"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

3 Planets are Retrograde + Solar Storms

Retrogrades and solar storms are huge catalysts for vital positive transformation as they radiate intense, highly charged waves of cosmic energy that shake and alter our lives. This gives us the opportunity to wipe the karmic slate clean and dramatically turn our lives around for the better.

This cosmic energy is known to enhance our intuition, heighten our awareness, and cause premonitions and insights to appear out of nowhere. We may find we can’t sleep, feel irritable, and are on an energetic “high,” and that our lives seem far more turbulent than usual. When we are sleep-deprived, we may feel more confused and edgy, as though we are running on adrenaline, causing us to feel achy, overemotional, and irrational.

During this time we may also notice we experience extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns, and intense dreams, or nightmares. Physiological symptoms may also manifest, such as flu-like symptoms, ear ringing, or aches and pains.

It is also common to go through out-the-blue bouts of irritability, frustration, panic, sadness, nervousness, anger, worry, fear, grief, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.

We will likely be noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing 11:11 222, 33. We will find we are more consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and that we have higher sensitivities to negativity, which may result in us disconnecting from any drama or conflict.

As we move through this period, we will want to cleanse our homes, social media accounts, and friendships, as well as reconsider commitments and eliminate bad habits. This detox will be severe at times as we purge old energies and remove anything, or anyone, that prevents us from moving forward and achieving peace.

During Saturn retrograde, karmic attraction is heightened, meaning that whatever we have been putting out there is going to be returned in magnitude. This is a majorly positive period for those who have been living compassionately with good intentions, and those who have been trying hard to break old and harmful patterns of behavior.

It will be an extremely healing period where the positive vibrations that have been radiating over recent months will be returning 100 fold. For those who have dedicated their time and energy to good causes, or focusing on social missions and life purposes, these next few months will be the time when blessings will come in abundance and rewards will flow in.

If there have been situations that we know that we haven’t been our best selves in,, we can ease any karmic payback by choosing now to recognise where we have fallen short, and to make amends where applicable.

Being authentic in our dealings and willing to take accountability and resolve issues as they arise, or better, taking action before they become issues, ensures our karmic footprint is one that won’t be a concern during this retrograde, and even if we have previously taken a wrong path or two, we can turn the energy around by taking responsibility and ensuring our apologies or future behavior rights any wrongs.

Overall, Saturn retrograde shows us how to look closer at everything we have experienced, and urges us to do so without rushing the process so that lessons can be learned and mistakes no longer repeated.

Pluto will remain in retrograde until October 3rd 2019. With this planet in retrograde, the focus over the next 5 months will be on areas where we are holding too tightly to people or things, purely because we feel too afraid to finally cut cords and fully let go.

Pluto retrograde forces us to do a deep cleansing, whether by our doing, or by the Universe unexpectedly shifting things around so that we have no option but to break ties with whatever or whoever is anchoring or pulling us down.

Pluto Retrograde is, above all, a period of regeneration, where we will be purging and eliminating whatever has fallen out of alignment with where we are now at, including old beliefs & patterns, intrusive and obsessive thinking, blaming and shaming, gossip, judgements, grudges bad habits, limiting fears, one-sided and half-hearted dynamics, heavy baggage, negative feelings from the past, worries about the future, things we cannot change, the need to control, unrealistic expectations and basically anything or anyone that has already let go of us.

This retrograde highlights our dark side so that we vulnerably open up, make necessary changes and take accountability for our lower vibrational traits, tendencies, patterns of behavior and the relationships we maintain.

Jupiter will be retrograde until August 11th 2019. It is known as a highly beneficial period that brings the ending of old worn out cycles, the beginning of incredible new chapters, inner balance, positive change & major personal transformation.

Jupiter is the planet associated with evolution, expansion, rebirth, creativity and opportunity, abundance, progress, compassion, knowledge, wisdom and good luck & fortune.

While in retrograde this planet is known to be favorable, as it shows us all the areas we were struggling in, and helps us make tough, rational decisions that align us more closely with our soul-mission.

Jupiter retrograde pushes us out of our comfort zone and compels us to make spontaneous decisions, but ones that are highly beneficial as our intuition is highly attuned during this time, so we break away from old patterns and break free from old structures and diminishing ways of thinking. This is a time for clearing out the old, closing dysfunctional cycles, reconnecting with our inner truth and birthing the new.

We are currently experiencing a solar storm due to several recurrent negative-polarity CH HSS's (coronal hole high speed streams) that are being ejected from an open earth-facing coronal hole on the sun.

From this hole high-speed solar wind (hot plasma) streams have been travelling the 93 million miles from the sun toward Earth at immense speed and the plasma is now reaching our planet.

Solar storms temporarily disturb the Earth’s magnetosphere, as solar winds and flares interact with Earth’s electromagnetic fields. It has been scientifically proven that humans who are highly sensitive to electromagnetic energy also feel a distance in their personal electromagnetic field (the energy field that surrounds our body—our aura.) Therefore, in the same way electromagnetic energy affects our planet, it can also play havoc with our own energy fields.

The geomagnetic storms are known to cause energy shifts, as our own electromagnetic field is impacted by the incoming energies. Geomagnetic storms can also have a huge effect on our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health. Increased anxiety, depression, fatigue, nervousness, and peaks in bipolar disorder have been found to coincide with solar activity.

They are also known to desynchronize our circadian rhythm, which is the internal biological clock that controls our sleep and wake times. Our pineal glands are affected by this electromagnetic activity and produce an increase in melatonin—thus disturbing our sleep and impacting our intuition. We may have enhanced intuition and psychic awareness.

Solar storms also directly impact our nervous system, causing us to feel extra edgy, cautious, and feisty, and as though we are running on adrenaline in “fight or flight” mode. When these storms occur, we can find ourselves spun out or agitated without knowing why. We may also notice that our senses are on high alert, and that everything feels and sounds louder, brighter, stronger, and more vivid than normal.

Geomagnetic storms are intense transformational periods that can bring awakenings and reconnect us to internal and external universal knowledge and wisdom. To ensure we resonate with this higher energy so that our vibration is raised, we can combat the effects of solar activity by resting and taking time from our busy schedules to do the following:

Overall this energy is going to be pushing us in all directions.
It will shake us up so we can see that whatever spills out is what we are repressing deep inside. We will also notice that whenever those around us get rattled, their inner thoughts and emotions come tumbling out, sometimes in ways that will be uncomfortable to see.

The main thing to remember during this time is that all celestial activity occurs for our highest good.

The cosmic shifting helps us evolve past any limiting beliefs, and destroy old patterns of behaviour and destructive habits. Although it can feel turbulent, it is an opportunity to shed layers so our core being shines through purging all that is low vibrational and that no longer resonates on a soul level.

We are accelerating at such great speed that we will no longer be able to remain in hurtful spaces; whether that is debilitating friendships or relationships, workplaces, home environments, or the social circles we have tried to maintain and keep up with. We will be determined to rearrange our lives so we can leave behind aspects that cause inner turmoil, and we will manifest an existence that is peaceful, healthy, nourishing and intensely fulfilling.

Our universe is knowledgeable and powerful and operates in the most mysterious and mystical ways. It moves energies around constantly in order to create balance and harmony, so we must not put up resistance to the opportunities presented to us, and instead, flow in the direction that feels right.

This period will be challenging; however, the cosmos only delivers what we can handle, so take deep breaths, step back, reassess, and harness patience so that all responses are done with love and compassion.

Disclaimer: If you experience any of the symptoms listed here and have medical concerns, please also seek the advice of a medical professional. The above symptoms are commonly noted during geomagnetic storms, however, there may be other medically-related causes.

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