"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - simplified explanation of the energetic process - 05.06.2023

Dear family, what you are feeling now (or for several hours depending on where you are) is the effect of incoming cosmic radiation and a slight increase in geomagnetic activity. So they may be feeling very tired, hungrier than usual, with muscle weakness, a lot of activity in the Crown Chakra (pressure, pain, tingling or feeling like bugs walking on their head), as well as having difficulty focusing sight and background noise the ears (like they are tuning into a radio station). They may also feel "dizziness" or pulls to one direction or the other, unable to concentrate, and as if they are in two "dimensions" at once.

Here I am going to write a very simplified explanation of the energetic process that we are living for those who are coming to the page and for those who have the symptoms but don't know exactly why. Since I opened this page I chose to use scientific language because it is the most neutral of all (free of interpretations and subjective stories, which are valid and true from subjective experience but not universal) and because to all, at least once, we were explained in school that the Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed; and energy is transformed (ordered) into different vibrational frequencies but it remains only Energy. A tree, our physical body, a table or a chair is just Energy vibrating at a different speed. What we perceive as solid when touching a tree is only the densest layer of its magnetic field but its magnetic field, just like ours, extends into space receiving and emitting vibrational frequencies constantly.

The Earth's Magnetic Field (Magnetosphere) is a shield that repels and at the same time absorbs Cosmic Radiation and Solar Plasma, the energy that absorbs enters the magnetic poles and is distributed through the seashells that comprise it (that's why the place is important in which they are because not at all geographical points has the same absorption and distribution characteristics of incoming energies) when these energies are trapped in the Earth's Magnetic Field without being rejected to outer space, become part of the Magnetosphere and is as if Gaia "embodied" a greater amount of Consciousness.

Our Electromagnetic Field works the same way. When we receive these incoming energies our magnetic field is disturbed (just like Earth's) and so we feel "anxiety" or that "something is about to happen" and we notice the pulls to the sideways (or as if we were being shaken or pushed), these energies then enter the chakra of the Crown and by the Root Chakra and are mainly driven by our Nervous System and by the water in our cells to the Heart and Brain. By having an increased amount of electrical pulse available our heart beat becomes stronger (the electric part of our electromagnetic field) and our magnetic field expands covering a larger space thus increasing its ability to continue absorbing (and embodying) a greater amount of Cosmic/Divine Consciousness (we are surrounded by) from her as the fish are surrounded by water in the sea). Individual Consciousness expands when this same electrical impulse reaches the brain and triggers a greater number of neural connections. Our brain stores, identifies and links among them all available vibrational frequencies that we can come to perceive. The greater connectivity there is in the brain's neurons, the greater ability it will have to perceive, identify, and relate to more subtle frequencies (higher frequencies in relation to the frequencies that form what we define as material or "solid").

The only thing that really determines our ability to embody a greater amount of Consciousness are our emotions, if we live through fear in any of their expressions (anger, resentment, frustration, anxiety, need for control, victimization etc) our heart beat becomes faster (to oxygenate the tissues in case it is necessary to fight or flee) but it loses power and that contracts our Electromagnetic Field instead of expanding it. It's true that a physical body with more heavy metals (mostly coming from chemicals and processed foods) will have to try a little harder to adapt, but there's no point in cleaning the body if we don't purify the heart. The more we choose in each experience love and all its expressions (compassion, integrity, generosity, joy, goodwill etc) our heartbeat becomes stronger (because it does not find anything to defend or fight against) and our electromagnetic field expands making us a better "conductor cable" or antenna for reception and transmission of Divine Consciousness.

Since it's still a common question why some people are experiencing it and others are not, or why I feel the symptoms and others don't, the answer is that we are all experiencing it. These incoming energies are not selective and do not choose some to live it and others not, the difference is where we put our attention and also the opportunity. If we are constantly surrounded by other magnetic fields that also absorb them (for example a shopping mall full of people, routers, electronics etc) the same amount of energy is divided between all those magnetic fields, instead if we are isolated on a beach or in an open field amount of energy will be available practically only to us (and to the trees and plants we have nearby), hence our intuition is pushing us to isolate ourselves as part of this process. Also, if we are in a mall surrounded by people, our attention will most certainly be on paying for the product we buy or making sure that the child doesn't get lost, than on the incoming energies. The greater the distraction, the lesser the ability to perceive what we cannot see.

I hope the explanation wasn't too long and at least it serves some. If it doesn't resonate with you, please ignore it. My intention is to offer a simple and summarized explanation (I swear the best I could ) for those who come to the page and have no context.


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