"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A QUICK NOTE ABOUT THE SITUATION Via Gabriel LR. (06.08 - 12.08)

#681 12.08.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!

Failures in MiD security systems continue as new protocols are activated. The Light Celebrates!

Lunar battles fragments fall on Terran Plan. Now, collections happening for reallocations.

Formal announcements happen now.

New platforms assembled in LEO.

The Return of the (Urena, Meloni and Aklero) Magi: Line enlightenment in progress: 37% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!

Attention The Spanish Line! Projector support for enlightenment started: 39% (not countdown).

Attention PVSE and the like! Alert! MiD projections sent for disharmonies.

Zero i: multiple absorption and restoration. Severe collateral >>> Inner...

Elevation frame remains in evidence.

Solar reverberations continue in response to peak reached.

Attention Manoliah! Projector update in progress. 8% (notcountdown)

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Intensifying 8th Projector ...).

#680 11.08.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!

New missions delivered. Capacities assure sustentation and reverberation.

The so-called "superiors" now are seen in equality by the Oneness conscious.

Lunar Priestesses continue their projections as the main receiver assimilates and reverberates.

Sonar in SINGLE CALL PULSE >>> 42% (not countdown).

Main Grid wipeout starting. New protocols deployment in progress: layers updating. 59% (not countdown).

Ashtar synchronizing LEO, MEO and HEO. 59% (not coutdownn).

Attention IUD-IL! Immediate Attention! *CDiX-12 Projector aimed! Anchorage and immediate reverberation! 51% (not coutdownn).

Organic applications in progress. Physical changes observed.

Eliar Flours, The Artist! Immediate summon coming up! Master Projector support needed: Synchronization started... 34% (not countdown) - Start support.

CONSECRATIONS sent to all Terrans Pillar supporters!

Solaris Special projectors aimed for special motion. Peak reached and reverberant. Attention Solaris & Solaris!

Zero i: Alert! "V*?* Energy" at 39%!

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Intensifying 8th Projector ...).

#679 10.08.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!

Aphrodite manifested in "Roses." Special Projector already pointed out.

Attention Manoliah! Projector update in progress. 4% (not countdown).

Cloaked exhibition continue as Protocol 1 is followed.

Devics watch the Kingdom transformation in joy. The Light Celebrates!

Galactic Scouts continue in physical manifestation.

Solar Waves in intensive for PEAK MOMENT.

Special Solaris projectors aimed for special movement in 24h. Attention Solaris & Solaris!

AM Special Projector at anchorage >>> 30% (non-regressive).

Attention Morgara, Queen of *KU: Special Projector of crystalline consciousness anchorage in progress: 41% (not countdown).

Attention Laliaia, The Prophetess of the Seven Plans! Special high-understanding waves sent.

Ashtar(s) synchronize Fleets for Solar Waves.

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Intensifying 8th Projector ...)

#678 09.08.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!

Attention Manoliah! Projector update started. Next >>>%.

Zero i: Moment final releases in progress. The Light Celebrates!

Attention Cranu-Idini! Multiplans tours in progress! Prepare for assimilation.

"Falls" extend Consciousness of Unity.

Special triggers activated for greater understanding.

Multidimensional dives happening now.

Special Solaris Projectors aimed for special movement in 48 h. Attention Solaris & Solaris!

Inferential MiD traps against PVSE Avatars and Like.

Plasm myasmic layers being removed (2 and 3 NOR - T) – 1st movement: 49% (not countdown) - Possible collaterals.

OPStartust2 prepared. "Contamination" started ... 47% (not countdown).

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Intensifying 8th Projector ...)

#677 08.08.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!

New experiences update System.

Attention Nilun, The Fragment Collector! Catharsis currently appropriate for important updates.

*Cânio / Mamai Line manifested! Enlightenment started ... 39% (not countdown).

Lunar 9 Projector anchorage started! 40% (not countdown).

Attention Cranu-Idini, *MorDort-SIUX Projector aimed! IMMEDIATE Reverberation! Anchorage at 67% (not linear).

Attention Lunia, The Vortex Creator! Field updates in progress.

Zero I: Elevator instructions sent.

Attention Manoliah! Prepare for Projector upgrade. Next >>> Downloads updated.

Cetaceans in upload process (PHASE 2: FIRST MOVEMENT ENDED.) - 39% (not countdown). Terrans prepare for receiving.

Attention! Local Allies getting credentials. Reverberation for Systemic Allies. Download started - STAGE 2 >>> 59% (not countdown).

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Intensifying 8th Projector ...).

#676 07.08.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!

MiD resistance being removed from LEO.

Zero i: Alert! Hypertension! Uzon discharges imminent!

New Wave for DNA Recalibrating sent. Attention supporters, immediate anchorage! 44% (not countdown).

"Nodes" awaiting LINES unification. Indicative beacon still misaligned. (11)

"Scampur Exes, Emus Scampur!" Manifested and authorized! Reverberation 72% (not countdown).

Crossing lines in decline, as GREATER MESSAGE IS DELIVERED. (6)

Attention PVSE Avatars! Superior Consciousness should be maintained.

Attention Arpetromus, The Guardian of the Star: Expansion in progress. Immediate reverberation.

Zero i: Expansion of VISIONS in progress. Multi-plane interaction imminent: 87% (not countdown).

*Ammuna-Ha/Ra-Mi-Ra: Line Enlightenment in progress: 79% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!

The Knights of Light (Avenu, Avlon and Caís) Projector support started: 81% (not countdown).

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Intensifying 8th Projector ...).

#675 06.08.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!

Attention Alfeus! Maintain consciousness for geographical transformations.

Attention Manoliah! MiD bombardment continues as anchoring is continued. Harmonization needed.

Attention Silvestra! Cardiac focus should be maintained.

Zero i: Serious V5 locks continue. Instructions continue to be sent for quantum assimilation.

Laliaia, The Seven Plans Prophetess: Greater Understanding assured. Shares guarantee previous conclusions.

Red alert! Attention Alliance! Serious locks cause delays and reverse reverberations.

Exponential Mastery (Master Reniy/Master Ury) Reverberation being achieved! 29% The Light Celebrates!

*Asghar manifested! Immediate PVSE support! Projections/Anchorage started: 59% (not countdown)

66Still Sector in final dismantling. Finishing in soon linear. 53% (not countdown)

Attention Hérga, The Sorceress! Projector support for enlightenment started: 44% (not count down).

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Intensifying 8th Projector ...).

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