"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - Today we are under Piscean frequencies - 30.08.2023

Beloved Ones,

Today we are under Piscean frequencies. Healing Energies that will continue for a while, and whose main essence will continue to be fomented during September by its many planetary events. The Blue Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn. Guides emphasize the importance of working with the removal of the many implants, programs, illusions, and above all, mind control through holographic inserts, that we may still have, and that are connected to both Saturn and the Moon.

Saturn as well as the Moon, an inorganic satellite, and connected to each other, have been used to manipulate our Planet. Saturn is as you know the seventh dimensional planetary gate from where the 7th Violet Flame enters into our Planet. This is one of the main reasons why Saturn has been deeply manipulated, even though its organic essence, continues to be pure.
Saturn's main portal was distorted for the purpose of impeding the Violet Seventh dimensional Flame to descend into our planet. This is why for eons we were not able to reclaim our "wings" or shoulder portals, as I prefer to call them. If our planet remains closed, we cannot receive the many Rays, and benevolent energies that are willing to help us restore our planet, and ourselves.

Now, since 2017, this portal has been gradually rehabilitated, due to the gradual assistance of our Aurora-Andromedan family, as well as many other benevolent beings. It is now for the first time that we are able to restore our left and right shoulder portals, reclaiming our sovereignty and retrieving all the lost connections, from our bodies to our planet, that was always part of who we are.

Piscean energies facilitate this body reconnection, for the entire zodiac is also being restructured, as many grid workers know. Everything as we knew it is shifting, for everything we thought to be true was not after all. It is now that we are beginning to become aware of our true potential, and of the profound disconnection that we and our planet have been suffering for eons.

This is a time for us to be open-minded, discern about our personal beliefs, and realize where we need to take full responsibility, focusing not on blame or the confusion that we may feel, but on how we can begin the process of self-liberation, body reconnection, and reconstruction, for us to become the divine sovereign beings that our Forefathers made us to be.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Victoria Rozengurt
source - facebook

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