"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

I ask apology

I´m also not like "other girls", but I promise I not rip apart my body suit 😁
But besides this I hope you will still Luv me :)

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 14.10.2024

The matrix is collapsing as pedophile blackmail and weather warfare become mainstream

You can read the full report here:


Lee Harris - Consciously connecting with yourself will shift you - 17.10.2024

If you just spent five minutes a day, three times a day, consciously connecting with yourself and you did this for three to four weeks, you would feel rapidly different in three or four weeks, you would be surprised. Because your body would've started getting used to you giving yourself five minutes a day, three times a day to connect with yourself and your soul. Maybe in the first five minutes you are connecting to music that you love, and you know you are doing it consciously; you are consciously listening to a piece of music you love with the intent that you are making yourself feel good.

In the second five minutes, you meditate - your favorite form of meditation. Or simply closing your eyes and noticing what's flying through your mind, without too much reaction or thought about it - just noticing for five minutes what state you're in. And perhaps for the last five minutes of the day, you lie on the floor with your favorite crystal on the center of your chest, your heart chakra, or any other part of your body that you like. Just three sets of five, conscious minutes a day. Do that for three to four weeks, you will be amazed at the shift.

-Lee's guides the Z's

Alexander Quinn - a significant and highly intensified expansion of energy - 17.10.2024

We are currently experiencing a significant and highly intensified expansion of energy, which will culminate with the Hunter's Moon tonight. While this celestial event is visually captivating, it also carries potential risks. When energetic alignments like those occurring today coincide with a powerful full moon, it can sometimes lead to heightened emotional instability. Historically, it is during such times that incidents of violence and unusual occurrences are more likely to take place. Individuals who are already emotionally unstable may experience a further deterioration in their mental state, in some cases, leading to extreme behavior.
My personal advice for the next 48 hours is to remain grounded, stay safe, and avoid engaging in any risky or impulsive actions. Exercise caution, and as a rule of thumb, refrain from doing anything you wouldn’t imagine your elderly neighbor doing. The next two days could be unpredictable, so it's best to be mindful of your actions and surroundings.

With best wishes,

NDE Story - We are in a Simulation

 I'm used to watching NDE (Near Death Experience) reports on YouTube, but this is the first time I've seen someone mention Archons and simulation. About 99% of these videos have in common that when they experience the peace and love "over there", they don't want to come back. Many people "in death" remember the period before they were born, their tasks, or the experiences they wanted to experience. I am sharing this video because there is a very nice "message" towards the end about self-love.

Judith Kusel - final releasing - 15.10.2024

We are living in an unprecedented moment on earth, which will never repeat itself again, in such a momentous way and form.
Perhaps few of us realize the blessing of this ascension process, for it has never happened before on such a momentous scale.

I was called in for a meeting with the Intergalactic Counsels last night, and the whole Universe is here, supporting us and way beyond this. All the Ascended Masters who are here in their droves, all have had lifetime on earth, and they are truly adding their light and love in every way and form they can. And all the heavenly hosts.

Yes, we have made it to the next level and this is the final releasing which now is coming. Therefore it goes right into the very CORE of whatever was before and is now.
We are in for immensely rapid changes and even more of the churning up of all which needs to be finally released from the Old, on collective levels, this means countries, and nations as well. Every country has its own lessons to master, and every nation too. When you move to a different country, you take on that countries' baggage too. The good news is that the baggage will now reveal is dark inner core and will need to be forgiven and healed too, and this means released.

In South Africa we went through this process in 1994, and even before that. Now more and more countries will go through the same process. And no area if more highlighted, than the Middle East, for this goes back millions of earth years ago as I am always shown and share during seminars in Greece and Egypt in 2019, to the Lion Kingdom, when the twin sons of Isis (yes she goes much further in history than we have made to believe) warred against each other. The younger rebelling against the older. Much later this became the story of Kain and Abel, and Isaac and his step brother Ismail.
The same old story, and the same old role players.
The war between the twin brothers, created the Sahara desert and also the Middle Eastern desert.

It is time to finally lay those ghosts to rest, forever.
And let us look into our own skeleton cupboards for within our own families and countries there is much to forgive, and to release and to finally let go of.
What you see in others, is there within you too!
We cannot take any baggage with us, into the New Earth.
Who wants to anyway?
Everything is now going to happen super fast and even super super fast.
The answer is always love.


I ask for forgiveness for anyone I have ever hurt or harmed,
Consciously or unconsciously
In this life or any other.
In every plane, level or dimension known or unknown.
I ask for Grace.
I forgive myself for anything I have ever done to hurt or harm myself and another, consciously or unconsciously
In this life or any other
In this universe or any other.
In every plane, level or dimension known or unknown.
I accept Grace.
I am free.
All chains and restrictions fall from me.
I stand in my power as a master.
(Say this out loud 3 x. )

(I often do it every single day, so that all which is still buried deeply within my subconscious and my soul memory banks, will be released too. The more you do this, the lighter and brighter you will become. )

(The latter with acknowledgement to Diana Cooper's School of Angels and Ascension of whom I am a trained teacher)

Judith Kusel

Lee Harris - Vibration is everything - 16.10.2024

Your level of vibration is so vital. We know many of you who are spiritual students for a long time - activated, awake, seekers - you get a little bit bored of hearing us or other people telling you to raise your vibration; it feels like a job, it feels like homework, it's a bit like being told to wash your face six times a day! But we tell you the reason it comes through is, vibration is everything. And the level of vibration that you achieve, maintain, and cultivate inside yourself highly dictates the world you create for yourself and others.

Imagine the world is not held in lower vibrational thinking or feeling. Imagine the potential when all of these highly intuitive brains and hearts come online and reconnect to their spirit. This is why the power of humanity to awaken and arise is profound, and that power is slowly but surely happening. And even though we know these times are a little (we will say) edgy and difficult for you to navigate as you watch some of these lower vibration inflictions happening to certain people (and often to people who are blissfully unaware it is happening), that is challenging for you, yes. But understand, humanity is more powerful than those lower agendas at this time. The rise in consciousness is real and the rise in consciousness will rise each human being.

-From Lee's guides the Z's

Alexander Quinn - Full Moon in Aries - 15.10.2024

On October 17, the full moon in Aries heralds a powerful cosmic moment, stirring within us both exhilaration and chaos. This lunation invites lightworkers to reflect on the turbulent journey we have just traversed, prompting further awakenings and releases. As the blood moon rises, we are called to embrace our inherent power and assertiveness, influenced by the energies of Mars, expansive Jupiter, and transformative Pluto. Together, these celestial forces inspire us to break free from existing stagnation and propel ourselves toward that which we have yet to bring to fruition.

In the wake of recent eclipses, many of us have found ourselves in a contemplative state, grappling with unresolved issues and, in many cases, moving homes, changing jobs, and letting go of what no longer serves us. The full moon, however, offers us the impetus to confront and release the burdens that have hindered our recent evolution. It will provide lightworkers with the clarity of purpose this moon wishes to bestow.
This full moon will also serve as a catalyst for emotional release, allowing long-buried feelings to surface.

However, this does not come without warning. It is a moment when restraint may falter, and we risk saying or manifesting actions that we later wish we could retract. Yet, we must recognize that this expression is part of the universe's intricate design—a necessary release that facilitates our growth. Although the process may feel tumultuous, it is essential for our ascension toward a more enlightened state of being, particularly in our daily 3D lives.

More importantly, Venus moves into fiery Sagittarius later that day, infusing our spirits with the energies of love and adventure. This shift encourages us to confront reality with newfound courage and determination. At the heart of all this is an important message for self-redefinition, urging lightworkers to reshape their inner dialogues—transforming criticism into affirmation. Stand before the mirror and recognize the brilliance within.

The Aries full moon aims to unearth memories and emotions from our youth, inviting you to acknowledge and nurture these feelings. Engage in activities that ignite joy and curiosity, which may evolve into projects or harness your intuition. Ignoring these intuitive impulses would be to overlook the very fabric of the coming energy and to remain in a state of egoic ignorance.

Lee Harris - Initiation & Heart expansions - 15.10.2024

A Message from Lee's guides, the Z's

There are going to be many unique experiences that each of you will have with this vibrational shift known as Initiation. It will meet you where you want it to meet you. Initiation is an opportunity for us to help you to calibrate to and prepare for the uplift and upshift that you are about to go through as a body, a mind, and to a lesser degree, a spirit. Your spirits are already ready, your souls are already ready. Your souls have been waiting for this meeting point moment where the density on planet Earth becomes less and you are able to live from spirit and soul in a more fluent and constant way.

Some of you will use Initiation to check your own awareness, to improve your own awareness, to deepen it, and that will pay dividends in the way you live your life. Some of you will use Initiation to take an almighty leap and to have it be the rocket fuel for your next level. And some of you will use Initiation to heal some old aspects or parts that can be held in this space, this container, this vibrational foundation we are going to create for you, so that you can let go of that which no longer serves. Some of you, of course, will experience a little of all of those things as you illuminate, enliven, and liberate who you are on this planet. And guess what? All of you want to see a more illuminated, liberated, and enlivened planet. And in your lifetime, you will see enormous shifts in that direction.


Heart expansions through struggle, challenge, and shock are happening for many now.  If that isn't happening to you, you'll be having a lot of heart compassion for those going through those things. Many of us have been through several dark nights of the soul. It's often what those who wake up go through. So you can have a lot of compassion when you see someone in that impact, when life has hit them and they're really in shock or in fight, or flight, or freeze. So you might be a real compassionate heart to those in your life right now. And that's something that you'll be finding it really joyous to give.

There will be many of you who are riding a new experience of, “Wow, I can really just be here in my heart for my friend or my family member in a way that they didn't let me before, or I wasn't capable of before, or I was a bit shier. And I'm not having to do a lot. It's not like I'm giving them endless hours of counseling. I'm just able to be here for them in my heart, and it seems like it's doing them some good.” And equally, some of you will be getting really active around that. There are lots of people right now who need help in different ways. And many of you will be creating structures, activities, ways to help people, and that's fantastic. That's really needed right now.

-Lee Harris