"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Celia Fenn - The Big Shift of 2021

How is everyone today?
Personally I am vibrating and buzzing up to my eyelashes. Lol!
On this last day of May 2021 we are still integrating the powerful energy waves from the recent Galactic discharge/Solar Storm and Lunar Eclipse.
Yes, a big one, that is activating major shifts within our physical body as we upgrade into the 8th and 9th dimensions (Solar and Galactic levels) if we have chosen that path. Some have not.
What is happening is that our physical body/being is in the process of becoming more crystalline on the subatomic level where the geometries of life exist in the Mind of God/Goddess/All That Is. We are evolving to carry more Light and more Light Codes.
In order to receive and transmit Galactic and Cosmic Codes, we must be able to deal with these energies in our Body and Light Body.
The recent Solar storm sent 10 Solar Flares our way in one day! This was equivalent to a "Solar Flash" but in slow motion so that we could cope with the intensity.
So...if you can feel the vibes...vibrating... you are feeling the resonant upgrades deep in your sub cellular structure. You may also feel exhausted as your body is not used to vibrating that fast and high as yet.
You may feel emotional and depressed for apparently no reason as your emotional body feels the "backwash".
As a first wave way shower, I remember the first time we got hit by a major wave like this in 2001, then in 2008 and again in 2017. But this wave, let's call it the Fourth Wave or the Big Shift of 2021 is of an intensity and power I have not felt since 2001 when our world changed after 9/11.
This is a HUGE shift.
Be kind to yourself.
Take care of yourself.
Stay hydrated and look after your nervous system since that is part of the vibrating you are feeling.
I have been guided to work with a stone called "Fulgurite" which is created when lightening strikes sand, fusing the sand into a silicate rock form. The stone carries the energy of high power carried through a "nerve system/lightening flash" into the Earth.
I had a homeopathic doctor make a remedy that I am taking to help ease the symptoms. If anyone has any further information I would be glad to hear.
Love, Peace and Magic to everyone as we enter June and the changes that must still come.

A QUICK NOTE #1697 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Divine concentrations increase as the Special Protocol is activated" - 30.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Superior revelations continue to emerge.
Eclectic expansions happen.
Divine concentrations increase as the Special Protocol is activated.
Soul transitions in progress.
Galactic Strengthening underway.
Crystalline structures continue to be strengthened.
Appropriate changes happen for new experiences.
*Ghorm Transcendental Movement started! Own support in progress: 97% (not countdown).
*Ghorm Transcendental Movement started! Reverberation in waves happens: 97% (not countdown).
Ascended are present and active.
Violet Realms are established for healing.
*EONDOR12 spacecraft projectors in support. 97% (not countdown).
*EONDOR12 spacecraft projectors in reverb. 97% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Celia Fenn - The Big Transition of 2021

The Big Transition of 2021
There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a huge transition on the Planet.
This was kicked off by the Solar Storm and the 5/5/5 Energy/Lunar Eclipse of the 23rd-26th May.
The changes are coming rapidly and involve all aspects of our lives.
In evolutionary terms, the New Species is taking root on Earth. Archangel Michael reminds us of another time in Earth "history" when humans transformed from one "kind" to another. This was when Neanderthals were the dominant species, and they were replaces by Cro-Magnon as our ancestors. Scientist don't know where Cro-Magnon came from, or why they replaced Neanderthals in the chain of evolution.
Similarly, today the 12/13 Chakra Homo Galacticus is replacing the old 7 Chakra Homo Sapiens version of Humanity as we take this next leap in our Evolution.
Both kinds of Humans exist on Earth right now, inhabiting parallel timelines. But the old model human form cannot exist on the New Earth timeline. This is because Homo Sapiens/3D humans are centered in the mind and limited in their awareness. Homo Galacticus/multi-dimensional human is centered in the Heart and is awake to their Cosmic and Galactic heritage and connections.
As we enter into Solar Cycle 25, we can expect that the rising incidence of Solar Flares will accelerate the pace of this change and the birthing of the New Earth as more and more Light and Light Codes are received on Earth.
We need to be prepared both physically and spiritually for more events that will lift us into the New Earth timeline.
These are the times we were born for!
Love to everyone and have a great week end.

Image by Jean-Luc Bozzoli 

A QUICK NOTE #1696 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Sentries block last MiD escapes" - 29.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Cryptogamos contacting Terran branches. 86% (not countdown). Reverberation: Quick thoughts and reasoning.
New Dawn Crystals of Hope in UNIVERSAL HARMONIZATION - Terran Plane: 100% (not countdown).
Divine Presences keep coming.
Inner Cousins continue to rise.
Solar Portal is expanded.
Isis Guardians in approach.
*Amil22 under intensive avatar = 91% (not countdown).
Sentries block last MiD escapes.
Tensions in Astral T Zone are decreased.
Frequencies - - - weapons are disabled.
Realms of Sages arrive.
Attention, The Solar Disc Order (Order of Tiy)! SPECIAL Projector support started: 97% (not countdown).
The Solar Disc Order (Order of Tiy): SPECIAL Projector reverb at 97% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1695 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Time distortions continue to be harmonized" - 28.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Time distortions continue to be harmonized.
Vibratory elevations continue to expand.
Greater defenses are installed.
MiD entries in old areas: Denied.
Etheric vaccinations started.
Missionaries updates in progress.
Deprojected removals started.
Specific reallocations for appropriate adjustments in progress.
Disobsessive forces are established.
Missionary qualities are inproved.
Blooming virtues increase.
Southern removals still in progress. Myasmic slabs being removed in advance. 83% (not countdown).
North Base Extensions/*SolSuper-2 program in full evacuation – Alfeus and allies in intensive. 100% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1694 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "MiD prisons are still in dismantle" - 27.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Transcendental rearmonizations are established.
Ancestral bases continue to be established.
Relationship conflicts reveal attunements - - -. Calls to Yin +++ Portals.
Healing potentials increase.
Ethical Pillars continue to be installed.
Attention *Plastic Transmitters! Single unification projector in support: 74% (not countdown).
Attention *Plastic Transmitters! Single unification projector in reverb: 74% (not countdown).
Ancestral liberations and elevations take place. +++ Mergers at 74% (not countdown).
Akashic Bubbles are increased.
Greater healing continues to happen.
MiD prisons are still in dismantle.
Attention, *The Star Bearers Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 34% not countdown).
*The Star Bearers Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 34% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Temporarily, end of transmission.

I ask apology


Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 24.05.2021

War is Declared After Priory of Sion Fails to Respond

You can read the full report here:


A QUICK NOTE #1693 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Karmic finishes continue for final elevation" - 26.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Pranic explorations continue to be halted.
Novice healings continue to expand.
Ascended revelations are spreading.
Chamber cores are enlarged.
Confident Hamalayus Sages continue to deliver real dreams. >>> NEW BLOCKS BEING DELIVERED.
*Hamalayus seek attunement of WONDERS who awaken! Packages being sent! 86% (not countdown).
Cetaceans in upload process (PHASE 2: FIRST MOVEMENT FINISHED.) 100% (not countdown). Terrans prepare for receipt.
Attention! Local Allies receiving credentials. Reverb for Systemic Allies. Download started - STAGE 2 >>> 97% (not countdown).
Opening of the 5th layer! “Sinus Virus” active! 94% (not countdown). Next >>>> Opening of the 4th.
Galactic openings happen for new entrances.
Arcturians in specific deprojects for reprojections in compatible environments.
Ancestral Wisdom continues to spread.
Inner charges in decline.
Karmic finishes continue for final elevation.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Jason Estes Update - 26.05.2021

We have now completed the restoration phase tomorrow will be a bit different you may feel sluggish or hung over if you do make sure to get some electrolytes, cell salts, and drink plenty of water to flush out the old and outdated programs you may also find stretching and breathing into each area to be very helpful give yourself a week to re-calibrate to this new way of being ::hugs::

Celia Fenn - Full Moon Supermoon and Total Lunar Eclipse

Wednesday 26th Full Moon Supermoon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius/Gemini Sun.
Yes today is the day.
Very powerful frequencies incoming, with this Full Moon also called the "Flower Moon", being Spring, and a Super Moon because it will be the closest Moon to the Earth in 2021.
The Eclipse itself will be visible in the Americas, North and South, the Pacific Region and South East Asia.
Expect...powerful inner shifts. Old ways of thinking and being are moving out to make way for the new. You may find that your "comfort zone" has suddenly become very uncomfortable and that you are being urged to move forward to new ways and new challenges.
This is just the beginning....as we can expect further shifts and realignments in June, July and early August.
This Full Moon is really saying to us: New Earth is here. The 8th Dimension (Solar Connection) is powering up for the activation of Full 9D connection (Galactic Center/Moon in Sagittarius).
Enjoy the energy everyone.
Stay focussed in the Love, Peace and Magic!
New Earth is Here...

A QUICK NOTE #1692 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Inner Realms continue to be reborn" - 25.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Specific Allied X constructions begin.
Cavalry X is ready.
Elemental Realms are established again.
Divine Practices increase.
Inner Realms continue to be reborn.
Moral blooms spread.
Divine Friendships return.
Arcturus Forces specific disjunctions in progress.
Dragon Guardians presences spread.
Warrior Archetypes harmonize.
Magnetic Doors open.
Projectors for *NNW+++ POINTED! 69% (not countdown).
Projectors for *NNW+++ POINTED and REVERBERANT! 64% (not countdown).
*Oumsheryam+++12+144 active and reverberant! Active efficiency at 66% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1691 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Astral tremors continue for necessary removals" - 24.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Support: at 26% (not countdown).
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Terran reverberation at 25% (not countdown).
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHING patterns are announced. Neva support in line: 26% (not countdown).
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHING patterns are announced. Neva/ Terran Reverberation at 26% (not countdown).
Lemurian Potentials are spreading.
Explorers are notified.
Arcturians collect specific projectors.
Dividers are disintegrated.
Sentries in Conclusions at T Zone. The Light Celebrates!
Astral tremors continue for necessary removals.
Divine Presences spread.
Angelical continue to establish pillars.
*HDF: SPECIAL Projector Reverb at 66% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
*TEC1+ harmonizations are started: 90% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Cobra - Urgent Message to the Surface Population

The Light Forces are in the middle of the main offensive of clearing Chimera underground bases.

Since 1996, the Chimera has captured many Pleiadians and Resistance members, took them underground, and as their last line of defense, the Chimera are now using those hostages in dark sacrifice rituals, then capturing their soul essence and forcing them to incarnate again in another cloned body which is situated as a hostage in a Chimera base, repeating the process again and again. This creates an immense amount of suffering and thus generated loosh is then gathered and projected with scalar technology towards the surface population.

This is a very difficult time for the Resistance forces and for the Pleiadian fleet, and they need assistance from the surface population.

They are asking for as many lightworkers as possible, to meditate as often and whenever they feel guided, for this situation to be resolved as quickly and as painlessly as possible.


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness

2. State your intent to assist in liberation of all hostages from underground bases

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

4. Visualize a pillar of pink Light, emanating from the Galactic Central Sun and then descending down through your body and deep into the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly to everybody captured in underground bases. Visualize Light forces liberating all hostages from all remaining underground bases, and removing all dark entities from all those locations. Visualize this process taking place throughout the whole honeycomb underground Earth quickly and smoothly. Visualize the whole honeycomb underground Earth finally being free from darkness and slavery, free from all evil beings.

6. Ask the Goddess presence (the divine feminine) to direct energies of healing to all rescued hostages so that their traumas are completely healed. Let these energies then flow onwards and expand to the surface of the planet so they can heal all other situations worldwide. Allow these energies to continue to flow through your heart and then through your hands into these situations for a few minutes.

Guided audio video for this meditation in English has been posted here:

And a playlist of guided audio meditation videos in 15 languages here:

Goddess wants liberation and liberation it will it be!

A QUICK NOTE #1690 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Astral visions continue to increase" - 23.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Confidence strongholds continue to be expanded.
Critical Transformers keep coming.
Moral forces are spreading.
Peace reverberates in multiplans.
Angelic perform for chosen Ones.
Borders are still open.
Divine Itineraries remain established.
Fog of doubt continues to dissipate.
+++ DhaborosAFR: Line enlightenment in progress: 75% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
+++ DhaborosAFR HIGHER REVERBERATION: 75% (not countdown) The Light Celebrates!
*Silver Dragons in support and reverberation: 84% (not countdown).
*OSECCT: Pleiadian performances and reverberations in progress. 74% (not countdown).
Astral visions continue to increase.
Attention *HDF! Support for SPECIAL Projectors started: 65% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1689 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Specific tremors occur for necessary releases" - 22.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Dual ones decrease performances.
Celestial Orbs initiate Christ revivals.
Sacred Cloaks are delivered.
Superior families are approaching.
Angelic Realms are definitely established.
Specific tremors occur for necessary releases.
Expanded awareness in multi-frames at 84% ++- (not countdown).
*DESTEMPO Protocol (16h00/14h12) started. Harmonizations happen: 64% (not countdown).
Attention *Hatonn Supporters! Projectors pointed! Support at 61% (not countdown).
Attention *Hatonn Supporters! Projectors pointed and in support. Reverb at 59% (not countdown).
Metatronic Ascension Waves reverberate: 59% (not countdown).
Revelations continue to take place in the Final Phase.
GRL DesAut. + Pre Temp! (-2+) +++: 23°20'35.38”N 85°18'33.85”E/28°38'08.74”N 77°13'28.02”E: 67% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Jason Estes Update - New plan for humanity will have been voted on - 22.05.2021

What a strong and strange week we have had, and today is the day out of time... so what that means is by tomorrow a new plan for humanity will have been voted on by all and we will begin again towards this plan till August 18th then vote again, while these days out of time can be strange and feel like low drive or no desire to do anything it can be extremely helpful if you sit in reflection and come into acceptance of the prior path so the new path becomes even more clear ::hugs::

Celia Fenn - Waves of ionization rippling through Earth's upper atmosphere

So...in advance of the Total Lunar Eclipse in Galactic Center aligned Sagittarius, the energies are ramping up! Solar Flares incoming from a Sunspot, according to Spaceweather:
"After nearly a week of somnolent quiet, sunspot AR2824 is flaring again. An impulsive C4.8-class flare during the late hours of May 21st (1928 UT) was followed by an even stronger C6.1-flare on May 22nd (0256 UT)........AR2824 is now strobing Earth with pulses of ultraviolet radiation. Waves of ionization rippling through Earth's upper atmosphere have caused shortwave radio blackouts over North America on May 21st (map) and southeast Asia on May 22nd (map). "
My nervous system is certainly feeling the effects of being "strobed" by ultraviolet radiation!
If you are sensitive, take good care of yourself and stay hydrated.
Know there is creative magic incoming and it can be used to create your dreams. Keep dreaming and doing the dance of creation!
It is only going to get more intense in the next few days!
Have a peaceful and creative week end!

A QUICK NOTE #1688 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Goddess Portals are opened for healing" - 21.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Larger checks continue to happen.
Waves of Peace spread.
Goddess Portals are opened for healing.
Divine Providence arrives.
Conclusions of Cycles in progress.
Ascension Forces expand.
Creativity increases.
*PM+ adjustment in progress. 71% (not countdown).
*PM+ reverberation in progress. 75% (not countdown).
Neva in GENUINE PHASE transmission: 75% (not countdown).
Attention +++ DhaborosAFR! Projector Support for Lighting started: 73% (non-regressive).
Realms unification in progress.
Divisions come into finalizations.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1687 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Terrans in preparing for finishing lines" - 20.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Temperance spreads in +++.
New frequencies line up.
Larger supports increase.
Necessary screening in progress.
Main Grid strengthening started.
Final harvests in progress.
Terrans in preparing for finishing lines.
New understandings are spreading.
Cavalry agreements are "signed".
Prosperity funds are assured.
Divine sensors continue to be installed throughout the system.
Dispute layers decrease.
Transitions are aligned.
*Khalthart transfers are approved. 1st wave: 92% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Jason Estes Update - 20.05.2021 + Video - Truth or Projection: Choose your own Adventure


As we progress into the final personality structure influx remember that every identity that you have built your life on will be brought up to be looked at while for many things will be an energetic highlight and then over the next 6 months reality will mirror for you what to let go of for so some this will be a major blast of clarity that will require a course correction immediately if you find you are one of those people reality will give you a strong wake up call before the end of the restoration phase on the 26th this being said as we go into this great unknown place together know we have all prepared for this as best we could and are more then ready for what comes next, see you on the other side ::hugs::

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 17.05.2021

Human Sacrifice on Temple Mount Won’t Save Satanists

You can read the full report here:


A QUICK NOTE #1686 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Calls for waking increase" - 19.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Heavenly Powers are present.
Auric strengthening increases.
Fleets regroup for Solar environment.
MiD discussions are ended. Plan A still active.
Calls for waking increase.
11:11 symbologies expand.
Capsules are opened and reverberate.
Panorama expands to Terrans.
Attention the *Star Bearers Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 32% (not countdown).
The *Star Bearers Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 32% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Expanded Divine Artistic + Revealing Movements +++ Eleven. ProjSustEleven: 51% (not countdown).
P1 +++ Sint Eleven Terrans >>>> 96% (not countdown).
Hermetic synchronizations started. 65% (not countdown).
Hermetic reverberations in progress. 65% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1685 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Astral concentration camps are broken up" - 18.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
New courses continue to rise.
Astral concentration camps are broken up.
Nebulae are relocated.
Special Projectors for *MFDEleven +++ pointed and reverberant: 91% (not countdown).
Unconscious liberations started: 1/3 SPECIFIC LAYER >>>> 91% (not countdown).
Dividers are frozen.
Christic Transmitters rise.
Terrans recalibrate for jumping.
Stellars are approaching for necessary adjustments.
Bineurals spread out.
Shaman-fauna Powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Support at 22% (not countdown).
Shaman-fauna Powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Terran reverberation at 22% (not countdown).
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHING patterns are announced. Neva Support in tuning: 24% (not countdown).
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHING patterns are announced. Neva/Terran Reverberation at 24% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.


Pleiades 1 Glossary:

Jason Estes Update - 18.05.2021

In 1 hour and 11mins we will have completed our first destiny cycle in true reality, while there will be another 10 major ones this is a huge accomplishment that will begin to build the world on truth, while these updates happen within us and around us it will lead to some very deep re-evaluation of the world and the process and stories we crafted to sustain life thus far while it may seem painful for some this process is a very needed one that allows us to expand into a more awesome self then we can even imagine ::hugs::

😊 happy 1st destiny cycle everyone 

Celia Fenn - We are on an accelerated Arc of Evolution

We are on an accelerated Arc of Evolution that is intensifying and that will lead us to a major "leap" in August at the Lions Gate.
According to Archangel Michael, we are ready...and here we go.
First the Total Lunar Eclipse on the 26th May, in Sagittarius close to the Galactic Center. This one is intense.
Then about 2 weeks later, the Solar Eclipse in Gemini, and then about two weeks later, the Solstice.
At each point, energy will accelerate and ramp up to lift the Earth frequency in preparation for the New Cycle that commences with New Year on the 26th of July and the Lions Gate at 8/8.
The best way to cope with these intensifying energies is just to go with the flow and allow the process.
We got this!
It's time now....
You may be feeling "deep" symptoms as your body aligns with the new energies. Those of us in the First Wave will probably feel these more deeply as our bodies adjust, yet again. Those in the 3rd wave and later, like the new children, will probably be sailing as they adjust to something more like the speed they were designed for...at last!
This is not an easy phase that we are moving into, but it will have the effect of lifting many people onto the New Earth timeline as it shifts the Earth itself towards a higher frequency to open up that new timeline.
Best advice it to take good care of yourself and not to expect too much of yourself in the next weeks. Take it easy and let the events unfold in a natural way.
Love, Peace and Magic to everyone!

A QUICK NOTE #1684 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Goddess portals open" - 17.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
*Lemurian Pearls in reconnections with Carriers. Support at 24% (not countdown).
*Lemurian Pearls in reconnections with Carriers. Reverb at 24% (not countdown).
Divine Harvests happen.
Morphic fragments in healings.
Transformations take place in etheric environments.
Goddess portals open.
Astral Fields are vibrant.
Divine Experiences spread.
Cross fires are minimized.
Peace is anchored +++ Eleven.
Divine rebirths take place.
*EONDOR12 spaceship Projectors in reverb. 96% (not countdown).
Attention Sparkling, The Storytelling Fairy! Immediate summons coming! Master Projector support needed: Synchronization started… 88% (not countdown). Start support.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1683 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Planetary transformations continue" - 16.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Greater freedoms are m progress.
Galactic visions increase for finishing.
Metatronic Patterns increase.
Etheric visibility increases.
Terrans called for Internalization.
Deep healings occur. Physical reverberations happen.
Planetary transformations continue.
Neva: EMON Pross Cris AND >>>> 71% (not countdown).
*Ghorm transcendental movement started! Own support in progress: 96% (not countdown).
*Ghorm transcendental movement started! Reverb in waves happens: 96% (not countdown).
*EONDOR12 spacecraft projectors in support. 96% (not countdown).
Unnecessary route changes.
Love continues to expand.
Loving visibility increases.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1682 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Approved karmic accelerations" - 15.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Attention *Plastic Transmitters! Single unification Projector in reverb: 71% (not countdown).
Ancestral liberations and elevations in progress. +++ Mergers at: 71% (not countdown).
Divine Rebirths take place.
Sentries present in Zone T for conclusions.
New Crystalline Patterns are established
Metatronic Waves spread.
Inner travelers access the surface.
Approved karmic accelerations.
Neural releases continue, as "burns" happen.
Ashtar (s) remove warheads B.
Cults - - - are completed in Zone T.
Tremors authorized for releases.
Astral transitors - unauthorized.
Christ Present.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Jason Estes Update - 3pt Mental influx - 15.05.2021

Tomorrow is the day we have long waited for when truth overcomes the lie and we begin to physically see clearly in true reality, that being said we also have a 3pt mental influx which will shine light into all the planes of reality so as we move forward this weekend into a new destiny cycle remember to breath, do the next right thing and then have faith the rest will become clear with time ::hugs::

A QUICK NOTE #1681 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Artificial ones are still being removed" - 14.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Astral reorganizations in progress.
Artificial ones are still being removed.
Solitudes increase.
Prosperity environments are spreading.
Divine Violet expands.
Divine Within reconnections return.
Crystalline Rebirths continue, as waves arrive.
New cultures are established.
Divine Peace in progress.
Goddess present for reactivations.
Necessary finalizations in progress.
Unconditional angelic are present.
*Oumsheryam +++ 12 + 144 active and reverberant! Active efficiency at 65% (not countdown).
Attention *Plastic Transmitters! Single Unification Projector in support: 72% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1680 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Dramas finalizations in progress" - 13.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Deep transformations happen.
T Zone in deep healing.
Dramas finalizations in progress.
Christic Renaissance in progress.
Etheric flowering happens.
Sentries present in T Zone.
ADJustable Phases extended.
Positive flows increase.
Wisdom expands in astral zones -
Discussions - decrease as awareness increases.
Projectors for *NON +++ POINTED! 64% (not countdown).
Projectors for *NON +++ POITED and REVERBERANT! 61% (not countdown)
Allies X ready.
Lunar environments are magnetized.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 10.05.2021

Without a Moral Compass the West Cannot Win

You can read the full report here:


A QUICK NOTE #1679 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Pleiadian reconnections in progress" - 12.05.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Control Centers are updated.
Resistances decrease.
Archetypes light up.
Visionaries expand.
Neva Disciplines expand.
Serpental removals in progress.
Discontinued flow blocks.
*Lemurian Pearls in reconnections with carriers. Support at 22% (not countdown).
*Lemurian Pearls in reconnections with carriers. Reverberation at 21% (not countdown).
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Support at 19% (not countdown).
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Terran reverberation at 19% (not countdown).
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHING patterns are announced. Neva Support in Tuning: 23% (not countdown).
Divine directions continue to increase.
Pleiadian reconnections in progress.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Celia Fenn - Geomagnetic storm - 12.05.2021

"GEOMAGNETIC STORM--NOW: A moderately strong G2-class geomagnetic storm is underway on May 12th as Earth moves through the wake of a CME that struck earlier today.......An even stronger storm is brewing. A crack has opened in Earth's magnetic field, and this is setting the stage for possible G3-class storms."
This makes for pretty light shows...but when combined with the recent Solar Flare, it is creating havoc with our energies.
You may be feeling whacked and discombobulated, like I am.
Or you may be feeling great. If so...enjoy!
For the rest of us....breathe, rest and take good care of yourself!
Love to everyone!

My Note: Guys, this huge - KP7!