Cobra : Negative ions do not effect plasma fields very much. Sometimes they can make it a little bit more harmonious but basically they don’t have much effect on plasma field
U : Are electrons composed of smaller particles ?
C : Yes but not on the physical plane
U : Are quarks or electrons, the permanent atom of the highest etheric sub-plane ?
C : No
U : So those permanent atoms are inside the quark or electrons or ?
C : They are existing on a higher plane
U : Are all particles actually waves ?
C : Yes
U : Some have described that matter of personality bodies that has been redeemed is retributed to the causal body or causal energy field, which then strengthens the aura, could you talk about this ?
C : It is not transmuted to the causal body, I would say the anomaly is removed from that matter and then the Light forces can translate or transmute that matter to any dimension they want.
U : So then the causal body flows better into the personality bodies ?
C : Causal body does not flow into personality bodies, causal body is not as it was described in the 20th century in many esoteric books, is it not the source of the soul, it is not the body of the soul
U : Ok. So what is its purpose ?
C : It is simply a body that, I would say is a bridge between entropy and syntropy, it’s a bridge between higher and lower dimensions of the cosmic physical plane.
U : And so it is in the higher mental plane ?
C : If you look at it from above it’s the second third and fourth sub-plane of the mental plane.
U : And the soul is on Atmic plane ?
C : Atmic and Budhic plane
U : At what plane do twin souls split ?
C : On the first sub-plane of the mental plane (if you look from above).
U : Ok. So above that they are always one
C : They are one being
U : At what plane are tachyons created ?
C : The tachyons are created in the Source and they emerge from the highest sub-plane of the cosmic physical plane into this Universe, that’s the Adi plane.
U : Ok so do they also exist inside the Source ?
C : They do not exist inside the Source, but they are emanations from the Source
U : When we are observing the quantum level from the physical plane, are we still looking at the physical or are we looking at a higher plane ?
C : It depends on the quantum phenomena you’re observing, but mostly you are observing the physical plane, and sometimes you are observing the plasma or even etheric plane. Actually certain quantum observations will be the official scientific discovery of the etheric plane, in the future when the cabal will lose its control over this process.
U : So the quantum level is existing at all planes simultaneously ?
C : Yes
U : Can the etheric body travel away from the physical body like the astral does ?
C : Yes
U : Is all matter on all planes simply made of densified Light ?
C : Yes, it’s a combination of densified Light and the primary anomaly
U : What is the purpose of the atmic plane ?
C : The purpose of the atmic plane is to transmit the divine plan into, I would say, more dense planes of creation
U : How would you differentiate the inner spiritual will and the free will ?
C : Inner spiritual will is a reflection of the will of the soul, whereas free will is a combination of that inner spiritual will and will of all sub-personalities combined.
U : Would you say that all matter from higher planes is present inside the physical matter ?
C : It embraces the physical plane, it’s not present inside the physical plane, but it’s present everywhere in a finer dimension
U : So they are existing in parallel
C : I would not say parallel dimensions because this brings up wrong mental associations, I would say it’s present everywhere but in a more refined state.
U : Right, in the same space
C : Actually everything is in the same space
U : Ok thank you
Situation Update
Patrick : Is asteroid Oumuamua really an alien spaceship?
Cobra : It is not a spaceship, it is actually 2 objects which are almost touching each other, and they are given an appearance of very elongated objects, but it’s a natural object
P : If we can send tachyonized goshenite, cintamani stones and sugilite onto Low Earth Orbit, can they assist the removal of plasmatic wormlike entities and yaldabaoth ?
C : Yes of course
P : Ok we’ll try. Did our global winter solstice meditation reach critical mass and bring significant results?
C : It did not reach critical mass but it of course did help in certain operations of the Light forces
P : As light forces are gaining more and more progress, do they provide more protection to lightworkers and lightwarriors?
C : More protection will be available when the Light forces are able to have more direct access to the innermost layers of the anomaly, close to the surface of the planet.
P : How does the Resistance Movement review the overall performance of lightworkers on the surface in 2017?
C : I would say that the Resistance Movement understands that the Lightworkers have been under extreme stress on the surface of the planet, and there have been some major victories that have been organized by the lightworkers, some mass meditatons which have reached the critical mass and basically they have prevented world war 3 on the physical plane and they have prevented some very negative things from happening so this is the overview of the situation, from the perspective of the Resistance.
P : Does Primary Anomaly above the fifth dimension which manifested as absence of intel and answer still exist?
C : This still exists in a certain way, not directly for the Ascended beings in the same way as it was before, but still they are not having complete understanding of the primary anomaly, and how it will react to the inflow of Light, for this reason it is very difficult to predict how situations will unfold.
P : A special rainbow appeared at Mount Wǔtái few days ago. You said that is a PleiadianLiquid Light Ship. Can you talk about why the Pleiadian demonstrated their Liquid Light technology on this Tuesday?
C : It is simply because there was a lot of, I would say activity of the surface Lightworkers, that have put a strong Cintamani stone grid over China and Taiwan, and for this reason the Light forces Pleiadian ships can much more easily manifest in that area.
A very impressive and beautiful video of the appearance of this cloud-ship can be seen here :
P : Globally speaking, do we enough awakened lightworkers as the catalyst of triggering the Event?
C : Yes when the time is right. But the conditions are not right, it’s not about the number of Lightworkers… I would say they are ready. But there are other things that are not ready, basically the conditions of the plasma plane, the toplet bombs, that is absolutely not ready.
P : Was there any occult reason behind the China -India boarder standoff?
C : It was just archons trying to create another war and of course it did not happen
P : You mentioned that the cloning facility under Long Island is already cleared out; does it mean that Long Island is finally liberated from Chimera’s control?
C : It is much better but not fully liberated yet, I would say 85% liberated.
P : Is the Archon living in Macau still in need of our concern, such as burying cintamani stones there?
C : Yes it is good to bury Cintamani stones in Macau, it is one of the main anchors of the cabal in that region
P : Now that the Syria Pentagram is officially liberated, what should we lightworkers do to help light forces make the best use of its goddess vortex?
C : Syria is not completely liberated yet, the 5 points of the pentagram are liberated but there are still, I would say anomalous groups creating terrorism there, so Syria is still very much in need of Peace and healing. I would say that can be the main focus, to send energies of Peace and healing to this region.
P : Petit Trianon is a European palace full of goddess mystery and goddess energy, would you please name its counterparts in Asia?
C : Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and there is a certain Quan Yin temple in Taipei that has actually an entrance to the underground base of the Light forces there. There are others which are not well known to the public
P : Would you please name some Asian relics which have positive geopolitical influence as Crown of St. Stephen?
C : There is a certain samurai sword in Japan, and the Emerald Buddha, not the public one, an Emerald Buddha kept privately made of real Emerald. There are many other such power objects in the hands of Agartha in Asia but not on the surface.
P : If we successfully heal Grozny in 2018, will such success significantly boost the progress of the Event and mass arrest?
C : It will heal this area, which is important, but I would say it is not one of the planetary triggers.
General Questions
Jedi: As usual, here is a score review of celebrities. 0 means pure light, 10 means pure evil.
Dr. Sun Yat Sen : 4
Chiang Kai-shek : 5
Mao Zedong 8
Abraham Lincoln: 3
Queen Elizabeth the First 5
Napoleon: 6
Martin Luther King 3
Jedi : We have heard many people claiming they are mind-controlled or being spied. What can we do to help them solve such problems?
C : Basically everybody is being spied on, the whole phone network is all tied together, so I would suggest not put too much attention on this and focus on more positive things.
J : You said the animals and plants on Earth belong to collective consciousness, is there any animal or plant on Earth possessing individual consciousness?
C : Dolphins can sometimes show individual consciousness
J : Do dolphins living in Sirius belong to collective galactic consciousness as well?
C : Everything in the galaxy belong to galactic consciousness, the galaxy is one organism
J : Is there ancient civilization or operating base in Greenland?
C : Underground yes
J : Is the haze problem in China related with the cabal?
C : Haze is caused by bad urban planning and misuse of resources.
J : Does negative plasmatic field worsen the haze?
C : Yes it’s connected
J : We have buried nearly 3000 cintamani stones around China this year. Coincidently, the haze in Chengdu, Shanghai and Beijing significantly decreases. Is this phenomenon related with the clearing effect of those cintamani vortexes?
C : Yes of course.
J : Do no life objects such as computer, cup or spoon have energy bodies?
C : They have plasma and etheric bodies, but astral and above pretty much zero.
J : Is it possible for non-physical entities to harass or threaten humans in their dreams?
C : Yes
J : How can we help that ?
C : You can use protection techniques that I have published on my blog
J : Sometimes, I don’t get good result by following my inner guidance. Can you elaborate how does genuine inner guidance feel like?
C : It needs practice, and self-honesty
J : What should we prepare in order to get funded by the St.Germain Trust?
C : All key lightworkers will receive money from the Saint Germain trust after the Event. You can carry a piece of gold as magnetic attractor for the Saint Germain funds
P : Was French Revolution in fact a cabal’s political scheme against the rise of Goddess Mystery of French royal court?
C : It was a natural movement from the people that was mis-used by the dark
P : Did Marie Antoinette really live a very lavish lifestyle or stories about her private life were actually cabal’s smear campaign against her as a goddess priestess?
C : She did have a lavish lifestyle but there is nothing wrong with that, and yes it was used as a smear campaign by the dark.
P : United States Air Force was founded in 1947, while Hubertus Strughold was recruited as a high ranking medical expert for USAF via operation paperclip at the same year. Does this fact imply that Strughold is perhaps the first chimera agent inside USAF?
C : It was a Nazi infiltration, chimera did not have agents inside USAF before 1996
P : Chinese Civil War from 1945-1949 caused a regime change in China. Was this war a proxy war between the light forces and the cabal?
C : Yes. It was Jesuit’s plan to take over China via China Communist Party.
P : Which party won the ultimate victory in this war, the light forces or the cabal?
C : The war is not over yet, and it will end with Victory of the Light forces
P : The dragon groups moved their stronghold to Taiwan in 1949. The Nationalist government retreated to Taiwan in the year. Did Chiang Kai-shek have connections with dragon groups or other light forces so that he made such decision?
C : Yes he had connection with the Dragon groups, who guided the bringing of the Imperial treasure to Taiwan, part of this is in the national museum in Taipei
P : Can you elaborate the identity of Merlin and his connection with lightworkers?
C : That entity is helping the liberation of the planet and is known as Saint Germain
P : Is it true that King Arthur is the offspring of Jesus?
C : Yes he is part of this bloodline
P : What is King Arthur ‘s mission in his age?
C : To bring the energies of divine ray of divine purpose
P : You mentioned that Primary Anomaly has existed in many universes before this one. Does it mean that Primary Anomaly has existed for eons?
C : It always existed
P : Did dark forces exist in previous universes?
C : No
P : How did all previous universes disappear?
C : They were re-absorbed into singularity
P : Did lightwarriors and starseeds on Earth assist the clearing and transmutation of Primary Anomaly in previous universes?
C : No, they did not exist at that time, it was a completely different situation
P : Star War: the Last Jedi released on last Wednesday. Would you like to talk about the relationship among the Galactic War, the Jedi and starseeds?
C : The Star Wars movies have put part of Galactic history into a movie, and it’s also a story about right now, about our lives right now.
P : Have Central Civilization come to China for anchoring Goddess energy?
C : They came to China long long time ago
P : Please name three top goddess vortexes in China and Taiwan.
C : This is classified
P : How should we connect with Master Kuthumi in order to become a better healer?
C : You can use the Kuthumi ray, those who are initiated will know what I am talking about
P : Is Master Kuthumi same as the Medicine Buddha? Which stellar system is he from and he is in which dimension now?
C : They are not the same. Kuthumi came from Sirius star system
Victory of the Light
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