"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Timeline Work - June 14 and July 13 Alignments by Untwine

As I mentioned in this previous post :

The flow of time on Earth can be used for good or bad intentions, the dark use it to create loops and limitations, the Light uses it for what it truly is, cycles of evolution, of dance between polarities until they merge back together, thus evolving back towards Source. Involution is the outbreath of Source, of separation of polarities, and then evolution is the inbreath of Source which reabsorbs polarities into Oneness, into itself. Time is the flow of that whole process.

As we go about our lives, different days bring different energies. The dark has programmed society and the mainstream calendars to be disconnected from true meaning of these flows of energies, and the deepest reason for this is that the energies which come at particular days, are, to some degree, open to be coloured, directed in various directions, by our free will. For example, the energies of a particular day may feel like a hammer, and it is up to us whether we use it to destroy or to build.
So the matrix has created this paradigm where the energies of astrological influences and the energy fields of historical timelines are ignored and forgotten by the masses, the majority do not make any conscious decisions about how they want to direct the energies of natural cycles into a constructive evolution. Meanwhile, the dark are always busy making rituals on all key dates, using them to keep their system in place. We need Lightworkers to be more conscious about the flow of time, important astrological alignments, natural Earth cycles (8 cardinal points of the celtic calendar), historical key dates which hold strong energy fields in the collective consciousness (for example Friday 13th, may 25th, june 5/6th, etc), and then use these energies for positive constructive purpose, which will help to evolve the timeline of Earth liberation to a better and faster one. As we want changes to happen in our space-time continuum and not just in higher dimensions, we need our energy work to be anchored and synchronized in our space-time continuum.

Soon will be two examples of powerful alignments, on June 14 and July 13.

On June 14th will be the new moon, which means that the Sun and Moon are in the same position in our sky. New Moon are moments of new beginnings, of setting intentions, of connecting with highest ideals and potentials coming from the energy of Oneness (as Sun and Moon are cunjunct, they are one). On this particular New Moon on June 14th the Sun and Moon will be cunjunct in our sky also with the AN stargate (central star of Orion belt), which represents the merging of all polarities into One, transmutation of duality and darkness, and integration and return to a reality of Oneness. This is the main anchor for Archangel Metatron, the AN conversion, White fire of AN, and the main doorway for starseeds to go in and out of 3D/4D universe.

So this will be a great day to set intentions for the end of duality and return to Oneness, to connect with Metatron and White fire of AN to transmute our personality and re-activate Soul codes into our energy field.

On July 13 will be another New Moon, and this time the Sun and Moon will be cunjunct in our sky with Sirius, which is the main transmitter for energies from the Central Sun to our solar system, as well as one of main anchors of the Light forces and Ascended masters. On top of that, this will also be Friday the 13th, which is originally a day for Goddess energy (Friday is Venus day, 13 is the Moon cycles and the Oneness of the 13 rays), which is very connected with Templar groups as they were originally celebrating the Goddess on every Friday the 13th. Templars originally are of the Light and were guardians of the temple of Goddess and God, they (like the Cathars) started thanks to Magdalene leaving them the clues to find Isis mysteries (and gold) in Solomon temple.

So this will be a powerful day for declaring and anchoring intentions for the Galactic return, connecting with the wave of Goddess Love and Divine Balance and Union coming from the Central Sun transmitted via Sirius. Sirius also anchors energies of joy and connection with dolphins and whales.

Let us be the bridges of Light, the mission we came here for, to be anchoring the best potential timeline from Source Divine Plan for Liberation of Earth, through our energy field into the planetary grid.

Victory of the Light

Original Post:

1 comment:

  1. Untwine wrote about Divine Balance which is coming from the Galactic Central Sun transmitted via Sirius. He wrote about July, 13, too. It is interesting that Mother Earth "Balancing Point" will occur from July,10...and will reach its apex on August,22. Source: http://theearthplan.blogspot.com/2018/06/messages-from-aluna-ash.html
    What else will be on August? The Lion gate and strong Sirian energy...
    Czent Corona has a strong connection to Sirius star system. It transmits Sirian energy that strengthen light energy grid. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErAiJSEyvqE
