"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alexander Quinn - Full Moon in Aries - 15.10.2024

On October 17, the full moon in Aries heralds a powerful cosmic moment, stirring within us both exhilaration and chaos. This lunation invites lightworkers to reflect on the turbulent journey we have just traversed, prompting further awakenings and releases. As the blood moon rises, we are called to embrace our inherent power and assertiveness, influenced by the energies of Mars, expansive Jupiter, and transformative Pluto. Together, these celestial forces inspire us to break free from existing stagnation and propel ourselves toward that which we have yet to bring to fruition.

In the wake of recent eclipses, many of us have found ourselves in a contemplative state, grappling with unresolved issues and, in many cases, moving homes, changing jobs, and letting go of what no longer serves us. The full moon, however, offers us the impetus to confront and release the burdens that have hindered our recent evolution. It will provide lightworkers with the clarity of purpose this moon wishes to bestow.
This full moon will also serve as a catalyst for emotional release, allowing long-buried feelings to surface.

However, this does not come without warning. It is a moment when restraint may falter, and we risk saying or manifesting actions that we later wish we could retract. Yet, we must recognize that this expression is part of the universe's intricate design—a necessary release that facilitates our growth. Although the process may feel tumultuous, it is essential for our ascension toward a more enlightened state of being, particularly in our daily 3D lives.

More importantly, Venus moves into fiery Sagittarius later that day, infusing our spirits with the energies of love and adventure. This shift encourages us to confront reality with newfound courage and determination. At the heart of all this is an important message for self-redefinition, urging lightworkers to reshape their inner dialogues—transforming criticism into affirmation. Stand before the mirror and recognize the brilliance within.

The Aries full moon aims to unearth memories and emotions from our youth, inviting you to acknowledge and nurture these feelings. Engage in activities that ignite joy and curiosity, which may evolve into projects or harness your intuition. Ignoring these intuitive impulses would be to overlook the very fabric of the coming energy and to remain in a state of egoic ignorance.

Lee Harris - Initiation & Heart expansions - 15.10.2024

A Message from Lee's guides, the Z's

There are going to be many unique experiences that each of you will have with this vibrational shift known as Initiation. It will meet you where you want it to meet you. Initiation is an opportunity for us to help you to calibrate to and prepare for the uplift and upshift that you are about to go through as a body, a mind, and to a lesser degree, a spirit. Your spirits are already ready, your souls are already ready. Your souls have been waiting for this meeting point moment where the density on planet Earth becomes less and you are able to live from spirit and soul in a more fluent and constant way.

Some of you will use Initiation to check your own awareness, to improve your own awareness, to deepen it, and that will pay dividends in the way you live your life. Some of you will use Initiation to take an almighty leap and to have it be the rocket fuel for your next level. And some of you will use Initiation to heal some old aspects or parts that can be held in this space, this container, this vibrational foundation we are going to create for you, so that you can let go of that which no longer serves. Some of you, of course, will experience a little of all of those things as you illuminate, enliven, and liberate who you are on this planet. And guess what? All of you want to see a more illuminated, liberated, and enlivened planet. And in your lifetime, you will see enormous shifts in that direction.


Heart expansions through struggle, challenge, and shock are happening for many now.  If that isn't happening to you, you'll be having a lot of heart compassion for those going through those things. Many of us have been through several dark nights of the soul. It's often what those who wake up go through. So you can have a lot of compassion when you see someone in that impact, when life has hit them and they're really in shock or in fight, or flight, or freeze. So you might be a real compassionate heart to those in your life right now. And that's something that you'll be finding it really joyous to give.

There will be many of you who are riding a new experience of, “Wow, I can really just be here in my heart for my friend or my family member in a way that they didn't let me before, or I wasn't capable of before, or I was a bit shier. And I'm not having to do a lot. It's not like I'm giving them endless hours of counseling. I'm just able to be here for them in my heart, and it seems like it's doing them some good.” And equally, some of you will be getting really active around that. There are lots of people right now who need help in different ways. And many of you will be creating structures, activities, ways to help people, and that's fantastic. That's really needed right now.

-Lee Harris

I ask apology

or water or animal ... Nature Strikes Back

Lee Harris - There is a multidimensional universe at work - 13.10.2024

We are jumping possible manifestations by trying them on for size before we create them, which is different from how it used to be and can be potent as a psychic experience. For example, six years ago you may have had a dream about a goal where you wanted to learn piano: "I'm going to take two years to do this." You may still want to achieve that goal, but you may be having very powerful visionary experiences of you being a piano player and seeing what that feels like, which does one of two things.

It either brings the vision into your reality faster because you travel into the future of the thing that you want to create, and you bring it back to your body in the now; you close the gap between future and present. You start to feel it, you become it quicker, and then you have a very fluent birth into being a piano player. Or because you've tried it on for size, you no longer need to manifest it. So, you don't choose to do the piano playing. It just was something you were playing with for a couple of months, and it was important for you to play with it, but it wasn't important for you to become it. It's interesting, isn't it? Because when we come into spirituality and an understanding that there is such a multidimensional universe at work and that we are each having unique individual experiences in that universe, there is so much that we couldn't possibly become in one lifetime in a grounded way.

Watch the full October 2024 Energy Update here: https://www.leeharrisenergy.com/oct-2024-energy-update

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - New wheels were set in motion - 13.10.2024

Antigone, Sophocles.


Upon today's 7th open gathering of the '144000 Diamonds'
we experienced a totally new development
which I believe is very much connected to the cosmic mechanics
of Pluto turning prograde.
New wheels were set in motion upon the arrival of
the Twin Flame Galactic teams
in the Crystalline Portal of the Acropolis.
These wheels came into operation and are connected to the multidimensional clock and spheres of the overall earth system.
In other words
today began the mechanical changes that will bring about the physical change in this realm.
The same began within the human system and its wheels
as today the '144000 Diamonds' reached the level of the 7th sphere!
This development ignited new functions but it also opened more memories of the parts of the Self that were previously in exile.
So many will be achieving greater and deeper remembrance.
I was told that these wheels had not worked together for a really long time!
These new functions also correspond to the human DNA and bring a new awakening that will take a new acceleration but also a new turn!
New revelations are here that will change everything
we knew about ourselves and the world!
Thank you Twin Flames!"
The fact that we reached the Equilibriums upon this Equinox
opened up a whole new level of karmic liberation and correction for the Twin Flames.
Unseen and hidden elements of the Twin Flame separation, miscommunication and suffering have been seen
which have propelled a whole new layer of revelation and self understanding.
In our next group session
we will deal with all those yin and yang elements and details of the fallen code and bring in correction
so that the Twin Flames can align to the state of Eros
which is now here for them.


''The next chapters of the events on Earth
will find the Twin Flames facing challenges and battles
in order for them to practice their powers and abilities and regain full understanding and ownership of them.
Twin Flames get ready for new adventures!''
Those that have the inner calling to join this work
can message me for the details of participation.

- Also the next date
for the 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery Adjustment and Upgrade is
on Tuesday, October 29 2024
at 18:00 Athens time zone.
For participation please email me
at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
Blessings for the third awakening!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

Judith Kusel - a lot of souls are in the 5th dimension - 14.10.2024

What most do not realize, is that in the last weeks, with the immense energy shifts, a lot of souls are already fully living in the 5th dimension, and some are not quite realizing the full magnitude of this.

You will suddenly realize that something deep within has shifted. Your value systems have changed, and so has your perception changed. Whereas before you were still doing the balancing act between the third and the fifth. Now you are looking at the old through glass windows, as from afar. You can still see it, hear it, notice, but not be in it anymore.
When the old somehow gets you to open the windows a fraction, you do engage, but make very sure you do not get sucked in.

From this higher dimension, you just start living, acting, being, differently. You start noticing that you somehow ARE different, feel different, and suddenly words seem superfluous as you often cannot find words to describe what you are experiencing within, as your full soul faculties open up whole new, as yet unexplored worlds of wonder for you.

Life becomes simpler. You live from the heart and soul and you do what you love, and love what you do. You start to explore new possibilities, free flow, and finally your free spirit is let loose, and every moment there is something new go experience, to grow exponentially, and more than this, experiencing wonder, unity, awe.
The change is subtle. Silent.
And as you expand even more, you notice that so much falls away, just as silently, replaced by the new.
And then, suddenly, one day, you just know!
And smile!

Photo: All credit to the artist.

Pam Gregory - Full SuperMoon in Aries - 14.10.2024

We're building towards a powerful Full SuperMoon at 24°34' Aries, exactly conjunct warrior energy Eris by degree. See where this falls in your chart, and see what is potentially coming to completion, closure, or culmination in that 'house' area of your life, or perhaps shining a light on what you didn't see before.

As this is the closest Full Moon of the year to the Earth, we will see it (weather permitting) as bigger and brighter in the sky. It will potentially also reveal more secrets in this bright light, particularly as Pluto now has gone direct and has only 5 weeks to go in Capricorn, representing the old order. Please know that the collapse of the old order will not happen by mid-November, but will certainly become more evident. A shift of energy has already happened, and that will change the level of truth that we will see in the world.

If we cast the chart for this Full SuperMoon for Washington DC, we will see that the Cardinal Grand Cross falls across the angles. Pluto is conjunct the IC within less than a degree, Mars is conjunct the MC, and the Sun is conjunct the Ascendant and the Moon conjunct the descendant. I never know how the astrology will manifest in terms of events, but when planets are angular across a particular geography, especially at a powerful moment such as this Full SuperMoon, it tends to mean that this geography will come into the news in some way during the next week or so. We will see what unfolds, and of course it may manifest as more assertion in Washington politics - if that is even possible.

However, the more we as humanity can use this energy positively, the less energy it has to manifest negatively. So this is a great time to not only release what no longer serves you (always true of a Full Moon), but it is an excellent time to initiate, to take a risk, to be courageous, to begin a new project, or to be active physically in a bigger way (strong Mars energy). If you do any of these things, do them peacefully, consciously and not in anger.

The Moon conjunct Eris may see more revolutionary and rebellious energy in the world, and with Pluto moving towards Aquarius that is likely too. If this manifests, try to remember to stay on your Eagle's perch and observe these events. Use all of your energy to create a more loving vision for New Earth. This is already here in frequency, we simply have to expand our consciousness to experience it.
Many blessings to you all.

Full SuperMoon in Aries October 17th 2024

Lee Harris - Be mindful - 13.10.2024

When there's big fight energy and there's defensive energy flying around, it can trigger in others or in us anger, fight and avoidance. They're different ends of the same scale, but avoidance is when you're, "Oh, I just don't want to know. I want to put my head under the covers. I just want to check out. I just want to do anything I can to check out of this and pull away because it's too much, I can't take anymore." But equally the anger and the fight can kind of rile through you and just be careful about how seductive that can be.

There's nothing wrong. Our anger is part of our energy and that fire needs to come through us and flush. But be careful it's not combining with your thoughts and your wounds, because it's very easy to do that right now, because you're seeing that play out a lot in the unconscious energy on the planet. People who aren't quite aware why they're throwing their feelings around. Their feelings need to go somewhere, so they're just throwing them at this person, at that thing. And it's okay. They're trying to work them out their system, but be mindful about how you get drawn into that and whether it's really your place to get drawn into it, whether it's good for you to get drawn into it. And hey, if you get drawn into it, it's perfect for you. It's all okay. You did it. You got drawn in. But you will notice that that energy is far stickier than it is authentic right now.

So just be mindful and be aware of that high emotion when it's coming out of people near you and whether or not you truly want to engage with that. And whether it's really for you, because it's seductive and it's sticky.

-Lee Harris

source - https://www.facebook.com/leeharrisenergy888

Natalia Alba - Many destructive pathways are being removed at this time - 13.10.2024

Beloved Ones,

We are witnessing important planetary advancements, despite the chaos we too are feeling, as in our dual plane both Forces coexist in perfect balance. Love is everywhere for those who live with an open heart and mind. Love is the only Source and the only Force that can heal and overcome any obstacle, for it is from Love that we all come and that one day we All will be back.

Chaos is also very real in our 3D plane, for when there is free will there are many different outcomes. Where we focus now is key to engaging in the chaos, or in the love that we are, sending love, by remaining in a neutral compassionate space, supporting at a soul level, what we cannot change physically.

During all this year we have been supported in the process of light body reconfiguration and monadic integration, that many of you are experiencing. A process that cannot occur without the plasmatic waves we are massively receiving from Sol, the Auroras, Eclipses, and many other sources beyond our Earth's confines.

New Earth's Anchors, Stabilizers, Neutralizers, Transmuters, and energetic harmonizers, it is time to clear anomalies in both the collective and at a planetary level, seed more balance, and start bridging the new Earth's energies in the Earth's fabrics, restoring inorganic timelines and correcting the reversals that keep us experiencing limited time in our earth plane, and that redirect us to the manipulated earth's 3D timeliness.

This is a crucial time in which many of you holding this mission or any other equal one within Creation, will be called to act as harmonic pillars where required, as the more chaos man creates, the more balance is needed to keep everything within Divine Order.

For those of you working on the Field at this time, daily clearing, replenishment, and above all, discernment and detachment from inorganic sources is key to being in a natural and loving space.

When anxiety feelings, confusion, unlove, and similar feelings emerge, scan your nervous system, and brain, finding if the misalignment comes from you or if it is part of what you are here to transmute and clear.

Remember what is not yours shall only be filtered, not kept inside your heart. Let it go, cry your tears of release, and continue anchoring more love to help neutralize all the pain and chaos.

You have done it before, you are supported by many Illumined Beings in charge of accompanying you in your personal journey and mission. You have within the Divine strength and Guidance to continue standing firm in your Divine assignment.
Keep dwelling in the Illumined Presence of your Sovereign God Self.

Many destructive pathways are being removed at this time, my Guides shared the importance at this time, at an individual level, of fortifying our hara line, to receive only love, wisdom, and power from our God Source, clear timelines, and lower thoughts and feelings which are the ones that link us to old and destructive timelines.

Focus is key not to falling into energetic and consciousness traps, feeling in our Hearts what is good and true to us and what is another delusion or tactic to keep us in a lower frequency.
You know who you are, you know through your feelings what you are here to do, how, and what is authentic for you and what is not.
Follow only your inner compass at this time to know where you are heading, knowing your personal false timelines and the Soul ones you wish to navigate in.
Moving inward is the only way forward.
May you always choose to remain in your Illumined, Precious, and Brave Hearts, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art: Pinterest