"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Happy Solstice and Energy report update - 21.06.2018

The energies are rising ...

Energy Report: From Natoya Hall

We have been experiencing really intense energy waves these last few weeks and they are sweeping and reconfiguring us on EVERY level of our being. The past few weeks a lot of fear, insecurities and past worries may have come up to be transmuted. What Spirit is showing me is that this wave is about releasing what has kept us stuck emotionally; I've been noticing that if you had fears about your health you were getting a lot of Psychic Attacks or lower energy attachments coming into your field to be a MIRROR for that fear; this goes for ANYTHING we are fearing.

We are in a time like never before and the Light has won. What "they" are doing or trying to do is take those fears and put you in a state of questioning yourself and the growth you have gone through. I experienced this myself when an old friend sent me 20 emails channeled through a lower entity stating all my old insecurities and fears I had expressed to her in the past. That week I was having a lot of old issues and worries resurfacing to be fully cleared and this email came at a time when I was putting the old to rest and realigning myself to the "New" me. When I went in further to ask Spirit what was going on I was told that lower attachments were attaching to Light Warriors to make us question our strength, power, and mission here on Earth. What better way to lower your vibration that mirroring your greatest fears? This is why earlier in the year I mentioned making peace with your Shadow; purging and releasing the Ego, this is why! Everything runs on frequencies and lower vibrational energies cannot, CANNOT affect your field if you are not in ALIGNMENT with it; this is the law of the Universe. This is why we are going through a MAJOR purge of old energetic systems that we use to run on because that has to go to REBUILD on new ground/consciousness. We cannot hold on to old thoughts and ways of being while trying to build and create the new; it won't work and it will cause chaos to your energy field, thus creating chaos and imbalances in your personal lives. This is a great time to create and manifest new experiences in your life,
but you got to drop the baggage.

These next few weeks we are seeing the sunrise in a metaphysical sense of ALL the work we have done to arrive at this destination for a new time in creation. I can FEEL something huge on the horizon and we are in a time of great and profound change. These next few weeks are going to ask us for our compassion and forgiveness for what we see "out there", a lot of anger is arising for how this world has been running and people are pissed and fed up. Instead of being angry change the frequency...give compassion and empathy and envision a World of Love, Peace, and Joy for all HUmans, Animals and Mama Gaia. A lot of people are losing themselves because they are afraid of their shadow and what it is trying to show them. Do not fear but go deep within to see where you have held limited believes about this feeling, emotion, experiences; a lot of our shadow is rooted in past lives prosecutions. Unplug the cord and attachments that YOUR fear and insecurities have created. Make peace with every aspect of you because until then others that are of lower frequencies cannot use that against you; you are no one's puppet because you are GOD creators of your Timeline/reality.

Major energies coming down from Higher Dimensions of Light and this is bringing dizziness, feeling ungrounded, aches and pain especially in the back, hips, legs, and feet. Stomach issues, sleep issues, nightmares, psychic attacks, seeing shapes and orbs at the corner of the eye, nervousness, anxiety, detox symptoms, not wanting to eat or wanting to eat very light, craving sugar and lots of water, not wanting to be around people or busy areas, numbness in certain parts of the body, organ and DNA upgrades/recalibration, sweating behind the ears, neck, and breast, the skin is going through MAJOR purging and the morphogenetic field of the skin is changing, this can cause rashes, new moles, freckles, skin tags on the skin. The list is endless.

As we integrate this week to get ready for the next coming wave (they are coming in daily now). Sit in peace and honor of who you have become, of what you have had to sacrifice. Because you are not the same you that started this journey and you deserve to be praised and applauded for your hard work. If no one has told you this... I AM so Proud of your Becoming.

So much Love Starseeds

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  1. Synchronized Meditation

