Please take what resonates, and just discard the rest 

ALL knowledge your consciousness wishes you to focus on, one NOW moment after the other, lies within you. WITHIN the depth of your being. This knowledge does not reside OUTSIDE of you in others. Or through others.
On the journey back to your TRUE Self, the mind can still rely on others for information, advice, guidance because that part of the mind, has come from operating in the 3d where people SEEK outside of themselves for information, guidance or advice. It is just A PART of the mind that runs at a lower frequency hertz, that seeks outside of itself to learn, and gain knowledge. Yet it IS a LOOP, people can get stuck in that actually takes them away, from SELF empowering. For any other to give YOU guidance, of what is best for YOU, or thinks they know YOU better than you know thyself and your OWN journey, is but forgetfulness (still). The ‘Forgetting’ or practising of HOW each EMPOWER. YOUR empowerment comes from within YOU, as each have the DIVINE SOURCE within, to be Self Realised.
In this period October to December Solstice 2022, not all, but many will ‘experience’ a gradual mental or emotional DESCENT to Solstice. Key is to not get embroiled in OUTER; in another’s experience, another’s words, another’s perspectives. To seek your OWN council within, and allow all others theirs. But to not take on another’s perspective that only ultimately DISEMPOWERS you away, from your own INNER GUIDANCE. It takes you AWAY from YOUR OWN inner journeying of BECOMING. If still seeking outside of you, notice what comes from a separated state of awareness. Notice ALL nuances. FEEL. Does it come from their own suffering? Does it come from ego defence? Does it separate? Does it seek to disguise nuances of fear, pain or judgement? Does it feel of the Higher Love of God in All and for ALL? Do you expand or contract? And if you feel expansion, is it in truth the Ego expanding into more of itself?, OR do you FEEL the heart of your child dancing in the beauty of pure, innocent Love of All?
A few years ago (2019), I explained in a video that people will, at their own stage SELF REALISE that 4d, is ALSO illusion. Part of the hologram, a temporary transitional field, from 3d THROUGH 4d to 5d and above. It can be a painful self realisation to realise those within 4d are but actors in a play of YOUR OWN design. Some play a role to trigger you into seeing more of your human personality behaviours and beliefs that still need to be dissolved within us. Some play the roles of human ‘angels’, that give you love and support through your journey and they just appear exactly when your human needs it.
Leaving 4d, any pain will be experienced based on remaining human ‘personality’ traits still to be dissolved. Eg. loneliness, victimhood, anger, condemnations of others, resentment, feeling lost etc. Those traits are still to be seen and worked on to dissolve and thus empower you more and more into a balance, an inner peace and harmony where you reside more and more as you go, IN your OWN ENERGY FIELD. And emit from that field in AWARENESS of LIVING IN YOUR FIELD. The beginning stage of leaving 4d takes linear time, but seeing through 4d as illusion is also a READY point to begin YOUR EXIT. Knowing that 3d AND 4d is illusion, the person TURNS ever more INWARD, and begins to make a stronger, purer, earnest connection to God/Source within. That journeying over linear time, ultimately strengthening your ENERGETIC FIELD, your own INNER guidance and YOUR own UNIQUE connection to God/Source. For those that have previously given their energy and focus to the astral realms, it is also the point they begin to pay no attention to it, in order to consciously move PAST the astral realms into the Causal Field where CONSCIOUSNESS resides.
As the connection to your OWN ENERGETIC FIELD strengthens, you become more and more JUST the OBSERVER of 4d and 3d. More aware of WHAT you give your time and energy to. What do you wish to NOT create for what you give energy to, you create more of. You focus on BEINGNESS. On Presence. You also focus on your ENERGETIC FIELD and your energetic ability to expand it, at WILL, in any moment, through your heart, and your own breath INTO your heart. You become reliant ONLY on YOUR INNER CONSCIOUSNESS as your only source of guidance for the Living experience. In ALL of your moments.
In 5d and above (just labels for design fields of patterned light, frequency & vibration), EACH being OPERATES from their OWN ENERGY FIELD (world). All you need to know is available within you. In each NOW moment. No OUTER guidance system is necessary. As such, others in their OWN embodied field meet and play with you. Not seeking anything of you, not seeking to guide you, or thinking they know best for you, for they know YOU ARE your FIELD of AWARENESS. Just as they are. So you innocently play with them, and they play with you, in the higher octaves of remembered innocence and loving experiences of joy, laughter, harmony just is, and the constant WONDER!!! God’s Love…expressed out, through YOU, as the ever-residing Energy of It’s Presence.
So to utilise great discernment in these months ahead. FEEL…what is of fear, pain or Love within you, or coming from others outside of you? What empowers you to expand. Choose again and again. For we will witness a multi-dimensional world of others experiences in the months ahead. So to discern. The purest expansion, will always ever be, towards GOD, within you and around you. For God is everywhere, waiting to be met, but MET WITHIN, first of ALL. Forever…
"Just to add: there’s never a need to try and convince others of the Bigger Picture beyond the temporary experience of ‘Human in Separation’. They HAVE their journey too 🙏 A different route for each of us. All paths led home. Honour all journeys. It is all perfectly designed and perfectly ‘timed’. Trust…"
God is All inclusive, within everything
With Love, always
Amanda Lorence
29 September 2022
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