"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse

On Dec 25th/26th (depending on location), a transformational eclipse season begins with a new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn, marking the first of two eclipses in a row.

The second will be a lunar eclipse during the Full Moon on January 10th 2020.

The end of a year is always the perfect time to glance back and see how far we have journeyed and briefly look at the valuable lessons learned. Collectively, it hasn’t been the easiest of years.

2019 was a chaotic and challenging year for many of us. We will likely have noticed that each month held its own unique energy, with many cosmic placements energetically and emotionally impacting us. Within that energy there were major life events occurring, bringing unexpected and uncontrollable change.

Some of what we experienced may have felt uncomfortable, as we adapted to the turbulence, although without consciously realizing it, we were also evolving at rapid speed and experiencing a tremendous amount of soul growth.

One of the greatest lessons many of us learned this year is how to accept what we cannot change and how to let go of what is not meant for us.

At times, it may felt as though we were ricocheting from one drama and lesson to the next. One of the main reasons 2019 was an overwhelming year centred around who and what we were giving our energy away to. The encounters we have with people who are unhealthy to be around can drain us more than we realise. They take up so much time and energy as we ruminate on various possibilities, reasons for hurtful behaviour, or why we feel anxious, low, and fatigued while around certain people.

Fortunately, the energy of this highly charged, intense New Moon bring major change and is giving us the opportunity to release, cleanse, refresh, and renew our energy levels just in time for 2020 and the start of an exciting new decade.

An eclipse is a temporary interruption of universal energy between the sun, moon, and earth, so we may notice an abrupt halt of energy happening in our own lives. This temporary seizure offers the opportunity to gain perspective on where we are at and where we want to be heading, before pressing reset and clearing the karma to everything we have previously gone through. As we are coming to the end of a decade, we will find ourselves reevaluating, processing and releasing karma from the past ten years.

Eclipse cycles pull us into intense healing phases where we break free from old and harmful patterns of behavior. They force us out of situations that are toxic, unfulfilling and that lower our vibration. We will likely feel the need to detangle from anyone or anything that feels toxic, dysfunctional or unbalanced.

This eclipse is an energetic gift from the skies allowing us the opportunity to start over and firmly put the past behind us.

Eclipses are similar to full moons, but the energy is more potent and the influence leaves a longer lasting impression on our lives. They are powerful and unexpected winds of change that generate a huge surge of emotional energy that enhances our sensitivities, opens up portals of possibilities, and illuminates our deep rooted beliefs, thoughts and feelings.

The changes that happen during eclipses are often things we have been working hard on manifesting, and the eclipse helps us along by moving our lives accordingly, as it magnetically pushes and pulls, energetically reorganising and recalibrating.

Decisions made during an eclipse are believed to work in our favor, as an energetic cosmic force is guiding and supporting us.

The eclipse’s powerful vibration builds in the week before it happens; therefore, many people will have already felt the disruption, strength, and intensity emanating from it, and have noticed how it has heightened existing tensions by presenting through obsessions, jealousies, arguments, and frustrations, so that unhealthy emotions can resurface and be released.

An eclipse is a doorway that leads to a new chapter. It is the universe’s way of using cosmic powers to stop us in our tracks and ask us to consider a change in direction. They encourage us to take a few moments (at the time of an eclipse) to close our eyes and synchronize our energy with the shadowing of the Earth or the moon and reprioritise where we are placing our focus and energies.

Eclipses have a tough but determined force and help us become masters at manifesting, so it is important to flow with this high frequency and think big—regardless of how far-fetched the dreams may seem. This is the time to take leaps toward actualising goals, as we’ll be amazed at how our life transforms the moment we quit procrastinating and disbelieving, and begin having absolute faith in our power to create a rich life filled with purpose.

Whatever we have been manifesting a relocation, love, or planning a career move, it will quickly become a reality, and we will receive an abundance of opportunities to help us create a fresh, positive, and exciting new start.

This new moon not only brings to an end things we have been going through for the last ten years, it is also the start of a new eclipse season, kicking off a new six-month chapter that runs until the start of the next eclipse season on June 5th 2020.

New moons are for new beginnings, but this one, specifically, with the eclipse energy, is also bringing endings. The saying “when one door opens, another door closes” will most certainly be ringing true in the days ahead.

Many of us may have felt emotionally depleted due to the struggles we have endured so far during 2019, and with this final New Moon eclipse, we will now feel stronger and ready to release them and walk toward the New Year wiser, lighter, freer, and more open and ready for incredible new experiences.

It is highly recommended to drink plenty of filtered water on an eclipse day, and during the evening to take a salt water bath. An easy way to attune with the moon and ground and balance energy on an eclipse is to head out for a relaxing walk in nature to absorb the powerful incoming solar and lunar energies.

To help ensure this eclipse season (along with the next six months) runs smoothly, it is worth taking time out to figure out what it is we truly want, who we want to be around, and who we are still holding on to that we really need to let go of. Then find the courage to make the life-changing decisions we have been shying away from, so we can open new doors and burn tired old bridges without regret—although be wary, as during the eclipse we are usually more emotional than normal, so it is worth allowing the energies to settle before acting on any major decisions.

With this new moon and the decade closing, there is no better time to make drastic change and major plans for a fresh start than at the beginning of a new eclipse season, right before the beginning of a brand new decade.

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