"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Just a Reminder, You Are All AMAZING via Truthearth.org

Being guided to share a reminder here to all those who feel guided to read this, that each one of you is special beyond your imagination. No one is useless here, everyone is part of the master puzzle. Without you here on this planet, the plan for liberation would not go as well as it should.

You (yes you reading this!) need to realize how important you are and how loved you are. In all likeliness, things/life in general have been very hard on you recently (and probably long before that!) You might even use the word hell or any other word (perhaps one worse than that) to describe your experience on this planet.

But try to remember that you are the best of the best working on this planet for the good of the people here who are not able or willing to help themselves. The people, the animals, plants, insects, Gaia herself, this solar system all need amazing advocates like all of you reading this to put your individual special skills to work to help the innocent.

Being a hero may not sound like a title that you would assign to yourself, but trust me when I say that this is exactly, and at the very LEAST, the honor you should be given after everything you have been through. Not just in this life, but in all previous lives. I recognize you for what each of you are. And that is a beautiful and wonderful LIGHT that is being stomped on as much as possible, being made to feel inferior or worth less than they should be. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You are EPIC. 

Sometimes each of us need a gentle reminder that we aren’t just some useless eater living on this planet to be used as a corporate slave or worse. You are a powerful and iridescent being that DESERVES abundance and unconditional LOVE. Everything you are going through is a sign of the times that we are winning and that our collective effort and LOVE are dissolving this evil empire and manifesting the infinite love of the Cosmos which will bring the beaten down people of this planet into a world that they didn’t know could possibly exist. 

Everything you do or say or think ripples into the Universe forever and changes the collective consciousness of this planet. To call our collective consciousness bi-polar is probably an understatement, considering everything its/we’ve been through. But the positive side, the loving side of this tortured consciousness is there because of YOU. And you should each feel proud to be able to say that you genuinely made/are making a difference in every aspect of existence here, because that is the TRUTH.

Don’t forget how amazing each and everyone one of you is, without exception. You may not remember your past lives, but I can assure you, you have raised some serious hell in the most benevolent ways in your previous incarnations. Your mission didn’t just start with this life, it began long ago and each of you have been steadily and INFINITELY patiently chipping away at this cruel control structure which causes so much suffering. 

This is all for now, I could easily write an essay on how great all of your work has been for the whole of this mission. In spite of the nasty news headlines and in addition to other evil techniques implemented to bring you down, you have continued to show endless resolve and get up time after time and continue to push for this EPIC and once in a billion lifetime effort to clean up evil from the Universe FOREVER. Don’t forget how EPIC and HUGE that is. It doesn’t always seem like these are acts and events that are a big deal but indeed they are. 

Please continue to be amazing everyone and don’t forget to pat yourself on the back and treat yourself to something nice once in a while because you deserve it AND MORE! I know it’s very easy to forget about how incredible you all are, with all of the physical illnesses, pains, aches, psychic/scalar attacks, financial desperation, family issues, work/slavery issues and just the general awfulness of living day to day in The Matrix. But it’s time you had a reminder that you are the cat’s meow in every way possible. 

Thank you for everything you all do!! Love you all! 

Original Post:

A QUICK NOTE #760 ABOUT THE SITUATION Via GAbriel RL - 30.10.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Baal in reality disconnection. Process started successfully. Wait for next movement >>>%.
Zero i: "V*?*" Energy in trauma. Reversors pointed.
X22: Greater trauma achieved. Light infusions take place. Superior Fleet contacting for new line.
Superior Openings happen now.
Special V5 package delivered in Mastery. Global movement in soon linear. Attention Arpetromus, The Star Guardian!
Attention Solaris & Solaris! New synchronized Solar Waves sent to Terran Plan! Support and immediate assimilation! 100% of 72 h. Wait for next movement!
Angelics assume strategic fronts.
Greco-Roman balance in emphasis for enlightenment. Greater harmony is being requested.
The Spanish Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 49% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention Morgara, Queen of *KU (UR): Special Projector of crystalline consciousness anchorage in progress: 60% (not countdown).
Aquarius in catharsis of moment. Logistics Analysis present.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Creating FIELD for *Iroh).


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Attention Solaris & Solaris! New synchronized Solar Waves sent to Terran Plan! Support and immediate assimilation! 80% of 72 h.
The Persian Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 59% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
PVSE supporting Mastery (Master Reniy / Master Ury) Projectors. 69% (not countdown).
Hymnal integration happens! Special Projector pointed for Universal reverberation! Anchorage started: 66% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Main Grid Wipeout starting. Deployment of new protocols in progress: updating layers. 69% (not countdown).
Ashtar(s) synchronizing LEO, MEO and HEO. 66% (not countdown).
Greater trauma reached X22.
Celestial reorganization happens. Terran visibility enabled.
Legal strategies for restructurings sent.
Return of ancient aligns old karma for purifications.
Cranu-Idini expanding for new terrans receptions.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Creating FIELD for *Iroh).

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland - 29.10.2018

News from an impartial observer

The Caravan headed to America is financed by Venezuela, supported by Pueblo de Santarios a Honduras Left wing group. Yet where did Venezuela an impoverished country get the money?

These are people living in poverty, women and children in front being used as a tool to take down America. Literally, millions of dollars are being doled out with the false promise of an open door to America. This would create such a burden it would destroy the already over taxed fragile infrastructure of boarder states.

What is not being addressed is the Honduran government arrested over 100 Isis members, Isis and MS13 are throughout the caravan. Go to the center of the caravan and investigate. Some are actually wearing Hate Trump T-shirts calling him the antichrist? Yet they want his administration to grant them entry? Common sense dictates a large majority of the caravan are depending on forced entry so as not to be vetted. Before jumping to conclusions, I am not saying they are all criminals, some have a legitimate desire to better themselves and are fleeing an oppressive life style. Forcing entry is a criminal offence, it is an invasion and does however put them in the category of illegal alien. Again, some very poor people are being used, given more money than most have seen in a life time and lied to about being given entry to the promised land. The real criminals, the real tyrants are the ones funding and organizing these marches under a hidden agenda.

No one knows who is funding Pueblo de Santarius, my bet is George Soros.

This will come out very soon someone will leak the information.

George Soros funds Open Boarders, Media Matters, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa as well as the DNC radical left. The plan is to destroy America from within, many politicians are a part of this process. If you want to know who just observe who is creating division, the lack of civility, playing the race and gender cards, this includes the lame stream media.

Soros the illuminati front man. No this is not conspiracy this is reality. Soros has a history of destroying countries culturally and economically by opening their boarders to flood them with refugees many of which are in direct opposition to the culture and beliefs of the country being invaded. They fuel separation, manipulate and crash their economies. Again, they play the race, religion and gender cards to create as much chaos and separation as possible. Unity is not their agenda. The Hegelian Dialectic, the modes operandi of the global elite are problem, reaction, solution. Now you know the origin of the problem.

Now have you connected the dots? America must fall in order for the N.W.O. agenda to be carried out. An elite group of oligarchs who what to dominate and control the world. If you are a willing or in ignorance participant in these separation and disunity games you are being used, controlled and manipulated by this oligarchy. Lets spell this out your being deceived and used to fulfill their agenda to totally dominate and control the world. Opposite of what you thought. You’re a pond and a tool if you are playing this game. Those in upper management would fall under the category of treason by the strict definition of the word.

Almost every accusation coming from the left and the lame stream media is exactly what they are guilty of ten times over. Russian collusion is a good example. 145 million dollars of collusion with Russia selling off American Uranium some of which got into the hands of unfriendly’s. Muller was the mule that carried the samples to Russia. The information stolen from the DNC was put on a thumb drive from the inside not Russian hacking. It was done by Bernie Sanders sympathizers after having the election stolen from them. There has always been meddling by foreign countries, hackers etc. yet let’s look at the big money behind corrupt politicians, the America for sale misusing their positions for their own selfish gain. China had open access to Hilary’s private servers with top secret information on them. Weiner Huma’s husband had top secret information on his computer along with an insurance file with videos and photos of despicable acts that made seasoned NY police officers sick. Let’s not forget the bleaching of computers and destroying cell phones under subpoena with hammers then granted immunity. Where is the special council investigating this?

They accuse Trump of promoting violence yet call for incivility, publicly harassing and attacking anyone who disagrees with their agendas. Hilary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, Mr. Fast and Furious selling guns to Mexican Cartels, Booker, Obummer and others all calling for incivility. They promote getting in the face of their opponents and telling people they are not welcome anywhere. The left wing malicia is Antifa for Gods sake. Antifa is a Soros sponsored group. It is common knowledge Soros is a self admitted Nazi, turned in his own people yet they are against Nazi’s and fascism. They refuse to allow freedom of speech, differing opinions, use violence to suppress their opposition and call Trump a fascist? Can you see the duplicity? The paradoxical behavior. What baffles me is how can anyone miss it? Or do they?

The next question to address is the recent letter bombs. What did Trump have to do with letter bombs? As much as he had to do with the Hurricanes of which he was blamed? Who has contributed most to the lack of civility? Hollywood is calling for his assassination lock step with some politicians and left wing reporters. Who has contributed, supported and not taken a stand against the violence some have called for other than to blame Trump for everything? Could the bombs that could not be detonated be a false flag, a diversion or political move to take attention away from the left’s support of violent behavior? Playing the victim card to gain sympathy and votes? CNN has, as usual, weaponized this event to attack Trump.

Why do they show two different vans with Trump stickers as the bomber’s vehicle? The stickers are different, these are two different vans. Why are all the stickers brand new none of them are weathered? It is classic when it comes to the modes-operandi of the left. Why did the one addressed to CNN not go through the mail or have the stamps postage marked? Were the other bombs all sent from the same city or hand delivered? Why was the CNN package hand delivered? Why allegedly according to resources were there no alarms on the clocks necessary to set off the device? Why was the powder in the packages inert non-organic? If the true intent was to take out the people receiving these packages the person creating these bombs was either an idiot or there was another agenda. Why won’t they answer the question about the bombs not being rigged to explode or the non-biological powder? The biggest question is why was the bomber registered a democrat then recently became a republican, boasts about working for the CIA and actually worked for George Soros. Last but not least why was his social media accounts scrubbed and changed even after he was apprehended? Are the dots connecting?

The lame stream media is outraged and blame Trump yet where were they when all the violence was carried out against republicans and their families? Did any of them call out for an end to the democrats call for incivility against republicans? Did the main stream media call out the actors for calling for trump and his family to be tortured, murdered? How can they have any credibility when they have double standards, have a track record of extreme bias against the present administration? The left will call all this conspiracy, dismiss and avoid these questions. Any unbiased observer can see what is unfolding, most with any intelligence and integrity would walk away. If people woke up and walked away who would be left? The brainwashed and the deceivers. Good luck in having a logical fact based debate with them. Their entire be lie f system came from CNN. Strange how we still have unanswered questions on 911 or the Vegas shootings yet this latest bomber is all neatly wrapped up in hours? There are again to many unanswered questions as usual. Just as before I smell a patsy or a hidden agenda. These questions need to be asked and answered.

The next topic in the news is the death of the Washington Post reporter. What the mainstream media has not told you is the Jamal Kashogi Washington Post reporter who was tortured and killed, allegedly had strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and worked for one of the 5 Saudi Officials suspected of participating in 911. These Saudi officials are being sued by 911 survivors. There is a rumor Kashogi was orchestrating a coup against the reigning Prince and the people he was bringing on board were the ones that killed him. Kashogi also had strong ties to Al Queda made millions in arms deals. Wait, didn’t Huma also have the same strong ties, Obama as well. Was Bengasi an arms deal gone bad? Anyone look into the Iran deal. How about those Awan brothers the I.T. guys with the DNC having access to top secret files, where did they go? This is a terrible story which is common in these countries yet let’s not paint this as an Innocent Martyr. Again blaming Trump is illogical? This is a very dirty business nothing is what it seems on the surface. Blaming Trump makes as much sense as blaming him for Hurricanes, my ice cream cone melting due to the solar system entering a highly energized place in space creating severe weather and an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity. Of course Trump is responsible for the climate and atmospheric changes on all the other planets in the solar system which I might add do not have SUVs. Let’s also blame Trump for not putting the brakes on grand cosmic and natural cycles which I believe is outside of his jurisdiction and beyond his pay grade.

Before you send the hate mail and accuse me of being a Trump supporter, racist, fascist white privileged male, take a deep breath and ask yourself, is this a program? An automatic response? Do I not have the right to ask obvious questions? is not denying that right a form of fascism? I find Trump hilarious, the ultimate button pusher. This is a massive process-oriented therapy session. He plays the left and the lame stream media like a fiddle. If he is an insider why do the insiders, the status quo deep state hate him? Did that go over the lefts head? Ask that question again let it sink in. Why does the corporate sponsored lame stream media hate him? Why do the corrupt politicians hate him? The 99 dollar question is why are you siding with the insiders, the deep state and lame stream corporate sponsored, victim, race and gender card playing lame stream media? A media that redundantly spins, accuses, lies, deceives and never prints a retraction when their high-level sources turn out to be less than truthful. A rush to judgement, guilty until proven innocent, character and career destroying heartless media with a proven agenda which bears a remarkable resemblance to the same agenda of the global elite. Coincidence, NOT! Yet so many say they are against the system while doing the bidding of the corrupt system inherited by Trump?

There is a bigger picture unfolding very few are aware of. It is planetary liberation from Tyranny. It is a series of steps with an end goal. The world of opposites is going to be revealed. Universal Law is coming to Earth. In its most unlimited understanding is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. Unity consciousness. The Mayans call it the 9th wave. Power returning to the individual combined with personal responsibility. It is when the left wing and the right wing realize they are attached to the same bird living on the same planet of the same race, the human race all created by the same Creator. It is when the separation and entitlement game ends.

On a lighter note President Trump was giving 6 possibilities by NASA, never a straight answer, to choose from concerning the new Space Force.

1. One send up some fire crackers with sleek new housings hoping they won’t explode.

2. Act like we are going back to the Moon and Mars on new sleek fire crackers.

3. Steal some counter gravity technology from the “non-existing” Aliens which seem to be appearing everywhere.

4. Build a giant catapult to shoot men/women in space suits into space with a spray can and a parachute for reentry.

5. Have the caravan stand on each other’s shoulders until they reach space.

6. Admit we already have a space force and have been going to the Moon and Mars since the late 60’s colonizing both with the counter-gravity technology we have had for decades to take ET home.

I vote for number 6 and no I will not ever run for office. I do however support a Council of Grandmothers advised by a Galactic Federation.

GaiaPortal - 30.10.2018

Forthright appearances are valued by the hu-being.

Blindness is healed.

Inner realms are viewed by many, for the first time.

Standards of living are raised for all.

The Light is pleased.

Energy Update - end of October, beginning of November

Schumann Resonance Activity has continued... since 28 of October - the spikes are kicking, continuously we get energies and all produce different ascension symptoms - you know the usually stuffs - crown chakra, heart chakra activations, 3rd eye pressure, ringing ears, anxiety, lack of sleep or fatigue, heart palpitations, stomach trouble, dizziness, flu-like symptoms etc. and I should mention the awesome synchronicities - number, numbers everywhere especially the 11 44 combinations, 7s and 3s - I feel myself often in high vibes and fast downloads - answers to my questions.
For me since yesterday heart activations, and tired, I wake up at morning and I am more tired like before and our unusual weather also not really helpful - around 20 degree now but Monday morning was under 10 degree and normally in this time end of October should be frost at night and daytime around 10 degrees. 

Right now 2 coronal holes face toward the Earth and have the 3rd one too and can be solar wind in the next some days - the forecast not expect big solar winds - max K4.


About these energies more detailed via Aluna Ash - I follow her recently and very accurate:

" Stay strong family... we just had a really strong wave come through over the weekend and it's still lingering a bit for the next couple of days. The experiences these waves can be different individually and change each one. Any emotions that come up, just allow it to come out, surrender & don't feel like you're taking a step backward or like you are stuck or like you're doing anything wrong. Whatever you're going through, there IS a reason for it a soul/spirit level & it IS worth it in the end. You are never alone. Your higher self is your guardian angel and your direct connection to communicate with the Divine/Source/God. The wave we just had and is still continuing was pretty strong not only was it a spike with the vibration of the planet from below the surface but we also had a wave that came in at the same time.. there's a lot taking place astrally in the fourth dimension and this is where the spiritual war is taking place, so your physical body is going to sleep but your soul and spirit is continuously battling and clearing timelines and parallel realities and collapsing things into one and also setting up other realities for yourself to merge into. The physical body is integrating so much information right now to be able to merge with the higher aspect of yourself and then project into the reality from the perception of the 5th-dimensional self- which is how we cocreate New Earth and deliberately manifest. The best thing we all can do is have empathy, compassion, and forgiveness. Show others that energy by living it. That's how we break the cycle of dualism and division and shift vibrationally. 

The next energy spike will be in about 6 days.. then we have the rainbow wave reactivation triggered the 11th. Everyone will experience this energy but how you experience it is based off of the individual perception, consciousness, vibration, timeline, etc.. even those that are fully awake do not see the energy waves physically or visually as color or see auras or Spirits or entities so whether or not you see these energy waves does not determine your spiritual evolution. We are different individually in how we experience our reality, our perception. And that's something that does change and evolves over time and it's something that we have chosen prior to our incarnation individually. The Clairvoyance is just the third eye, it's just seeing with the third eye- which we all have. Just whether or not you have chosen to access that part of yourself in this lifetime"

The weather is crazy - our mother Earth is responding for the energies what she gets from the Galactic Center Sun - these energies are now accelerated Ascension energies - the time is extremely fast, the energies are higher and higher, and less the "quiet days" when we get a bit pause from all of these. 
And of course, we can see this in the physical plane - earthquakes - New Zealand (6,1), Greece (6,8), Romania (5,5), Japan (4,8), China (4,9), Alaska (4,6), Canada (6,5 - 6,8), Russia (6,7) - some are unusual. 

7 days, 153 earthquakes - all are more than 4,5 magnitude - globally

Floodings - this picture from Venice

Vulcano activity rises - Krakatau volcano

Extreme Wind

I think the weather will be more extreme, more earthquakes, more flooding, but also our collective consciousness get higher, more and more people get awake. This is a process, our Earth transforms something beautiful, like a mother who births a child. I know have there the dark side - it´s terrible to lose everything about these disasters, friends, family members die about these events and more people gone to the spirit world about the cabal, illnesses, accidents etc. and very sad and disturbing that the government and different aid organizations not help those peoples, and very tiny help if we meditate or think about them - but we do and I hope and wish that soon the peoples and organizations, governments like one heart help those peoples who suffer and give them everything that needs for the new beginnings. 


What is Kundalini, the Central Channel of the body, Shakti, and how to work with it - written by Untwine

Metaphorically we can see the Higher Self, the Soul, as a Sun, and the lower self (composed of the physical etheric astral and mental bodies), as a ray of Light emanating from that Sun.

This ray of Light is like a vertical pillar of Light, which flows down through all dimensions, through all the bodies, down to the physical. This is the Central Channel of the body, which goes along the spine of the physical body. In fact, the spine is the physical manifestation of the Central Channel. This Central Channel is the presence of our Soul incarnated as the lower self, it exists in all bodies simultaneously, it is what creates all our bodies, and it is what connects our bodies with each other and with our Soul. This is why the main chakras are located along this Central Channel :

This is traditionally called the shushumna channel. The two intertwining serpents, masculine and feminine, ida and pingala, are born from the shushumna, from the Central Channel.

Energy is constantly flowing along the Central Channel, both downwards (from Soul to the lower self) and upwards (from lower self to the Soul). This is what makes us alive, and in a way it is the wire that the Soul uses to connect to the body and drive the body.

In truth, all the Souls are One, so the Sun is One, and the Central Channels of all beings all come from the same Source. Soul and body are two parts of One whole, spirit and matter are two parts of One whole, everything in creation is part of One whole, parts of One organism which is life itself : Life is One whole, Source or God/Goddess is Life as a whole, there is nothing outside the One.

So another metaphor to describe this, is that the Souls and all life is all one ocean, and our bodies and everything we see are just waves in that ocean. The waves appear to stand out but they are still just parts of the ocean. It is all One.

Kundalini, is energy coming into the Central Channel which is not expressed, and therefore lies asleep, dormant, at the base of the spine. The reason the energy is not expressed is because of amnesia, of forgetting who we truly are, and also because of suppression of expression in society.

We are usually born with amnesia of who we are as Souls and who we are as the One ocean. Therefore we tend to not express fully our true nature. This is reinforced by suppression of expression in society, from youngest age we are usually pressured one way or another to behave a certain way, to speak a certain way, to think and feel a certain way, etc.

For example it is suppressed to dance or move the body in unusual ways in public, to sing in public, to fully express how we truly feel, to hug for too long time, etc, we are supposed to stay in line and just say 'I'm ok'. Fully honest sexual expression is especially suppressed. And people usually do not fully process their emotions, we may feel sad or angry and because it is not usually allowed to fully feel it with others, because people around are usually suppressing and rejecting the expressions of others one way or another, the energy is rarely fully flowing, fully released. Even expressions of joy are often suppressed and condemned for no valid reason. Therefore many people can not really cry or laugh or dance or express themselves anymore, they can put a very convincing mask if they want, they can mentally force themselves to smile and laugh and dance, but usually the expression is shallow, forced, it does not involve the whole being. Because the more we accumulate energy within which has not been expressed, the more difficult it becomes to genuinely express in new situations, and so people give a fake smile when they are unhappy, and can not fully laugh when they are really happy.

For this reason, most of the energies, emotions, thoughts of most people is subconscious : most people do not really know what goes on within them. And if they see glimpses of it, usually they push it back to the subconscious, pretend it is not there.

All this non expressed energy accumulates as years lived in suppression go by, creating more misery, dullness, apathy, disease, discomfort, hypocrisy, lack of vitality, etc. It is easy to feel like Buddha alone in our bedroom, but in company of others all the repressed energy becomes appearant.

Breathing creates an extra current in the Central Channel : down as the breath goes in, up as the breath goes out. The general habit of not breathing fully and not connecting with our breath is both a symptom and a contributing cause to the suppression of energy, lying dormant at the base of the spine :

What is commonly called Shakti energy, is our life force flowing in the Central Channel, which manifests as impulses of expression of ourself, to dance, sing, hug, express ourselves in anyway. We are alive to express, to feel the joy of being alive. As the waves rise from the ocean of life, into our Central Channel, they trigger our expression, just like they trigger the flowers to bloom and the birds to sing. This expression pulls all life together into an experience of Oneness, weaves life together into a whole.

When we live in full awareness, when we express ourselves totally in our lives, there is no dormant kundalini, all the energy is fully flowing in our energy field.

So what to do about it ?

The energy that we haven't expressed in our lives needs to be expressed. It is not enough to just have a mental understanding and discussion about it, about what happened in our past. The mental understanding can help but it usually will not fully release the energy.

There are a few ways that the energy can release. Either we consciously do something to release it, or it will create external chaotic situations in our lives which are mirrors of our inner stuck energy, in which case we can either accept the realization and release brought by the situation, or play the victim and suppress the energy even more.

Active meditation techniques in which we allow ourselves to express and move the body without conscious control, without mentally managing how we move or talk, can be very helpful. Because suppressed energy is not conscious, it is not about doing a conscious body exercise, the point is to release what is stuck subconsciously, without mentally planning what we are expressing.
It is not usually necessary to mentally remember everything we did not express in our past, what matters really is to release the energy. For example, just like many wild animals let their whole body shake to release stress, we can also shake :

Safe and nurturing human contact is also usually important. The problem is that often, people suppress their stuck energy and then project it on the other. The other problem is that people often don't allow the other to express fully.
So it is needed that all people involved hold a safe space for the other, which means that they all :
- Fully take responsibility for the experience happening
- Hold a neutral loving presence which allows the other to express any old feelings that may need to come out. Only when something is felt, expressed, then it can release and shift. This means to not try and fix the other, or not to reject the other, while the release is happening. This also means to see the Light in the other even in the moments when they are releasing their shadows. This also means that all involved do their best to embody their Light even if the other is releasing shadows. All this can only be done if all involved take full responsibility for the experience, and have forgiveness. This is what Grace is.

Aggressive energy is only possible when a lot of energy has not been expressed. Human nature is not aggressive otherwise. Therefore the only way it can resolve is to find harmonious ways to express.

A big part of the suppressed energy is usually sexual. The impulse of sexuality is simply a Shakti impulse of realizing Oneness in all our bodies. Orgasms open a portal in the Central Channel. If unconscious negative energy is infused in the orgasm process, then the energy stays even more repressed. If conscious positive energy is infused into it, then a lot of Kundalini energy can be released, and Soul and body can connect together.

Full release of Kundalini means that the Soul and lower self are now experienced as One. To only have the mental understanding that all existence is One is not enough to consciously experience it, there needs to be the full experience which comes with the full expression of our presence.

Therefore, all the healing techniques and technologies in the universe can never fully heal anybody, because they can never replace the fact that we are here to express, the Soul incarnates because it wants to experience beautiful and joyful creations. 
What healing modalities can do is simply to help to open the door, to clean things up, to open the meridians in the body, to give us an opportunity to express more easily.

This is one powerful healing technique which helps to re-open the Central Channel :

Once the Soul presence in the body is fully expressed, fully flowing, then all beings, humans and others, weave life together in a joyful wholeness. Then comes the full awareness of the unity of spirit and matter, of the whole existence. This awareness becomes enlightenment and ascension, which happens for some individuals earlier than others, but eventually it is the destiny of all life.

💖 Much Love 💖

Original Post:

The Inner Witness is the Presence of the Soul - Vipassana - Untwine

An essential practice of most spiritual traditions has been to create a place of inner observation, leading to silence and stillness. This is the basic foundation of meditation, which is often called Vipassana, meaning witnessing.

The basis of it, is to look within, and see that there is an inner presence, who is not the body, who can observe the body. We can also see that this same presence is not the emotions and feelings : even when we feel overwhelmed by intense emotions, there is always an inner presence who is watching the process, who is not the emotions. And in the same way, this inner presence is also not the thoughts : the thoughts may go on rambling in all directions, this inner presence is still there watching the process.

This inner presence, inner observer, is a higher consciousness than the physical, energetic (etheric), emotional and mental parts of us, it is the presence of the Soul.
This inner presence of the Soul is one with all of life, it is the presence of the One/Source/Cosmic Ocean living within us, it moves all of us, it moves all life, it is all life.

This One/Cosmic Ocean, takes many shapes, in the form of many living beings and many spaces and times, but it is always the same One, simply shape-shifting.

So the physical emotional and mental are also the One, who has taken these particular shapes for the moment. They are temporary shapes, they are like the waves and currents of the ocean, they are not the ocean itself, the ocean always remains the same water, regardless of the currents and waves.

There has been a widespread habit on this planet, that when physical and energetic sensations, and emotions feelings and thoughts come, to become attached, invested, and identified in them. So something happens within, and people are trying to push away the sensation or emotion or thought, or trying to pull and cling to the sensation, emotion or thought.

This habit of inner pushing and pulling, creates an identification with the sensations and emotions and thoughts, which prevents them from flowing, and which also creates a forgetting of the inner presence of the Soul, and this is source of pains and unconsciousness.

Ironically the pushing and pulling does exactly the opposite of what it intends to do. The more we try to push away a thought, the more it clings to us, and the more we try to grab on to a feeling, the less we can feel it.
Anybody can try and experiment with this : pick a random subject and try with a lot of effort to not think about it, and the more effort is done, the more the thought will keep coming back. Or try with a lot of effort to remember something, the more effort to remember the more it will disappear ; and then when we give up trying to remember it, the memory comes back on its own. Or if an external noise bothers us, the more we try to push it away the more it becomes a bother, and by just forgetting about it we don't notice it anymore.

Why is this ? Because when we do this inner push and pull, it creates an identification and attachment with the temporary shapes and currents of the ocean, rather than with the water itself ; or in other words the consciousness is identified with the illusion of separated self, rather than with the inner presence of the Soul, the One. Then the sensations emotions and thoughts can not flow properly. Then we forget the inner presence of the observer/Soul, and then the Soul presence can not do its work properly, and then there is pain and suffering.

So the basic foundation of meditation, Vipassana, is to stop this loop of identification and suffering. The process is very simple : whatever happens within : physical sensation, emotions, thoughts, we just observe them passively and silently, not pushing and pulling them, no judgement, no comment, neutral. Just watching passively, as if from a distance.
Another famous way of doing this is to simply keep watching the breath as it goes in and out, follow it along its path, or watch the belly going up and down as the breath goes in and out. And while doing this, remain a passive observer of anything happening inside and outside, thoughts feelings sensations etc, are just allowed to flow.

What this does, is to bring back the energy and consciousness into the inner Soul presence. Then the observer/Soul presence becomes stronger and stronger the more we practice it, and everything else progressively disappears because energy is no longer invested in it.
The inner observer/Soul presence is turning on the Light, it is like placing a candle in a dark room, it does not need to push and pull away the darkness, simply turning on the Light is enough, darkness is gone because it doesn't really exist. 
When the Light is there, when the consciousness is centered in the observer/Soul presence, then every sensation, emotion and thought which does not belong here will disappear on its own just like darkness is gone when the Light is on ; and every sensation, emotion and thought which should be here, which is aligned with the Soul, all the happiness and inspiration, all this increases naturally.

So the body sensations, emotions and thoughts (the lower self), should be just as an empty vessel, silent and still, so that it can hold the Soul presence properly. Like a calm still lake can reflect the moon and the landscape. The lake is not doing anything, it is purely passive, or the landscape can not be seen.
Having the consciousness centered in the observer/Soul presence allows to discern everything better and better, as we are more and more disindentified from the noise of over-opinionated nonsense which arise from the identifications in the lower self, and more and more in tune with the flow of energy from the Soul/One Ocean.

When something arises that we do not like, if we are trying to push it away and doing effort to transcend it, then automatically we repress it and then it does not go away, it just becomes subconscious and keeps affecting things from there.
This can be counter-intuitive somehow, because if there is for example a physical trash bag in the house, then we need to push and pull it to go outside. This is because the physical is a more dense form of energy. But then where does the trash go ? Buried into the Earth, and she does not push and pull it, she allows it to flow into herself, and therefore it transforms into earth itself. When energies can flow, they will always return to Oneness.
If we try hard to relax, we become more and more tensed no matter what it may look like to others from outside, and if we allow the energy to flow and express, then relaxation just happens from within naturally.

The more the consciousness is centered in the inner observer/Soul presence, the more all goodness flowing through us will increase, peace, happiness, joy, inspiration. Then we can maintain this awareness centered in all activities, and anything we do from that place of awareness is more aligned, alive and nurturing, rather than draining. If we maintain this centered awareness in various forms of energy work, visualization meditations, any kind of Light work, then the energy we can channel is stronger and clearer, and more joyful for ourselves and others.

☀️ Wishing Peace to all ☀️

Original Post:

Short Situation Update by Cobra - 30.10.2018

Increased activity of the Galactic Center continues. Removal of the quantum Dyson sphere around our Solar system has accelerated Ascension energies coming to our planet.

These energies are bringing the energetic blueprint for the coming Golden Age:

For the first time since Archon invasion of 1996, angelic beings are returning en masse to the astral and etheric areas close to the surface of the planet. It would support the positive energy grid of the New Atlantis a lot if you would connect with those incoming angels in your meditations. The other meditation that can assist the New Atlantis energy grid is the Buddhic Column meditation. You can place Buddhic columns above any place or situation on the planet that needs healing:

These new Galactic energies also bring the activation of many Goddess archetypes. The first archetype that is activated is the archetype of Astraea. This energy will bring the New Renaissance and the renewal of high culture:

The second Goddess archetype that is being activated is the archetype of Abundantia. This energy will bring spiritual and physical abundance to the surface population:

Through the principles of overunity:

You need to understand that both Astraea and Abundantia are not just archetypes to be invoked, they are real Ascended beings that transmit powerful healing Galactic energies to the surface of the planet. Abundantia is assisting Saint Germain in his project of the financial Reset.

Increased flow of new Galactic energies is inevitably beginning to trigger crustal displacements:

Galactic Command fleets are constantly monitoring and stabilizing the tectonic plates and earthquakes with global consequences will be prevented.

These new Galactic energies are intensively clearing primary anomaly around the surface of the planet. No details of that clearing process can be revealed at this point. One part of that clearing process is that the deepest dark secrets of the Cabal are being exposed.

A reliable article with a very precise overview of Cabals' child abuse networks has resurfaced after many years:

Cabal's use of directed energy weapons is being exposed also:

Many countries are actively preparing for the financial Reset:

There is much happening behind the scenes that can not be revealed.

I might be able to release some new intel soon, and you are more than welcome to join our next Ascension conference, which will be taking place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on December 1st and 2nd. This will be our first conference in South America:

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

The 11:11:11 Liberation Of Humanity Meditation Event - 11/11/18 at 11:11 am (est)

It is time that we the people take our power back by using our co-creative abilities to create an energetic field of love intended to hasten the liberation of humanity. On 11/11/18 we will be doing a 15 minute guided meditation which shall begin at 11:11am (EST) which is 10:11am (CST). To find out your local time use the converter link below:

We all know the powerful effects meditations have on our own individual state of being; but science has also proven that mass meditations have a powerful effect upon our reality:

November 11th of the year 2018(2+0+1+8=11) represents another powerful 11:11:11 portal activation. What stands this one apart from the last 11:11:11 portal is that it falls on a Sunday. This day of the sun represents a opportunity to anchor the powerful healing energies of the Great Central Sun. We will not get another opportunity for a 11:11:11 portal activation that falls on a Sunday until the year 2063. That's 45 years from now and when we add 4+5 we get 9 which numerology symbolically represents the last number before the next harmonic level. Thus the meditation on Sunday(First day of the week) represents the beginning of the new and the 9 represents the ending of the old.

"Sunday is Sun-day meaning the day of the Sun. There are many Sun gods cross culturally, the most famous perhaps are the 3 Egyptian sun gods- Horus who is the rising sun, Ra the noon sun and Osiris who represents the setting sun. The sun signifies creation, protection, power and good health." 

This meditation we will be calling upon RA the Sun God whom is a part of the Social Memory Complex from the Central Race to help assist us in creating coherence in our meditation.

I am Ra. A mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking. The group memory lost to the individuals in the roots of the tree of mind then become[s] known to the social complex, thus creating a social memory complex. The advantages of this complex are the relative lack of distortion in understanding the social beingness and the relative lack of distortion in pursuing the direction of seeking, for all understanding/distortions are available to the entities of the society. - RA

The astrological 1st house for our meditation will be Ascendant in Aquarius which will amplify our co-creative abilities to manifest the Golden Age Of Aquarius. The Local Sidereal Time for this event will be 14:33:11 which contains the two master numbers of 11 and 33 indicating an opportunity to bring forth positive intuitive influences and wisdom upon this planet. When you add 1+4+3+3+1+1 it equals 13; which represents new opportunities for growth and that our meditation will be receiving assistance from the angelic realm.

I invite you all to share this event; to post it on your blog and spread the word by any means possible. If we can achieve a critical mass of 144,000 lightworkers great progress will be made to liberate us from the dark forces. I will be meditating everyday until the day of this event to increase it's chances of success; if you feel guided please consider meditating for the success of this event as well

We will be using the Freedom Meditation Instructions on the day of the event which was shared by Co.bra.

Here’s instructions for the guided meditation:

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of healing for Earth and her inhabitants, the removal of all remaining toplet bombs and the triggering of the Event.

3. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth.


4. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy, and finally connecting with the Galactic Center and the Source.

5. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

6. Now visualize the heart chakras of all people meditating opening up, putting their differences aside, and connecting to one another with a pillar of pink light, creating a world-wide grid of unity and love.

7. Visualize the White Fire of AN, emanating from the Source, flowing through the Galactic Center and towards the Earth, purifying all remaining toplet bombs on the plasma plane around the Earth. Visualize the Light Forces of Galactic Command Fleet removing and dissolving all remaining toplet bombs with their advanced technologies. Visualize the White Fire of AN purifying all anomaly and reversing all entropy within the plasma shield around the Earth.


8. Visualize people of all ages, all over the earth, from all kinds of different jobs and professions, waking up and collectively activating their missions.

9. Visualize the Event happening, restoring Oneness, Harmony, Peace and Prosperity to Earth and her inhabitants. Visualize Source Light manifesting itself easily on planet Earth and bringing the quarantine to an end.

Suggested time for meditation is 15 minutes.

Guided Meditation Videos: I think will be available more languages

Promo Video - special thanks for the TruthEarth.org about that

And here in German language - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GhoNSiO77I

A QUICK NOTE #758 ABOUT THE SITUATION Via Gabriel RL - 28.10.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Attention Solaris & Solaris! New synchronized Solar Waves sent to Terran Plan! Support and immediate assimilation! 40% of 72 h.
Exponential Reverberation (Master Reniy/Master Ury) Mastery being achieved! 42% - The Light Celebrates!
*Asghar manifested! Immediate support for PVSE! Projections/Anchorage started: 74% (not countdown).
66Still Sector in final dismantling. Finishing in soon linear. 71% (not countdown).
Attention Hérga, The Sorceress! Projector support for Enlightenment started: 64% (not countdown).
High Calculators arrive on Local System.
Concentrations happen for final enlightenment.
Accelerators installed for final conclusions.
Mystics reinforce loving grids for support and jumping.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Creating FIELD for *Iroh).

A QUICK NOTE #757 ABOUT THE SITUATION Via GAbriel RL - 27.10.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Attention Solaris & Solaris! New Synchronized Solar Waves sent for Terran Plan! Support and immediate assimilation! 72 h linear.
Zero i: Alert! MiD field invasion attempted. Protected Projectors pointed.
Attention PVSE Avatars and related. Elevated modelers distributed.
Systems 5/7 in rebooting.
TSF (AFE): Special Projector support at 37% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Knights of the Order: Special Projector in anchorage! 30% (not countdown).
Akashic Reverberations in progress! 44% (not countdown). Largest Projector Suported!
SL (AM) Special Projector in anchorage >>> 59% (not countdown).
3rd Pillar delivers Inviolable Truths.
Projectors for inner to external revaluations pointed.
Ethics Layers extended.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Creating FIELD for *Iroh).

A QUICK NOTE #756 ABOUT THE SITUATION Via GAbriel RL - 26.10.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
V5: Alert! Alert! Immediate collateral. Superior instructions sent.
Mirrors are multiplied on Friend Island.
Ancestors prepare return.
Spy satellites searched. Seizure in progress...
Attention Héreluz! Projector update in progress. 16% (not countdown).
*Re-announced Lunar Priestesses! Special Protocols delivered for Terran's knowledge: Special Support Projector pointed! Anchorage at 49% (not countdown).
Special Projector for "Roses" pointed. Superior endorsement for the 8th support granted . 69% (not countdown).
Hymnal integration happens! Special Projector pointed for Universal reverberation. Anchorage started: 59% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Stacking continues as Projectors are pointed to deployments. (12)
Attention Solaris & Solaris! New synchronized solar waves sent for Terran Plan! Support and immediate assimilation! Next >>> Arrival calculation.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Creating FIELD for *Iroh).