"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Sexuality Is Energy Work - Untwine

Sacred sexuality has been brought back to the forefront of consciousness by the Light forces recently :

And so it has become a more common subject of reflection and discussion among Lightworkers and there are many questions most people have, as this subject has been one of the most distorted and suppressed by darkness. This is because sexuality is one of the most potent energies that exist, it involves and moves a huge amount of energy, as anybody who experiences it on any level can feel. This is why it is always energy work. And this really highlights the importance of treating it with respect and discipline and care. If I was learning to drive a big powerful spaceship, I would be very careful how I handle it, and the same applies to sexual energy.

So first we need to understand what it is originally, spiritually, and what is its purpose.
We are all originating from One Source, we are all expressions, fractals, incarnations of it. This Source is not external, it is the principle, the state of Absolute Oneness in all regards. As creation appears, as the Universe unfolds, everything separate into polarities. We have many layers, successive aspects, we are like Russian dolls. We are Source, we are divine archetypes, we are one being as a Soul family, we are one being as a couple of twin flames, and we are an incarnated personality.
Love is the magnetic attraction of our Oneness. Goddess energy, the Divine mother, is the expression of this Love. Although on one level, the Goddess, the Divine mother, can appear as an external being and consciousness, this is a superficial understanding in comparaison with the deeper truth, that we are One, we are everything, and everything is us, the Goddess and Divine mother are the Oneness of everything, and we are the Goddess and the Divine mother.
Sexuality is simply a manifested expression of this magnetic attraction of our Oneness, of this Love.
A dear friend has expressed this to me beautifully recently :

'- Substitute Goddess energy/Divine mother for Unconditional Love
- Substitute Unconditional Love for the energy of Care
- Substitute the energy of Care for Caress, Loving touch
- Substitute Caress and Loving touch for Sensuality
- Substitute Sensuality for Sexuality'

We can easily see that they are all expressions of the same Love.

The expression and manifestation of this Love is a very powerful energy which merges everything back into Oneness : male and female, masculine feminine, personality and Soul/Higher self. All of this is interconnected and as such, it is Ascension work. The Divine Love magnetically pulls the energy of Will, the impulse to create, the power of strength, the divine masculine energy, the Divine father, and together Love and Will, feminine and masculine, connect each other with Oneness, with the Source.

Divine Father

Now that we understand the theory, the original version and purpose of sexuality, we also need to be aware of distortions which were created by darkness.

When sexual energy is activated, it opens a dimensional portal on the physical plane. It is then up to our free will to decide what kind of energy we use this for. The key here, as always, is to see whether we are connecting with our Soul/Higher self, or not. As I mentioned before, the nature of any activity is defined by what kind of consciousness we bring into it, which is defined by how we identify ourselves, by what we associate with our I Am. When we identify with the personality (physical/etheric, astral/emotional, mental), we are not including Soul/Higher self, which is by definition darkness, and therefore we bring this into our actions. When we identify with the Soul/Higher self, and bring this to take control of personality actions, we bring this into everything we do, including sexuality.

So if people use sexuality based on satisfaction of physical/etheric, emotional, mental, then this is feeding darkness, because a portal is opened and the Soul presence is absent from it, this gets hijacked, whether people are aware of it or not, and even if the couple love each other.

So the most important is to have inner connection with the Soul/Higher self, and to use it with conscious intentions for the use of sexual energy. Whatever it takes, we need to always look for that connection, keep searching and keep connecting to it, find whatever works, because this is the key for everything.
And then we need to treat sexuality like the enegy work that it truly is. Most of the time on this planet, no conscious intention and creations are put into it, people like or appreciate each other and then just go 'let's do it', and so again, a portal is opened with no higher Light presence clearly anchored into it.

Instead, clear intentions of what we want to manifest from it should be expressed, and clear sacred space should be made, all aspects of ourselves should be consciously involved, a clear male-female energy and archetype should be present as a reflection of the masculine-feminine balance which the Soul is composed of, and then there are many spiritual practices and possibilities that can be explored. Then it becomes a very powerful anchor of Light. It is a vast and rich realm with very high aspects to it that relate to Ascension. As it opens multi-dimensional portals, it can assist to merge personality with Soul. And this can also be radiated into the planetary grid to help to merge the planetary kundalini/incarnated presence, with the planetary Soul presence.

Knowledge about how to use all this is central to the Goddess mysteries which were taught in mystery schools and guarded by Ascended masters. The reason why it has been secret most of the time is because as I described, there needs to be clear consciousness anchored into it, as it is very potent energy and everything we involve into it gets amplified, which affects the collective consciousness and the planetary grid.
Although much of it has been suppressed or distorted, certain tantra practices can give a glimpse into the essence and possibilities of all this :

When properly used for positive purpose, sexuality has the power to propel ourselves on our Ascension, re-anchor Goddess and God on the planet, and shift the planet back into the Light.

Victory of the Light

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