"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Solar Storm - I hope everybody is Ok now - Take care of each other

Solar Storm now active. It takes a few days for the Coronal Mass Ejection (up to 10 billion tonnes of plasma) that is released with a solar flare to reach Earth, as it is so dense and heavy, which is why it has taken until today for the "active" geomagnetic storm status to be reached. However, the energy from a Solar Flare, which is bright and light and slightly different, only takes 8 minutes to reach our planet - so it's likely that those who are highly sensitive will have sensed the solar flares over this past week and now be feeling the full impact of this storm. ☀️⚡️💥💫

The sun's surface is extremely active and volatile right now. Over the past week it has been releasing a large amount of solar flares, one of which is the biggest one recorded in over a year. The sun spots are now earth facing and it is predicted there will be possibly be more C-class solar flares over the next few days.

Although we are protected, somewhat, by earth's magnetic field, the intense, highly charged energy is still known to have a major affect on everything that exists on earth - they can greatly impact anything from emotions to electrical devices.

Currently there are four spots on the sun, in two separate areas (it is not recommended to look directly at them without protective eyewear). These sunspots are areas of intense and complicated magnetic fields and are what are responsible for the explosions and launches of solar flares.

Solar storms temporarily disturb the earth's magnetosphere as solar winds and flares interact with earth's electromagnetic field. We all have a personal electromagnetic field that surrounds us (our aura) and any electromagnetic energy that affects the earth also affects our own energy field.

Just as earthly weather can affect us emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically - so too can the weather out in the universe, particularly when it hits our earth.

Over the past 24 hours solar wind has been increasingly intense, and this incoming energy can impact everything that exists on this planet.

One of the main things that those who are highly sensitive to energy will be noticing is a disturbance in their sleep patterns, as research has found that solar storms desynchronise our circadian rhythm, which is the internal biological clock that controls our sleep and wake times.

This is because the electromagnetic activity from the geomagnetic storm is causing our pineal gland to produce an increase in melatonin - which disrupts our sleep routine.

Solar flares are known to affect the Schumann Resonance (earth's heartbeat), which also affects our own inner beat. This is then believed to influence our brain activity, and general balance, well-being, and sense of stability in the world. Flares are also believed to directly impact our nervous system, causing us to feel extra edgy, cautious, and generally as though we are existing on "fight or flight" mode.

Therefore, we may be feeling extra fearful right now, and generally thinking the worst in every situation we are involved in. We may even have noticed we are stressing over past mistakes, or feeling terrified of what the future holds.

This is all due to our lower vibrations being pulled upwards by the new higher vibrational energy coming in from this solar storm, and it is all for our higher good and helps us make significant changes that moves us away from our past so that we move positively into the present/future.

Old unprocessed emotions (stored cellular memories) and past open wounds will also be rising to the surface so that they can be acknowledged and healed - which when resolved will lift our vibration higher.

This may cause us to reach out to those we are estranged from, or those we have misunderstandings with, or that we have not forgiven, or who we wish to ask for forgiveness from.

We may also find we are argumentative and touchy with those around us, and we might feel as though everything external is highly turbulent right now - while this may be true, our heightened sense of awareness is having a magnifying effect.

This all sounds as though it's going to be an extremely traumatic few days, however when we are aware of what's occurring, and we pay attention to our thought patterns and how our body is feeling, we will realise we are totally in control and can navigate this storm with ease, just like we have done with every other one (whether consciously or subconsciously).

Intense energetic periods are always deeply transformational and are huge opportunities for self-growth. Many of us will notice an internal 'shift' occurring and over the next few days we may not feel 100% ourselves, and possibly even notice 'out of body' experiences. We may also be noticing an influx of synchronicities happening, which are just little signs and affirmations alerting us that all is well and we're heading along the right path.

It may feel as though our heads are noisy, and that even if we are entirely alone and in silence, it still seems as though everything is much too loud. Our ears may be ringing and our bodies might be feeling restless, making meditation and mindfulness suddenly feel far too difficult, if not impossible at times.

Every cell in our body will feel on high alert, as we sense the incoming energy waves. Our aura (our personal electromagnetic field) will naturally pick up on the incoming high vibrations in the atmosphere and will be working like crazy to attune to this new energy so that we can vibrate on the same frequency and return once again to peace and harmony.

On a collective level, human consciousness is receiving an invitation from the universe to vibrate on a much higher frequency than the one we are currently vibrating on.

For a shift in our personal lives, as well as overall humanity, it is essential we place trust in divine universal energy and ride out the next few days of this solar storm with inner, and external, peacefulness, calmness, and faith.

Although we will feel triggered to explode, like the sun has, if we respond with compassion, kindness, understanding, and empathy, it enhances and uplifts our own, as well as the collective energy of the entire earth.

Some common symptoms people experience during solar storms are;

Pressure headaches
Feeling out of sorts, or unbalanced
Dizziness, nausea
Ear ringing
Difficulty focusing
Confusion, foggy mind, forgetful
Temporarily misplacing items
Disturbed sleep patterns
Anxiety, stress, irritability, sadness
Nervousness, worry, fear
Heightened awareness, enhanced intuition, insights that seem to appear from 'nowhere'
Difficulty tracking time (time either feels too slow or at great speed)
Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing 
Premonitions, intense dreams or nightmares
Struggles with communication 
Electronic devices messing up

The reason for much of the above is that our personal vibration is on a frequency that is much lower than the vibration of the new energy incoming from the sun/universe.

To lift our vibration so that we resonate with the higher energy we can:

Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water) 
Take salt water baths
Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings
Avoid caffeine and alcohol 
Spend time in nature
Consume high vibrational foods such as fruit, vegetables
Remind yourself that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that conscious thought and intention can instantly alter how we think and feel
Breathe deeply
Forgive, release, surrender, practice kindness, compassion, acceptance, and empathy 
(Where possible) temporarily disconnect from anything/anyone where the energy is toxic and draining

Solar storms offer us the opportunity to receive DNA activations, downloads, and upgrades that come to us from the bright light and energy emanating from the sun. This allows us to actively participate in manifesting what we want to achieve and receive in our lives, so it is essential that we focus with positive intention, especially when dealing with our past or the distant future.

When our conscious awareness is high we are able to tap into incoming supercharged energy wavelengths and make sense of the information stored within it. When harnessed and utilized, the influx of energy can guide us in our life and ultimately lead us to reach our full potential and our higher purpose here on Earth.

Not only will we be noticing that our energy is recalibrating so that it resonates with universal energy, we will also be noticing this on a personal level as we discover exactly who, and what, we resonate strongly with in our daily lives. This will be a period of letting go, gaining closure, and also a time to form strong and meaningful bonds with what, and who, truly matters to us.

Written by Alex Myles

Disclaimer - if experiencing any of the above symptoms and you have any cause for concern for medical issues please seek the advice of a medical professional. The above symptoms are a list of the common symptoms noted during geomagnetic storms, however, there may be other causes.

Click here to read a credible study on the affects of solar storms on human behavior... http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/…/rspb.2012.0324.full

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