"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Extraterrestial spaceship technology - Stellar Navigation Video series via Swaruu (Cosmic Agency)

Nowadays come to my attention videos from Swaruu Taygetean Pleiadian women who give information to the surface population and not channeled messages - direct contacts.
The original Channel is a Spanish speaking language one - Agencia Cosmica but they have an English speaking channel too. So in the future, I share some of these kinds of videos and make notes too in different subjects.
Till what I watch, it´s resonated with me - kind of a "have a lot of sense for this" kind of vibe. These videos not a love and shine vibe and blabla same messages as the "channeled messages" this kind of more the stand on the reality, facts and wake up styles like Cobra´s or RM messages but gives tons of more. It´s a tool to understand the situation where we are now and more knowledge about the Universe and how this all works. This is a knowledge where you can create your own reality and set yourself free from the Matrix, it´s a game-changer - you can become a master of your own reality.

So the first videos for the peoples who love space-spaceship-engineer-physics-technology and interested in these topics, for others please start with easy topics. I would like also to pass forward this knowledge maybe somebody has a business with it or really interested in these topics. But please if you could build a free energy device or a running/working spaceship think about me too :D 
In these videos (and some of the videos from the channel), not easy topics (especially from the 3D perspective but "resonating for your higher dimensional self") but fascinating, more and more you watch, more and more have a sense and A-ha moments...I just make very short notes under each video. 
And if you know a bit about Tesla´s work then some things won't be surprising for you - frequency. Damn, he had right! 

There is no matter, there is only mind.
Matter - is a perception of the consciousness is creating it.
There is no Time, everything is and everything happens in simultaneously. It is only the progression of the attention of a consciousness that animates the static giving an illusion of elapsed time.
Time, distance and separation are an illusion.
Without imagination, there would be no future.
Sub-Luminar Flights - below of speed of lights - traditional star maps - light-years - 3D factor.
Gravity manipulation engines and reaction engines by plasma jet - these useful just for short distances and precision maneuvers inside or outside of the atmosphere of a planet.
Each place in the Universe has its own specific frequency.
Supra-Luminar Flights - higher than the speed of lights (interstellar) - can travel space and time (go to past - travel future)
Need a high degree of spiritual development and moral compass.

 spaceships´ tractor beams
 frequency sensors
 creation of matter from energy

The Ships are moving by - 1, gravitational manipulations, 2, reaction actions like jet or high energy electromagnetic plasma rocket and 3, manipulation of the Ether.
Gravity is an energy flow within a potential energy medium called Ether that obeys a specific frequency - so gravity is a specific frequency magnetic flux.
24:27 start to show some of the taygetean spaceships

If later have more videos of these series I will upload here

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