"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - Laying the Golden Foundations for the New Golden Age - 01.06.2023

I was told this morning on awakening that it is now the time to firmly lay the foundation stones and put a strong foundation down for the New Golden Age.
A bit later I looked out of my lounge window which leads onto my balcony and then rushed out to take a photograph. For as the sun was rising everything, even the sea was painted golden and the swirling mist rising from the sea!
I was told that all these years we were in the state of preparation and the shedding of all the old personas, the stories, the acting roles we ever acted out during other lifetimes on earth. Duality.
Now, it was the time to dream big dreams and to truly begin to lay down those foundation stones as are all now called upon to truly step up in mission, and to truly seek to create the world anew. The New Earth has been anchored in on the 5 July 2020, and this actually means that which we wish to leave as a lasting foundation for the New Golden Age and the New Humanity!
I immediately had clarity about what this means for me, for the energies now are bringing expansion in every direction now, and it is unprecedented.
It you thought the previous years were life changing, the current influx is even more so and this will escalate at tremendous speed! Things are happening on all fronts now and we are pushed beyond all limitations and into the expansive new which at this moment is still unknown and unchartered but in the process of getting shape and form.
It is time to truly ask for the highest guidance, the greatest vision and to go deeply into your heart and feel into this!
I am being asked to convey this message to you today and I know it will speak directly into your heart and soul.

So many souls want someone to fix them.
In truth there is nothing to fix.
There is just you, needing to fully embrace all that you are in truth and then LIVING your truth! 
Not someone else's truth, or projection, or expectations.
Your soul is perfectly created.  Nothing is missing.  
There never was.
What is missing is the deepest connection to your own soul.  To trust that deep inner intuitive knowing, and ACT upon it.  To do what you love, and love what you do, and live every moment as if it were your last!
You have so much living and loving to do!
Judith Kusel 

Judith Kusel

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