Dear family, we are currently under the influence of a coronal hole that is positioned in front of us. Coronal holes are “cold zones” of the Sun that expel currents (solar wind) of highly charged particles (electrons and protons) into space. The difference between particles emitted by a coronal hole and a solar flare is the force with which they are expelled by the Sun; the solar wind is a relatively gentle and constant influence until the hole disappears or changes from position in relation to Earth, and solar flares are like a gust of the same wind but at a great speed.
The effect of solar winds is less evident to us than that of a solar flare because of the difference in power and speed, but they might still be feeling restless, very tired even though they have slept, stiff or i Comfort in the neck, shoulders and the jaw, as well as having difficulty concentrating (like having no energy to do anything) and short-term memory loss. Increased activity in the heart chakra is also normal because almost always after a very "active" coronal hole increases the likelihood of sun spots on the Crown generating significant flares (see the large amount of act) ividad on the left side of the Sun that will be in front of us for the next few days). As the number of electrons and protons we receive begins to increase, our heart receives an increased amount of electromagnetic energy which transforms into electrical impulse and causes palpitations, a stronger heartbeat, the feeling of the eto in the chest or extras (double beat), as well as feeling agitated with moderate efforts. The electrical activity in our brain also increases and so we can feel confused, with strange sensations in the head (it's rare that solar winds cause headaches or migraine, but it can happen), and as if we are in "two places (dimensions) at once" because there is one greater electrical charge our neurons begin to make new connections and reactivate parts of our brain that were "asleep" so we can start using them. The result is that our Consciousness expands and we become more sensitive to more subtle frequencies (energy vibrating at a higher speed) and therefore we feel that "there is something more happening" that we cannot see or define. Don't stress yourself trying to identify what is because at the end of the day we can only perceive, define, or feel what we are prepared to live as an experience. 


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