"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Embracing Radical Surrender - 05.06.2023

Way back in the early 90s, I had run out of money and all my bills were due and some were even overdue. I didn’t see any solution in sight and considered the next day I would be homeless. That night I really appreciated the roof over my head as I crawled into my warm bed. I decided I would relish this last sleep as the world seem to be falling apart around me. Then knowing my problem was out of my control ….


The next morning my lights and heat were still on. Not knowing what else to do, I went down to my PO Box. I found an odd envelope. I went home and sat at my desk. This desk by the way, was a door someone had tossed in the trash and was held up between two old metal filing cabinets. And my chair was missing the back. I had sold everything I had of value except my second hand futon bed.

I was in deep surrender mode, not knowing what was coming for me this day. I had given my situation over to God and I was acting as if was like every other day. I didn’t know what else to do. So I opened this mystery envelope. Inside I found 14, crisp $100 bills, and with no return address! There was only an iridescent heart stuck on the outside of the envelope. This amount was EXACTLY what I needed to pay all my bills, rent, some gas, and buy groceries for a week.
I could have bought into my extreme lack, ran away with that cash in my pocket. I certainly feared that this 1400. was all the cash I was going to see for a while. I could simply bail and not honor my debts. But I didn’t. I paid everything I owed. At the end of the day I had 59 cents and I’ve always had enough ever since then!

I still have that, now yellowed, heart sticker on my computer?

This time reminds me of my story when I lived back in Mount Shasta. In these present and powerful days, many of us are being pushed to the very edge being asked to let go, surrender. We are beginning to step into this a creation. We have gathered a huge treasure chest full of spiritual tools to help us with this time. Yet these tools are falling short in rising up to the magnitude of the profound moment we are presently in.

We have reached the end of this past age and we are beginning to enter the new creation we have envisioned. It is a huge unknown and all we have learned and all the tools we have gathered have helped us arrive at this moment. The next step is beyond our knowing, or our control, our minds and ego. We are being asked to live from radical trust and deep surrender to a great divine plan now than ever.

Our next step will include the spiritual tool of radical surrender. We are in a world were outside truth and 3D reality will be distorted by AI in ways we can’t even image in this moment. Simultaneously we are also being bathed in higher frequencies coming in from the cosmos, and star dust from a dying star. But here in our human space suit we will always have our inner truth; our inner compass. This is the place where we let go of all that has helped us thus far. It can take us no further. We will begin a glorious free fall into the unknown, knowing that when we embrace radical surrender we are also becoming part of something that is greater than we are individually. And we will fly.

Share your radical surrender story… We all could benefit from your inspiration.
HAPPY FULL MOON and the first day of the Modern Day Mayan Ascension Portal. You can down load a Mayan Calendar PDF file to follow along during these 20 days here. https://www.alunajoy.com/calendars.html

Love Donations are greatly appreciated and help me continue to offer messages freely as spirit calls. You may also send your gratitude and support through the ethers. These help me cover monetary and energetic expenses for posting these messages to you. Thank you! https://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html

More about the ASCENSION PORTAL Here… https://www.alunajoy.com/2023-5-28-supernova-ascenion...

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