"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

4:4:4 Portal

The Universe communicates with us in hidden, subtle and mysterious ways and one of the most powerful forms is via Numerology, through the vibration of numbers.

The number sequence 4:4:4 is a messenger that urges you to place more trust in yourself and to have faith that a higher power is watching over you. It is here as a reminder that you are not alone and to ask you to call on guidance or protection from the Universe, angels or your ancestors whenever life feels overwhelming, challenging or whenever you need clarity or emotional or spiritual support.

4:4:4 vibrates on an extremely high frequency that always brings positive outcomes and radiates with love. It also sends appreciation, strength and encouragement wherever it is needed and brings in a sense of safety, calmness and peace.

It is also an extremely powerful manifesting number, so this is a day to take time out in solitude and set strong intentions and to carry belief that you will receive whatever you are asking for.

This number also represents the dreamworld, so pay close attention to your dreams over this period, as they hold prophetic messages that help with healing old wounds as well as providing the answers you need to overcome particular challenges.

4:4:4 is also known as an Earthly Angel. This means that the signs and synchronicites that you will be receiving will mostly appear in the 3D world, rather than 5D. Therefore, watch out for prominent messages that appear to get your attention so that you open up and allow miracles, blessings and a flow of positive opportunities to enter your life.

On this day you may notice:

Feathers, dimes and pennies appearing on your path.

Music communicating with you.

Reading a sentence that holds significant meaning.

Hearing high pitched frequencies - ears ringing.

“Coincidences” that are difficult to rationally explain.

Waking between the hours of 3-5am - a higher power is attempting to communicate.

Hearing bells ringing, your name being called or knocking but no one is there.

Thinking of someone and then you hear from them.

Seeing/hearing birds, butterflies or overall nature more vividly.

Lights flickering/technology malfunctioning.

Goosebumps, deja vu, feeling chills and as though something major is happening.

An unexpected visitor from the past coming forward, either through telepathic communication, a digital message or via the dreamworld.

Your intuition will be extremely heightened today, so pay close attention and take heed of any warnings, nudges or positive psychic messages you may be receiving.

This is your reminder that you are on this planet for an immensely important reason. If you have been struggling to fully understand your purpose then today the bigger picture will start to become clearer and your mission will begin to be revealed.

You have a tremendous amount of inner wisdom and divine knowledge that you can tap into at any time and that will assist you as your journey unfolds. Have absolute faith in your abilities right now and know that you

4:4:4 is a grounding, harmonious and balancing number sequence. It’s vibrations encourages you to feel more motivated, productive, inspired and creative, which will help you lay solid and stable foundations and make great progress on your journey -knowing the Universe is with you every step of the way.

To work with numerology, you can also find out your personal year number and discover what potential, possibility and opportunities the year ahead has in store for you.

This can help gain a profound understanding of what to expect from the year ahead and also offers an insight into how the vibrational energy of your personal year number will affect you.

Your personal year number is calculated by adding your date of birth to the year you would like to gain more insight into.

(You calculate your personal year number by following the instructions below or you can use this link https://numerology.astro-seek.com/personal-year to calculate it for you, or google ‘personal year number’ and find a site that suits you. )

In numerology, we reduce the numbers until you get a single digit. For example, 2017 reduces to 2+0+1+7= 10 and then 1+0=1 which makes 2017 a 1 year.

Then take the month and day you were born and add them together.

For example, if you were born on 12/18/1998, you only add the month to the date 1+2+1+8 (the year you were born is not included when calculating a personal year number for the year ahead)

The month and date equates to:
Month and day: 1+2+1+8=12. Then reduce the number further to a single digit: 1+2=3.

We then add the number 3 to the year we are interested in looking at, for example, 2020 is a 4 year, so we add the 2 and the 2, which gives a personal year number of 4.

Our personal year number is also our “lucky number” for the year and we will likely notice an increase in the amount of times we encounter it, particularly when we have important decisions to make.

Alex Myles

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