"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Happy New Year

Another year passed and we survived that too.

When we crossed the threshold of 2022, the spiritual community was waiting for the big Solar Flash, while the Truther community was waiting for the visible movements of the White Hats and the return of Trump, while the average people lived their daily lives listening to the media.

But one thing is common to all of us, every day we spin in the squirrel wheel of the matrix and our souls are kept alive by faith and the knowledge that at some point this treadmill will end and we can finally enjoy sweet freedom and all the earthly and non-earthly good things that have been taken and withheld from us. .

This year, the pandemic was pushed off the media's Number 1 Top chart by "war" and we also got an energy, gas and fuel crisis as a bonus, sprinkled with a "little" inflation and a shortage of quite a few goods. What a cocktail - yummy.

Of course, at the beginning of the year, they tried to use different virus variants with exotic names and to obtrude to us the many vaccines that were still in stock, but the covid narrative was fall away due to lack of interest.

The rise in fuel prices has hurt us, the skyrocketing energy and gas prices are not making me happy either and I can only pray we don't have a heart attack at next year's annual accounts when we see how much we have to pay

Our favourite reptilian woman left us here, who even has her own series on Netflix (lol and I'm watching it and she is still unsympathetic), as well as another cock of the school replaced ours with another world.

The truth was heavily censored on online platforms this year - it's very easy to go to "jail" on Facebook or have your YouTube channel deleted.

Unfortunately, natural disasters and abnormal weather are part of every year. Here in Austria, it was around +2 and -15 degrees Celsius for several weeks in December, but by Christmas it was +15, then the sub-zero weather came again and now it can be up to +15 +20 degrees on New Year's Eve, then the cooling comes again.

In terms of incoming energy, however, this year was stronger and busier than the previous ones, there was a lot of purging and cleansing. All in all it was and still is very transformative, which I experience myself.

What will 2023 bring? I finally hope for a positive physical change, because so far it's like watching a terribly slow and tediously drawn-out stereotypical art film (virus, war, false flag, economic crisis, propaganda, etc.) we've seen this film many times in our history; the deep state is not really creative.

The plan of the UFO invasion is already well known, but it would still cause great surprise and panic among people. But we have also seen this in many movies.

I hope and wish that 2023 will be a better year for everyone, full of laughter, happiness, health, abundance and "breakthroughs".

I wish that the lone wolves will finally find their pack (I'm also waiting my soul family- alone is not so fun) and that those who are looking for true love will finally find each other.

I wish that your dreams finally come true and that you don't give up.

Yes, we are tired and fed up, but we will keep going no matter what the new year brings.

Happy New Year and Thank you very much all for being here.

I will be here - Beyond the Veil will be here as well in 2023, unless something unexpected happening.


I ask apology - The Last One

Donยดt worry, It will be continued in 2023 like it or not :)

LoL Itยดs me ๐Ÿ˜…
There's nothing better than realizing you're snoring softly while meditating...

Jason Estes Update - LOG sheet on 2022 - 31.12.2022


As we prepare for the physical new year to begin take this time to close out all that you have created so far for me it is about doing a LOG sheet on 2022 celebrating the many lessons the year brought and forgiving myself and the people who lead to those lessons as i step forward ready for 2023 these last days of reflection have been a gold mine and i feel 2023 will be the best year of my life, i feel the same hope i had at end of 2019 pre merge has returned and with so much more wisdom so many more connections and so much more truth lets make 2023 the best year yet HAPPY NEW YEARS! ::hugs:: 

this is the LOG sheet for those who need it 

Cobra - 2023: Return of Spirit

Original post:

Jason Estes - Mini Clear Camp Day 22 & 23 - 30.12.2022


Natalia Alba - 2023

Beloved ones,

The many benevolent energies from this New Year 2023 are going to help us immensely in upgrading our light bodies, as it is going to be in constant activation, for those who are ready to embody a higher level of consciousness and begin the process of physical ascension.

In this new harmonic era, we are now beginning to act as One with our Planet, and as it continues restoring its fabrics, we can gradually re-connect our body portals with these higher structures, as it was meant to be originally.

For the ones who are in this stage of building the light body, Guides shared that this year is going to be very important to anchor and restore our shoulder portals, especially the left or female one, as the seventh ray has been already restored into our planet, and we have now access to heal and retrieve our wings.

The seventh ray is connected to our left shoulder, which is our feminine portal, for as you know the left side of our body corresponds to the female one. Aligning with this ray will help us restore our left wing and crown chakra, both connected, so we can begin completely healing the female pillar within us, as it is not just about working with our second chakra and hence, our emotional body, but about restructuring our entire female essence and portals, what will begin to heal eons of female distortion.

This is a long-term and arduous inner work that needs daily work, devotion, and integrity, as well as change in habits, thoughts, and behavior, which is essential to successfully achieve this inner work.

During this year we are going to be assisted by many seventh-dimensional beings, energies, and the seventh Ray of Creation to restore our shoulder portals, and the wisdom that can descend, when these portals are opened again, as well we their connection to their correspondent higher planes, for we are meant to be connected to All within Creation.

We are about to enter into a new, and more illumined cycle. 2023, as Guides shared, is the Year of Wisdom, as its universal seventh frequency reminds us. Seventh is often associated with ascension, as it is the number of initiations that we shall pass before we can finally regain our crystalline essence.

A number that also represents our current planetary transition into a more harmonic and conscious dimension. An inner frequency that is first achieved through our inner work to become whole, and healed beings, so we can re-create this same essence in our next destination.

A year of Truth, personal empowerment, and reclamation of our sovereignty, something that comes when we integrate the knowledge, light, and clarity necessary for us to see who we are, and the many delusions that we possess, and that we shall now distill if we desire to embody higher truths.

Astrologically speaking, 2023 is going to be a very significant year as we are going to welcome planetary events that are going to have a tremendous impact on both a personal and a global level.

As always, there will be more astrological events that are important to us personally or globally, but I have chosen to share the most remarkable ones. The most important is to know our own personal micro cycles, which are ruled by the soul and God Self, as they are the most crucial ones for us to know.


We begin the year by having two planets: Mercury and Mars retrograde, for those who resonate with this perspective. Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn until January 18th, and Mars in Gemini until January 12th. Both invite us to revise our journey and clear both our mental and power center bodies of all confusion, so we can obtain more clarity.
Mars also reminds us of the importance of retrieving more energy, and life force, so we can put our energy only into that which we wish to create and bring into form, not into what we left behind.

This is going to be a very important phase, at the beginning of the year, for us to create inwardly, from a clear space, the next steps of our journey. As I always receive, there is a time for everything within Creation, and wanting to rush our projects or healing process, will only end up in more imbalances.

Flowing with where we are, acceptance and adaptation to change is what will allow us to navigate our reality, gracefully.

๐— ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ฐ๐—ต

The next and most important planetary event of all the year will occur on March 7th, with moving into Pisces on March 7th, 2023, through May 24, 2025, then from August 31, 2025, until Feb 13, 2026.

Saturn in Pisces represents the beginning of a New Cycle, as it is in March when we truly will be stepping into a fifth-dimensional harmonic timeline. Saturn's essence is opposite to Pisces, as Saturn, the so-called Taskmaker, is about creating structure in our lives, being organized, and setting strong foundations for our lives.

On the other hand, Pisces, the Dreamer, the Intuitive of the zodiac, and the one who flows and rejects structure, likes to live in the ethereal realms. Saturn reminds us of the importance of making our dreams, what we envision in the soul realms, tangible, for it is pivotal for our human experience. Saturn will invite us to ground ourselves, for we are here experiencing a physical life, and it is pivotal to create the healthy structures in our lives that will sustain of creations.

This is also a time when many will focus on their soul mission, descending more wisdom, and new aspects of it, so they can put it into practice, as there are more people awakening, and embodying their mission, as there is an acceleration occurring in the planet, as we transit into a more illumined plane.

Saturn in Pisces is a very productive and intense creative phase, for all who are birthing new creations, seeing their light into the physical, in their unique way. This is precisely how we, as creators, master ourselves in the physical, by making real all that we receive in the non-physical planes, as being connected with our God Self is equally important than anchoring our visions in the physical, otherwise, we will not be experiencing this plane.

This is going to signify a great impact globally, and individually, especially, if you are experiencing your Saturn return when you will be challenged to learn, revise, or expand into the things that you still need to remember or master.

If you are born on these dates, then you are having your Saturn return, and then it will be even more intense and significant for you:

From 1935 to 1938, you will be through your Saturn return.
If you are born between 1964 and 1967 your second Saturn return.
Lastly, if you are born between 1993 to 1996 your first Saturn return.

Saturn may challenge us if we feel resistant to change what is required, but it is the push we need to be more structured, and conscious of the importance of making all tangible, as being balanced is vital to building a stable, abundant, and also spiritual life, as spirituality is not separated from the above. On the contrary, is an energy that helps us achieve, in the physical, all we may fantasize about, but that we never bring to fruition.

We have the opportunity with Saturn to progressively work on our desires, rather than being impulsive, as Saturn reminds us of the importance of being devoted and working in both, our healing and earthly journey, in a constant, and progressive way, as it is what truly brings aligned outcomes.

The second, and most important planetary event, is Pluto in Aquarius, from March 23, 2023, to June 11, 2023, although with a few retrogrades back into Capricorn. This introduces what will take place โ€“ uninterrupted for the next 20 years - on January 21, 2024, when Pluto will journey non-stop to Aquarius.

This is going to bring liberation, a retrieval of power, on both a personal level and also in a collective one. A change that began last year in the USA by having its Pluto return, and that will now extend to the rest of the world, by offering us liberation, through the reclamation of our personal sovereignty.

This will be a period when collective beliefs, fixed mental patterns, and many other laws will fade away, for Pluto does not sustain anything that goes against growth and the progression of life.

We end March by having another important event on March 26th, Mars moving from Gemini to Cancer. The strength, power, and confidence of Mars in Cancer find the courage, emotional support, and energy to go after what we wish to pursue.

This is a very nurturing, and protective frequency, to align with, as we can direct this fierceness to heal emotionally, clearing old wounds and patterns that are not allowing us to expand our heart center. Above all, this will be a very good time for us to remember that despite our human illusion of separation, we are all One.


We have in this month the first eclipse of the year. I leave you all the eclipses dates for 2023. I will enter deeper into each and every one of them when the time comes.
A hybrid eclipse on April 20th
A penumbral lunar eclipse on May 5th
An annular solar eclipse on 14 October.
A partial lunar eclipse on 28 October.


Finally, on September 4th, we have Venus restarting its direct course in Leo. We had a period of profound reflection, in which focusing on ourselves, self-love, and worth, was pivotal. And now with Venus in Leo, we have finally regained the love, strength, and courage to be able to cut the cords that drained our precious life force and engage only with those that are authentic and that we deeply resonate with.

This is a period to make conscious choices in our relationships that are meditated and come from an unconditional, loving space. Relationships that are now based on equality, co-creating as One, and from this passional, committed, respectful union, give birth to something that will bring more light and benefit to All.

We have ahead a new doorway to our new destination. One that only we know deep inside ourselves and that no outer force or being can determine, for once we step into this path, we know that there is no one creating and choosing for us, but ourselves.

It is now the moment for us to evaluate, but also enjoy, all we have created, healed, and achieved, as Guides constantly remind us, beginning to open ourselves to receive higher aspects of us. This year is going to be a very powerful one in terms of soul retrieval for the ones who are ready to consciously embody higher aspects of their soul, for we are ready to begin discovering who we truly are, within Creation, as we are just starting to know our true power and destination within this human realm that we chose.

It is a year for us to begin remembering that we and our planet are One, as it was originally in the beginning. As planetary healers our main aim is to be conscious of every thought, feeling, and act, for all we do affects the earth that constantly embraces us within divine love, no matter how much we have damaged her.

As conscious beings who are now on a path of wisdom retrieval, it is now the time to reward the earth by helping her heal of all the previous manipulation and harm, as this is how we truly show that we are evolving, by honoring, and feeling, All as One.
I wish you All Beloved Companions, a blessed and wonderful 2023!
Thank you for all the love, healing, and blessings that you are yet to seed for All.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

Art by: Kesara

Incoming energies are quite strong - 29.12.2022

 Strong incoming energies...2nd day with headache and Iยดm tired...

Looks like the new year is going to be ushered in with some pretty powerful magnetic anomalies. We had a nice calm and peaceful solstice, but itโ€™s been anything but since then. Anxiety, depression, digestive issues, anything to do with the nervous system, brain fog, the inability to make a decisions, procrastination, agitation etcโ€ฆ. Itโ€™s only the beginning of a long laundry list of things magnetic storms can trigger. All this can be linked to incoming magnetic storms, and especially so if youโ€™re a highly sensitive person.

These triggers show us places that actually need some work. So itโ€™s a good thing if itโ€™s coming up for us, so letโ€™s work with it. The SUN our friend, not our enemy. The sun can also trigger a huge wave of awakening in humanity. And I can feel it coming. ๏ฟผThis is why a lot of ancient cultures around the world are solar cultures! The ancient ones knew this and we are their descendants๏ฟผ. ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ

Solar magnetic storms is not good news for those that are already dealing with personal traumas and stresses, while we are also feeling global collective stress. Disruptions from solar flare energy might mess with our nervous system and throw us into "fight or flight" state, making us feel on edge, anxious or otherwise stressed out.

Solar magnetic storms can desynchronize our circadian rhythm. Our pineal glands are affected by this electromagnetic activity and produce an increase in melatonin thus disturbing our sleep and impacting our intuition. Itโ€™s not a good time to make any big decisions based on what youโ€™re feeling during a magnetic storm. BUTโ€ฆ it is a good time to Google โ€œvagus nerve releaseโ€ and/or emotional freedom technique a.k.a tapping. Anybody trauma to nervous system, physical or emotional, need to be doing these practices. Our sensitivities, empathic nature, clairvoyance etc. are our super powers, but during solar storms they can feel a bit like a curse.

This is helping with symptoms. Eating root foods (anything that grows underground) and staying hydrated. Get grounded. Going barefoot is good for our health and oxygen levels. We have learned this from various indigenous cultures. Set up a beautiful altar in your house, light candles and say prayers or decrees. Create a gratefulness list. Give yourself some credit how far youโ€™ve come this year. Selenite towers at the four corners of your bed, or at the four corners of your house, preferably at the cardinal points. Again Google โ€œvagus nerve releaseโ€ and/or emotional freedom technique a.k.a tapping.

Here are a couple of sites where you can follow the magnetic energy yourself. I donโ€™t always post when there are spikes. Because weโ€™re heading into solar maximum and I donโ€™t want you to have to read about solar spikes every single day. We are on the upswing with solar activity. This is a perfectly normal. But it will usher in the second half of the first Katun cycle that started December 21, 2012. We are definitely coming out of the woods in anchoring this cycle. But thereโ€™s still work to be done. Lighter times are just around the corner. ๏ฟผ

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 26.12.2022

โ€œRules based world orderโ€ ends with Rothschilds trying to offer $ trillions in exchange for amnesty

You can read the full report here:


Jason Estes - Mini Clear Camp Day 20 & 21 - 29.12.2022


I ask apology

Yayy ๐Ÿ˜น Who like Mercury retrograde anyway?

Jason Estes Update - 500k dtps - 2023 is going to be in history books - 27.12.2022


We just crossed 500k data points!! congrats everyone hopefully you had a Merry Christmas and are ready for the best year of your lives!!! 2023 is going to be one for the history books as we have massive changes on every single level of the game coming up!!!! remember the most important thing is give yourself permission to make mistakes and its ok not to feel ok what ever you are feeling is valid for you and you can express and heal on your own through all kinds of mediums such as letters you will never send ect, so take these final days of December to reflect on the year and all its many lessons then write a letter you will never send to 2022 to get out all that your holding onto then come into gratitude and step into 2023!!! ::hugs::

A QUICK NOTE #1976 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Ethical violators keeping removed from first galactic interactions" - 24.12.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Fractals in reconnaissance.
Stellars keep coming.
Goddess Gates in T Zone are expanded.
Angelic creativity is shared.
Ashtar defense layer is strengthened.
Inner fugitives are isolated.
Ethical violators keeping removed from first galactic interactions.
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHINGS Patterns are announced. Neva Support Tune at 91% (not countdown).
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHINGS Patterns are announced. Neva/Terran Reverb at 90% (not countdown).
Attention, The *Star Bearers Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 59% (not countdown).
The *Star Bearers Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 64% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Supporting Integrations and Projectors for Hi-HumanS+D1).

Amanda Lorence Update - Incoming energies - 24.12.2022



All day 23 (yesterday)โ€ฆIncreased incoming energies and vibrational patterns. TODAY (24th), the INCOMING is exceptional. Power-filled with a HIGHER SPIN RATE (higher frequency). We are incrementally rising higher and higher in HERTZ FREQUENCY. Today, so high, you may feel โ€˜Brain Fogโ€™ (heeheee). You may feel โ€˜Spaced Out (Whoooweee), or you may even feel your physical body could lift off the ground (please post photos if that happens, would be fun to see that ). If you struggle with Incoming Energies, to just notice if you are in MENTAL RESISTANCE to them (and let go of specific mental thoughts about incoming energy, allow your natural flow instead). If physical difficulties with incoming energies, to direct the ENERGY of LOVE to all or part of your body affected, and try to RELAX any physical muscles that can tense up.


As mentioned in previous recent update, we are now in our OWN CORRIDOR period, until 02 Janauary 2023. You may already know (as I do), your own significance FOR ONLY YOU, of 22 Dec PORTAL. And if not, the โ€˜Corridorโ€™ period, can feel like โ€˜No manโ€™s landโ€™ or simply a โ€˜Not Knowingโ€™ period until 02 January. So just to feel acceptance and ease at simply allowing the corridor to be just that. Be kind to yourself. Love thyself.


Itโ€™s individual for every being, but if you OBSERVE, and stay present from the date of 02 January, you are able to KNOW, what the 22 December Portal signified for YOU personally in terms of your spiral and your EMBODIMENT (not personality life). If you become aware of this, you are then able to see, in a generalised way, your POINT in your OWN Spiral and the general CONSCIOUSNESS STAGES that are to present for your Solar months and Solar year ahead for your 2023.

22 FEBRUARY 2023:

Basically as we traverse higher as a Collective Humanity, into INCREASING vaster frequencies of CONSCIOUSNESS, we traverse into, through, are affected by, HIGHER FREQUENCY LIGHT LAYERS. One happens every year on 22 FEBRUARY. This yearโ€™s was a DIAMOND LIGHT LAYER (I did a fb Live explaining it just after I witnessed it descend from the SUN on 22/2/2022). Itโ€™s an utterly amazing date and game changer to be present to.
23 FEBRUARY 2023:

I am hesitant to mention this date, but if I donโ€™t share it to you, I feel I would regret not SHARING OUT of the DATA I know. However, the DATA was given specifically for my own path. Specific to me. However, after receiving it, my human mind/personality wonders slightly if the DATA could also be relative to anyone. Even though I know directly it is about my own path stage. Yet I NEVER EVER have been given dates before so directly and precisely. For that reason, I want to post the EXACT DATA received, just in case
โ€œ23 February. Transformative. Pre-Designed. Celebratoryโ€


A few days (maybe a week) before 21/22 March 2023, there will be UPLIFT. Meaning energies will incrementally RISE, day upon day. Itโ€™s incremental so that we are IN our OPTIMUM frequency states, for 21/22 March 2023. In order to receive as much energy as we each can on those dates 21/22 March. A personality would therefore begin to feel better, more optimistic, inwardly stronger, clearer, more grounded. But if you are now ENERGY FIRST, before the personality mode, youโ€™ll feel ENERGETICALLY, many increases to your own ENERGETIC FREQUENCY. You will feel increase to VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS, increases in the SPIN of your PHOTON LIGHT. The physical body will reflect that too.

So some explanations to keep, print, make note of for the periods ahead. We are already, since 22 December in a NEW TIMELINE. The magic is in YOUR own NOW moment. In the present moment. The more you come into the NOW MOMENT, and LIVE by it, the more you SEE, FEEL, UNDERSTAND the shear magic that is presentโ€ฆAT THE HIGHER FREQUENCIES. I will do a fb Live next year explaining the higher frequency state of being, living in, experiencingโ€ฆ

Wishing you all, a VERY HAPPY and MAGICAL EVERYTHINGโ€ฆas we go. And if you are missing loved ones, to rememberโ€ฆthey are right next to you, just in another โ€˜roomโ€™ (a higher frequency state). They respond to your LOVE and JOY for themโ€ฆso watch out for the SYNCHRONICITIES shown to you, as their way of letting you know, they unconditionally love you, and are supporting YOUโ€ฆ all the way.

With all my Love. Always,
24 December 2022

(In the picture is my gift to youโ€ฆmy prayer is you receive it)

Jason Estes Update - Circuit Purge time schedule - 26.12.2022

 The whole purge mapped out ๐Ÿ˜Š there will be more images to come but this gives you a good idea โค ::hugs::

Jason Estes - Mini Clear Camp Day 18 & 19 - 26.12.2022


I wish a very good, happy and peaceful Xmas Holidays - 2022

 I Wish for Everybody a Peaceful and Happy Christmas Holidays

๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…*** ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ˜ฝ

Mine already started good...1st Christmas with 2 kittens...
as I put up the decorations one by one, they threw themselves on the tree and slapped it down. Later they changed and make it with teamwork - The boy take down everything one by one from the tree and dropped it on the ground to the girl and later they played soccer with it all over the house...when there was nothing on the tree, Leila took down the Christmas light and got tangled up in it while the Tsuki munched on the tree


My beautiful Grinch...it was fun but I put away the Xmas tree....

Carta Astral 222 - Geomagnetic Storm and a dream - 23.12.2022

Dear family, right now we are under the effect of a geomagnetic storm Kp4/5 and although they may be having some physical symptoms such as dizziness, pressure in different parts of the head, inability to focus sight, chills partials, increased activity in the Heart Chakra, restlessness, buzzing or tones in the ears, and the feeling that they are in two places at once, I know that the physical symptoms are no longer as strong because the physical body has already adapted, or is finishing to adapt.

Since I opened this page, after an experience I had from June 19 to 23, 2018, I knew that my mission as a guide regarding the adaptation of the physical body as part of this process we are living (for which I was pr) going wild, without me knowing, for 13 years), it had an expiration date and that date is TODAY . I write this with tears of joy in my eyes because I always was and have been transparent with you, and that's why I'm also going to tell you how it started what now, somehow, ends. This doesn't mean I won't be seen around anymore, or at least that's not my intention (it's not a goodbye message, it's a message that something is already accomplished), but only God knows what's next.

When I started living this process more consciously in February 2017, I had a dream in which three hairless beings with huge blue eyes (remember "the pelones" ? ) we watched me and another person (which at the time I could not see, but until this morning I knew who it is) as inside a crib in "space" and told me telepathically, "They will be fine, we are taking care of them, they just have to eat less s and sleep more." At that time my physical symptoms were so strong and so constant that I started looking for answers in doctors' offices and even went to the psychiatrist because I thought I was going crazy. No one found anything, I didn't know anything about this nor did I have anyone to help me understand what was going on with me, so I started writing it all down and trusting the dreams and the information I was getting because it was all I had and nothing else. If I'm going to tell you part of my personal experience it's because context is necessary.

On the night of June 19, 2018, my head started to burn as if a hot liquid was being poured on it from above and my whole body started shaking as that "liquid" went down my back to my feet. From that time, it was 5 days of constant shaking, heat and burning in each of my chakras in ascending order repeated every hour, without sleeping because I was only disconnected for periods of 15 minutes in which I was given the informaci I was going to need, and almost unable to eat. In the early morning of June 23, already totally exhausted and feeling that my body could no more, I became convinced that I would leave this plan because besides I had been experiencing reality as from outside my body, I sat on the bed and said out loud: "if this "It is my death, then it is, but if not, my mission come." I myself had no idea what I was saying or why I was saying something like that, but a few minutes after I went back to bed another "Being" (nothing like those of the first dream) put my head in her lap and wrapped her hands, "You're going to it tar okay we're almost done", he told me and showed me something that doesn't need to be explained. Less than two weeks later I opened this page and started sharing information about the physical body adaptation process, without me realizing it.

This morning I woke up after a dream difficult to describe by the absolute beauty and perfection of the Master Plan, in which I was shown several pieces of my personal puzzle, but I will share only what I know to share because it's a collective message, though dont know exactly what it means. I was somewhere in the "outer space" and I was accompanied by 4 presences that I could recognize and one of them was that Being who surrounded my head with his hands, made me move a few steps to show me something and said to me: "THE SUN IN YOU. YOU ALREADY COMPLETED", and then she showed me Gaia surrounded by a shiny white halo with a fine golden edge around it. I asked him if I should share it here with you when he woke up and quietly, he nodded. I don't know exactly what it means because I no longer let my mind tell me a story, but I do know what I felt and it's immense and indescribable. When you read this, what everyone understands from that message: "THE SUN IN YOU" is only for yourselves, I just shared the message because it should be, but it is not necessary to explain to me what you think it can mean, just feel nlo and let him meaning reveals itself.


Original Post:

Jason Estes - Mini Clear Camp Day 16 & 17 - 24.12.2022


A QUICK NOTE #1975 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Matrix failures remain evident" - 23.12.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Matrix failures remain evident.
Ascension Protocols are released.
Ashtar(s) harmonize etheric embassy zones.
Time is quickly consumed.
Spheres of Light increasing.
Violators keeping are turned away.
Irreversible patterns keep to be archived.
Old fallen missionaries do not access PVSE codes. Access denied. (2)
*Lemurian Pearls in Bearers reconnections. Support at 96% (not countdown).
*Lemurian Pearls in Beares reconnections. Reverb at 95% (not countdown).
Shaman Fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Support at 87% (not countdown).
Shaman Fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Terran reverb at 88% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Supporting Integrations and Projectors for Hi-HumanS+D1).