"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Schumann is up (26-29) and 6 planet retrograd summer

Jupiter (March 9- July 10) we need to think bigger in order to get where we want to be.

Pluto (April 22-October 2) Pluto retrograde touches us all differently, mostly hidden things come to surface, heal old wounds and some type of death and rebirth cycle will take place. 

Saturn (April 18-September 6) look back in the past and make steps forward which life want for yourself.

Neptune (June 18- November 25) new ideas or understanding around our spirituality

Mars (June 26-August 27) review the direction of our lives

Mercury (July 26th-August 19) time to go within and uncover buried thoughts, feelings, and emotions

Uranus (August 7- January 6, 2019) final lessons or gifts, and we will be really encouraged to start a new chapter and a new cycle.

So all in all these retrogrades help us close our past, review our life till now, and make our future - close the old and open a new chapter in your life how you want it -  the old way dies, a new will born.


  1. "Every year during the first week of July, a sacred gateway of energy is activated between Earth and the star Sirius, bringing heightened vibrations and spiritual advancements. In astrology, the first week of July is considered to be a time of spiritual advancement and a time where all of humanity can raise their levels of consciousness...From July 3rd to the 7th every year, Sirius moves the closest to Earth and with our own Sun further away, Sirius energy is able to freely flow towards Earth, opening a gateway of energy.
    This gateway allows Earth to receive direct “downloads” of information from Sirius, which can accelerate the spiritual advancement of life on Earth." Source: http://foreverconscious.com/intuitive-astrology-sirius-gateway-july-3-7
    "July is a busy month with the Sirius Gateway, two Eclipses, and a total of 5 planets in retrograde including Mars and Mercury...Eclipses always indicate major changes, shifts, and transformations...The first Eclipse is a Solar Eclipse on July 12th in the sign of Cancer. We have not had an Eclipse in Cancer since 2011, so this is definitely going to be a new energy we are all working with. Solar Eclipses usually signify new beginnings. Think of them as super-charged New Moons that help to light our way forward and get us thinking about the new...The next Eclipse falls on the 27th in the sign of Aquarius. This is a Lunar Eclipse..
    This Lunar Eclipse is going to be helping us to clear things and wrap up lessons from our past. You can think of this Eclipse as a super-charged Full Moon. Emotions are likely to be high, and there may be some big developments. Secrets may be revealed, or tensions that have been bubbling beneath the surface may overflow and need to be dealt with." Source: http://foreverconscious.com/intuitive-astrology-forecast-july-2018

  2. Czent Korona transmits Sirius energy.
    http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2017/07/planetary-situation-update.html (Cobra article from July, 5. 2017):
    "This talisman of power is now transmitting strong energies from the Sirius star system, empowering"...
    Video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErAiJSEyvqE
