"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Hopium-Motivating Song of the Week

This is a weekly blog series where I try to collect songs that have something positive and current to say. Music connects us all, in good cases it lifts us up, gives us strength and helps us through life's difficulties.

Whose favourite period of episode is Mercury retrograde? I can honestly say that I don't. That's when quite a few strange things happen. Unfortunately, it also reached me over the weekend. I'm a thinker type, and my brain simply went numb. It was difficult to put together a meaningful sentence, say it, or even write it down and the inspiration simply disappeared, as well as the desire to do it at all. I'm not used to typing with so many mistakes like I do now...crazy.
The funny thing is that there was a sale of Asian products at one of the commercial stores, and since I haven't eaten Gyoza before, I wanted to try it. I looked everywhere in the store, I even asked the worker where it was, and he only pointed to the cold aisle, which I had already checked twice. But I found it. Where was it? I was standing right in front of it XD 
I´m making a new counted cross-stitch project, and as usual, you have to be very careful, because if you miscount, and embroidery to the wrong place, you have to pick up the rows and do it again. 95% of the time it never had to be undone, but this weekend I had to do it four times. 
During these periods, be careful, check what you are doing even more than once, and technical errors cannot really be avoided (last year, it was at this time that my toaster burned out and this year the boiler forgot to make hot water for days).
Since the weekend, my mantra has been that mercury retrograde doesn't affect me...or not so much...

Let's stay on topic for the start of the week music...More Freddie less Retrograde and sprinkle it with a dash of magic


It's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
A kind of magic (No way)

One dream, one soul
One prize, one goal
One golden glance of what should be
It's a kind of magic

One shaft of light that shows the way
No mortal man can win this day
It's a kind of magic

The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time
It's a kind of magic

The waiting seems eternity
The day will dawn of sanity (Ooh ooh ooh ooh)
Is this a kind of magic?
It's a kind of magic

There can be only one
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be done

This flame that burns inside of me
I'm hearing secret harmonies
It's a kind of magic

The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time

It's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic

This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be, will soon be, will soon be done
This is (this is) a kind (a kind) of magic (yeah)
There can be only one (one, one, one)
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be done (done)

Magic (it's a kind of magic)
It's a kind of magic
Magic magic magic (magic)
It's a kind of magic

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