"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Energy Update 8/6/19 via Eric Raines

Honored and Sacred space of multidimensional realms are being born/created at an increased rate as many of the destructive programs of control begin to have their foundations crumble.

In the past month, we have seen an unprecedented wave of activity on every level possible. The astral realms are boiling with new pathways, the physical structure of reality has stretched to the point of time anomalies becoming common, unprecedented levels of corruption are being divulged in many arenas of worldly power, racial divides are beginning to cleanse and yet, we are experiencing more overt violence and terror screaming at us from every level.

There is a reason for this. As the physical Lynch pins of many economic, sociological, environmental and monetary systems of control begin to feel their familiar systems of control sliding from their grasps, it is a direct reflection of what is happening on an energetic and multidimensional level as well.

In the physical levels, the latest rash of False Flag attacks (this does not mean people didn't die, but that the narrative and timeline of events is hidden from the general public at large, while a specific agenda is pushed) come in response to many aspects of corruption being directly focussed on in the mainstream media and are designed to shift the narrative and the focus.

On the energetic levels, physical humans aware of their energetic potential, Light forces, Gaia herself as well as the increasingly powerful waves of energy percolating through our solar system.have exposed, opened and cleared massive repositories of planetary Loosh energy. The frequency and sloppy execution of these FF attacks shows the desperation reflecting on all levels.

The Parasitic construct has experienced a cascading catastrophe that is only going to "bleed" more energy as their "battery" is effortlessly drained and transmuted back to light.

As this gateway of energetic potential begins to wrap up with the Lion's Gate portal of 8/8/19, an incredible amount of trauma, planetary density and personal blockage has been transmuted.

Last months energy update can be found here.

The supporting update can be found here.

The easiest way to truly utilize these waves of potential is to simply take your focus into the inner world and begin to create the energy you want to experience, while paying attention for anything that does not resonate with that level.

In other words, cultivate the energies of love, joy, excitement, forgiveness, hope while paying attention to emotions, sensations, feelings and energies that are uncomfortable as they flush up to the surface of your attention, meaning create what you want, be aware of what you do not as it rises up from where it is stuck.

The only reason many are experiencing a crazy intensity or emotions running rampant is because we are heading to the eye of the needle. Only light can pass through. Anything that is not of light is becoming incredibly obvious right now. Pay attention to it.

Anything that you do not enjoy, take responsibility for it and clean out that space.

With this technique and this focus, we can begin to shift into a much more open and calm space while the chaos of being a Systems Buster swirls around us to settle back into Order.

Calm yourself down with deep belly breathing exercises with the intention of feeling your skin gliding under the clothes, the muscles shifting under the skin and the movement that creates in the bones.

Stay here until you feel the body buzzing as the sensations become more intense and then turn this feeling up with each inhale.

Once you have been here with slow, gentle breathe, tingling the body for 5 minutes or more, put a gentle smile on your face and pull the warm, soft feeling of the smile pulling into the body with the breath.

You will feel different sensations as you do this, pay attention for the good sensations that are created here and turn up the feeling with each inhale.

Eventually you will fill yourself with so much positive energy that the spaces you are looking for will become heavy or uncomfortable, the feeling of nasty emotions being included in this awareness.

Then use the exhale to feel the gravity of the Earth pull whatever you dont like the feeling of, almost like a weight sliding out of the body and into the Earth.

It will give you more space to turn up more joy/laughter energy.

Stay in this sensation (focusing on the feeling, not a visualization) until you feel your body relax, pain dissolve, the mind go quiet and the body begin to feel lighter (as in dropping heaviness).

We have an unprecedented opportunity coming in the next 2 days as we build up to the Lion's Gate portal. Use this space to clean out as much as you possibly can.

Go into the old stories, the old traumas, the wounds that have always been ready to jump into panic or fear at a moments notice. Love them. Release them.

Claim your space. You are sovereign, you are free.

You are a sliver of the Infinite, a true Child of the Universe.

Be who you came here to be.

From my heart, to yours


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