"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jupiter Direct in Sagittarius on August 11th till 3 of Dececember

Jupiter Direct in Sagittarius- Liberation of Fears, Grand Visions Move Forward, Exuberance and Zest Returns

On August 11th, Jupiter, the planet of: luck, abundance and wisdom, turns direct at 14 degrees of Sagittarius. Jupiter turning direct in his home sign of Sagittarius is significant. Not only is he the largest planet in our solar system, but the fact he is home is a big deal. Once every 12 years he comes back to his home placement and now he is ready to shine brightly and bring many blessings and gifts with his forward movement. Sagittarius, the 9th zodiac sign is all about: truth, higher education, travel, optimism and hope.

Jupiter direct in his home sign of Sagittarius is a green light for hope and faith to be restored to our lives again. Wherever Sagittarius falls in your natal chart is where you will see a rise of renewed truth and luck. For us fellow Jupiter in Sagittarius natives, the direct motion of Jupiter will begin a new 12 year cycle of massive success and abundance. For everyone else, Jupiter moving direct within the Archer's palace, will provide new opportunities for: learning, evolution and major authenticity to show up. If you have been wanting to face someone or have a difficult discussion that you have been putting off, the flood gates of truth and light could suddenly open. Massive leaps of faith are also a manifestation of Jupiter's forward movement. While Jupiter was retrograde, since April 2019, these truths and wisdom, could have been more internalized or were not as clear and obtainable. Now comes the moment of awakening and sudden realizations connected to the past 4 months could come to the surface to be rectified.

Jupiter direct in Sagittarius wants you to believe in the magic and miracles of life again. When a planet is home, it is 10x more powerful and directed in its energies. Jupiter direct wants you to find your authentic truth and stand by it with 100% conviction and honesty. Where do you need to take a blind leap of faith and trust divine? What dreams are calling your name and are you willing to believe in them with everything you got? Jupiter, the great benefic planet, turning direct in Sagittarius is here to warm your heart with wisdom and purpose. As he turns forward, he asks you to face your future with: faith in the impossible, truth and integrity and the belief that you are born abundant and free. Jupiter will be in Sagittarius until December 3, 2019 and then moves into Capricorn.

Below is a short preview of the extended horoscopes for each zodiac sign for Jupiter's direct motion in Sagittarius. For the extended version, please join me over on Patreon. The link will be next to the mini forecast and will directly take you over to my Patreon page. As always, I channel special and profound messages that offer further practical advise and tips on how to navigate these energies. I go into what to focus on and what to avoid during this time and offer a special mantra at the end for each sign. These horoscopes are extremely powerful and channeled right from source. If you would like to join me over on Patreon and access each sign's horoscope, for just a few dollars per month, here is the link:https://www.patreon.com/astromomma.

Aries- Expansion, Luck and Success in your 9th house of: travel, wisdom and abundance. Time to believe in your abilities to manifest miracles. Your soul longs to create new belief patterns, liberation of feeling confined or lost is indicated. Extended horoscope for Aries: www.patreon.com/astromomma

Taurus- Expansion, Luck and Success in your 8th house of: power, shared resources and transformation. Time to dive deeper into your source of vulnerability; its ok, you can still be strong and soft at the same time. A chance to partner with another brings success and recognition; are you ready to take your power to massive new levels? Extended forecast for Taurus: www.patreon.com/astromomma

Gemini- Expansion, Luck and Success in your 7th house of: commitment, contracts and peace . Time to partner with another and allow their love and dedication to inspire you. Peace of mind and enjoyment are yours; balance and peace return to light up your life. Extended horoscope for Gemini: www.patreon.com/astromomma

Cancer- Expansion, Luck and Success in your 6th house of: health, work and service. Time to feel inspired by your work life again; a major project could suddenly land in your lap. You will begin to feel more invigorated and energized. Extended horoscope for Cancer: www.patreon.com/astromomma

Leo- Expansion, Luck and Success in your 5th house of: true love fun and self-expression. Time for the flames of passion to return; your soul wants to create from the heart again, are you ready to embrace this fiery new start? Extended horoscope for Leo: www.patreon.com/astromomma

Virgo- Expansion, Luck and Success in your 4th house of: home, family and emotional foundations. Time to open your heart up to miraculous new discoveries. Home purchases or remodels are favored; you are ready to be vulnerable and open to the joys of the universe. Extended horoscope for Virgo: www.patreon.com/astromomma

Libra- Expansion, Luck and Success in your 3rd house of: communication, contracts and short distance travel. Time to speak your truth; others are ready and willing to receive your authenticity. Don't back down, just to keep the peace. Extended horoscope for Libra: www.patreon.com/astromomma

Scorpio- Expansion, Luck and Success in your 2nd house of: $, shared resources and self-worth. Time to receive in miraculous new ways. The universe wants you to believe that you deserve only the best; own it and it shall be. Extended horoscope for Scorpio: www.patreon.com/astromomma

Sagittarius- Expansion, Luck and Success in your 1st house of: the physical body, outlook and destiny. Time to feel your best self; this is a reset button that is 12 years in the making! The universe wants you to shine bright and embrace massive and beautiful new beginnings. Extended horoscope for Sagittarius: www.patreon.com/astromomma

Capricorn-Expansion, Luck and Success in your 12th house of: spirituality, surrender and imagination. Time to unwind and look below the surface for answers. Your dreams will reveal clues about long awaited mysteries. Extended horoscope for Capricorn: www.patreon.com/astromomma

Aquarius- Expansion, Luck and Success in your 11th house of: friendships, hopes/wishes and networking. Time to get out and meet new kindred beings. Your dreams are calling; are you ready to embrace a new future of possibility? Extended horoscope for Aquarius: www.patreon.com/astromomma

Pisces- Expansion, Luck and Success in your 10th house of: destiny, career and authority. Time to receive success and recognition; this could come as a surprise, so keep your eyes out. Extended horoscope for Pisces: www.patreon.com/astromomma

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