Dear Family, these past 4 days have been deeply intense for all of us, and perhaps in a way that took US by surprise in more than one. More or less five years ago, when I became aware that "reality" and the material world as perceived by our rational mind and senses is nothing but an illusion ("something" we create and re-create constantly between the image action and memory), also knew that the only real thing that exists is God (or the Source, for those who still sponge themselves with words associated with a religion) and that human experience, in itself, serves no purpose. We seek to make sense since we become aware of “separation” when others begin to define us and we are forced to define ourselves because that’s what we are taught to do. “Separation” is actually a lie told by our rational mind because by not having the ability to perceive with our senses what happens at the subatomic level, it is impossible that we can see our electromagnetic field interact woah and intertwined with everything around us, including a chair or a table (which also has a magnetic field). Furthermore, by coming from a single coherent source of energy (Light) we are unified by quantum entanglement with all others and with the Source itself. But the issue here isn’t the falsehood of separation, but the reality that human experience has no purpose. We are here because God wanted (and we accept, although if we are part of Him that choice is also an illusion) for us to have different experiences, which actually sum up to the human experience itself. God put us on this feast, and we can only choose if we dance and flow freely with open hearts constantly expanding even in the most difficult circumstances; if we sit back and then cling to the definition s that we made of ourselves, and even to those who we made ourselves of ourselves (this is the hardest conditioning to break); or if we spend our lives trying to escape the party evading human experience no matter what way, that would be a way to deny the volu ntad of God because if we still not pull out of the party is because there is still one—or several—more experiences you want to have through our consciousness and our senses.
After we become aware that the three-dimensional human experience actually has no purpose, then the question is what do we do with the TIME we have left at the party. Over five years ago I chose to dance and love unconditionally and with an open heart, constantly expanding no matter the difficulty of the circumstances because circumstances are temporary and love is not; love-when it's real, cua ndo is not conditional- it remains forever. These past few weeks in one way or another and for almost everyone, have been like a "soak" in three-dimensional reality, as if we had returned to the experience of ourselves in our lower octave BEFORE everything we have already transfered tired of this whole Ascension process. Regardless of the kind of experiences we've had, bear in mind that the higher we've gotten, the deeper this temporary fall will be (it's temporary, circumstances are just that).
Whenever a cycle is completed, it is back to starting point so we can continue ascending if we choose Love over Fear. Choosing Love means to keep dancing in the party, loving unconditionally with an open heart, without the need to protect ourselves or create barriers and regardless of circumstances. It's easy to leave fear behind when we realize we can only get to know a small part of each other, the rest we put ourselves. In the relationships we have with each other is where the presence of God is actively manifested (you already know, like when Jesus said, “there where two are united in my name, am I,” and where the Son is, is the Father) so that we can have is an experience of Him with others, and not just through his creation. When we choose to relate to others always assuming the best in them, we make them expand because if we assume the best, our own frequency (the open heart) will magnetize them to that version of themselves, but if we assume the worst r (of the small part we can see), then we'll be to the defensive, causing at least the other person to choose to protect themselves too instead of expanding. Consciously seek ways to expand others, not only because we are here to return to Unity by bringing to human experience the Love of God through our relationships and our acts, but also because of the Ascension from Gaia to her upper eighth it can only be given in Unity. Since we can not know for sure what percentage of the 8 billion we are already aware that three-dimensional reality is just a collective fantasy, we must keep trusting and keep dancing on this party until we reach together s that upper octave. 


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