"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix


Doesn't it make you wonder why you can feel all these big energies, but the Schumann Resonance barely registers anymore?
You feel them coming in, you understand how they've helped to elevate your ascension.
The incoming energies are helping to upgrade you, along with the inner work you're doing.
The energies of this time are so high as you know, Solar weather tools like the Schumann Resonance aren't made to read or even register these extremely high energies.
When they do and release them correctly, they look more like waves in motions than lines on a graph.
The only thing that can read and feel them fully is YOU.
Your system was created to take these energies in and expand with them.
It's not an easy task, even on the best of days.
Yet you continue to do just that and thrive in these energies while sharing out your light, far and wide.
Speaking of thriving, today is yet another day set up just for you in these energies.
As we go through the next 24 hours, you are being asked to look into yourself.
They have been sending in energies to help you upgrade since 2018.
Relax into that knowing.
So when you find yourself deep in your 3d mind thinking nothing is happening, release from it and feel into you.
That's where you'll find the true you and all the power and knowings that you seek.
Everything you are searching for is happening all around you.
You just have to have the eyes to see it and the ears to hear it.
And thankfully, YOU DO!
We have large energies continuing today.
Solar winds rising and M Class Flares possible.
Wrap up tightly in Source light and remember to ground often.
Much love and light,
-SA Smith
source - facebook

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