"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Situation Update from FM144 - 30.11.2019

In the days leading up to the global Silver Trigger Meditation, some Starseeds received images of the silver coins they were supposed to buy on that day. These images were transmitted during dreams by the Light Forces.

This Event was energetically something very special, as many participants could already feel during the purchase of the coins.

The Dark Ones, on the other hand, were completely furious. For them a red line was crossed on that day. For them it was an absolute no-go that the Light Forces dared to tackle the financial system.

Therefore they ritualized to the extreme the following night, everything only to counteract the energies built up on that day. Some Starseeds might have been able to feel this as well, because the sublime energies dropped towards evening.

Nevertheless, the meditation was definitely a positive light operation to trigger the beginning of the end of the slavery financial system and to sow the seed of abundance for mankind.

The Archons, in turn, have been running amok since then. Once again, they started a massive wave of attacks in cooperation with the Chimera.

This is what is happening right now:

One and a half months ago the Pleiadians announced that this was the End Time … and they were absolutely right.

Heavy attacks of Chimera, Archons and Black Magicians on Starseeds stationed on the surface are currently taking place.

Especially the Light Women are under heavy fire (because they are as important for Liberation of Earth as the Queen in a Game of Chess; if the Queen falls, winning becomes much more difficult).

This is how they attack:

Starseeds get energetically poisoned by the Chimera/Black Magicians, or are abducted and tortured by them on the Soul Level.

Objects, such as energetic daggers, are also rammed into the ethereal body, so that after a short time extremely severe physical pain can occur and the affected person must be taken to hospital. There they cannot help, because it’s an ethereal attack, the physical body translates it immediately and it is difficult/nearly impossible to heal something like this with just physical methods.

Friends/Partners get infiltrated by demons to trigger disputes.

Finances are extremely attacked, so that the money seems to flow off in all directions.

Plasma Spiders appear and project suicidal thoughts into the heads of Starseeds. Many of them are experiencing the Downfall of Atlantis again, but at the same time they get contacted by the Pleiadians, who tell them that "soon" the time has come.

Meanwhile, that's what you can do against the attacks:

If you know healers or clairvoyants near you (whom you can trust), contact them as soon as possible to stop the energetic attacks and close the wounds, otherwise no recovery can occur. If they remove the energetic weapons as well as toxins, the pain should ease after a short period of time.

So, for people who know that they are Starseeds, it is now extremely important that they have one or two good healers who can be contacted immediately. It would be advisable to find such people right now because the doctors in the hospital will not be able to help.

It does not necessarily have to be people who work as healers or seers, it can also be Starseeds in your community, of whom you know that they have such abilities, or they are currently developing them very fast, but in everyday life they maybe do something completely different in their profession.

Especially the hearts of incarnated Goddesses are attacked, and further tragic losses of “Queens” on the surface, as in the case of Isis Astara, would be devastating in this phase of Liberation.

If you don't have anyone at all, you can ask the Light Forces on the ethereal realms for help, for example Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, but also positive Light Magicians, who are now increasingly taking care of the situation on Earth.

It would be ideal if Starseeds could team up and protect, clean and heal each other. Joint meditations are also very welcome, both physically and energetically. Hold together, protect each other! This is especially a call to all positive healers, magicians and seers, only they can see and remove such energetic attacks.

With healings, the pain may initially get worse, but good healers are able to solve it and one can see that it works when the pain eases after some time.

Again, it is important to know that there is still a war raging between the Chimera and the Pleiadians. The Dark Ones are using Black Magicians, who know the Starseeds incarnated on the surface, for these attacks.

Therefore, it is important to protect yourself as a team, as it is very difficult to free yourself alone during an attack. It is even helpful to chant "Victory for the Light" inwardly in order to somehow stand up during these hard times.

The Pleiadians have announced that it is also important for the Starseeds to pass on their knowledge to the rest of mankind so that as many people as possible awaken until the Solar Flash arrives.

The Black Magicians are using chaos magic (on finances, on technology) and are sending negative beings into the homes of Starseeds to infiltrate (quarrel with partner, family) or injure the energy body.

That's exactly how they did it in Atlantis.

Therefore, it is important to be alert and aware, and if necessary, to notify someone who can help you erase black magic from your houses/apartments. If you don't have anyone, be sure to call the Light Forces.

Your current houses and apartments also serve as your energetic shelters. Many Starseeds may have noticed that the energies "outside" are currently very threatening and therefore they are increasingly withdrawing into their own 4 walls, which is currently also recommended by the Light Forces.

If finances get attacked, ethereal work has to be done too. It’s best to ask the Light Forces to purify the ethereal levels of prosperity and create new lush golden planes and protect them permanently. You can also ask the Goddess Abundancia to pour out her "Cornucopia" non-stop over you and your wealth plane. This process is important and should be done on a daily basis. The Black Magicians attack on the ethereal realms and so you have to undo the created chaos exactly there too.

If you are more interested in magic, I recommend the books of Franz Bardon, in whose avatar once a positive Grand Master/High Magician of the LFs was incarnated and who fought against the Black Magicians and negative occult lodges here on the surface:

When Plasma Spiders attack, one usually gets extreme anxiety and panic, but also strong suicidal thoughts, body aches, itching, sometimes allergies, which do not seem to go away anymore.

The Chimera look like red-eyed robotic spider creatures, like in the Matrix movie. In some not so serious low budget trash movies, they (as well as the Dark Fleet) are actually exposed too, to some degree more or less:

They have bases in orbit as well as in physically existing underground military bases with spider creatures incarnated in human avatars, where they permanently observe and irradiate mankind via countless screens.

They can trigger various body aches in individual Starseeds in order to keep them in constant agony. However, these facilities are gradually removed by the Light Forces.

The Chimera have also installed a kind of energetic barbed wire around most Atlantean Starseeds, some of which extends over several kilometres and has the purpose of keeping them down and in chaos. These installations must also be removed. It's the End Times and Starseeds must free themselves.

Protection, teamwork and knowledge are required; all this is the preparation for the pick-up. Many Starseeds have already left the planet form a higher spiritual point of view and that is also the reason why the Dark Ones are going mad now.

We have to be strong; we're going through the Atlantis Time again. On top of that, we have the days around Black Friday, which the Dark Ones always use to suck energy and to ritualize. This is the reason why some Starseeds may feel even more tired these days too.

Another symptom of Starseeds is that they don't want to be here any longer and can't cope with life any more ... these are all signs for the departure, the ascent.

There is still no date for the Event given out by the Light Forces, and I'm also not sure if any will ever be released, but I have been confirmed that about 2 weeks ago an energetic Flash of Light seems to have struck Earth, and that this could have been the Solar Flash which has already taken place at the higher levels ... so, now it's all about the lower planes following … this is now inevitable, it will happen!

All the current chaos in the world that will continue to increase (politics, finance, riots, false flags, weather chaos) is a visible sign of imminent upheaval.

It'll be like opening a coffin, lifting a stone, while the vermin panics. For the first time after far too long the True Sun will shine again on the planet. Don't give up; we are extremely close to actually experiencing the final Breakthrough of the Light!

Original Post:


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Attention PVSE Avatars and Related! Sublimated Projectors being prepared.
Attempts of delays imposed by MiD blocked. Neva and Command move on. The Light Celebrates!
Archaic novels are finished.
Crystalline fusions take place in Solar Environments.
Attention Alfeus! Old paradigms are broken.
Akashic in intense impulse.
Traps are useless now.
Silvery swords start cuts of old patterns.
Plasma links are broken.
Guardianships are passed on.
Attention Cranu-Idini: Revaluations elevate standards and main ideas.
Cetacean chants refresh Grid and reverberate New Waves. Attention PVSE Aquatic and Related! Immediate supports! Dreams are boosted.
Ancient partners resume partnerships now.
Avalons present and accomplished.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Black Firday Action Just Here Just Now for Everybody

Mind OK+Body OK+Soul OK = Health

When your Soul is ill soon or later your body becomes ill too and the situation is escalating by systematic poisoning from all over and all of this we will pass it on to our offspring. Some of us born already in diseases with damaged genetic pools, some of us later get ill about the environment (physical, psyche, mental) and we go into a devil circle. A healthy soul in a healthy body but very challenging defeat all of the poison which we take into our body every single day - food, water, emotions, and thinking. Perfectly healthy people very rare on Earth. Just think about that we humans every day poisoning our waters, lands, air, just look around what "human beings" do for profit. For higher sales and higher profit, they put into the food different E styles additive, coloring, and a bunch of synthetic stuff, hormones, and other "fast-growing things" into the animal's food, GMO´s, our water full of plastic parts, chlorine, fluoride, the factory chimney continuously pumping chemicals into the air+ water, chemtrails and so on.

And when you become ill about all of this, you go to the doctor where you get a bunch of medicine. You have pain? Here, eat medicine. You catch the flu? Eat medicine. High blood pressure? Medicine. High blood sugar - here Medicine and come let´s cut your leg off. Problem with your internal organ - come eat medicine and let it cut it off! Cancer? Kemo anyway, the doctors get a bunch of money about that.
And if you don´t want to spend a lot of money on medication and don´t want becoming more ill about the side effects which usually some page long, and looking for alternative healthcare then you gambling with your or the loved one´s health and the worst case you get a punishment (cannabis treatment, saying no for vaccination). Anyway, in some countries healthcare like Russian roulette, you never know what you're waking up to and very very expensive if you don´t want to wait at least half a year for an appointment (true story).
We all know who controls the healthcare (the same ones who control the media/money industries/military/government/oil business) ...what they do for the profit and systematically keep the people ill, this is pure business. Just think about if everybody will be healthy...not need a pharmacy, doctors, dentists...now you understand why they not released till now the new healthcare technologies what you can see in the sci-fi movies...no, that is not a future..this is now and already exists like a med bed which can cure you in seconds and grow again your lost body parts. 

Nowadays, the alternative therapies have begun to increase rapidly and now you can choose a wide variety of methods, enough if you just think about the "how to lose weight" diets, etc. But we can all agree that a lot of alternative healing methods are working. To become healthy and strengthen your immune system you need to provide for your body vitamins, proper nutrition, eat clean, drink pure/clean water and don´t eat tons of junk food and you should feed your Soul too with positive emotions and actions. Love, laughter, nature and creative activities create high vibration and everything in this universe is frequency and everything is interacting with everything, so this means high-frequency vibe can heal the body. Already exist different healing method which dissolves negative blocks in the body with colors/sound and form frequencies. 
Also, you can heal the body with fasting. It´s working, I testing on myself almost 2 months now - 16/8 and not just that you lose weight but let your body repair itself, mainly if you have an issue with the digestion system as I have and a daily apple vinegar makes wonder with it.
Also, a healing method to become a Vegan or at least vegetarian, and about this I would like to share with you a video about a guy who I met just recently online who could able to heal himself from a Chronic Autoimmunity disease where the doctors have failed.

Also in his channel, you get tips and tricks about the raw vegan diet, some delicious food recipe, advice for building muscles, and a lot of wisdom, honesty, good vibe and serious talks about spiritualism, and personal growth. And he also responds in the command section if you have any questions. 

You can find him on YouTube 2 times if you like piano music too, or Instagram


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Spiked swords are released.
Silvery swords are delivered as plasma- cutters.
Ancestral maneuvers are updated.
Spiritual reinforcements are sent.
Main Gamma is approaching.
*Material Universe (Chameleon) in  SINGLE CALL PULSE for Harmonic Integration >>> 100% (not countdown).
UTemp in  SINGLE CALL PULSE for Harmonic Integration >>> 99% (not countdown).
Attention The Witch Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 98% (not countdown).
The Witch Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 96% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Special Projectors for “Order of Neva” in anchoring! 99% (not countdown).
Special Projectors for “Order of Neva” in reverberation! 99% (not countdown).
Attention Vanula, the Source of Potions! *DEMAGRER PROTOCOL at its primary anchorage. Started: 82% (not countdown).
Attention Vanula, the Source of Potions! * DEMAGRER PROTOCOL BOOSTED>>>>> 71% (not countdown).
Accessible Core seen.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Interstellar comet 2I/Borisov come to visit our solar system

2I/Borisov ( the “I” means“interstellar” and the 2 that the second observed interstellar "object" which came to our solar system after ʻOumuamua – was discovered 30 August by Gennadiy Borisov.
After the end of October passing by the Sun, 2I/Borisov will make its closest approach to Earth in late December at a distance of 1.9 astronomical units which is around 284 235 954 kilometers. 
2I/Borisov's nucleus is surrounded by a coma, a cloud of dust and gas and about these rough estimates of its size are available, at the moment between 2 and 16km. Unless the comet fades or disintegrates unexpectedly, it should be observable until at least September 2020.

More detail about Borisov - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2I/Borisov

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 25.11.2019

Things heat up as Netanyahu indicted, while Trump declares war on the Queen

You can read the full report on the following sites:

Please, use your own discernment!


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Queen H ++1 = Blocked. 0 access +. (3)
Neva accesses ++1! The Light Celebrates! (3)
Árguan contacts.
Warnings are delivered to multi-commands. 
Auctions are opened and echoed.
Stacks are called by ++1.
Neva: Army is increased. 3 Roots Commands approach and reverence.
Attention PVSE Avatars and Related! Anuns- maneuvers are attempted. Divine tools available.
Greeks return conscious.
Theta enlarged.  Attention transmitter 1. Potential increased by Khazhar Master 1.
Transfers started. Receivers are alert.
Central mount base at 28 ° 32 '11 "N, 15 ° 43' 17" W.
Temporarily, end of transmission.


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Queen H ++1 = Blocked. 0 access +. (2)
Neva accesses ++1! The Light Celebrates! (2)
High introductions underway.
Magicians are revealed.
Dark leaders removed from native environments.
Main harmonizing fleet arrives at the Solar System.
Realigning avatars expand.
Divisions are canceled.
First "Martians" arrive at "home" and balance again.
Attention, The English Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 82% (not countdown).
The English Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 79% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Specific deprojections take place. Resustainers approach. 
Main mesh strengthened.
Neva: Spider -1 active/performer P.N. “active/performance” Inner PVSE.
Theta released for deep updates.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Stand still and stay in balance whatever will comes "'Cause we are, we are The colors in the dark"

Whatever will comes dear Souls, stay in balance, even if it will be the hardest thing to do. Also, try to be kind and forgiving your fellow brothers and sisters, because WE ARE the CHANGE. You never know what your actions take like a ripple effect and from whom and when you will get back what you put outside. Practice daily what MAKES YOU HAPPY, even if this just listening to your favorite songs or read a novel, watching cute animal videos or just simply be with your pet. WE are like a lighthouse in a dark stormy night, constantly attacked by huge waves, some of us shining bright, some of us just glimmer but we stand still and not give up...don´t give up, Ok? 
Smile, Laugh, Love... You know...

and the Archons and every low vibe entity...and the Matrix just keep falling...

And my last Words to You...

We are, we are
We are, we are

They think that we're no one
We're nothing, not sorry
They push us
It’s too late, it’s too late
Not going back
They think we are made up
Of all of our failures
They think we are foolish
And that’s how the story goes

They stand for nothing
They’re lifeless and cold
Anything they say
Will never break our hearts of gold

When you’re standing on the edge
So young and hopeless
Got demons in your head
We are, we are
No ground beneath your feet
Not here to hold you
‘Cause we are, we are
The colors in the dark

Now covered in madness
But they just can’t hurt us
They tell us we're nothing
Keep walking and let it go

They are the weakest
And don’t even know
Anything they say
Will never break our hearts of gold

When you’re standing on the edge
So young and hopeless
Got demons in your head
We are, we are
No ground beneath your feet
Not here to hold you
‘Cause we are, we are
The colors in the dark

Never tell yourself
You should be someone else
Stand up tall and say
I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid
So never tell yourself
You should be someone else
Stand up tall and say
I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid

When you’re standing on the edge
So young and hopeless
Got demons in your head
We are, we are
No ground beneath your feet
Not here to hold you
‘Cause we are, we are
The colors in the dark


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Harmonic environments are shown in  -terran plasma.
Dragons+ fly over Magnetic Island and set the stage for portals.
Universal Lady in hyperprojection.
Neva accesses ++1! The Light Celebrates!
Special Projectors for “Order of Neva” in anchoring! 98% (not countdown).
Special Projectors for “Order of Neva” in reverberation! 98% (not countdown).
Attention Vanula, the Source of Potions! *DEMAGRER PROTOCOL at its primary anchorage. Started: 79% (not countdown).
Attention Vanula, the Source of Potions! *DEMAGRER PROTOCOL BOOSTED >>>>> 69% (not countdown).
Attention *The African Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 66% (not countdown).
*The African Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 80% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention The Slavery Line! Projector Support for Lighting started: 79% (not countdown).
The Slavery Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 82% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Terrans observe inner signals. Galactics approaching.
Queen H ++1 = Blocked. 0 access +.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Happy New Moon

The New Moon on Tuesday Nov 26th in Sagittarius is the exact frequency to gives us a cosmic push so we start seriously focusing on manifesting dramatic transformation and long-awaited change.

We will all be feeling the positive charged of this lunar energy, regardless of our zodiac sign, but those born under Sagittarius, as well as Aries and Leo, the two other fire signs, will be more impacted.

We might have noticed we have been feeling slightly more temperamental, hot-headed and overall emotional than normal, as the heat from this celestial energy has been rising within.

Sagittarius’ powerful vibration has been building over this past week and many of us will have felt the fire, feistiness, strength, and intensity emanating from it, which may have caused anxiety or excitement, as though something major is about to happen—and it is.

If we have been hoping and praying for opportunities and miracles to come our way, Sagittarius’ empowering manifesting energy is the optimum time to magnetise them and to have absolute faith that the intentions we set will manifest in perfect order.

Now is the time to send a concise and clear message out to the universe that we are open and ready to receive exactly what is destined and waiting for us. It is important to remember that if we don’t receive exactly what we ask for, it is likely for very good reason, as the universe shifts things around and organises people, situations and events that are in alignment with what our soul is prepared for and needs.

During a New Moon, a powerful portal opens, creating a window of opportunity that allows us great transformation. Old energy clears and fresh, positive, new beginnings begin to arrive. This is why we often feel extra intense during this period, as over the past two weeks we have undergone emotional unearthing and cleansing and new energy begins to enter that space.

Sagittarius is fire energy and is an optimistic, wild, rebellious and adventurous sign, which pushes us toward new experiences, achieving goals and reaching dreams.

For those attuned and highly sensitive to cosmic activity, the new moon will bring desperately needed and radical personal transformation, which could feel uncomfortable and challenging at times.

The new moon’s energy is focused on Sagittarius’ symbol, the archer, with its arrow pointing upward showing that it’s essential to keep moving onward like a warrior, regardless of the everyday trials and challenges that could pull us under.

Sagittarius is a truth seeker and reminds us to step away from false narratives and destructive nostalgia, as we painfully learn that not everything is how it first seemed. It boldly tells us to open our eyes and see people for who they are rather than wallowing in illusions, wistfully hoping people are who we want them to be, or wishing for them to they to the character they played when they first appeared.

While we may feel the temptation to return to old frayed ties, we will also have the wisdom to recognise unhealthy and one-sided attachments, and find the strength to close the door on anything that drains our vital energy.

Old doors will be closing and new ones opening and we could find we unexpectedly and deeply connect with someone new, or our current relationship may suddenly be passionately refuelled. It is also possible that a career opportunity opens new possibilities, we begin plans to travel to a distant country, or we are overcome with the desire to relocate, perhaps starting over in a new country or the other side of the world.

This daring New Moon will literally force us far out of our comfort zone and directly toward whatever ignites our fire, without the over-cautious and destructive over-thinking or fear-based excuses that normally arise whenever incredible energy and life-changing opportunities come our way.

Where we’d normally be taking time to ponder major decisions, we will intuitively know that what opens during this moon phase is exactly what we have been waiting for, and we won’t hesitate to make up our minds when offers arrive. Our psychic sensitivities will be enhanced, giving insight into our future so we understand what we need to do to alter our circumstances and how vital it is to eliminate anything toxic to our energy and that weighs us down.

This is an intense phase that will eliminate any toxicity in our lives, including bad habits, unhealthy patterns, reactive behaviours, outdated beliefs, and irrational fear-based thoughts and feelings that drain our energy and leave us feeling anxious and burnt out. Ties that energetically bind us to people or situations that are detrimental to us or that limit us in any way will easily be severed during this period, and we will feel free to walk away in peace.

To align with this rare Sagittarius energy, it is vital we remain consciously aware and evaluate, empty, release, and cleanse. This allows us to to shake off whatever (or whoever) has held us back, so we can move onward on our evolutionary soul journey with the best chance of attaining happiness, harmony and genuine heart-centred connections.

This is a time for believing we are capable of things far beyond anything we have previously imagined, as during this lunar phase we will feel limitless, as though nothing is out of our grasp.

This is a pivotal time to repeat positive affirmations, as what occurs now can take us to an important and incredible phase in our lives—and the only way to reach it is by letting go of the limiting thoughts, feelings, and unhealthy attachments that subconsciously keep us anchored to things we no longer want or need.

This new moon shows us we can choose to aim in a new direction, draw back Sagittarius’ bow, release the arrow, alter our focus and courageously start over, in every area of life.

Cobra - Before the Dawn - 25.11.2019

Although we did not reach the critical mass in our Silver Trigger activation, the Light Forces achieved big victories in the last few weeks and most negative scenarios for planet Earth have been eliminated and positive timeline secured.

Many sources are expecting a certain kind of endgame scenario to be played out in 2020, for which I did not receive clearance to comment upon.

Dark forces are considering many scenarios, from fake alien invasion (project Blue Beam), to global financial crash, to global war with depopulation originating from civil war in the USA, and many others. Different factions of the dark forces have trouble agreeing with each other which course of action to take. Needles to say, these scenarios will NOT be successful.

The Jesuits want civil war in USA to consolidate their power, and wish to polarize the population as much as possible, that is why they have allowed the election of Donald Trump.

On one side, they are promoting extreme left with its ridiculous “woke” ideology:

On the other hand, they are promoting Trump as the savior to right wing alternative population. It was easy for the Jesuits to convince the Rothschilds to promote hate of Trump through the Rothschild controlled mass media.Then it was even easier for the Jesuits to convince most of the alternative population that Trump must be the good guy if the media hate him so much.

Trump has deep ties to his Black Nobility and Zionist handlers:

Intel in the above link is explosive and was removed from internet many times already, therefore it is the highest purpose to make as many copies as possible, store them safely and post online on mirror sites.

Although Trump is listening to the Positive Military at times, in most cases he is only following his emotional impulses or directives of his handlers and is thus an excellent tool for the Cabal:

At the same time, Jesuits are massively infiltrating Brazil, Argentina and especially China. They plan to control the world through future global Chinese domination:

The Chinese also want to dominate sublunar space:

Any nation now trying to dominate anything above Near Earth Orbit will be met by Galactic Confederation fleet.

Meanwhile, Putin is trying to remove Reptilians from their still existing pockets in Near East:

Little does he know that there are almost 1 million Reptilians still existing, mostly in Subsaharan Africa and in jungles of Brazil.

On the global scale, biochips were first put into vaccines secretly soon after World War 2, but now they are promoting them openly:

Official Cobra facebook group (Cobra Etheric Liberation) has been infiltrated to the point where it needs to be completely dissolved and removed from internet. Therefore I publicly ask admins to manually remove all members from the group, delete all group files and then remove the group from facebook, asap.

On the positive side, there are steps taken towards Disclosure:

And first indirect evidence that some bad guys are really removed:

Next few months will be really intense with many changes, and to prepare, here I am giving you some tools to make your life easier and more balanced.

First, a way to remove all your past contracts with the dark forces:

A collection of many useful techniques for protection, healing, manifestation and personal liberation:

A very powerful tool to remove your implants (for instructions, click “see more” below the video):

The master key for manifestation process is revealed here:

In the above text you will also find instructions what to do with the silver coin(s) you have bought at the Silver Trigger activation.

Some guidance how to be more friendly to the environment (warning: it is not what you expect):

And to conclude, a vision for the Event:

And for Ascension:

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

Gaiaportal "The Grand Awakening accelerates" - 25.11.2019

“Appearances” are abandoned as the Righteous Guide.

Standards of Illumination are learned and followed.

100th Monkey has been reached.

hu-manity awakens fully.

The Grand Awakening accelerates.


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Restarts are boosted. 
Inner calls occur for self-views.
Neva increases field.
Midunus: called to unvisualize informants in logistics -
Myasmic pilled are dismantled. 
Lunar 9 Projector: Anchorage started! 86% (not countdown).
CONSECRATIONS sent to all Terrans Pillar-supporting!
Myasmic plasma layers being removed (2 and 3 NOR – T) - first movement: 99% (not countdown) Possible side effects.
OPStardust2 prepared. “Contamination” started… 80% (not countdown).
Specific codes being delivered. First Reception >>> 79% (not countdown).
Pro-Love on the surface at 90% (not countdown).
New Islands: Synchronization started! 69% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Schumann Chart reading+new update from the timelines

 Beautiful white line stripes show in the chart and still continue, this means incoming energy pouring down to Earth. Also, we jumped to 68Hz in the last hours. How are you feeling? 

Also a new update from Jason Estes:

Congrats Humanity you did it! 2.1 billion people currently on the ascended line with another 5 billion ish to come over in January 2020, this means when the final timeline merge is completed on or around the 30th of January we will be 1 world for the first time since the fall, and begin to build towards world peace, an ascended master world, and begin to work on a masterline as soon as February so many of you msg me and ask me what all this means for the world and your own lives, i will be doing a live at 3pm cst on 26th with Todd Medina to go over all of it in more details and break down this final phase of the long journey you have all been on, you knew when you got here why you came but many of you myself included lost heart and hope along the way with so many failed attempts and so many false prophets out there it became easier to doubt and to lose your faith but for everyone who choose to stick it out the finish line is ahead of us and we will be asked to be examples in all we say and do so prepare now in this final piece of 2019 while the training wheels are still on for those of you who are new to me or my words its as simple as this...


Take a moment and celebrate your accomplishments then have a good laugh about all your so called failures and finally step off into the brave new world letting go fully of all you have been and done, because what come next requires infinite space and you cant be that if your holding onto something ::hugs::


And a channeled message from Ash´Tar about the galactic situation. Take what resonates and leave the rest, I´m curious if others will confirm this or not.