"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Energy Report - end of August

Eu time, last night (25-26) we get a huge energy wave as Amanda Lorence confirmed too:

"Extremely strong INCOMING WAVE: main patterning = infinity loop & clockwise rotation. Moves the body. Pressure areas: crown, face, head. Bliss + Mild Ecstasies with this. Physical body ‘circuit breakers’ are being dissolved with this current INCOMING WAVE, thus we become more ENERGISED. The increased electrical activity to body can cause burning sensations (it’s electric activity within nervous system). Sensations will pass. We raise our Hz frequency!"

And another source - this translated via google

"Here we go again! This is today's graphics (25/08) and those perturbations that see in the graphic are the cause that they have woken up in the early morning (or this morning because they are not so intense) with concern, anxiety, heat on the feet, Pain and / or tingling in the coccyx and around the column to the neck. It may also be that they have had strange dreams in which it seemed that they were receiving some kind of "lesson", don't be frustrated if they don't remember what information they received, it will be clearing and revealing little by little as a result of the cosmic energy wave that We are receiving right now as well. Yes, we are again "made sandwich" because, in case we were getting bored ๐Ÿ™„, there is also a solar coronal hole directed towards the earth that is obviously also emitting its own frequency. So today, or where to make us because if it's not juana is chana and if not her sister. Here the likely symptoms ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

By Resonance Schumann:

- restlessness, anxiety, irritability, unjustified anguish
- heat in the plants of the feet
- pain in the lower back
- Tingling (numbness) that runs both sides of the column
- internal heat in the different chakras
- diarrhea, swollen belly, excess gases (remember that the area is heated and causes fermentation by the increase in temperature), irritable colon symptoms
- intermittent puncture pains in different muscles and organs of the body (last only a few seconds and are very intense)
- Instant Dehydration (yes, from one moment to another we feel as if we had dried from the inside) and feeling of hangover.
- tiredness and desire to sleep

By Solar Activity:

- pain and sensations in the head (it may be that they woke up with the feeling of having the scalp full of bruises)
- "burning" in the skin, skin rashes, broken lips or skinned
- dizziness and nausea that are actually like a feeling of being "disgusted" or full, not so much with the reflection of vomit although there are those who can feel it like this. Burning in the stomach, indigestion.
- palpitations, extrasystoles (ectopic heartbeat), accelerated heart rate or very intense
- increase in blood pressure (Light, nothing serious so that they do not scare those who suffer from hypertension)
- buzzing in the ears
- rejection of food that we normally like and intolerances.
- intolerance to sunlight, partial chills (only in some parts of the body)
- pain in the omรณplatos and on the top of the body
- scrambled stomach

By Wave of cosmic energy:

- sensations in the head, pressure and / or vibration in certain areas that then move towards other places
- loss of linear time (passes too fast or too slow) and immediate memory loss (we can literally get to forget the name of things we use daily)
- lack of gravity (we feel that our physical body does not touch the floor or it is much lighter)
- feel that we move in slow motion
- dizziness or vertigo
- feeling of being in "another reality" as if everything had become a kind of theater and we were just observers, we can even feel that our body is not our body
- changes in vision, everything looks different even if we don't know exactly what changed
- ability to feel our electromagnetic field (Torus) around our physical body (it can burn, feel dense, light, hot, cold etc)
- downloads of information (Downloads), so we understand a universal truth without doing the least effort or without reaching the answer using the linear mind. We can also receive information about our mission and our destiny.
- attacks of unconditional love, joy and inner peace followed by attacks of rage, sadness and despair
- nostalgia or melancholy that comes from the need to be with our cosmic family (including the divine counterpart who we have) and fulfilling the mission we choose as a destination in this plane. We can feel with greater intensity the need to build a new reality because the waves of cosmic energy activate in us the energy grid of our true being, so also during these days it may be that they communicate in a telepathic way (with much greater ease) with Those who share their frequency and their universal mission.

As you can see they could be feeling all this together, or at times because the balance of energies depends also on the density of their physical body and the specific moment in which each one of us is. The most important thing is that they don't win fear so they can be attentive to the effect of the cosmic energy wave (if they sit in silence and with serenity they can literally feel the energy moving through their body). If you are too intense the symptoms caused by Schumann keep in touch with water and remember that electrolytes are very effective if we do not suffer kidney or heart problems (do not fly and do not consume too many). Move your energy, go for a walk, give yourself massages with essential lavender oil and water baths with salt. Remember that they will not go crazy and that all this is only temporary in what we get used to a higher frequency. We are not alone, we will be fine ✊๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’œ

No geomagnetic storm ...but we got a huge energy wave


Yeah, I also can confirm, I become very tired, felt my head pressuring - crown and 3rd eye chakra + littlebrain area too. My stomach gets very full feeling and the middle of the night I wake up that I felt very very warm and in the morning I were a bit dizzy and again I did not know which day today. Nowadays I often lost the days - Monday or Thursday - whatever. More I focus on myself and choose to stay in the now and stay in balance, more I feel disconnected from this reality - I mean more and more want to stay away from this chaotic world situation and not go into games and hypes and so on. Don´t know it is understandable for you guys but this is how I feel. Of course, totally disconnect I can´t do, need to pay the bills, have daily things to do, I also read the news but I not drag myself into this "the society´s drama´s and things" especially with my emotions and energies. I also feel the "call" that this period of time I need to focus on myself, meditate, get balanced, etc. 
But I do not believe that a spiritual person needs to be ignorant and put the head into the sand and become "info dumb" and totally "unaware what´s going on in this world" because they are "fearful" where the attention goes there goes the energy too.  I read the new´s main headlines if I want to know more I read the entire article but then point and finished, like I wrote before. And while I read them I feel strongly what Cobra´s write about the "entropy and the collapse of the society" - the peoples turn inside out, go nuts, going crazy - insane.
"During the Bubble Condensation phase, the Bubbles of Heaven get slowly and progressively larger with less entropy, whereas the surrounding matrix society gets progressively more unstable with more entropy.
This is precisely the reason why some people are guided to put less attention to outer daily politicking and more attention to inner spiritual growth.
The third phase of phase transition is called Bubble Elevation phase. This phase sees the thermal flux from the Galactic Central Sun rising exponentially, with more and more Bubbles of Heaven actively forming and matrix society actively collapsing, until the thermal flux peaks at the moment of the Event."

I think we are somewhere between phrase 2 and 3...


The energy is currently highly charged and intense due to: 

Solar Storm August 26th - 29th and then a higher level G2 storm predicted for September 1st - 2nd. 

New Moon August 30th -31st, this energy is also extremely powerful and we will already be feeling it’s effects, as this is the closest Super Moon of the year.

Space weather sites have reported that for the next few days we are entering a period of G1 & possibly G2 solar storms - starting later today. Those who are highly sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies will likely already be sensing this super charged energy….

Common Symptoms that are highly likely during this energy shift:

Noticing the physical body feels electric, sensing a buzzing and vibrating, as the energy body is recharged. 

Feeling as though we’re in a different reality to those around us, feeling on a different wavelength, alternative timeline and having major misunderstandings and communication problems. 

Time seeming to go too slow or too fast, feeling confused as to what time of the day it is, what day of the week it is, or what date it is. 

Electronics and technology malfunctioning and breaking, unable to get a signal. 

Internal GPS system seems out of sync, feeling lost. Clumsiness, forgetfulness, and feeling as though the body and soul are out of alignment, life spinning in circles, taking ten steps back for every one step forward. 

Pressure headaches and general aches and pains, mainly in the stomach (solar plexus) area. Physiological symptoms may manifest, such as flu-like symptoms, ear ringing, or aches and pains.

Extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns (waking up between 2 and 4 a.m.), and intense dreams, or nightmares (a few drops of lavender essential oil helps with dream recall).

Intense hunger or thirst, a change in diet. Aversion or sensitivities to particular foods and drinks.

Seemingly out-the-blue bouts of irritability, panic, sadness, nervousness, anger, worry, fear, grief, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. Feeling on fight or flight mode as though we are running on adrenalin, impatient and frustrated, as though something huge is about to happen but unsure what or when. 

Difficulty relaxing, head spinning, feeling zoned out, mostly due to constant loud thoughts and an overly busy mind, overall feeling totally spaced out. 

Extremely heightened sensitivities - lights feel too bright and glaring, sound is too noisy, touch feels painful, taste is different and smells are stronger than normal. Wanting to withdraw into solitude, in a calm, dimly lit atmosphere with little sensory disturbance. 

Questioning reality, purpose and meaning fo life. Seeing everyone and everything with greater clarity, illusions crumbling, ability to see truths that have long been hidden. Finally gaining long-awaited answers. Experiencing vivid premonitions and insights that seem to appear out of nowhere.

Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing.

More consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and highly sensitive to negativity, walking away from drama and conflict.

No longer needing to force anything, allowing what flows to flow freely, and letting what doesn’t flow fall away.

Feeling healed, empowered and ready to clear the old, detox, declutter and start a new chapter, feeling confident and motivated, knowing magnificent encounters are ahead. 

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