"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Common symptoms of solar storms

The Solar Storm is still active and energies in our atmosphere are currently super-charged, with another Solar Storm predicted for Tues-Weds of this week after more eruptions on the surface of the Sun last night.

You may be feeling unbalanced, clumsy, disorientated, forgetful, out of sorts and also be noticing that you, and those around you, are more irritable and far more easily triggered than normal. This means that everyone is possibly having major communication problems, which Solar Storms are notorious for causing, therefore misunderstandings and misinterpretations are almost a guarantee!

It's likely that if you are highly sensitive to electromagnetic energy you may also be more light, sound, taste, smell, and touch-sensitive over the next few days, with an extremely enhanced sixth-sense. You will be able to read people and situations instantly and be intuitively receiving answers to questions that have been on your mind for some time.

Whenever there's a Solar Storm going on, it's advisable to relax as much as possible and spend periods of time alone if you can, as our light-bodies are absorbing incredible amounts of high frequency energy, and although it can feel debilitating, it's so beneficial to absorb as much of this as possible as this highly charged energy helps us with soul-evolution and brings universal wisdom, insights, premonitions and a general upgrade to our cells.

It's also possible you'll be feeling sleepy, experiencing chronic fatigue and yet, feel unable to get a proper night sleep due to vivid dreams or nightmares. When we are asleep we are intricately connected to the energy in the Universe, and if we can remember the significant messages we receive through the dreamworld we can use that data to assist with major decisions and much needed transition. (A few drops of lavender oil on your pillow helps make dreams more vivid and rememberable and also assists with dream recollection.)

Ground yourself as often as possible over the next few days. Take plenty of time-outs, keep hydrated as these storms can be energy draining and can quickly dehydrate you, and limit technology, toxic energy, electronics and caffeine and alcohol - or avoid completely - particularly when you feel the solar energy is really affecting you.

Although it doesn't always feel like it, this cosmic energy is extremely beneficial and if we attune to it our vibration shifts up a level, causing our energy to vibrate on a far higher frequency. You will know when your energy is in alignment as rather than feeling flustered and irritable, you will feel calm, peaceful and harmonically resonating. It's not easy to achieve and attain this, but the more you focus on perceiving celestial energy as favorable and a divine blessing, the faster you'll reach powerful and transformational cosmic resonation.

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