"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Larger tunings take place.
Restart happens.
Island of Portals in consecrations.
Special Portals open for new times.
Universal Fluids are poured into Gaia.
Zeroi: Magnetic reinforcement reached.
Maxi-ymos support reverberation at 78% (not countdown).
Sonar in SINGLE CALL PULSE >>> 94% (not countdown).
Main Grid sweeping starting. New protocols deployment in progress: layers updating. 97% (not countdown).
Ashtar(s) synchronizing LEO, MEO and HEO. 100% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland - 30.03.2019

Occasional Cortex’s Green New Deal, Qanon, Taking down the masks

There is the red pill, the blue pill and now the green pill. The green pill comes with a 93 trillion dollar, price tag the hardest pill to swallow. It was voted down 57 to 0 not one vote was cast in favor. Is it the rotting carcass of the green new deal or the fearless farting cows after their reprieve? Something smells and it is called fear generated socialism. Her junk science rants have no basis in reality. Let’s look at the real science. There are two sets of data, adjusted data and real data. Global warming is based on adjusted data fudged by those who stand to profit. The real data according to NASA actually show the poles have gained the ice fields back, the oceans are cooling. The global temperatures are going down. We are entering what is called the Munder Minimum which often results in a major increase in earth changes. The sun cycles are the major drive behind climate change. The carbon footprint does not play a major role. In fact a greenhouse effect would mitigate some of the climate change which in fact is cooling. Without CO2 you would have no plants. Volcanoes have the best ecosystems. Reason this all the planets are going through climate change. Do we have SUVs on the moon and mars? We do have vehicles up there but they don’t run on gas. Long off topic story. Or is it? This is the real science. This is why the cofounder of Greenpeace, the majority of independent scientists all saying Global Warming is a farce, a perpetuated hoax by people trying to capitalize on carbon credits, government sponsored projects, some deadly like geoengineering,”Chemtrails”. I think stopping cows from farting is highly overrated as far as a solution to the problem.

Now as far as solving these problems it needs to be done by the private sector. The shackles have to be taken off restructured water for fuel, magnetic and zero-point energies. Many of these patents have already been released through executive order. This includes taking care of the health care needs. Suppressed safe organic natural cures, energy medicine, growing organic foods free of pesticides and herbicides, educating people that food should be their medicine will drastically lower the costs and increase the health of the nation. Considering the condition of our government why put them in charge of your prosperity, health and wellbeing? Many falsely be lie ve centralizing the power and wealth, putting it in the hands of government will solve the problem. How did that work out in the past? Do they teach real science, real history in the schools? Most push junk science and socialism. If you take the money from the rich, destroy the incentive eventually you run out of money. When the money runs out the prosperity, health and safety of the people rapidly decline. Historically economic collapse and genocide usually follow. Promises made on the backs of others is another form of slavery.

Those calling for socialism, making promises that are not sustainable from a sense of entitlement are the shortsighted narcissists that want to control your power and wealth. Can you see where this is going, did the light click on? Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If you think capitalism is corrupt wait till you try socialism, it is a breeding pool for narcistic, entitled tyrants ending in genocide. They will say all the right things, use all the right memes, tug at your heart strings saying they are the solution. They are not.

There is extreme abuses of power and corruption with the present system yet that is because the Republic was usurped by the global elites. They created USA Inc. Substituted it as the foundation taking over the laws and positions of power in America. America is a republic, governed by common law, the people, The Constitution and Bill of Rights. USA Inc. the global elites system is the problem. They are the war and disease profiteers, created the manufactured lack and have been responsible for the suppression of the cures for disease and clean earth friendly technologies. There is a war going on to free humanity from this global elite cabal which finds socialism as the perfect government. They fund wolves in sheep’s clothing to carry out their agenda. Centralizing the power and wealth with them, ultimately at the controls, fits into their globalist agenda of total control. They claim to have the solutions, as do their political puppets, yet they are the problem. Order out of chaos and the Hegelian Dialect, problem, reaction, solution is their modes operandi. They create the chaos, the problem. They generate public opinion the reaction, then charge you for the solution. The solution always means giving up some of your rights, your power and wealth. Hmmmm, sounds like socialist regimes.

What is the enemy of the globalist and their deep state? Those who want to decentralize power and wealth, return it to the people. Those who want to reduce big government, end the waste and corruption. It is really that simple. The globalist, the deep state along with politicians and their controlled, “Fake News”, media will do everything possible to smear, dethrone, and in many cases terminate anyone standing up against their tyranny on behalf of the people. Your President Elect is doing just that. He is not one of them. He is not part of the club. There are top people in the military, high level officials, news reporters of integrity and people in all walks of life who have banned together to fight the global elite, deep state and the narcistic pathological liars in the main stream media.

If you really want to know what is going on follow the Q. It is legit. FOX News is the watered down version. I was told years ago while in meditation asking for help to turn this planet around and end the tyranny, corruption, senseless pain, suffering, and ignorance, watch the Q. At the time Qanon was not even publicly known. I thought Q was some Star Trek like character, an omnipresent omnipotent being that was coming to save the world. This is against Universal Law and self-determination so it did not make sense at the time. I did not know it was a gathering of likeminded patriotic people some on very high levels who had enough of the tyranny, corruption, lies and deceptions perpetrated on the masses. Watch the lame stream, global elite corporate sponsored main stream media, corrupt deep state agencies do all they can to attack your “Duly elected President” and dismiss Qanon. That alone should tell you something. There you will find the conspiracy. 

After several NDEs, near death experiences I had contact with what some call Ascended Masters, Spiritually and Technologically advanced Off World Visitors some call the Galactic Federation. According to recent archeological findings some are our ancient ancestors. It is time to grow up and learn the real history of Earth. We are undergoing a multidimensional planetary liberation. There are forces seen and unseen in this process, some enlightened, some neutral, some very nasty. The nasties have deeply infiltrated our political, business, music, movie, even religious institutions. The depths of which and their deeds are too dark for most to comprehend. It is as if God/Creator/Great Spirit has said enough, it is finished. The clean up will accelerate at a rapid pace and many will be shocked to learn the true nature of their icons and heroes. When you worship outside of self you are giving away your power. You are like a leaking battery. You diminish your own individual greatness and connection to Source. The masters have all said do not worship us for you diminish your own personal God connection. It is time for the power and wealth to return to the people, time to decentralize not centralize power and wealth. Those who have amassed power and wealth need to be more generous with those less fortunate, especially if that power and wealth was gained at the expense of others. Less government, not more government wasting billions, is the answer along with educating the people to live according to Universal Law. 

Advanced civilizations are governed by councils comprised of spiritually advanced leaders with a track record of service to their people seeing the big picture, the Creator in all Creation. They live according to Universal Law which is taught to their children at a very young age. They do not compete, they do not divide themselves from God or Nature. They know the unique soul purpose of each child and provide all they need to reach their highest potential. They give in service back to the whole. In doing so they took a quantum leap in evolution. What a novel idea and far cry from our present civilization. You want solutions? There it is.

Don’t settle for less and don’t be fooled by the giveaways creating dependencies. Do not depend on others to create Heaven on Earth. The others making the grandiose promises are usually the ones that want to take it from you. Sovereign, educated people with their own personal God connection create from within and respect the creations of others. They lead by example. What is a sad reality is we are seeing a lot of people telling other people how they should live and want to govern them when they are spiritually and morally bankrupt not having their own lives in order. Do as I say, not as I do and pay me for my self-serving agendas masked as beneficial to the people. Self-serving narcissism and entitlement have become epidemic. How do you debate a pathological liar and narcissist? You just walk away. They are self-destructive and would love to take you with them. The definition of we, although brandished about is not in their vocabulary. Learn to trust your feelings. Step out of the matrix and social engineering. The herd is headed for the cliff. Food for thought

Pass it far and wide.

James Gilliland


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Plasma – detected. Removal suction started. (2): 1% (not countdown)
Accelerators assembled close Local Sun.
Guardians welcome BIRDS.
Attention Island of Portals! Prepare for magnetic reception. (2)
Zero i on pranic deliveries.
Akashic reverberated and busted in SUPERIOR.
P1: REQUEST for previously denied deliveries.
The English Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 33% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention Shenon I The Magnetic Arcturian! Prepare for special reception and reverberation!
Temporarily, end of transmission.


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Plasma – detected. Removal suction started. (2). Next >>>%.
Attention Island of Portals! Prepare for magnetic reception.
Rising ondynica take place.
Zero i: ultra-fieldf accessed. Download started. >>>> 49% (not countdown).
112 points in reverberation: 55% (not countdown).
CONSCIOUS movement reverberation: 46% (not countdown).
Attention Terrans! Special Projectors for Okingons Movement in reverberation! 24% (not countdown).
Attention Hermitath, The Gatekeeper! MiD retaliation attempt by plasmic informational. Magnetic field of immediate reverberant protection.
TSF (AFE) Package! Reverberation at 59% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 25.03.2019

Negotiations to create “world federation government” reach critical stage as Zionism implodes

The month of March continues its madness with an unprecedented historical event—the formation of the first-ever world government—unfolding before our eyes. What is happening is that the P2 Freemason lodge, the people who created monotheism, are making a deal with the Asian secret societies to create a “world federation government,” P2 and Asian secret society sources confirm. The only people standing in the way now are Satan-worshipers and fanatical Zionists who still cling to ancient superstitions.

There are multiple news events that confirm this. For example, take look at this picture of negotiations between China and Monaco on the official Chinese news site Xinhua.

Does this look like negotiations between a two-square-kilometer country with a population of 38,400 and the government of 1.4 billion Chinese? What is really going on is that Monaco is headquarters of the very powerful and secretive Monaco Freemason Lodge, otherwise known as P2. This means Monaco is a powerful city-state rivaling Washington, D.C., the City of London, and the Vatican, P2 sources say. They are discussing cooperation “in such fields as science and technology, innovation, ecological and environmental protection, wildlife conservation, and renewable energy.”

The Chinese official media are also openly talking about a “new era” as if it has already begun. In describing Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Italy, Xinhua reports, “China stands ready to join hands with Italy to firmly keep the direction of bilateral relations in the new era,” and negotiate “major issues such as the United Nations affairs, global governance, climate change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

The Asian secret societies decided to negotiate directly with the Italian secret societies following the failed summit meeting on February 27th between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un. This summit made it clear to them that Trump was not really in charge, MI6 and Asian secret society sources say. That’s why Xi Jinping cancelled his planned March meeting with Trump and went to Italy “to meet the real bosses,” the representatives of the 13 bloodlines, say MI6 sources.

Now, the entire superficial story about the Trump/Kim summit being between an impoverished nation of 25 million people and the world’s superpower is falling apart. For example, former CIA Korea mission chief Andrew Kim revealed as much when he told an audience in Seoul, Korea last week that Kim had demanded the complete demilitarization of both Hawaii and Guam as well as the dismantling of the U.S. Indo-Pacific naval fleet.

The fact that Kim, ostensibly the head of a tiny, bankrupt nation, felt able to make such a demand confirms that he is in fact a senior Asian secret society boss, just as NSA sources have long been telling us.

In any case, another unusual sign came with the end of the Robert Mueller investigation of “Russian election interference” being announced on March 22—or 322, the Skull and Bones number.

Skull and Bones is widely known as a secret society from Yale University, but P2 Freemasons say the original skull and bones can be found in a church in Rome built by the mother of Emperor Constantine in the year 322. Below is a picture of the original skull and bones sculpture located there.

This date was chosen by the P2 people as a sign to insiders of a fundamental change, according to P2 Freemason sources.

It is also no coincidence that Japan is going to announce the name of its new era on April 1st and install a new Emperor on May 1st, Asian secret society sources say.

The birth of the new era is also going to be seen with the implosion of Zionism, multiple sources agree. Pentagon sources say that if the Israeli people re-elect the Satan-worshiping mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister, then there would be a short, sharp military campaign to remove the criminal Israeli and Saudi regimes. The likely trigger would be a move by Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt to seize the Golan Heights, Pentagon sources say. The sources add that Trump’s “illegal” recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights “is not backed by U.S. military force and isolates Israel even further with massive international opposition from the UN, EU, UK, France, Germany, Egypt, Russia, Turkey, Iran, etc.” The sources add that Trump “plays the puppet doing things for Israel until one day he doesn’t.”

The Golan issue is just “another nail in the coffin of Zionism,” the sources continue. They note that the Zionist thought police Southern Poverty Law Center is imploding, and Democratic party politicians are boycotting a meeting being held by the AIPAC lobbying group (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee). They are boycotting because most American Jews are waking up to the fact that it was Zionists who were really responsible for the Holocaust and are turning their backs on them. Other signs of Zionist collapse were also seen last week as “Zionist donor Bob Kraft may be forced to sell the Patriots football team, and Brown University becomes the first Ivy League school where students voted 69% to divest from corporations doing business with Israel,” the sources noted.

The Pentagon sources are saying the release of the Mueller report exonerating Trump will lead to FISA declassification, the release of the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, the unsealing of indictments, and military tribunals. We have heard all this before and will believe in these tribunals when they actually happen.

One good way to start would be to arrest Jared Kushner. Don’t forget, Kushner’s 666 Fifth Avenue building was where they were developing “mark of the beast” microchips to implant in people’s heads. There’s enough evidence of Kushner’s criminality for some to even claim he is the Antichrist.

Former CIA operations officer Robert David Steele notes on this front that

“the book Kushner, Inc. has created a firestorm of media articles all pointing toward Jared Kushner following in his father’s footsteps, right into jail. From using WhatsApp to communicate with world leaders, bypassing all official protocols and communications channels, to betraying the President’s trust at multiple levels, to violating multiple fraud, tax, and real estate laws, Kushner appears to be headed for dismissal from the White House and an ignominious end. His wife—and the President’s daughter—has been exposed as a vacuous bimbo with a sense of entitlement that defies belief.”

In addition to the removal of Kushner, people are asking why high-profile pedophiles are not being rounded up. The Qanon website has recently put out a lot of evidence linking high-level celebrities to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island. Since Trump was a visitor to this island and is the father-in-law of Kushner, he may himself have to be removed if he fails to take action on these fronts, CIA sources say.

The criminal investigation of Boeing over the remote hijacking and crashing of airplanes is at least a sign that some action against the cabal in the U.S. has already begun. Even Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan is under scrutiny for his involvement, Pentagon sources say.

The sources say this investigation will “lead to scrutiny of its overpriced military equipment” and corruption in the Department of Defense and military-industrial complex, as well as corporate and U.S. government corruption.

The ongoing public exposure of criminal acts by the high-tech oligopolies is another sign. The latest example is the confirmation that tech companies are illegally and systematically using mobile phones to eavesdrop on people for commercial and other purposes. If you do not believe it, try talking about products you plan to buy and then take a look at what ads pop up the next time you surf the web.

Of course the Zionists are not going to go quietly into the night. The high-tech companies, for example, are trying to get Chinese protection in exchange for technology transfers to China. Part of this involves promises to provide the Chinese with complete mastery over the world’s population with 5G mind-control technology, Pentagon sources say. The Pentagon is doing its best to stop this, they add. Superficial confirmation of this can be seen here:

The Zionists are also going to keep trying to use computer graphics to spread disinformation and propaganda. The latest example is another fake Neil Keenan video.

Notice that the Keenan in this video is wearing a Jewish skullcap, while the real Keenan was a Roman Catholic. My CIA contact in Indonesia, who speaks the language and has been there for 20 years, has confirmed that the Indonesian authorities have no record of a Neil Keenan entering their country. He notes that this latest video and posting came out to coincide with the circulation of real bonds laying claim to 91,173 tons of Indonesian gold. “This is another way the [bankrupt] Rothschilds are trying to access the [gold] bunkers, but it won’t happen,” he says.

There are likely to be more explosions, sabotage, orchestrated weather disasters, and more as the dying Zionist beast thrashes out in all directions.

The UK, for example, is readying for a tumultuous hard Brexit with plans to evacuate its leadership to bunkers, MI6 sources say. The UK military is preparing to take over logistics such as food and fuel delivery in case the financial system computers (ATMs, etc.) shut down, they say.

On a final note this week, we note that many people may denounce this writer as a “globalist.” I wish to remind readers that all I am doing is reporting the world as it really is, not as I wish it to be. However, the world does need to cooperate to stop the ongoing planetary-level mass extinction event, and that is what world leaders seem to be trying to do.

Original Post:

Personal Notes of Soul Family Conference, Budapest

Peter Reed´s Notes

Original Post:

Disclaimer: These notes are my own interpretation of what I heard Cobra present at the Soul Family Conference in Budapest, on March 16th and 17th. Some info may be missing due to slow hand writing and some info may not be totally accurate due to the tiredness of my mind. Both of the above were affected by my lack of total recall. Yet I feel much of it may be close enough so as to convey an accurate idea of of the subjects Cobra presented and be useful to those on a spiritual path and working for the liberation of our planet. Anything that is in parenthesis is just basic information to clarify the notes or to share what was happening in the program.

(As we entered the conference room, we were given this little note with a red pill inside, giving us our two options. Cobra’s welcoming opening words were inspiring….)

There is no turning back… now that we have the red pill. We will go as far as we are guided, a few pioneers will go all the way. We will be the ones to create the new age, towards our Ascension. The Event happens through us, we will trigger it… manifest it. The January 21st meditation ushered in a new cosmic cycle. We are creating from a galactic perspective, a new reality on this planet and are no longer waiting for the removal of the cabal. We are going to start manifesting “Victory or the Light” which is our final goal, starting now. Welcome to the world of the red pill. 

I’d like to dedicate this workshop to Isis Astara, who is supporting this mission from a higher plane. We are going to connect with the goddess energy now, so close your eyes and watch your breath. (We then watched the Goddess Spiral video )

Opening Meditation to clear and connect: (note: the first 3 lines in bold were also given to us as we began each segment of the program after coming back from a break)

Close your eyes and watch your breath… as you breathe in, breathe brilliant white light into your being…. as you breathe out, radiate this brilliant white light into your surroundings. ….

Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your physical body… and as you breathe out, breathe out all the things you don’t need in your physical body…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your physical body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings. 

Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your plasma body… and as you breathe out from your plasma body, release all the things you don’t need in your plasma energy body…and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your plasma body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings. 

Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your etheric body… and as you breathe out, release all the blocks in your chakras and meridians…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your etheric body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings. 

Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your astral body… and permeate all your emotions with this light….and as you breathe out, release all your emotions you don’t need anymore, your anger, sadness fear…in your physical body…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your astral body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings.

Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your mental body… and as you breathe out, breathe out all your thoughts, belief systems that you don’t need anymore from your mental body… in your micd… and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your mental body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings.And now breathe brilliant white light into the totality of your being, and breathe out this light from your being… and keep breathing like that. 

And now breathe brilliant white light into the totality of your being, and breathe out this light from your being… and keep breathing like that. And as you breathe like that you are becoming like a being of light…. You are a being of light. And we will confirm that fact by singing the sacred sound “OM” three times. (chant 3 x’s with group)

As a being of light we are connecting to all people in this group and becoming one being of light. We are confirming that fact by singing the sacred sound of “OM” three times. (chant 3 x’s)

As a group, as a point of light as one group, we are connecting to other groups throughout the planet creating a planet as a single planetary being of light, where there is an end to all suffering and darkness. 

Now visualize our vast Milkey Way galaxy consisting of one hundred billion stars that are emanating light in all directions, sending light to our solar system and to our sun and then to our planet. The galactic cetnral sun is the source for all this light in our galaxy. Our earth is the last planet to become full of light and free of all negativity. This is the completion of the Galactic Prophecy which claims there will come a time when all darkness will disappear through out the galaxy. And that time is now. We will confirm this now by chanting the sacred sound of OM 3 times (chant OM 3 x’s)(end of meditation)

“You must unlearn what you have learned” 

We must learn what we have been learned and have been taught and deactivate our programming that has occurred for millions of years…. this is deconstructing the matrix. We have been implanted as part of our agreement to incarnate and enter quarantine earth. There are two primary implants that have conditioned every level of our being from living as we truly are. They are energetic crystal implants that emit strong electromagnetic particles (and are connected energetically to the primary anomaly that exists on the surface of the planet) The one implant is in the fore head at the level of the eye brows….one above each of the center of the eyes. This implant has basically disconnected us from Source, from the Light and from our true Soul nature. This has the effect of giving us a split personality where we are split between our inner soul presence and our artificial personality self. We are in essence schizophrenic. Most of all of our beliefs and conditioning in the matrix are based upon this primary split. Our primary mission is to connect back to the Light that we are, that we have been created from. This is deconstructing the matrix. 

The second primary implant exists 2 or 3 finger widths above the navel, where there is a small indented spot. This implant has the affect of separating males and females and is the basis for the creation of human society, where everything is basically a lie. (This also separates the male and female essence inside us) The effects of this is that we are living in a prison, where a very sophisticated prison program exists and controls us. We must make a prison break a and liberate our souls, minds and bodies.

It is not easy to do this… but is is very rewarding…. to become free sovereign individuals. As we do this, we begin to create a breakaway civilization.


I have been guided by the Pleiadians to develop technologies to help with liberating the planet, one of which is tachyon technology. Tachyons are the first particles created at the time the universe was created and have the most direct connection to Source. They carry a strong nuclear force that is not susceptible to electromagnetic force or the force of gravity. They carry a source of this Light energy from Source. This new energy is coming to transform the Galactic Central Sun. Tachyons can change the form of physical matter. They carry the quantum signature at the basic level of created matter and connect physical matter back with source. Some years ago the Pleiadians worked with me to develop these technologies., including the tachyon healing chamber.

January 21st meditation

On January 21st, our meditation was the most successful thing we have created and is s game changer for us. Why this is possible ? This event has gotten the attention of the Cosmic Central Sun and has initiated their response to relieve suffering. They are also aware that our liberation and return to the light has taken too long.

Q. (I asked a question about how effective our free will is in relation to how we have connected to our higher self) 

A. Only to the degree that we are connected to our higher self can we truly use our free will. However we do have free choice regardless of how developed we are in integrating our higher self. We can us our free choice to make choices that will connect us to our higher self and thus increase our “sphere of availability”. Our sphere of availability is the areas we can access for manifestation.

(Cobra briefly introduced some of the tachyionized crystals he had for sale on the table.) 

The cintamani stone anchors the light, especially the Light emitted from the Galactic Central Sun at the time of the Event.

Molavite is a stone of love from the Pleiades

Aquamarine – 5th dimension

Goshenite – Ascension

Soul Families

Connecting with our soul family is the key to creating a new society. Soul mates are connected by energy and essence and are beings that were created in a similar way, have similar origins, and soul structure. Beings connected on a soul level is the key to relationship and harmony. This is the norm in societies in the rest of the universe. The Resistance Movement was given instructions on how to form soul families in 1997. At the time they were not as harmonious. It took 4 to 5 years in doing inner work to transform their society where they now have zero conflict. The Pleiadians have asked me to introduce this info.

The Matrix

(Through the sophisticated programming) of the Matrix, the Archons have internalized our enslavement within us. We have 2 basic options. One is to stay in the matrix and live “normal” lives as most of the surface population is living. This a convenient way of living but not very healthy. Many are depressed. The other option is to break free. In the short term it is hard and difficult, yet in the long term it is rewarding. If you go to India for a month or if you own your own business, this is a from of making an initial breakthrough. Each time we make a break through, our options increase and our freedom expands. We expand our sphere of availability. We have a choice of making a breakthrough (whatever form it takes) or listening to our fear and holding back. The Event is not a magical potion that will solve all your problems and give you total freedom. A small group of us are ready to breakthrough and gather with our soul families and create bubbles of heaven. 

The Resistance Movement, after releasing the Entry Protocols have seen now that no one is ready for joining them. Many are not even ready for first contact. It is one thing to sit in front of a computer and write a blog about first contact and another whole story to see a mother ship land right out side your window and interact with them. When the Event happens many or most will be faced with real issues to deal with that have been in denial to deal with.

There are levels of difficulty that the surface population will have to deal with and will be challenging.

1) The realization that our entire society and world has been manipulated- through the media, in the financial, economic, governmental and religious systems.
2) The realization that we have been living next to other ET civilizations will shatter belief systems. 
3) The realization of how much darkness that has existed on our planet. The amount of suffering that has been endured and hidden and covered up.

4) becoming face to face with sexual energies will be hard for most. This has been the most manipulated sphere.A key to stabilization will be to start gathering into soul families, which will ease and stabilize the energy grid. As these connections are made and this stabilization made, the Event can happen easier and sooner.

The soul family connects through their higher self, which is the single factor for planetary liberation. From 2012 to early 2019 was the first phase transition. There has been intense purification and many light workers have been attacked. It is much easier for conflict to occur if we are not aware of our soul families. A basic understanding is that everyone is a soul brother or sister. Soul to soul is the basis of connection in a soul family and not through personality of programming. We can use our mind to use as we have been programmed to use it or use it as a tool to express soul. If you are analyzing info, you are missing the point. 80% has been a lie. Start to recognize info at the soul level beyond the mind.

Before our planet was occupied, whole communities lived as one being… supportive of each other in the tribe, not in the biological family but in the soul family. 

Biological families were introduced to control our DNA. Problems are received from our family, which is a closed system where entropy exists, and this increased the problems. There will be dramatic change at the time of the Event. The transformation that occurs will allow everything that is an illusion to fall away, be taken away. We will see our own trauma and not relate from it. There will be a critical mass of soul awareness. There will be an interlocking (connection) of soul families on the surface of the planet that will link to a universal connection of soul families. 


Soul Mates and Twin Souls

Soul family members usually have shared similar spiritual journeys. Soul mates have stronger connection within the soul family. They were created in a similar way and are usually of the opposite gender. Twin souls have a strong magnetic attraction from being originally split from each other. They carry a powerful attraction for each other and one dynamic is that one runs away in fear as each is a mirror for the other and they trigger each other’s programming. If they stay and look inside they can realize this triggering. The other dynamic is that one chases the other. The same hold true for them is to look inside and stop chasing. If both are conscious of this there is strong purification and the strongest healing and spiritual transformation takes place. Their connection and influence on the surface of the planet is a most powerful force. (this is why the cabal has inhibited and suppressed twin soul connection. 

Soul mates and twin souls are a sacred union which can override and go beyond our programming. Their connection creates a vortex field, creating a bubble of heaven. Twin souls were originally one soul. Each has a place in their heart that is part of the others. They split at the time they descended into the physical, from the 6th dimension to the 5th dimension. It is rare for them to meet on the surface of the planet. Most unions that people think they are twin soul connections are really soul mates. The cabal has engineered a twin soul program through Hollywood that conditions women to think they have to fine their true love, as their twin soul and live happily ever after. Their twin soul is the perfect man. This program underlies marriage. 


Goddess Ley Line

The Goddess ley line that circles the planet in the entry point for Goddess energy. As you can see it runs through some very major centers around the planet…. a strong point being the Syrian pentagram (photo above) and Iraq, then moving through, Damascus, Paris, Stonehenge, across the Atlantic through Boston, New York, Washington DC, Teotihuacan, Mexico and on….. The cabal has used it to not only suppress Goddess energy but to fuel negative energies, through creation of emotional trauma by violence and wars. The Goddess energy has been severely suppressed on our planet over the last 7,000 years. kundalini energy, our basic life force and energy field of our light body. 

Twin Soul Meditation

This meditation will connect you energetically to you twin soul and help you attract them in the physical. It will also help you get clear on whether some one you meet is actually your twin soul.

Relax your body and breathing as you maintain a comfortable sitting position. 

Close your eyes and visualize your twin soul sitting across form you. Visualize them in as much detail that comes to you. 

Visualize a red flow of energy connecting with both of you at the level of the base chakra. Breathe into this flow. 

Visualize an orange flow of energy connecting you both at the sexual chakras. Each time you connect at the level of each chakra, breath into that connection.

Visualize a yellow flow of energy connecting you both at your solar plexus chakras.

Visualize a green flow of energy connecting you both at your sexual chakras.

Visualize a blue flow of energy connecting you both at your Throat chakras.

Visualize a purple flow of energy connecting you both at the 3rd eye chakras.

Visualize a violet flow of energy connecting you both at your crown chakras.

Maintain breath and energy flow through all channels. photo above: credit for added visuals to this image to show dynamics of meditation goes to Mika Fujiwara

Then start breathing with them at the level of the heart chakra, as if you were breathing together connecting your breath at that level.

Visualize a triangle, the base of which is at the level of each of your heart chakras and the top is in the middle of each of you at the level of the soul chakra, about 12 inches above the top of the head. Do this at least once a week, which will accelerate your ascension process.

Islands of Light Mandala (sacred geometry image of island of Light)

Islands of Light Mandala is an interconnected multidimensional hologram connecting all beings in the universe.(all that are living in an Island of Light) As our planet is being integrated in its light grid, we connect with the Cosmic Central Race. The key for this is activation of our Light body where the soul totally enters the physical body. This fully activates our ascension. The activation is a toroidal vortex of energy that transcends space and time. Our Light body has the same shape and dynamics as Gaias and our Galaxy. Kundalini awakening removes programming and activates our Light body and is a catalyst for personal and planetary evolution. It is important for a critical mass of soul families connected together is Islands of Light (for planetary ascension).

You must become your true self to break through the matrix and to be in a soul matrix, to become active member of your soul family.

Men and women are so different as to be like two different species. The primary implant in the solar plexus blocks the flow of energy between the the sexual energy and the heart. This facilitates the programming in women that says sex is bad and love is good, and the programming in men that says sex is good and love is bad. The hippie movement in the 60’s was a break through for these taboos and programming. The whole financial structure of the world can only function with women’s sexual energy suppressed. The torroidial field of the Light body becomes distorted. With this programming in men, the choice is to start a business or go to war. 

First contact will be with Island of Light(s)

This programming in female implant allows the feeling that she can only have sex with her twin soul and forces her to search for the perfect husband. In men, it is ok to have many connections but not with his twin soul. This programming has been engendered and facilitated by Hollywood’s Disney programming and suppresses kundalini energy. The first layer of this programming in men causes much anger. In women it causes them to be critical and controlling. They must be allowed to feel ok with sexual energy by themselves. There was a crack in the matrix regarding this with the yellow vest movement in Paris .This is an on going grass roots movement powered by female sexual energy, one sign of which was where women were running naked in the streets of Paris. I posted in my blog about this.

Another program is that energy exchange between men and women can only occur through sex. Actually a light touch can be a (powerful) energy exchange. Working with emotions is helpful to heal the split between sexual energy and the heart. Our highest purpose is to be free (from all programming and be sovereign beings) Our mission is to activate and trigger planetary revolution.

Pure female energy is pure receptivity and unconditional love. For women (to embody pure female energy) is the key to heal humanity and make our transition easier. Women are a mirror for creation… a contact dish for connecting to soul and galactic family… for women to become as a still lake of energy. The Event can only happen through the energy dynamic being created by the return of the Goddess to the surface of the planet. Sisterhood of The Rose groups existed to preserve and anchor Goddess mystery schools by meeting regularly each week. We are calling upon the presence of Isis Astara to initiate us into forming and creating physical Sisterhood of The Rose groups where we live to help anchor the Goddess energy on the surface of the planet. Deeper aspects of Goddess mystery schools revealed. Goddess vortex activated, in healing the planetary surface population for the break through to happen. 

This image is just to give a feeling of the of the meditation and does not show the dynamics as outlined below

Meditation for Manifesting twin soul, soul mate, and soul family 

Breathe in brilliant white light …. and breathe out brilliant white light. 
Breathe in brilliant white light …. and breathe out brilliant white light… as you are becoming a Being of Light. 
Visualize a highly intense energy field of light surrounding your body all around you about one meter from your body. 
Visualize a less intense energy field of light surrounding your body all around you one meter to two meters away from your body. 
Visualize a little less intense energy field (less than the last one) of light surrounding your body all around you between two and three meters from your body. 
Imagine that the most inner field of intense light is connected to your twin soul. 
Imagine that the middle field of less intense light is connected to your soul mate. 
Imagine that the outer field of light is connected to your soul family 
Stay in these 3 fields of light for a while. 

Question about a certain mermaid goddess.

note the fins of the twins. photo at Gelert Thermal Spa

Answer: They are from the Agarthan network that live in temples right under the surface of Budapest whose waters are connected to the thermal hot springs of the spas all around Budapest. A few percentage of people are ready for what they are here for. They have no implants and are strong, kind, and alive. They are completely focused on this room. (meaning the people in the conference room)

DAY TWO (photos and images for day 2 will soon be added)

Since we have transitioned into the new gamma timeline, we have more info on the matrix and what it will take to make a break through. For 7 years (the last time line from 2012 to January 2019 there has been much talk of change. Last year was the most challenging year. Regular and active participation of enlightened population for complete transformation of life and structure.

1) Theoretical

2) Finding soul family members

3) Living in Islands of Light

4) First contact and cultural exchange with the Galactics and Agartha network.

The Resistance Movement has been frustrated lately as no practical work has been done with us. Their life and the life of the surface population are two different realities. They can see through us and can view us clearer than we can see ourselves. Before when we were given the option for Entry Protocols we were not ready. Many saw it as a way to alleviate life problems by going under the surface. Personality issues and money problems we must solve here. We must be equal partners and become sovereign beings of light, then interaction is possible. Other wise it is culture shock. 

Islands of Light will utilize sacred geometry in its architecture. Protocols will be developed. People should be stable enough to live and work together. 
  1. Soul family 
  2. Each member has to have some degree of clearing of primary implants and achieve a connection with their higher self. Have an active connection with their soul ad inner guidance and to understand our mission. 
  3. clear heart energy and sexual energy. 
  4. Each member needs to be aware of their shadow material and personality and own their energy field – be responsible for their actions and space.
  5. Be ready to move to a place and build and create a place to live. Be willing to live in a soul family mandala
(Cobra asks for anyone feeling like they are real to live in an Island of Light to come up onto the stage. There were so many that he asks everyone to sit back down. My personal feeling was that Cobra thought that not all of the people that went to the stage were actually ready. He then asks for someone to volunteer to coordinate activities for Island of Light to manifest. Emelia put here email on the board for people to write down.)

We will create a website for organizing a global Island of Light. A prototype will be formed some where in the world. So far the 3 possible locations are Brazil, Crete, and Hungary. The first step is to build an infrastructure. The second step is to form into soul family groups.

Bubbles of Heaven

Since January 21, we have entered a new phase in the phase cognitions of liberation plan (diagram of this exists on Cobra’s blog). A new reality is manifesting in all dimensions, one of which is Bubbles of Heaven. This has to do with the response from the cosmic Central Sun, which has the most evolved consciousness in the universe that The consciousness of our planet has reached a critical mass which drew their attention. The surface of the planet is ready for contact from the galactics and for true transformation to occur. This is the first time in the history of the universe that the Cosmic Central race has sent signals to earth, with new energy. this specific energy signature has dissolved much of the Matrix and primary anomaly. The Event happens through us , through our bodies when new energy reaches our consciousness, which is registered in the pineal gland as an activation. This emits a specific frequency charged field in the body that bends reality around us. We become less available to the Dark Forces. The more this consciousness grows, through conscious connection with the Cosmic Central race, the more bubbles of heaven are created. Two or more people in this frequency create a specific (special ?) resonance field and changes reality. More people with this creates powerful energy field that creates bubble of unique energy. The bubble expands…. bubbles of heaven are created.

Every thought, every action creates ripples through this… infinite field of consciousness. You are far more powerful than you realize. Co create with others of the same frequency in Islands of Light. Manifestation process happens. The 3 basic steps of the manifestation process are 1) Decision 2) invocation 3) Action

There are 3 main blocks to creating Islands of Light having to do with having a unified field of consciousness. 

1) connection to base chakra…. fear of survival , having to do with past lives, hunger, and beliefs about money. Islands of Light are created through heart chakra. The heart chakra is different that most new age connotations. A flow of certain energy to open to manifesting money and become a channel for money. You cannot be a free loader in an Island of Light. They cost money and money is necessary for their creation. This is a main blockage for Island of Light.

2) blockage of the sex chakra. You must unlock programming and heal own sexual trauma… which helps heals separation of heart and sex chakra. Programming will be triggered if not dealt with. Implants are always triggered in a group, whether it takes 2 days or 2 months. A healthy group dynamic is not possible if this healing is not done. The nuclear family program denies this healing. This unhealed energy manifests in violence or war.

3) Blockage in solar plexus chakra. This relates to our attachments to those not going or moving into Island of Light…. being with family that are not ready or willing. 

These 3 blockages also relate to our not being ready to take part in the Entry Protocols as well as how well or not well we deal with issues that will arise at the time of the Event. We all have different awakenings. With in the soul family this is not a problem. Make a decision to take the red pill.

There are many modalities to deal with healing. All will be challenged. All unresolved emotional issues will have to be dealt with. The galactic wave will be huge. It will be pleasant for those willing and unpleasant for those in denial. There will be no place to hide. There is a tendency to project (from unresolved healing in the solar plexus?) These blockages also pertain to Entry Protocols. Healing is a journey and not a destination. We all have our own unique process for healing. Recognition of soul family members is important. I have compiled 90% of the map of the Matrix.

Reality Shaping

A bubble of heaven is a torroidial field/ light body, similar to our individual light body increases power of light body. Meditation on soul increases light body manifestation power. The Cosmic Central race connection has made this process stronger and faster.

Vortex node for New Atlantis (diagram of layout of Island of Light in sacred geometrical drawing)

Islands of light are vortex areas… the brightest spots of our planet.

the whole light grid of our planet will support manifestation of Islands of Light. Islands of Light will help create the New Atlantis. Everything magnifies on a vortex point including experiences. Return of Divine Goddess meant for this planet to return it to a Paradise (it once was) All negativity which are like cancer cells, will be removed. Islands of Light are the healthy cells and the cure for the cancer of negativity. If you go, you will be challenged. It is like we are creating bubbles of heaven inside a war zone. Even friends and family will challenge you as all unresolved issues come to the surface. In 25,000 years there has never been an Island of light. Science has forgotten. I can give local guidance for individual groups at their level. I will be available for guidance and plans, yet not to deal in depth with specific issues or individuals. This is my mission that i was born for.

As of last summer there is an irreversible crashing of the old systems. All will survive the Event, yet for some it will not be easy. We will be the ones on the forefront assisting humanity. Islands of Light people can manifest abudance. The energy grid is the life force of the planet.

Contact Dish

This Pleiadian project bypasses the Matrix, where private land owners give silent permission for a mother shop to land. This program is protected by the Galactic Law of Lands. It is Galactic protocol that land is protected independent of governmental and civil law. Private land is the domain of the Galactic Confederation. If the cabal tries to intervene, they will be stopped by military force. Patience is up for the Pleiadians. This decision was made after the Alpha timeline (ended?) and the agreement is to use private land as an operation to assist with the planetary liberation. This is part of the Galactic Codex.

The Resistance Movement people are closer to humans than the Pleiadians where they want trough the transformation of the soul family process. Underground Islands of Light devote time to do spiritual practices. They know how to deal with the dark forces and have been helped many times. (by the galactics)

Part of our soul family may be on the mother ships or in the Resistance Movement. The RM is worried about meeting the surface population. The purpose of the awakened human population is to create Islands of Light. Islands of Light is part of the Ascension process. Most of the planet will be returned to nature and most humans will be taken elsewhere. Those remaining, the awakened being will create a paradise on Earth. The Bubbles of Heaven people will have more power to use their free will.Their free will will be stronger and the power of the dark forces will be diminished as Bubbles get stronger.

Answers to questions: 

The natural soul signature is to love freely and more than one person.

Auto immune disease is created by strong emotional trauma.

Africa was a first chakra education created by the cabal.

Ascension Process

Ascension means becoming one with your Self. This will not happen until all programs are erased. if you are honest with your self, your mission will be of the Light.

We signed contracts giving permission to implant and control us.

Primary Contracts removal

Primary contracts and primary implants must be removed (if we are to become sovereign beings) This is an invocation and command to remove them.

In the name of my I Am Presence
In the name of the I Am that I Am
I cancel and nullify all my contracts & agreements with the dark forces
past, present and future.
And I decree and I command
All consequences of this contracts to be null and void.
So be it and so it is.
So be it and so it is.
So be it and so it is.

Implant Triangulation

Implants are a black hole and connect us to the primary anomaly.

The two main primary implants separate us from Source and separate male from female.

They program our mind and creates a belief system. From the basic belief (of the belief system) everything else (all thoughts and underlying beliefs) emerges from the basic belief. We can undermine the basic belief through the triangulation process. Take a sheet of paper and write done “I am God”. next to it write “I am not God”. On the next line write down these two beliefs again. Keep writing until you fill the piece of paper. Doing this process helps dissolve the affect of the primary implants in the forehead that separate us from Source.

The other primary implant located in the solar plexus about 2 or 3 finger widths above the naval separate male from female. By doing this same process of writing again, using the phrases, “sex is not love” and “sex is love,” we can dissolve the affects of this implant.

The ascension process brings the Light Body to all of our bodies. The physical body, the plasma body, the etheric body, astral/emotional body, mental body and soul/light body. All the different energy bodies are absorbed into the Light Body. Out activated Light Body becomes like a crystal, like a portal. Created by the higher self, we become the higher self. The light body is a a torroidial field that spins faster and faster. Using a tachyon chamber helps to activate it. Activating your kundalini also increases activation of the light body. When spinning of the toroidal field reaches the speed of light, ascension occurs.

(diagram of light body showing hour glass and oval. )

This creates a space time continueum, The sphere is rotating. Half is ours and half is our twin soul, so we are always connected. The male polarity of sphere emits and electrical field. The female creates a magnetic field. When it reaches light speed, our light body becomes like a chariot (one meaning of “Merkaba”, is chariot) and we can move around in our light body after ascension. 


There is an advanced pillar of light generated in a ship that surrounds the planet. It comes through our body to the center of the earth and creates highly charged particles of liquid light. As of January 21st. the particles coming from the Cosmic Central Sun are getting more powerful and will continue to do so. This invocation will connect us within this pillar of light. 

I call upon the pillar of the pure white light to descend upon me 
and to form around me. 
I call upon the presence of the I Am that I Am 
to merge and join with me now.
So be it and so it is.
So be it and so it is.
So be it and so it is.

This aligns our energy field with our I Am Presence.

Group Ascension Process

A group ascension process only occurs within a soul family and is a faster process (that the individual one). Each member of the soul family has to be involved in a personal and planetary ascension process. Together they create and accelerated group light body…. like a group mother ship. Purifications (emotional and belief systems) with in the group are triggered and accelerated. Each group is a similar map as the energy of the planet. Monogamy will dissolve. In a soul family society there will be two aspects to this. One is that dedicated couples will have the free will choice to love others. Critical mass of implant removal must be reached to do this. (The other choice the dedicated couple has is to remain as a dedicated couple. This will help create the next phase. 

Cobra then invited anyone to come up to the stage who feels they are a part of his soul family. To connect he asked us to breathe white light into the top of our head and into our heart…. and breathe light back up to the top of the head….

Planetary Ascension Process (diagram of the 6 phases of the phase transition process which Cobra also posted on his blog)

Our planetary ascension process really started on January 21, (with the break though of our meditation) We are now in the 2nd phase of the phase transition process. This will allow the energy to transform all remaining primary anomaly through out the planet and solar system. Highest purpose is to connect with the Cosmic Central Sun and the Cosmic Central Race. This energy will transform all aspects of life. 

Phase I– December 21, 2012 – January 21, 2019 – This phase triggered much darkness. Pure connection with (Source?) energy to absorb and transform darkness. The more the light, the more darkness can be transformed.

Phase II – January 21, 2019 -………. Bubbles of light condense with much more light present. More light is available as all the light is not absorbed by the darkness. The light is available to increase (our frequencies and evolution) This phase will be shorter than phase 1.

Phase III – Eventually there is exponential increase in light and frequencies/ Bubbles form faster and rise… disclosures are made and soul families are formed. the Event will happen when the maximum light cracks the matrix and the dark forces are removed. The Light forces take over the mass media and is the time of the climax of our planetary ascension process.

Phase IV –This is a very unstable phase when the old society collapses. The power of new society is taken over by the Light forces. All the surface population goes through a purification process. Disclosure of ET’s and a critical mass of the population reaches stability.

Phase V- Stablization and official first contact occurs. The first ascension occurs of 2000 beings. the 2nd wave will have 100,000 beings ascend and the 3rd wave there will be millions.

Phase V and VI- The 2nd cosmic flash occurs with dramatic occurrences including complete polar shift precede by a magnetic shift that has already started. A huge tsunami will occur that will inundate coastal areas. Islands of Light will be protected. The rest of the surface population will be evacuated to another star system designed by the Pleiadians. the Galactic super wave … only light will remain.

Since May 17, 1998 we entered a dimension of portal transformation…. a 13.6 billion year cosmic cycle ended and we entered a new chapter in our cosmic history. Each of us has different talents as we remember and activate our mission. We are the leaders if the new era and we are the ones that will make it happen and cannot wait for the Light Forces or the Resistance Movement. Our mission has the support of the Light Forces and they will be with us. The seemingly impossible will happen. (quote displayed – “Everything was impossible until some one made it possible “ (image of Yoda – “May the Force Be With You”. Certain groups will go behind the pillars of the High Priestess. Hope for many Sisterhood Of The Rose groups will be created. Hope Islands of Light will be activated. Hope my Pleiadian family will create a heaven.

The temple goddess Isis has given instructions to revive the ancient mission of the Goddess… to those open to a certain level of understanding… that can go deeper with the energy field of love, with those who are ready to receive. The mysteries of the goddess will be brought back. 

“Our purpose is to share the Light, to bring the Light, to be the Light.. We are hear to manifest the Golden Age… The time is now!. See you on the other side!” He thanked Anita and Steven, as we all excitedly clapped and then thanked all the others who helped make the conference possible, who went up onto the stage to join Anita and Steve. Then he thanked the individual Priestesses by name, and then made a very moving thanks to Isis Astara. We all clapped, raised arms, loudly proclaiming many times over, “Victory of the Light, victory of the light, …. victory of the light…………………………………………………!