him, and lets us decide.

It wouldn’t be hard for someone to give Ben something that wasn’t true, and sadly we have seen this many times in the past with things that did not happen.

This new data very much looks like a deliberate, coordinated hit job against the president by people who may have earned Ben’s trust by passing along real information, only to abuse it by disinforming the public at a critical moment through this avenue.

Never have my sources heard any intel suggesting that Trump bashed in the head of a child. If the loyal opposition had anything like that, they would have used it a long time ago, and particularly in the election itself with all the leaked emails.

Believe me, if this was true or if I had heard anything like this suggesting it was, I would fearlessly pass it along. In this case the whole thing absolutely smacks of another case of insiders getting to Ben and weaponizing his platform against the Alliance.

The president DID admit to having gone to Epstein’s island through various venues in the past, before the election. He also very clearly indicated that once he found out what was going on there, he STOPPED GOING. This was clearly and repeatedly presented by Alex Jones while he still had a platform.

If there was data like this available, it would have been weaponized against the Alliance a LONG TIME AGO.

Sorry Ben. If these accusations are not true then it is massive slander and betrayal of the Alliance agenda. And guess what? Your most recent post was an apology to ‘Cobra’ for publishing things that were not true and thereby committing slander. Here is what this individual just had you publish:

“This article has come to my attention:

It contains a false statement that I am wanted by the law in my home country. That statement is NOT true and is actually slander.

I am NOT wanted by the law, neither in my country nor anywhere else.

Please add a correction to that article ASAP.”

It is up to this audience to discern and compare what Ben is saying with what else is available.

The content and timing of this “New Intel” is extremely suspect, as is the complete lack of any mention of Q Anon as the authoritative source of Alliance briefings.

The reason I say it is suspect is that the Alliance is finally getting the job done and moving into a phase where we could be right on the verge of major public disclosures.

Anyone who joins this administration is going to have to be Alliance. There is no other way. The cards are completely stacked against you. It would be deadly not to play along or to otherwise attempt to bribe or blackmail.

Plus, there is such secrecy around these operations that we cannot assume to know anything. Real leaks are very, very hard to come by since we are in a final phase.

We have very good intel that the tribunals began as of January 2nd, so the idea that they have not yet begun or are trying to be delayed is incorrect.

Analysis and deciphering of the latest Q posts is of critical importance right now in gaining understanding as to what the Alliance is doing.

I have recently become active with live video streaming on https://www.youtube.com/davidwilcock333, as you may know. There is a much bigger story going on.

In particular, two new whistleblowers came forward just as of Wednesday, February 20th (well, one of the two) with Linda Moulton Howe regarding the Antarctic Atlantis and the secret space program. The other, Spartan 1, appeared in a video from January.

This is incredible stuff, giving full confirmation of what we have been reporting now over many years… with stunning new details as well.

I rushed to get out a video about this the very day after I heard about it and watched Linda’s videos. This is where things are going from the briefings I am getting. It is the length of a full movie, but do please watch, as THIS is the hot insider story of the moment:

We are at high risk of another 9/11 false flag event to try to throw off the tribunals from continuing. You are advised to stock up on two weeks’ worth of food, water and basic survival supplies.

This very likely fake briefing Ben just got is completely in keeping with the idea that the Deep State is going for as many all-or-nothing kill-shots as they can at this moment.

Additionally, just since this video went live, we have gotten additional briefings that the Deep State folks are apparently indeed moving forward with the plan to do the Antarctic Atlantis and undersea ruins disclosure in the near future.

We heard for some time that they might do this when they are really in trouble, and that time is now. If they can’t get the false flags to work, they need to do something to try to distract the public enough that the information about the tribunals gets overwhelmed by other, much more compelling material.

A release of the Antarctic Atlantis material could keep us completely riveted to mainstream news for months. It dwarfs the excitement of the Apollo missions or anything else you can think of by orders of magnitude.

Again, if there was any information that the president did these sorts of things, it would have come to my attention a long time ago. The Alliance would not have used someone who was that blackmailable.

I call BS. Trust the Plan.

David Wilcock



P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
New pyramids are sighted.
Superior pairing started.
Uncomplications take place.
Superior zones accessed.
Stellar re-sent decoded signals.
MiD maneuvers are undone.
Overloads are reduced.
MiD leaders contact Zero i for breakthroughs. The Light Celebrates!
TSF (AFE) Package reverberant! Reverberation at 49% (not countdown).
Special projector for Knights of the Order in anchorage! 49% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Zero i: increased multiplans interactions. Special portion delivered to him. Collateral: inner accelerations.
4 elements in expanded manifestations.
Higher Protocols reverberations in Non-Frontier Island in progress.
Galactics manifest they selves in reverberation on Non-Frontier Island.
Morphic fields are broken.
*FA-EN144 Consecration in progress. FIRST ROW. Collateral >>> Sleep patterns change. 66% (not countdown).
(PMMEG): Failure! Re-protocol analyzed by Priestesses.
Attention Cranu-Idini, *MorDort-SIUX Projector pointed! IMMEDIATE Reverberation! Anchorage at 98% (not linear).
SPECIAL CHANT reverberation in progress! Special Projector anchorage in emission Terrans! 74% (not countdown).
S.E.N.S.E: INTENSE REVERBERATION STARTED. First Movement: 82% not countdown.
End of line in sight!
Temporarily, end of transmission.

GaiaPortal - 24.02.2019

Cycles of Illumination elevate and complete.

Partnerships in Spirit form on a planetary scale.

Elements of Light infuse the hu-being.

Hue-manity clears the way.

Zionist melt down...big changes in March?

A very short Benjamin Fulford video came up yesterday and according to his sources, He says that a lot of senior Zionists are being taken out and removed from the planet in the traditional sense and that we are going to see very big changes in government, in places like France, England and Japan in this March (2019)

He will have full details in March.

Please use your own discernment about this, so much promise was given out especially about the dates, I don´t want you to get disappointed, but I wish it becomes true. 

But according to other sources, something really will happen in March - energetically for sure (some strong energy waves like this month - February)


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Main matrix in collapse.
Merkaba mergers take place
Attention Cranu-Idini: fractions of the old do not interact, they purify themselves.
Arcturians manifest in Non-Frontier Island! Projection intensity increased.
Minefields dissolved in Non-Frontier island. The Light Celebrates!
Alfeus harmonize astral field of Non-Frontier Island!
Mayans Fleets approach.
Zero i: Galactic manifest in 7D.
Necessary migrations tak.e place
Harmony protocols are offered.
Stellar fraternize.
Terrans consecrated.
Birds still falling for balance.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

David Wilcock Exclusive Interview - Part 1-5

Deep State Predictions 2019: Major Data Dump with DAVID WILCOCK [Part 1]

Military has Terminators for Alien Invasion? [Part 2]

Alliance vs Deep State: The Final Showdown! David Wilcock Best Interview Ever! [Part 3]

Alliance Strikes Back Against Deep State: David Wilcock Exclusive Interview [Part 4]

Deep State can't stop the Great Awakening: DAVID WILCOCK Exclusive Interview [Part 5]


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Organic acceleration happens.
Attention Non-Frontier Island! Special Projector in high performance 50%!
Attention remaining Orion immigrants! New caravan opened!
Stellar fraternize! Local tremors stabilized.
Maximum deliveries ended.
Zero i: Special protection sent.
Nouris Projectors in reverberation. 19% (not countdown).
Attention Egazar Movement! Projector support for Enlightenment started: 69% (not countdown).
P1 preparing special communication.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #873 ABOUT THE SITUATION via Gabriel RL - 21.02.2019

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
New Contacts get in line. Approaches happen for New Coordinates.
Releases of old packages take place. Updates in progress.
Discontinuations reopen debates in High Command.
Attention Non-Frontier Island! Prepare for High Projection!
Zero i: prepare reception of New Movement.
Starting disconnections for Higher Re-connections... Next:%.
Andlno’s reverberation in progress: 100% (not countdown).
Sonar in SINGLE CALL PULSE >>> 89% (not countdown).
Main Grid wipeout starting. New Protocols deployment in progress: updating layers. 94% (not countdown).
Ashtar(s) synchronizing LEO, MEO and HEO. 96% (not countdown).
Attention Shimmering, The Storytelling Fairy, Vanula, The Source of Potions and Eliar Flours, the Artist creating movement! Vortex at 98% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

I ask apology V.

Intuitive Guidance Insight with Alisha Braché - 22-28. Februar

Energy Update & Intro Video link: (this week will be in two parts as it got cut off)

Select which image you’re intuitively drawn to. Below is a separate link for each image:

Reading links below:

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 18.02.2019

Bankrupt US government issues fake bonds in doomed attempt to keep afloat

The bankrupt U.S. government in Washington, D.C. was able to pretend it did not go bankrupt last week by issuing fake bonds, but these will be blocked, according to Pentagon, Asian secret society, and European royal sources.

In 2008, the Khazarian mafia puppet government in Washington, D.C. was able to avoid bankruptcy by using 700 tons of gold to forge 750,000 tons worth of gold-backed bonds and create $23 trillion out of thin air, confirmed by CIA, Pentagon, MI6, and other sources. That money has now run out.

Now they are forging the identity of a murdered man, “Doctor” Zvonko Berdik-Albert (it is actually Count Albert) to try to do the same thing, this time using Chinese currency. A copy of the forgery can be seen below.

The Khazarian mob also murdered former top European CIA man Neil Keenan and tried to forge his identity in a failed attempt to get their hands on Indonesian gold, according to CIA sources in Indonesia.

At the same time, the Khazarian mafia sent their fake Saudi Crown Prince to Pakistan last week with $20 billion in bribes in an attempt to buy security for their collapsing control of oil in the Middle East, Pentagon sources say. However, the Pakistanis were not fooled by the satan-worshiping Khazarian puppet pretending to be a Muslim, according to Ismaili (historical Hashashin or assassin) sources.

The reason the clown prince went to Pakistan to seek protection was because the U.S. military is planning to withdraw from Saudi Arabia and let the Arabians once again choose a genuine Muslim as their leader, thus dooming many of the so-called Saudi royals, Pentagon sources say.

Meanwhile, multiple sources in the U.S. and Canada say Special Forces have been called into action in North America following the declaration of a national emergency last week by U.S. President Donald Trump.

Pentagon sources say that with emergency powers, “Trump can now direct military operations in cities to remove false flag threats, arrest cabal and foreign agents, close overseas bases, get the Army Corps of Engineers to build a wall, order troops home, and bring military tribunals into the national conversation.”

Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Brock Long was fired and Attorney General William Barr was sworn in before Trump declared the national emergency, in order to make mass arrests possible and to prepare for FISA declassification and “intel dumps,” the Pentagon sources say. Brock Long was behind the fake hurricane crisis that was used to cover up the bankruptcy of the Puerto Rico operations of the Washington, D.C. Corporation.

Many of the “intel dumps” will be about the politicians and power brokers who are receiving huge bribes from the illegal drug industry, CIA sources say. Already, the drug lord El Chapo testified at his sentencing hearing that Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, and others received drug money from him.
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=117525 [Kp note: links to this 2 minute video; well worth the short listen.]

Similarly, Pope Francis “was forced to make a historic move in defrocking sex predator ex-Cardinal of D.C. Ted McCarrick, paving the way for more cardinals and bishops to face the same punishment,” the sources say. This was apparently the first time in the entire 2,000-year history of the Church that a cardinal has been defrocked, or “laicized.” McCarrick was a top power broker in Washington, D.C. who protected many high-level political criminals, the sources say. (Remember George Bush Jr. and Tony Blair going to see Pope “Maledict” to ask for protection after leaving power?)

The defrocking of McCarrick was related to the removal of top Vatican financier Cardinal Pell after he was found guilty last December of sexually abusing children, according to P2 freemason sources. Pell had been blocking the start of the new financial system, they say.

This is also connected to the formal request by the British government, sent to the Vatican via diplomatic channels, to investigate the Vatican’s role in the March 11, 2011 Fukushima mass murder, British MI6 sources say. The Fukushima criminal proceedings will start with charges being laid against Israeli security company Magna BSP and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the sources say.

However, the fascist and germ warfare-promoting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and his Iwasaki clan backers (Mitsubishi Group) will also face trial later in the proceedings, the sources say. As a reminder, Abe’s government was installed through election fraud after the Fukushima disaster. His government has been embezzling large sums of money that officially are being used for “cleaning up Fukushima,” according to Japanese right-wing sources. In addition, Abe’s mother is acting as a liaison with Japanese gangsters for handing out Tokyo Olympic-related slush funds, according to a Yamaguchi gumi syndicate insider.

The fact that the Russian government does not want to make a peace deal with Abe’s regime is a clear sign that they understand it is an illegitimate, criminal government, say Russian FSB sources.

The firing of Michael Greenberg as top Vatican/Mossad agent in Japan and the imminent arrest of murderer, drug dealer, and Barbara Bush cousin Richard Armitage will pave the way for the clean-up in Japan, say White Dragon Society sources in Japan.

That’s why there is a huge fight going on behind the scenes as Japan prepares to install Crown Prince Naruhito as the new emperor on May 1st. One group is pushing to have North Korea’s Kim Jong Un installed as emperor, since he represents a part of the royal bloodline that never surrendered to foreign control, Japanese imperial family sources say. Another group claims that Naoshi Onodera of the Southern imperial bloodline should be emperor, because Naruhito is not of imperial blood.

The imperial succession is sure to be a topic of intense discussion when Kim Jong Un and Trump meet in Vietnam on February 27 and 28. Pentagon sources say a public tribunal may be held to determine who the legitimate emperor should be.

There is also an upcoming case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague that could upset the political foundations of the European Union, according to officials of France’s National Transition Council. On February 19, the Council will submit a case to the ICJ claiming that “France has had no constitution since December 13th, 2007,” according to Council spokesperson Fabrice Dubourdieu. In addition, the Council will show that three departments (administrative regions) of France have been run without legal right or title since 1948, he says.

“This legal mess could trigger not only the regime change in France, but also the collapse of the EU (as we know it) for all sorts of legal reasons which I can develop if you like,” Dubourdieu claims. He adds that “We aren’t naïve; we know we are under full-time surveillance. The fact we are not prevented from acting means that higher people decided it was the right time to torch the EU 4th Reich legally.”

Meanwhile, the Khazarian mafia government of Israel, seeing that its 4th Reich Nazi backers are losing power, tried holding an emergency conference in Poland last week to drum up support for a war on Iran. They were also there to try to extort money from Poland, Polish Intelligence Agency sources say. The Polish government refused to hand over a penny and instead asked for the prosecution of European Council President Donald Tusk, the sources say. Tusk is a German agent who only pretended to be Polish and was involved in the murder of top Polish government officials, including its president, in 2010, they add.

Another sign the Khazarians are losing control came as “Israeli dual-citizen Rupert Murdoch’s surrogate, former Fox News anchor Heather Nauert, withdrew her name for consideration as UN Ambassador,” Pentagon sources say. The U.S. will soon have a UN ambassador who actually represents the U.S. and not Israel, Jewish CIA sources say.

There is a lot more going on that we cannot write about yet because it could jeopardize ongoing operations. However, readers can rest assured that it involves really nice things for the people and living organisms of this planet. The meek are finally going to get their inheritance.

Original Post:


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Zero i in preparation for 17Especial decodings.
Attention Terrans! Expanded field for renovations.
High protocol maintained.
Attention Cranu-Idini! Old parasites dissolved in soon linear.
APIGUIS calls for interaction.
Those insecure people are struggling in deep environments. Immediate assistance sent.
Superior Stars look for Sustainers. Search started.
Zero i: Divine Female anchorage. 78%. Reverberation started. Enlargings take place and will be delivered..
Heals happen and reverberate. New paths are shown.
811 Hotis Enlightenment in progress: 26% not countdown. (Glossary >>> The Kingdom of the Hotis Dragons...)
Temporarily, end of transmission.

GaiaPortal - 20.02.2019

Wings are born on those with freedom of Spirit.

Elements of Higher Vibrations are embraced.

Polarities are leveled.

Mediators brought in.

Conclusions are created.

Cosmic Central Race - Cobra article

Our Return of Light meditation has created a coherent consciousness signal across the universe that got the attention of the Cosmic Central race.

Cosmic Central race is the most advanced race which has evolved around the Cosmic Central Sun. It has now begun to focus its attention towards planet Earth and its liberation, because now there is enough consciousness on the surface of the planet to make cooperation with such evolved beings possible.

As a result of this interaction, certain aspects of liberation plan will be released to the surface population in the intermediate future. 

Our Solar System is now full of beings from the Cosmic Central race and they are cooperating with the Light Forces from the Jupiter Command, Ashtar Command, Atlantis Command, Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromedan Fleet, Resistance Movement, positive Agartha factions and certain special forces called SURFACOM.  

Cosmic Central race beings are also contacting the most advanced members of the surface population in their meditations, dreams and visions. 


Upon the request of the Light Forces I am hereby releasing a meditation which you can use to connect and cooperate with the Cosmic Central race. 
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool for the planetary liberation.

3. Visualize beings from the Cosmic Central race emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being dispersed through Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize these beings entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through Alcyone Pleiadian stargate, then going through the Sirius stargate, then entering our Solar System and being positioned inside our Solar System in a flower of life mandala, and then connecting with all Light Forces above the surface, below the surface, and on the surface of the planet Earth.
4. Visualize beings from the Cosmic Central race transmuting all remaining darkness of this Universe until only Light remains. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings in the entire Universe. 

Lengyel Goddess Vortex in Hungary has been chosen as the entry point for the energies of the Cosmic Central race.  The reasons for this choice have to do with the 1996 Archon invasion, social dynamics behavior patterns of the most advanced Lightworkers, the position of the outer border of late Atlantean Mediterranean colonies, and conscious connection of shamen of Lengyel culture with the Galactic Central Sun of our Galaxy:

There is an important restructuring of the surface Light Forces teams in preparation for cooperation with Cosmic Central race and SURFACOM special forces. Justice is coming. Therefore, for the early phases of certain operations I need to expand my legal team and need an attorney that can at least to some degree understand and support my mission, and has a good understanding of international law, copyright issues, defamation and libel issues and harassment / threatening / cyberstalking issues. If you are such an attorney, you can contact cobraresistance@tutanota.com

All that is Done will be Undone.

Victory of the Light!

Original Post: