"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Full Super Moon

 This Full Moon is a Supermoon and it is the closest, brightest and (appears the) largest Full Moon of the year, bringing with it a surge of potent but highly positive energies.

It is the 3rd Super Full Moon in a row and unlike regular Full Moons—in which the energy lasts for a few days—the highly charged, intense and life-altering energy of this Supermoon sequence is felt consistently throughout this period - from February through to the next Supermoon in May.

The Full Moon is in Libra, which brings a balancing, harmonizing energy, particularly when the Sun and Moon are in full alignment during this Supermoon. Although before we are able to fully appreciate these calmer waves, and possibly for a day or two after it, the Moon may bring erratic and discordant energies - purely to give an extra shake-up so that we clear out the last remnants of anything that has been causing chaos.

It may even be that it is our own unbalanced energies that are causing us the most discomfort. The Libra lunar energy helps with balancing masculine and feminine energies, and as lunar energy is feminine in nature, we may notice an inner shift that compels us to reassess where our own energy has fallen out of alignment.

We will likely feel pulled toward taking time out for essential self-care, particularly in regard to pampering, nurturing and nourishing the mind, body and soul. Salt baths, meditation and listening to soothing music will all be of huge benefit with this cosmic energy at its peak.

Be prepared to experience an emotional intense few days, as this cosmic magnetic push than a regular Full Moon, so any act of self-love will immensely help centre and ground our energy, while alleviating any vibrational disharmony we may be feeling.

Supermoon energy causes us to be far more intuitive, sensitive, perceptive, and empowered than normal. The magnetic energy directly connects with our own magnetic energy and has a huge impact on our emotional body. When the moon waxes and wanes, it pushes and pulls, and as the moon changes phases it stirs up our own hidden and rejected emotions.

We may have felt extremely irritable and ungrounded, particularly over the past week, as though everything is falling apart around us and that the world no longer feels recognisable and secure. This is partly due to the collective challenges we are facing, and at the same time, our energetic bodies being out of alignment, as the intense magnetic force from the moon causes havoc with our personal electromagnetic field.

Those who are highly sensitive to energy may be absorbing all the collective energies, along with these intense cosmic rays. Water is an emotional cleanser, so it is recommended to place both hands under running water for a few minutes whenever energies become enhanced.

Old energy will be clearing and new energy will be entering on this Full Moon, so expect to find closure on certain chapters while remaining open to new opportunities, connections and possibilities.

Supermoons can cause an immense amount of confusion and is the reason that when the moon is at its brightest we often feel compelled to either draw people toward us or reject and clear out anything harmful that does not serve our heart and soul. It can also be the reason we suddenly feel a strong desire to either let go of dynamics that cause pain or where effort is not reciprocated, and and we feel pulled to reconnect with others we have previously lost contact with.

Supermoons are sometimes referred to as “wild card moons” in astrology, as they bring in unpredictable energies—which basically means our lives could be running smoothly one minute and then could suddenly turn upside down.

This is nothing to worry about however, as with all cosmic activity, everything that occurs happens for our highest good. Therefore, if things don’t go to plan, be patient as the reason behind the temporary turbulence soon reveals.

We have gone through many drastic energy shifts lately, which have taken us through personal transformation and caused us to vibrate on an entirely different frequency.

This Supermoon brings another major and quite abrupt awakening, in which we will see everything around us as though we are perceiving it all for the first time. The illusions that once surrounded us are speedily dissipating and we will have no option but to view things as they are, rather than what we want to believe.

Between now and the next Super Moon in May the collective clarity will be on levels never before known, as we experience a new rawness and reality within our daily existence. Together our awareness of the world, humanity, nature and our place in it will reach new heights and the upside of this is that we will be discovering the true meaning of unity and oneness.

Supermoon sequences are supercharged energy portals in which masses of luminous energy is known to infiltrate Earth’s atmosphere. Absorbing it can be overstimulating, so we may have noticed that lately we have felt far more emotional, drained and fatigued than normal. Therefore it is beneficial to take time out whenever possible, spend time in nature, meditate and disconnect from anything that feels depleting so that we avoid emotional burn out.

Energy is vibrating on an extremely high frequency right now, and this Full Moon adds heightened intensity. One of the most noticeable side effects of this may be an inability to sleep, as the Moon’s energy and light is so powerful and bright during the night.

This marks a turning point in our lives, and while we let go of old emotions, experience deep inner healing, and radically awaken, we will hear a message from the Moon, reminding us that we are watched over, guided and divinely protected.

Take a few moments to gaze up at the Full Moon both tonight and tomorrow night and release fear and receive renewed faith. Breathe in the healing lunar energy that is flooding our planet right now. Know that our Universe is with us on this journey, and that we are all in this struggle together. Our planet, our entire Solar System, Source Energy and the whole of humanity is working toward the same goal at this time.

We are all vital in this challenge, and we are pulling together to figure a way through this in ways that were previously unimaginable. We are seeing, hearing, and experiencing things we never thought possible, and still, we are placing unprecedented trust in one another, knowing that we need each other like never before and despite the solitude we find ourselves in, we are far more connected that we ever were before.

Absorb the lunar love. Become aware of the magnitude of your inner strength. Look out for the beauty in life. Take in the random acts of kindness going on all across the world. Watch how strangers are showing immense levels of respect and gratitude toward one another. Notice the . Imbalances and judgement are being removed and as we move into this new, and often quite terrifying timeline, know that we have got one another. We are holding one another through our suffering, healing and through it all we are empathetically and compassionately growing as one.

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