"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

LightBody Tuning to Higher Frequencies via Lisa Brown

All are being tuned to higher frequencies. Realities are not as they once were.

Those moving into existence as a multi-dimensional being of consciousness will notice subtle changes very rapidly when measured against the old ways of "time".

Time expands and contracts, as do you as an energy. Your mind will expand to see that which you could not previously see. The more you embrace it, the "easier" it will appear to be.

As your LightBody continues to form, all things dense continue to come up for release in your outer worlds. Dense is simply anything that holds you back. Anything you identify with that is not out of love. And anything that separates one from another.

For many, they are working to purge material things, attachments, relationships, memories, all energetic cords.... and get ready to bring in the new. They are allowing the heavy things to fall away. This is an exquisite time if one allows it to be.

The physical body is changing in ways that logic cannot comprehend. Your DNA strands are activating further. While many are experiencing unexplainable physical adjustments, what feels & sounds like air "moves through" to "tune" one's energy to dissolve etheric inconsistencies that remain. You are syncing AS an energy, rather than TO an energy as once perceived.

Words will change & become softer. Kindness and compassion continue to move in. For many there will be periods where words are just not applicable and feeling like language is changing is exactly as it seems to be. Many will speak and not hear what they did before. As they are hearing & transmitting in frequency. Soon all will be energetic communication and language barriers continue to fall away. For the language of one is energy. Here spoken words are no longer necessary.

Seeing expands beyond that of the human eyes while hearing transcends the limits of the human ears. For as you become the energy you have forgotten, you are no longer limited to the realms of the physical reality you once knew.

You are coming home to that which you already are. Allow yourself to continue to remember by trusting that which you cannot see.

~ Lisa Brown

In Universal Service ◊ Keeper of The Diamond Light Codes

Art : Light encoded picture Ulrikke Aagaard

Original Post: FB

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