"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jennifer Hoffman - Virgo energy - the Martyred Healer and the Empowered Master

How's everyone doing? I thought I would do an energy check since we have had nonstop solar activity for the last 36+ hours and I know you're all feeling wired, fried, tired, or energized after your coma nap (I had to take a 2 hour coma nap today).
So much energy movement right now, be sure to get the rest you need and try to avoid the drama, it's thick. On the other hand, we're also looking at another big energy reset as we end August and move into September.
Remember we're in Virgo energy now, which is expressed in one of two ways the Martyred Healer or the Empowered Master. One is not better or worse than the other, they just get different results.
If you embody the Martyred Healer energy paradigm you are in never ending healing cycles and cannot escape your karmic contracts.
If you embody the Empowered Mastery energy paradigm you are in new potential cycles and you leave your karmic contracts behind to focus on 5D expansion.
While you may think the Empowered Mastery is better, there are lessons in it too, it's not the easier path (not at all). It depends on how much you're willing to be energetically congruent with your own energy potential.
Shine on and think about it. What are you ready for now? And remember you can always make a course correction later.

One more comment about Virgo here because it has a huge connection to Jupiter which was the highlight of this week's full moon. Virgo is the midpoint between Gemini (Mercury) and Sagittarius (Jupiter).
What is missed and overlooked about Gemini (zodiac's 3rd house) is that it rules karma and our karmic cycles, contracts, and partners (Gemini also rules siblings). Both Virgo and Gemini are ruled by Mercury.
Gemini's opposite sign is Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, Here we have higher mind, higher thought, divine justice (not revenge) and expansion.
Virgo is the 6th sign, the midpoint in the 12 houses of the zodiac (remember I talked about midpoints with the 8:8 Lion's Gate portal). It is also the midpoint between Gemini and Sagittarius - the chains of karma and the release of them into a higher, bigger, more expanded potential. Interesting that Mercury is the smallest planet and Jupiter is the largest.
We have a choice to make as we step out into the second half of the journey now and that's why midpoints are important, they are choice and decision points.
We either face it as a Martyred Healer, trying to fix what is broken, deal with the past, and feel bad about what is happening to us.
Or we face it as an Empowered Master, with completion and closure, we're done with the past as a traveling partner, and we want new beginnings.
With Jupiter so prominent now and next year with the Saturn/Jupiter in Pisces conjunction, there's a focus on higher thought, higher mind, higher vibes, and higher intentions.
Reach deeply into your soul and look for the brightest possible potential you can find and see how it fits. It may take a little adjustment (remember how we buy clothes a little too big for children so they can grow into them) but you'll grow.
Whew, big energy movements right now, don't worry about taking it all in, it will still be there when you're ready.

Celia Fenn - Solar Tsunami - 28.08.2021

SOLAR TSUNAMI AND CME (UPDATED): Sunspot AR2859 erupted on Aug. 26th, producing a C3-class solar flare: The flare, however, was not the main attraction. The eruption also caused a massive "solar tsunami." (spaceweather.com)
The Sun is revving up again.....
This may explain why I had such a problem with the material dimension yesterday. I kept dropping things and walking into things......
Today, still feeling tired and needing some rest and integration time.
This is not the time to be taking on the problems of the world, but more a time for internal integration after the Lions Gate and all the changes.
I think that September will bring more surprises and changes, as we head towards the 9/9 Portal and the Equinox on the 21 September.
We are in an intense pressure cooker of change and transformation. Many souls, both human and animal, are choosing to leave now.
Archangel Michael says that in our daily lives we need to be kind rather than judgemental, and to avoid the "I am right, you are wrong" attitude that is creating anger, fear and division.
Be in the NOW, in the moment, and seek to enjoy the blessings of life. Life is still a beautiful blessing and Love will see you home.
Have a beautiful week-end!

A QUICK NOTE #1787 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Terrans called to final harvests" - 28.08.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Portal 2020 are being opened. Appropriate separations started. T3/T4/T5 >>> 94% (not countdown).
Attention, Mystics of Hebah! SPECIAL Projector Support started: 92% (not countdown).
Mystics of *Hebah: SPECIAL Projector Reverb at 92% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention, The Romanian Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 83% (non-regressive).
Romanian Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 83% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Renunciations- happen.
Potential elevators increase.
Crystalline Unifications increase.
Momentum of healing increases.
Controlling dramas diminish.
Terrans called to final harvests.
Expected rebirths are in progress.
Neva Grid powered.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1786 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Solar Waves increase considerably" - 27.08.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Solar Waves increase considerably.
Old parasites are blocked.
Hermetic Reverberations are in progress. 85% (not countdown).
Transfers to *Khalthart are approved. 2nd wave at 26% (not countdown).
unconscious liberations are started : 2/3 SPECIFIC LAYER >>>> 39% (not countdown).
444-Local in definitive fall: +++ infiltrations started = 92% (not countdown).
Gaia is luminous.
Astral Travels increase divinely.
Soul transitions keep happening.
Route shifting are in progress.
Sensory layers are magnified.
Governments - - - - - - - are notified.
Colored Universe shows itself in astrals.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Jason Estes Updates - 27.08.2021

We have a pattern finally and so things will begin to calm down as we learn to sync up with this new pattern, its a 1k data point hour then 4k hour then 1k hour all day then the next day its 1k 1k 1k 4k 1k 1k 1k 4k ect then back to the other 1k 4k day so as you catch on to the pattern you will find when its time to rest and when its time to expand but now that one is established we can finally begin to build on it so enjoy the ride ::hugs::

And for those of you who are on masterline duty your weekends are pretty much masterline jumps and falling into the earth pattern when your done so pace yourself otherwise you will find yourself sleeping all weekend every weekend because you have no resources left.

best i can say is today is a 4k 1k day tomorrow is a 4k 1k 1k 1k 4k so basicly every other day is a rest day but weekends if your on the masterline team are lots of jumps to the 1k a sec timeline to help it merge down here so just planing as best you can and finding your flow in it is key also keep in mind vote every 3 hours aswell so that makes it even more fun but there is atleast an established pattern ❤

walk-ins: "from my understanding there will be 7 major rounds then we should finish the major walkin part and go back to 1-2k baseline and raise from there the idea is the final round will be in Nov and end on 28th then there will be small groups and singles happening as needed for next 100-200 years to assist the earth to reach its new level that she requested"
"the elders came back first to perfect the process now that they are in its quite wild last time all the elders were all incarnated at a single time was at the beginning of E1 and with them came their downloads into the collective which sparked lots of unlocks"
"i do think group 2-6 should be pretty chill but the Nov group is going to be wild because it will be like elder shock but roughly 1.5billion in the course of 28 days"
"the games not about figuring out who is a walkin and who isnt its about you working on you and being grateful the team got more people who are here to help us with this power transition"

I am often asked why i don't spend money on marketing and getting my message out to the masses the simple truth is i could spend thousands on marketing every month or i can help plant thousands of CRM trees each month to assist us to be ushered into a new age for humanity what i have found in my life so far is that if i speak the truth as best i can people feel called to share it and the right people will always find the message at the right time, if i manipulate it or try to push it on people it leads to people finding it before its time one thing i really care about is my following and i do my best to never waste their time or attention we have been at this for so long together and through the years we have become close and i have witnessed so many of you grow into mature spiritual beings and begin to build and live your dreams it is such an honor to be given such an amazing platform to share and play with ❤ ::hugs::

A QUICK NOTE #1785 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Informational illusions are dissolving now." - 26.08.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Sonar Healings increase.
Barriers breakdown are in progress.
Force +++ crossings accelerate.
Polarity is in decreasing.
Ancient fragments arrive for necessary fusions.
New Earths are discovered.
Attention, The *Star Bearers Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 43% (not countdown).
The *Star Bearers Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 43% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Expanded Divine Artistic + Revealing moves +++ Eleven. ProjSustEleven: 73% (not countdown).
Hermetic Syncs started. 86% (not countdown).
Inner Paradise is reached.
Galactic’s presence increase in 4D astral.
Informational illusions are dissolving now.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 23.08.2021

Afghan Withdrawal Signals Start of New Anti-Cabal Offensive

You can read the full report here:


A QUICK NOTE #1784 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Terrans called for inner rebuilding." - 25.08.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Greater healings continue to take place.
Christ Sensors are spread out.
Galactic Scouts continue to be activated.
Celestial Renewals take place.
Terrans called for inner rebuilding.
New “elected” dynamics are delivered.
*MIRV Program: Full Updates in progress. 100% (not countdown).
Alliance +++: Anchoring and Expanding at 86% (not countdown).
Neva: EMON Pross Cris AND >>>> 76% (not countdown).
*Ghorm: Transcendental Movement started! Ongoing self-support: 99% (not countdown).
144+++! (GR+!) Atemp! +++
Heavenly Realms install themselves divinely.
Inner searches are rewarded.
Central Knights definitely arrive.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Cobra Update - Hold the Light - 24.08.2021

Light Forces have begun to clear the innermost layer of the etheric and astral dark force matrix with still tens of billions of Reptilian entities present. This practically means that the battle for the planetary surface on the non-physical planes is now reaching its peak. Dark attacks in the last few weeks have collapsed about 40 percent of the Light grid on the surface of the planet, and thankfully the grid is slowly recovering in the last few days.

Non-physical dark forces are using their scalar technologies and entity possession to keep the surface population in a state of fear and induced mass psychosis:

This fear is like a cloud around the planetary surface and even most of the Lightworkers have succumbed to it.

Light Forces have communicated that it is of the utmost importance to go within, connect with the Light and hold the Light no matter what happens in the outside world in the next few weeks and months. If enough people hold the Light, this will ensure the most positive possible outcome in the current challenging situation.

There are many scary news in the media but ultimately there is no reason to be afraid for the vast majority of people reading this blog. The vaccines are NOT being used to depopulate the planet, and vast majority of people taking the vaccine will NOT die. After the Event, the Light Forces will be able to reverse and heal ALL negative side effects of the vaccines with their technology.

Light Forces have also communicated that it is very good for people to minimize their exposure to mainstream and alternative media and rather spend more time in nature, meet each other in small inspiring groups, listen to the music or do whatever it takes to keep the vibration high. If you feel so guided you can also meditate and clear the energy of Lightworkers and of the planetary energy grid with the violet flame.

Tachyon technology can help people maintaining high vibrational state of consciousness:

Also, cintamani stones, worn individually, can help a lot for that purpose, because they are the highest vibrational matter on the planet:

As non-physical planes are getting cleared, the Pleiadians are getting closer to the surface, as you can see in this video:

And the following cloudship has encircled Mount Fuji a few days ago:

Marco Polo, an ambassador of the Venetian black nobility families, made contact with negative Cabal families in China already in the 13th century. This was the beginning of long and successful cooperation between Eastern and Western Cabal factions which was greatly expanded with Jesuit presence in early Qing court in Beijing in 17th and 18th centuries.

Since in the last few decades the Western Cabal factions were greatly exposed through the alternative media, the black nobility families and the Jesuits have decided to move many of their key people from West to China and in 2016 they have partnered a new alliance with Xi and the Chinese Communist Party as the visible Chinese front and World Economic Forum as the visible Western front. Their goal is New World Order dystopian society with China as the world hegemon.

To achieve that goal, they have released the coronavirus and the Wuhan lab is still developing new strains, with some sources claiming that they have also developed the delta variant and planted it into India. It is not a coincidence that Shi Zhengli, the famous Bat Lady from the Wuhan lab, is warning about coronavirus mutations:

Partnership between Eastern and Western Cabal factions in the pandemic creation is clearly visible:

To achieve their New World Order goals, to secure rare earth minerals needed for their global high tech dystopia, and to secure cash flow from the drug trade and human trafficking, China has started changing the regimes of their neighboring countries. The first country to fall was Myanmar and the second one was Afghanistan:

Joe Biden and Mark Milley were not incompetent players in this game but instead willing slaves to their Chinese handlers:

The following meditation can help healing the situation in Afghanistan and you can join if you feel so guided:

The only positive aspect of the Afghanistan situation is that Russian special forces were able to rescue several Pleaidian hostages that were kept in secret prisons in Afghanistan by the US military since late 1990s.

Next country the Chinese want to subjugate is Taiwan. China wants to secure its semiconductor and microchip industry. For that purpose, since March they have killed some key positive Dragon members in mainland China and arrested some others. This has weakened the Red Dragon forces in mainland China who have until now been keeping the invasion of Taiwan at bay, as now they have to keep a very low profile in order to survive. This situation is finally being addressed and the Light Forces are taking action to resolve this.

On August 28th the first of the two exact Eris Pluto squares will be taking place:

On that day, many protests against coronavirus restrictions are scheduled worldwide and according to intel sources they might turn violent. Light Forces are asking those who feel so guided to meditate and to clear the energy of the protests with the violet flame in order to remove the negative violent energy and to encircle the protesters in white Light to protect and support them. If the critical mass of 144,000 protesters gathers worldwide on that day with a unified message, this can begin to turn the tide in the battle between the positive and negative timelines.

August 30th is set as a trigger date to start a global revolution by certain groups.

In Australia, truckers are doing it:

One commenter on my blog made an interesting comment on how this may play out:

In France, groups allegedly connected to the Positive Military are planning it. According to sources in France:

The other interesting strategy the protesters have is to start taking over the mass media:

It is impossible to predict how all this will manifest, but between now and the end of October a Kuiper Belt object named Altjira is in exact conjunction with Rigel, the star of the Orion dark forces:

This is the time of great purification of Rigelian forces that invaded planet Earth in 1996, and after this purification is over my mid/late October, it will be expectedly much easier to manifest the dreams of the Age of Aquarius on the surface of this planet.

Toplet bombs inside implants have not been cleared yet, and they are still the main factor preventing the Event:

One commenter on my blog has explained the situation very clearly:

The next two months are a key time in human history and we need to hold the Light. Every person counts.

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

A QUICK NOTE #1783 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Organic harmonizations are accelerated" - 24.08.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Revelers keep showing themselves.
Quantum transitions are in progress.
Etheric colors are adjusted.
“Divine Caves” are announced.
Neva: 12th Akashic Projector pointing for support rating. 84% (not countdown). Next >>>13. Forecast of 19. +++ AUTHORIZED. JEBLESSINGS.
Attention Neva! Certifying Code Reverberation +++++++: 39% (not countdown).
(*Tube B – – Recorx): Initial cleaning in progress: 36% (not countdown).
(*Tube B – – Recorx): Final cauterization in progress: 34% (not countdown).
Specific de-projections continue for rechecks.
*Emissions: Special Projector in docking. 34% (not countdown).
*Emissions: Special Projector in reverb! 34% (not countdown).
Deva Realms are definitively established.
Organic harmonizations are accelerated.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Amanda Lorence Update - 24.08.2021


All day so far (for approx 7hrs), there is hugely INCREASED ELECTRICAL activity to the BRAIN and associated nerves, neurones, relays within the brain.
We receive this type of electrical activity to the brain, every day when ‘awakened’ as parts of the dormant areas of the brain gradually fire up a little bit at a time through our awakened path which in turn affects our consciousness level. Dormant pathways gradually become ignited (switched on) in order to translate the higher frequency hertz WAVELENGTHS humanity generally isn’t used to interpreting, with only a small percentage of the brain in general active conscious use.

However, the ELECTRICAL BRAIN ACTIVITY is different today. It’s a MAJOR electrical amping up within the brain in all areas of the brain.
It will affect everyone differently as each are at different consciousness levels and so receive different degrees of this additional electrical charge that is today AMPED UP. ALL will be receiving it by their degree. Whilst some will flow with this MAJOR increased AMPLIFIED electrical circuitry upgrade, others may not understand it, or be aware of it. It can affect the eye sight in a good way. Some however may spin out, simply be very confused or some may loose control, as it may affect some people’s mental body.
It’s all designed as per the timeline of the Greater Picture, and the Human Collective timelines that are approaching. We are amping up in HERTZ: to increase consciousness, to increase the frequency of our physical vessels, to be able to meet forthcoming timelines at our highest possible level.

If affected with this increase, the easiest route is to breathe into the heart centre several times as needed, and listen to your OWN inner guidance. In timelines soon approaching some will be receiving DIRECT guidance in waking state and in Dreamtime. So learn to start trusting clear, inner guidance that will always feel balanced, neutral and of Love.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
24 August 2021

A QUICK NOTE #1782 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Transition reinforcements keep coming!" - 23.08.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Transition reinforcements keep coming!
*OSECCT: Pleiadian performances and reverberations in progress. 81% (not countdown).
Árguan continues with necessary field adjustments.
Inner temperatures rise.
New beginnings clear.
Arriving and departures – are cancelled.
Layer merges continue as the Terran environment is divinely related.
Constellations harmonize.
Sister galaxies accelerate approaches. Fusion at 3B+++B.
Attention *HDF! SPECIAL Projector Support started: 71% (not countdown).
*FDH: SPECIAL Projector Reverb: 71% (non-regressive). The Light Celebrates!
*TEC1+ Harmonizations are started. Next 96% (not countdown).
Attention Eliar-Flours, The Artist! Master Projector COLLECTOR pointed. – % +++! Eleven ethics achieved. 96% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Jason Estes Update - 23.08.2021


Now that we are beginning to stabilize in the higher octaves and learning to handle these 4k data point waves that happen a few times a day we can begin the large clean up effort on the world stage, remember this phase is about acceptance and understanding so the scales can be brought into balance and truth can return once more so if you find yourself in judgement or control breath center and ask what misunderstanding am i coming from that i need to control vs accept as you clean up your misunderstandings you will find the world around you does soon after ::hugs::

Q: "you saying in the end of 2020 that we would se a huge event related to our sun happening in early 2021 or middle of 2021,.. we could see the event and the spaceships with the naked eye, this already happened or wont even happen now ?
A: "the loophole that was used delayed and changed events by alot while i still see a potential for that happening i pray its not needed the path we are on now is much more empowering but slower"

A QUICK NOTE #1781 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Attention Terrans for phases in Uplifting Waves" - 22.08.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Attention Neva! Avalons are coming!
Etheric promotions are ended.
Camera +++ openings are in progress.
Arcturians – are in frequency adjustments.
Sirians – are in frequency adjustments.
Martian prisons in Divine liberations.
Plutanian prisons in magnetic settings.
Crystal Revealers definitely arrive.
Divine events sequence is programmed.
Attention Terrans for phases in Uplifting Waves.
Terrans called for immediate Unity Consciousness.
+++DhaborosAFR: Line enlightenment in progress: 79% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
+++DhaborosAFR HIGHER REVERB at 78% (not countdown) The Light Celebrates!
*Silver Dragons in support and reverb: 89% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Amanda Lorence Update - 22.08.2021


Jason Estes Update - 21.08.2021


Welcome to the 2nd movie the one we all came for its titled "The Age of Truth" the first part is called "The Reckoning" its important for people to understand what this word means fully to get what this first part of the movie will be about as you can see in the image attached it can mean many things as for this first part of the movie its about the action or process of calculating and estimating something and the settlement of that thing, so what we will see happen these first few months of the age of truth are lots of accounts being settled and things beginning to shift towards truth in those accounts so enjoy the ride everyone ::hugs::

"as we raise up its easy to see the lies and that is why the reckoning happens"

A QUICK NOTE #1780 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Artificials keep being removed" - 21.08.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Manifestations in astral zones are on the rise.
Leaders - - in Astral 1 are pressured.
Posts - - - enter in abandonment.
Quantum eyes are triggered.
Andromedan Prosecutors arrive.
Matrix distortions are perceived.
MiD intentions detected and controlled by Sentries.
Artificials keep being removed.
Metatronic Ascensional Waves reverberate: 61% (not countdown).
GRL DesAut.+ Temp Pre! (-2+) +++: 23°20'35.38"N 85°18'33.85"E/28°38'08.74"N 77°13'28.02"E: 69% (not countdown).
*M+P adjustment in progress. 78% (not countdown).
*M+P reverb in progress. 82% (not countdown).
Neva in GENUINE PHASE transmission: 82% (not countdown).
Attention +++DhaborosAFR! Projector support for Enlightenment started: 79% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Amanda Lorence Update - September Potential - Role Changes on Earth


Please take what resonates and just discard the rest…

We are now collectively in a type of corridor/passageway/period leading to our September. Whilst this is collective, it is also a VERY UNIQUE passageway during the remainder of August. It’s within YOU to observe.

When this period passes, we will each enter a NEW and DIFFERENT STAGE in September, of our own unique journey (September being the harvest time, where we reap what we have ‘sowed’ from June 2021 onwards). The dates in September that people notice they have shifted BY DEGREE in consciousness will vary greatly, but it will happen for us to observe of ourselves and others around us, at individual times during September. You will/can KNOW based on your INNER sensitivity to energy.

If we look at the COLLECTIVE TIMELINE of what the greatest POTENTIAL is in September, there approaches what I only LABEL as: “STAGE 6” POTENTIAL. I will explain:
Think of our own individual life journey and that rising of consciousness as having a few very SIGNIFICANT POTENTIAL Stages; between 1-7 stages. We can also break down these MAJOR stages into smaller steps/stages/stepping stones, within each MAJOR Stage. Remember since 2012 we are doing this EN MASSE and together. So the MAJOR STAGES (1-7) require we meet specific UNIVERSAL energies and COLLECTIVE energies that become ACCRUED as they present at SPECIFIC FREQUENCY in order to be met by each individual. We have been building energy fields and anchoring key codes within and without towards STAGE 6 for approximately 1-1.5 years now. It has taken us collective time to rise enough in energy hertz to meet the same frequency of STAGE 6. Stage 6 POTENTIAL arrives for our Collective rising more and more, one at a time, from September 2021 onwards.

STAGE 6 happens individually at perfectly designed timeline for each facet as they traverse the Stages within. So not everyone will enter Stage 6 in September 2021, but the potential will THEN STAY OPEN for any and all to match frequency at their most perfect timing in months and years to come. So no rush or self endured pressure necessary…I’m just explaining the potential and what is truly coming in for us, as we are doing this individually YET together as ONE. Everybody is at different stages between Stages 1-7 as designed by their SOUL so there is no rush through any Stage. Just LOVE yourself more and more through your Heart Centre. LOVE is the Key…in all Stages.

STAGE 6 POTENTIAL (September):
From September onwards some people will enter into different and more ENERGETICALLY advanced roles here because their energetic frequency has advanced sufficiently, thus they meet another stage in consciousness awareness. That change will SHOW more outwardly in their energy, behaviour, words, acts, SOUL wisdoms, energetic VIBRATION, ENERGETIC abilities. Thus their consciousness in waking state and with the ‘life form’ will meet STAGE 6 of their Mission here. Not everyone is going to understand this yet, or indeed ‘why’ we have changed. Also, due to array of consciousness levels, not everyone on the planet will notice people have changed or that they also are changing. As it depends on consciousness levels which vary considerably amongst nearly 8 billion people on Mother Earth. But if sensitive, many will at least NOTICE changes in people and themselves at some point in September regardless of everyone’s Stages of consciousness. At every stage, we can’t see until we CAN see. We don’t know until we KNOW. Etc.

STAGE 6 heralds the very beginning of significant role shifts. Shifts that have been permeating in the ethers for about 1-1.5 solar years. It’s NOT instant role change; it will unfold gradually, consciously, within first, in the remaining months of 2021. And later unfold to the OUTSIDE in 2022 as people begin to WEAR outwardly, their new shoes…
We knew roles would change, but we were awaiting the right timeline, right internal frequency, right external collective frequency, right universal frequencies plus the correct strength, enough key codes laid over years since 2012, all accumulating in sustained hertz frequency of multiple energetics that are all designed to align and be sustainable, at right divine timing. We have participated in being a huge part of this, via OUR energy, as the HUMANITY. The Divine Design just IS. We witness it, respond to it, play with it and CREATE with it by degrees of our conscious awareness.

As some around the world BEGIN to enter STAGE 6 at some point in September 2021, and allow themselves to BECOME THAT gradually over the months, more and more people will then KNOW next year, that Stage 6 has arrived and thus it begins for ALL to attain, if they are choosing to. To truly witness this in YOU or in OTHERS, go beyond the noise of the Maya, beyond the distraction of mainstream 3D and 4D. Stage 6 is not part of 4D. To witness at higher dimensional levels starts by FEELING first, with no thoughts. Allow FEELING to be the door.

STAGE 6 of what we can just label ‘ascension’ (please don’t get hung up on numbered levels) will unfold and be understood more and more by those experiencing it, during the remainder of 2021, where we will pass through a few more remaining and significant stage gateways of 2021. Then we will be at aligned point for ANOTHER TRULY significant INNER SHIFT within ourselves on 02 January 2022.

In this post I’ve outlined the POTENTIAL that arrives to the FIELD in SEPTEMBER. The more people that embody this new availability one by one, the more it is anchored here and so becomes more easily accessed en masse at various forthcoming timelines for the many. A dominoes effect operates, as more energy is embodied by more and more. We create our reality, but in this design of Consciousness changes TO humanity, some beings lay the Key Codes they are capable of bringing in, for the many to feel and embody at their most perfect timing. In other words, not everyone will embark on Stage 6 in September and that’s exactly perfect. There is no try, just the continuous individual surrendering in order to LET GO of the old dissolving 3D and 4D design we’ve lived by and IN, in order to meet the higher frequency design that has very different LIGHT LAWS, very different ways of being and thus living, compared to 3D and 4D.

It may seem hard or trying at times for many individuals, yet it’s getting truly exciting for the Whole as we meet these upcoming timelines and embody these energies . It’s totally individual, but we are doing this together. Together we keep participating in and building the energetic foundations for a very different world for humanity to TRULY BREATHE as a BLESSED life experience…and THAT world is based on VERY different Light Laws to what humanity has been used to, through the limited range of frequencies mankind has lived IN.
Thank you for showing up and having the courage to take the steps to become the Truest version of YOU. The version that is One, and is Love for All.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
20 August 2021

Jason Estes Update - 21.08.2021

Popcorn ready
Show is about to start a little under 1 hours

Q: Do you think something will happen in the world stage in the next 24 hrs?
A: yes it already has been happening 😊 as for the plot twists and crazy changes usually movies go a bit before they get into the good stuff but the fact this one is called Age of Truth and the first part is called "The Reckoning" feels like its going to be an awesome few months


Wow they don't hold back anymore... the codes in this trailer spark some great things and it comes out nov 5th 23 days before the end of 2021... someone is def playing some well thought out games with the collective 😛

My Note: drop drop disclosure... marvel films have so far been at the forefront of "soft" disclosure and those who have an eye for the truth have also noticed small crumbs of truth in more and more movies and series. 
Where is the best place to hide the truth? front of our eyes ... you know sometimes you can't see the forest from the tree :) 
While watching the movie trailer, I became a pure goosebumps, and somehow I felt like another puzzle pieces was going to fall into the right place. 

Celia Fenn - Full Blue Moon on 22nd August

This coming week-end promises to be an intense one, and the energies we are feeling now are a build up to the Full Moon on Sunday 22nd August.
It will be both a Full Moon and a Blue Moon.
Usually a Blue Moon is defined as the second Full Moon in a month, which is not the case here. But...according to some definitions, (https://www.space.com/blue-moon-2021-explained) the second Full Moon within the same sign also qualifies as a Blue Moon.
And since this Blue Moon is in Aquarius/Leo, we have all the intensity of the Lions Gate energy magnified by the Lunar energies and flow.
This is really a BIG week-end and we can expect that energies will be intense.
Expect mental and emotional stresses and surprises. You may find it difficult to sleep with all that energy flowing, and anxiety may be present too.
Best advice is BREATHE...deeply....into the Heart and take life slowly and calmly for the next few days. Stay grounded and hydrated and spend time in Nature if you can.
Be Kind...especially to yourself!
After this Full Moon we should have a more quiet time to integrate before the upcoming Equinox in September.
Love to Everyone!

A QUICK NOTE #1779 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Divine Concentrations keep increasing" - 20.08.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origin recognition! Attention to calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Definitive healing trips are announced.
Inconsistencies are reported to Arguan.
Guilts come in releases.
+++ Eleven avatars are divinely triggered and reconnected.
Divine Concentrations keep increasing.
Positive balances are already noted.
Restraints for fear lessen.
Deep cleansing takes place by mystic transmuters.
Expanded awareness in multiframes. 89% ++- (non-regressive).
*DESTEMPO Protocol (16:00/14:12) started. Matches happen: 71% (non-regressive).
Attention *Hatonnicos supporters! Aimed projectors! Support: 69% (non-regressive).
Attention *Hatonnicos supporters! Pointed and supported projectors. 64% Reverb (non-regressive).
Divine Gold continues to be distributed.
Celts manifest themselves divinely.
Temporarily end of transmission.

Jason Estes Message - 20.08.2021

Those who walk with fear walk away from truth those who walk in truth walk through fear


Kp Message “Presence of Galactics… very strong these last few days”- 20.08.2021

Presence of Galactics I’ve been feeling very strongly these last few days. I’m not going to “label” them, like what star system they’re from, but somehow I’ve “got” that the number of them, and the Intensity of their Energetic involvement is very high… Higher than ever before in this Solar System type array.

Feels like it has something to do with “support for the incoming New Paradigm” as the old control matrix falls.

I’m feeling strong presence of Andromedans…They’re here particularly for healing of individual minds and souls, as individuals wake up to the control matrix they’ve been immersed in for millenia.

Whatever is occurring, we’re being ushered through this phase as we wake up, and stand up to go through it, and embrace a new way of BEing.

I’m hearing a message to watch the sky and watch the water.

Let’s see where and how this goes!

Aloha, Kp

Original Post:

A QUICK NOTE #1778 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Traumas begin to be undone forever" - 19.08.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Distractions keep being removed.
Couplings for changes are in progress.
Appropriate structures are started.
Bright reinforcements arrive.
Special Fleets park in Null fields for harmoinizations.
Magnets stand out.
Oracles keep expanding.
Revealers show themselves by force of callings!
*Emissions: Special Projector in docking. 31% (not countdown).
*Emissions: Special Projector in reverb! 31% (not countdown).
Traumas begin to be undone forever.
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Support at 51% (not countdown).
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Terran reverberation at 51% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Amanda Lorence Update - 19.08.2021

Significant INCOMING ENERGIES NOW (19:30 U.K. time). 3 dominant vibrational key code patterns for us. Dominant Incoming rays: Emerald Green Ray & Gold Ray plus less dominant but incoming is also the Violet Ray. The Gold Ray is sparkling in all space both indoors and outside…in all our collective field here on Mother Earth. It’s so present!

One Love
Amanda Lorence
19 August 2021

Jason Estes short note - 19.08.2021


Wanting to see someone harmed, shamed, broken, or sick is a sign that something inside you isn't true we are a team working together the more we begin to embrace human empathy the faster we begin to rise together ::hugs::

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 16.08.2021

The March 11, 2011 Attack on Fukushima and Its Aftermath

You can read the full report here:

A QUICK NOTE #1777 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Suns harmonize for specific projections" - 18.08.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Harmonious Emanations stand out.
Central liberations are in alignment.
Suns harmonize for specific projections.
Control Centers +++ are scattered.
Figures - are notified and surrounded.
Realms breaches decrease.
Archetypal dimensions expand.
Heavenly Realms keep coming.
Neva: 12th Akashic Projector pointing for support rating. 80% (not countdown). Next >>>13. Forecast of 19. +++ AUTHORIZED. JEBLESSING.
Attention Neva! Certifying Code Reverb +++++++ at 34% (not countdown).
(*Tube B - - Recorx): Initial cleaning in progress: 32% (not countdown).
(*Tube B - - Recorx): Final cauterization in progress: 29% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.