"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Messages in the bottle floating in the ocean of the internet

In this new blog series, I thought we could share messages - thoughts, poems, pictures, and attached to it our favourite or the perfect song at that moment for our loved ones. It can be for our partner, soulmate, twin flame or even our parents, best friends or soul family. Here you can also share your wisdom and advice, thereby helping the collective. That is why the name of this post was a message in a bottle, because when we send it, we hope that the message will find its way to the right place, to whom it is addressed and when it is needed.

If you want to share something, you can do it with or without a name, just send an e-mail (kira432hz@gmail.com), Facebook - Instagram, discord message, or write it in the comments and I'll post it next time. I do not post hateful, absolutely negative messages.

There are days or periods in our lives when we sometimes need a little "help", an insight into the future or we simply want to learn more about ourselves and we don't have enough time to spend the whole day meditating (and this not guarantee that we got answers). For this good these methods, e.g. the tarot card, astrology, numerology, etc. 
A lady wrote to me that maybe my readers, i.e. you, would like such a link gathering page in the above-mentioned topic. 
Honestly, I use tarot or time to time Lenormand for myself (I'm not very good to interpret it so I use some sites or own decode), I don't believe in horoscopes, but I use a few pages to create and interpret astrological charts or numerology. Right at the top of the list is a site I usually use creating chart - cafeastrology or card interpret labirinthos. 

There are links to many pages above, if you are interested, check them out..and this is not a sponsor advertisement.

But let me give you a little advice - the "future" and everything changes including us, nothing is set in stone. Or, as I tend to say - "I don't let the "shitty" planets tell me how my day should be, my personality and my future..." 
The cards sometimes give a good insight, answer or some advice but I tell you the truth - for the best insights and answers ask your spirit guides and your Soul - Highest Self...

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